The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 81: 081 White Lotus Mother and Daughter

Chapter 81 081 White Lotus Mother and Daughter

 “Girl, madam is back.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Liu walked in in a hurry: "Lian Lian, how long have you been back? My mother is still looking for you over there!"

 “Mother, I’ve been back for a while.” Qin Lianyue’s voice was a little hoarse.

Du Liu looked at his daughter carefully. There were obvious signs of crying.

 “How is it?” she asked worriedly.

 “I met my cousin.”

 “He didn’t give you any trouble, did he?”

 “No…mother, my cousin is not that kind of person.”

"Well. He is a good boy. Alas, if the Jiang family hadn't been so much better than him, we, the two of us, would never have taken this step..."

 Qin Lianyue wanted to cry again.

“Lian Lian, at this point, we can’t look back, we can only move forward, you know?”

 “Well, my daughter knows!”

 “I pity you for having such outstanding talent and appearance, you should have a better future. Think about it, Madam the Duke!”

Qin Lianyue's eyes brightened as she thought about the future glory.

"It's just that his mother... ugh!" Du Liu sighed.

Qin Lianyue said: "Auntie, are you in trouble?"

"Huh! It's not your grandmother! You asked me to talk about Qin Xiyue... As a result, as soon as I opened my mouth, she gave me a slap in the face!"

Qin Lianyue's face was ugly and her tone was hard to hear: "That's true of you! You are here to solve your daughter's problem! Why are you meddling in other people's business? Qin Xiyue?! Don't say that she is not worthy of the fifth brother at all, even if she is Even if it’s worthy, you can’t control it!”

Even though she no longer wants Qi Wu, she still feels that this person belongs to her, and the jealousy in her heart turns into anger!

 If it really comes to pass, I won’t be so angry if I see them in a couple in the future?

Du Liu sneered: "Your grandmother confessed, I have to ask, otherwise your grandmother said it... and she also wanted to shut their mouths. The family also knows about you and Qi Wu. Just in case. They are talking nonsense and will cause you more trouble..."

“Hmph! It’s not that easy to cause trouble for me!” At this moment, Qin Lianyue was no longer as innocent and weak as usual.

"Yes, yes, we don't need anything from the Qi family anyway! Let her go... Huh, actually...

We are not wrong either! You and Qi Wu don't even have Xiao Ding, so why do you think we have breached the contract? Besides...she, Cui Fengying, insists on letting you marry her, so what good intentions do she have? ! The water in the Qi family is so deep. "

 Qin Lianyue listened silently.

"Look, your aunt had such a straight temper when she was a girl! She even hit people! Her mother's family is very strong-willed and has a generous dowry! But she has been in the Qi family for so many years, and she can't stand up! She's so pushy. …

Neither her husband nor her eldest son agrees with her! She wants you to be her helper and give her a leg up! Can't her second son be distracted by her? ! Not to mention how good you look, the key is that you are smart! It will definitely help her! "

 Qin Lianyue nodded in agreement.

“But she doesn’t want to think about it either. What are you trying to do!?” Du Liu had a bitter look on his face and rolled his eyes while holding his neck.

"Your uncle is very old, and he has not yet reached the position of heir apparent. Isn't this the work of the Marquis of the Qi family? She has her own children and grandchildren! Who can get the title of the Qi family, I really don't know. !

What's more, Qi Wu has an elder brother above him. Even if it falls on your uncle, it will not be on him after all!

Hum, if it weren’t for the fact that Qi Wu is such a good kid, I wouldn’t be happy to marry you to him! "

Du Liuyue talked more and more enthusiastically, his eyebrows were dancing with joy.

"Second Young Master Jiang is different! Haven't we all asked about it? His eldest brother is in poor health and has no children after many years of marriage. So... right? Haha! Which mother doesn't think about her children? She, Cui Fengying, chose You're a daughter-in-law, aren't you? Why did she just talk about it for you?"

Du Liu kept talking about them one by one. The more I talked, the more I felt that not only was I right, but I was also extremely wronged!

“Her son has been in the Qin family for so many years, and I have treated him more carefully than your eldest brother. If it weren’t for me, would he be as outstanding as he is now?

Furthermore, I pity you for your beauty and talent, but why can't you go to a higher place! ? "

"Mother!" Qin Lianyue said with a sweet smile: "Sometimes, my daughter is thinking that this may be God's will. It happened that we met Mr. Jiang when he came home, and it happened that my aunt came back so late, otherwise..."

 Otherwise she would be engaged to Qi Wu!

"No!" Du Liu clapped his hands and looked at his daughter lovingly: "This means that my daughter is very lucky! In the future, when Young Master Jiang inherits the title, you will truly become famous! It's you. Dad and brothers can also benefit from it!”

Qin Lianyue smiled proudly when she thought of such a day.

Du Liu suddenly remembered again, "Lian Lian, um... have you and Qi Wu clearly explained and dealt with all the previous matters? For example... those letters, objects... what did you two say?"

 He hesitated, because she knew that Qi Wu had given his daughter a lot over the years! There is silver, jewelry, even antique vases and so on...

 The Qin family gave their daughters a generous dowry. I can’t make up for much here! She also has a brother!

If you give it back, how ugly the dowry will be.

 How about not paying it back…

Qin Lianyue smiled indifferently and twirled her clothes: "My daughter told the fifth brother that she would return all the money and items he had given her before."

After hearing this, Du Liu's heart tightened. Oh my god, where do I have to go back?

“But he said, he said... let the daughter be with you.”

"That's right! How can a man go back on his word, send something out and then take it back again? If he doesn't want it, just take it calmly."

" daughter feels that this doesn't seem good!" Qin Lianyue became pretentious again.

"What's wrong? He has been in the Qin family for so many years, how did we two take care of him?"

His food, accommodation and transportation are all provided by his mother. How much thought did you put into it for him? She even made snacks for him with her own hands! Even your eldest brother has never eaten it. If a daughter's family treats him like this, what else can he do? ! "

Of course Qin Lianyue refused to return the things, but she was not greedy for money! Everything is for a reason!

"Don't worry, that kid Qi Wu still has some character! You're already engaged, and even if he likes you, he won't cause trouble for you with these things! Mom asked you to put all the blame on your grandmother. , he won’t blame you. A grown man will not be hard-hearted towards the woman he likes.”

"Well, my daughter thinks so too. My cousin said that he will get rid of all the letters and other things in his hand. My daughter thinks that after the negotiation is settled, the matter can be settled, and she can no longer drag her feet. She has already talked to Jiang Er It would be inappropriate for the young master to meet his foreigner after he is engaged."

"That's right! And don't worry, he definitely didn't tell your aunt about these things! Otherwise..." Otherwise, could Mrs. Qi have spared herself just now?

 Can’t help but feel very lucky.

This good luck really comes one after another.

"Let's go back and get down to business. In half a year, you will go to Beijing to get married. My daughter, you are marrying so far away... It will be fine if you stop and make plans for your father and brother, and we all go to the capital. ”

“Mother, don’t worry, my daughter can handle this very easily!”

 “Well, my daughter is very capable!”

Qin Lianyue said: "Then...I won't see my aunt again either!"

“Hmm! We can’t see each other again! Don’t show your face tomorrow. Even my mother is avoiding your aunt, so as not to irritate her!”

 Everything is over, the mother and daughter are smiling like flowers...

The second update will be later.



 (End of this chapter)

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