Mr. Hu hugged Yang Rushi and looked at her blankly with no expression at all.

 At this time, Magistrate Zhang came with his people.

Jiangzhou is large and prosperous, with well-equipped government officials. There were female doctors and female widows in the crowd.

You can't be exposed to the sky like this. The princess has already arranged a room nearby.

 But Mr. Hu held Yang Rushi in his arms and refused to let go.

King Wu's face was as earthy, suppressing his emotions, and his voice was cold, "Mr. Hu, take Madam to the next room, let the doctor take a look... The garden has been sealed, and the murderer cannot escape."

The twin maids beside Mrs. Hu came in. With tears in their eyes, they helped Mr. Hu carry Yang Rushi into the house.

 The female doctor will look at it first, and then the male doctor will do the examination. Just a quick glance revealed the reason: death from poisoning.

Mr. Hu was as dumb as if he hadn't heard anything and didn't react at all.

Wu Wang’s heart was as sharp as a knife and his eyes were cloudy. He first went to see the princess.

 The shock in Princess Wu’s heart was no less than that of King Wu.

Sighing in his heart, he stood up and said to King Wu: "I had a few words with Mrs. Hu. Later, Mrs. Hu saw that I was going to see some guests later... so she said she would go out for a walk first. I thought, It’s also good to find someone to chat with, so I won’t stop you.”

This time, King Wu didn’t think it was the princess who did it, unless she was really crazy!

She is good at keeping quiet, making careful plans, lying dormant, and then suddenly taking action. After being married for several years, I really didn’t know that she had such skill.

 Yes, I can’t touch you now, but this account will be settled one day!

 Suddenly, someone came to report: "Your Majesty, something unusual has been discovered!"


 Qi Wulang is the person who was chasing Wen Yu just now.

Today, he entered as a guest, then found a place, took off his coat, and was wearing a black tights underneath.

It was he who first discovered Mrs. Hu who fell to the ground. It seemed that she had been poisoned, so he went after the woman in black.

 It's just that he was in a garden full of women and had to hide from King Wu's secret guards. Dodge left and right, take detours, and wait until you find the woman in black.

Looking vaguely, there was a woman in green clothes present, who seemed to be holding something and ran away quickly.

 There was no one around, so he went over to check.

The woman in black drinks a lot of poisonous wine, and the poison increases quickly. Under the severe pain, his eyes could no longer see clearly. He looked at Qi Wu and murmured: "Sir, it's Yang Ru who is sorry for you. You don't have to be sad for her. careful about King Wu. What I said is true." Yes, there is evidence. Don’t hate Jingya...Jingya really loves you...I wrote the letter...and handed it over..."

 “Where is the evidence?”

“Who gave the letter to you?” Qi Wu asked.

 But the woman in black could no longer answer, and murmured: "Mubo, Lingling... Lingling..."

 I don’t know who it was.

 Believe it, could it be that you believed it in the woman just now?

 He smelled a nice fragrance...somewhat familiar. So he chased in the direction of the woman in green.

He ran and jumped, and finally caught up with her, grabbed her, but let her...

 Poor luck!

He looked at the row of small tooth marks on his hand and thought angrily, he belongs to the dog!

 Things that could possibly be found flew out of sight. Unable to delay any longer, he ran back to the place where he hid his things, changed his clothes, destroyed the mask, packed everything up, and walked out casually. When he met Sun Ji, "Fifth brother, something happened!" Sun Ji looked nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"That peerless beauty... is dead! Oh my God! I am so jealous of beauty!" Sun Ji looked up to the sky and sighed, shaking his head, feeling really sad.

 There were sounds from everywhere, telling everyone to stand still and not move.


 Wang Wang hurriedly walked over there.

One of the twin maids also followed briskly. She was anxious, angry, regretful and afraid.

They were standing outside the gate, but Madam went out through the side door.

  I didn’t even know that Madam was out!

 I saw a woman in black falling to the ground.

The widow made an inspection and replied: "Your Majesty, sir, this woman is dead. She was also poisoned. It seems that she should be poisoned by the same poison as Mrs. Hu."

 King Wu asked the people in the garden bitterly, "Who is in charge?"

There was a female official kneeling there, scared to death, "Your Majesty! I am in charge of the back garden."

 “Who is this person?” King Wu pointed.

“Your Majesty, this person is not from our garden!” She lay on the ground.

"No?! Then how did she get in?" King Wu became angry and kicked her hard, "Drag her down for trial!"

Someone immediately mentioned the steward and took him away. She didn't even dare to beg for mercy.

The twin maids recognized Xiao Jingya at a glance, Mr. Hu’s admirer...

 But she didn't show any sign and walked back.

King Wu's face was ashen and his heart was as sharp as a knife. For a moment, he felt that this life was really boring. After all the fighting, if there is no her, what's the point of fighting for it?

The maid returned to Mr. Hu, but he was still the same.

Beside him, there came a man in blue in his fifties, with an ordinary appearance and three long beards.

The maid came close to the man in blue and said something softly. The man was a little surprised. After thinking about it, he whispered to Mr. Hu.

Mr. Hu suddenly went crazy and ran away with Yang Rushi in his arms: "Aru! Aru... I hurt you!"

Holding someone up and running around was nothing to him, but at this moment he was completely crazy and was about to fall out before his eyes.

 A flying shadow passed by and held him up. It was the man in blue, and no one saw how he passed.

“Sir, be careful, don’t break your wife!” he said sincerely.

Mr. Hu cried like a wild wolf: "Ah! Ah!" and collapsed.

The man in blue sighed and pressed the back of his neck. Mr. Hu suddenly lost consciousness and passed out.


Zhang Jiangqing from the prefect's family has been busy with his father and happened to pass by the Wen family's seat.

 “Old Mrs. Wen!” He saluted the old lady, and then saluted several girls.

Mrs. Wen liked him very much and said softly, "Jiang Qing, I just saw my mother, but you haven't seen her for a while!"

“Oh, the old lady is making trouble! It’s the junior’s fault, isn’t it! Looking back, the junior will come to visit you often, so don’t bother me!”

Old Mrs. Wen asked: "Haha, it's too late to be happy! Over there... have you figured it out?"

“The specific situation needs to continue to be investigated. But Mrs. Wen doesn’t need to worry. It is estimated that everyone will be allowed to go back after a while.”

 “Oh, thank you for your hard work, Magistrate Zhang. Alas, how can you say this...”

Old Mrs. Wen has been thinking: Then, the princess will not receive us again, right?

“Sister Yu, are you not scared?”

Zhang Jiangqing still couldn't hold it back and leaned over to ask Wen Yu.

have! Wen Yu's inner words.

 “What happened?” she asked in a low voice.

"Mrs. Hu... something happened, but now we know who the murderer is!" Zhang Jiangqing whispered to her.

 “Huh?! Who?”

 “Seems to be a relative of the Hu family.”

"Have you caught her?" Wen Yu was frightened to death. It was over. Once caught, she would confess herself.

 It’s over, it’s over, I’m going to die.

"He died... committed suicide by taking poison! Don't tell others." I'll just tell you.

 “Ah?! Why!?” Although Wen Yu was shocked, he was also relieved...

“I don’t know! Anyway, Mr. Hu’s people recognized her!”


 The guests all settled down one after another.

But there was some tension behind it.

The reason is that the man in blue was so excited when he saw Mr. Hu that he fainted and was sent away.

 Then, he will take Yang Rushi away.

 But the King of Wu refused.

"You still want to take her away?! No!" King Wu said with anger and alarming momentum.

 But the man in blue was not confused at all, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the wife of the head of the Hu family has no reason to stay outside. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

 “I’m so sorry! Think about who you are talking to! Can’t you listen to the nice words?!”

The man in blue bowed and thanked him: "Your Majesty, please don't blame me! Please think about it calmly: Once your wife enters the Hu family, she becomes the Hu family. Of course, her posthumous affairs must be handled by the Hu family! Let alone the Hu family." Madam, even an ordinary lady would never stay outside!"

"She just said she wanted to hide with her parents! This shows that she doesn't want to be involved with the Hu family. I will take her to bury her!"

"Your Majesty, if Madam has this wish, the Hu family will fully respect it. We will definitely be able to discuss a satisfactory solution when we go back. Of course, all this is the Hu family's business, so I don't bother Your Majesty to think about it..."

 “Let’s go, let’s go! Her murderer is from your Hu family! You still have the nerve to say it?!”

"Your Majesty. Xiao Jingya is dozens of years old. Even if she has a grudge against Madam and wants to take action, she still can't get close to her for so many years! My husband is about to wake up, and he wants to ask Your Majesty why he is in the garden of the palace. What happened?" The blue man's face was respectful, but his words were very tough.

"You..." King Wu was so angry that he shook his head.

 If it had been anyone else, he would have been dragged out and killed.

 But, this is the Hu family!

Now, he can't afford to fall out, looking at the body that has been covered with a sheet...

 He loves her the most in the world! But there is no other way, I have to marry a wife and have children.

 She lost once and cannot avenge her.

 Now that she has lost her for the second time, she still cannot fulfill her wish.

"That's it! Just take her away!" Wait until that day, one by one, let's see how I settle the accounts with you!

 (End of this chapter)

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