The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 84: The special color of the world

 Get up early in the morning to freshen up. The girls in the Wen family have been going crazy lately, and they were really exhausted from yesterday's ceremony.

Wen Yu washed his face with cold water for a long time before he woke up.

 In the morning, they gathered at the door of the main house and the old lady looked at them one by one. I was satisfied in my heart, that dead old man could do nothing, but he left his children and grandchildren with a good appearance.

Even the most ordinary Wen Su, the little girl is dressed in pea green and looks very fresh!

Not to mention Wen Yu... Looking at her, the old lady felt as confused as if she was trying to pull a chestnut out of the fire.

After giving detailed instructions, everyone went out.

Orange Garden is in the middle of the town, and most people can just walk there.

 At the door, a well-dressed waiter will greet you and verify your identity. So, at this moment, everyone is basically concentrated at the gate.

There are no monks or common people among the people who came today. They are all well-dressed, with jewels and treasures, and are full of fragrance.

 Old Mrs. Wen looked around, and then her eyes fell on the girls of the Wen family. Well, they were better than the others around them. Wen Yu was the tallest and the most conspicuous. I don’t know how many people are secretly looking around! My heart suddenly felt very at ease.

At this time, I heard the tinkling of bells and the sound of wheels pressing on the stone floor, accompanied by people shouting loudly: "Give me all the trouble!"

 People unconsciously moved to both sides, leaving a passage.

 Two guards rode on horseback to clear the way, followed by two white horses pulling a very luxurious car. Behind them were guards and several carriages.

 This team of people stopped directly at the gate!

 A group of well-dressed servant women came quickly from behind, placing stools and red cushions.

 After a moment of silence, the car door opened, and a slender man came out first.

Wearing a blue cloak and a silver crown, before you can see anything else clearly, you can see a head of long white hair...

He got out of the car lightly, turned around quickly, looked at the car door with a smile on his face, and stood there quietly, not in a hurry at all.

 It was so public at the entrance of the Orange Garden that everyone was silent and looked at it in surprise.

That man has long white hair, long eyebrows, and amber eyes. He cannot be described as good or bad. I just feel that he is more domineering than the King of Wu yesterday!

 Looking very young, but probably not young anymore. But I can't guess the exact age.

Wen Yu was amazed by the material on her body. The cloak on the outside and the clothes on the inside have a nice name: "Huayun Brocade". Similar to Song brocade, it is generally used in men's clothing. It’s so expensive…

 Two more identical women came out of the car door. They were sweet-looking and well-dressed.

After getting out of the carriage, one person got off the ground and stood beside the man. The other was in the carriage and turned around to help the person inside.

 A purple gauze sleeve stretched out... only four snow-white fingertips were exposed.

The girl quickly put a piece of white gauze on her wrist and was supported by that hand.

 People around him held their breath.

 Finally, a head with a high bun poked out, with a set of extremely complicated jade ornaments on it.

 Then, her man got out of the carriage and was wrapped in a big cloak.

  Everyone could not see clearly, but their hearts were pounding.

She was about to get out of the car, and the man under the car stretched out his hand to help her.

 The woman did not refuse, but held the man's hand and landed on the ground.

 Everyone's hearts seemed to have dropped to the ground, and their eyes were focused on her face.

Wen Yu also looked at it, but was stunned for a moment.

That was a face that she couldn't even describe.

 In my mind, only the poems I had read came to mind: "The hands are like catkins, the skin is like gelatin. The collar is like a cricket grub, and the teeth are like a gourd rhinoceros. The head is like a rhinoceros, the eyebrows are slender, the smile is beautiful, and the beautiful eyes are looking forward to..."

  Such a beautiful poem is clearly written about her!

Wen Yu actually got goosebumps all over...

She knew she was beautiful, but in front of this woman, she felt very big and dry...

 Her beauty is not even 40%...but she has no jealousy at all, only admiration.

The white-haired man, with all his eyes on her, did not shy away or let go: "Shall we go in?!" His voice was gentle and had a unique charm.

 The woman nodded slightly without looking at anyone.

 All the girls present couldn't help but blush with embarrassment. All the women showed envy.

 All the young men present had their faces flushed. All the men were heart-beating and short of breath, but they did not dare to show any blasphemy.

 The two of them went to the gate. The woman, as if no one else was around, took small steps, as if walking among the clouds.

 It seemed like the man was leading her, but in fact, he was matching her pace.

When people walk by, the fragrance on their bodies remains.

The people at the scene were silent until their figures disappeared through the door.

 Everyone started talking in low voices.

 “Oh my god, who is this?!”

"There is such a person in the world!" A man knew: "The man is Mr. Hu. The woman is his wife."

“Ah! The Hu family! I’ve heard of it!”

 The Hu family is an independent entity. The ancestor must be related to the royal family, have a wealthy family, and have a special status. Although he has no official position, he has been the head of the family, and the emperor has to receive him.

 There are not many children in the family, but they are one after another!

 Every generation will have strange people with outstanding talents.

 “This Mr. Hu can be said to be the sage of chess in the world!”

“Oh, I see, I see! I didn’t turn around for a moment. I heard that Mr. Hu is also a good swordsman!”

 Some people say: There was a legend of "Eastern Hu and Western White". But what exactly it is, as time goes by, no one knows.

“This Mr. Hu usually lives in seclusion and no one knows his true face.”

 But those white eyebrows and white hair have formed a special legend in the world.

 “I heard that he dotes on this wife very much.”

Mrs. Qi was also in the crowd and couldn't help but sigh: "Only the Hu family can support such a woman!"

“Yes. There is nothing better than a couple of gods and immortals…”

Others were talking, but Wen Yu was breaking out in a cold sweat, because just looking at her back, she recognized... this woman was the person who was "dating" King Wu.

Oh my god, she swallowed, what did I see? !

 This Mr. Hu... She had also heard of it in the previous life.

 But it’s not him, right?

 She recalled carefully.

Song Shang has met him before, and he talked to him for a long time. What was he talking about?

 Oh, yes, Mr. Hu is said to have been adopted from a side branch. He knows some clever tricks and is very smart. It seems that he can't compare to the previous head of the family...

 That means...this Mr. Hu is dead?

 Could it be that he found out about his wife and King Wu and was silenced?

I had a lot of plots in my mind. I was so frightened that I quickly lowered my head for fear of being recognized.

 But then I thought again, what are you afraid of? No one sees me at all!

So, I started thinking about it happily...

There is still discussion next to him.

Wen Su opened her mouth for a long time before closing it. She stood next to Wen Yu and sighed: "Oh my God! There are such people in the world! I thought that the charm of the fifth cousin sister-in-law was very outstanding, but after such a comparison Yeah! Tsk, it’s really..." I can’t think of how to describe it.

 Hehe, Mrs. Hu’s color comes from her flesh and blood.

Webster's appearance is made up of makeup.

 The essence is different! Wen Yu thought mockingly...

 Finally, the Wen family followed the flow of people into the garden.

As soon as you enter, you will be greeted by a refreshing fragrance, and your eyes will be filled with flowers, plants, forests, and strange stone and bamboo forests.

  The road is covered with gravel and the attendants are all wearing black clothes.

Old Mrs. Wen also came here for the first time. Although she pretended not to look around, she secretly sighed in her heart. After all, she was a descendant of the Tian family. This was his other courtyard, and it was so grand!

 Everyone can take a stroll in the garden first.

 If you mention your name to a waiter, someone will take you to your seat.


 In the main hall, King Wu and Princess Wu were sitting in the main seats.

 Some officials summoned Mr. Hu and his wife.

Hu and his wife did not kneel down, and King Wu did not hold the bridge. They did not dare to look directly at the man, and only looked at the man with his peripheral vision.

 “Your Highness King Wu! Princess!” Mr. Hu saluted.

"Mr. Hu and his wife, please sit down and talk!" King Wu said gently.

Mrs. Hu stood there without saluting.

Mr. Hu didn’t remind her. He helped his wife sit down and sat next to her. Then he said: "The event yesterday was so lively."

"Yes! Many eminent monks have returned here, including the abbots from the royal temples in the capital... I am taking a little leisure time today and have prepared some things. Madam Hu... you can go and have a look later." King Wu looked at it as if he had no intention of doing so. He glanced at Mrs. Hu, and there was a deep affection in her eyes that no one could see. "You can watch flowers and listen to music, and there are also opera troupes from the capital..." He only said this to her.

Mrs. Hu’s eyes were half-closed and she didn’t look at anyone, as if she didn’t hear anything.

This seemed extremely rude, but King Wu was not surprised at all.

 Princess Wu smiled gently and said nothing.

Rather, he sat there and looked at the different colors of the human world in front of him...

 (End of this chapter)

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