Chapter 98 Afraid of my death

 Wu cried in the room for a long time.

  It took me ruthlessly tearing off a few pieces of the veil before I could calm down.

 After a while, the girl came to convey Old Mrs. Wen’s instructions to pack her things and leave early tomorrow morning.

Originally, the old lady had invited some ladies to play cards. Now, she can only ask Wu to arrange for someone to say: I have received a letter from home and I have to leave early for something.

Wu suppressed her negative emotions, arranged these things, and ordered someone to check the carriage in advance.

 Suddenly, she rolled her eyes... showed a ferocious smile, and asked the girl to call someone.


 The carriages of the guests are stored together in a large open space.

Li Jiang and Sun Ying live nearby.

 These two days, they are very happy.

Although the villa arranged meals, Wen Yu also gave them money, so the two of them walked around the town every day, making mutton soup today, grilling fish tomorrow, and drinking some wine. It was very leisurely.

When nothing happened, Sun Ying told Li Jiang some interesting stories about the world, and even guided Li Jiang to practice martial arts.

Lijiang people are also diligent, cleaning their cars and brushing their horses every day.

At this moment, the second wife sent someone and said that she would go back tomorrow.

Li Jiang heard that he was anxious and wanted to pack up the carriage.

Someone came and said that my wife bought some wine and asked a few people to move it.

Moreover, Sun Ying and Li Jiang were directly named.

These two people didn’t want to go, not for anything else, and they didn’t want to take the second wife’s money!

 In the end, the person who came was very polite and begged for a long time. Only two people followed.

As soon as they left, a thin man got under Wen Yu's car.


 That evening, Mrs. Qi did not invite the Wen family over for dinner.

Steward Wang directly brought the food, which meant that the Wen family could eat it in their own yard.

 It made the old lady so angry that she couldn't eat anything.

 The gloomy eyes glanced at her when Wen Yu wasn't paying attention.

When Wen Yu heard that he was leaving the next day, he was a little surprised like his sisters, but didn't say anything.

 After returning to the house, he sneered. Are you proud of being driven out? !


 At dawn the next day, the Wen family was ready to set off.

Mrs. Qi didn’t send anyone to see her off either.

 Old Mrs. Wen’s heart felt cold.

 When she went to Beijing six months later, she could have been a guest of this prominent family, but in the end, she was ruined. Over the years, she had spoken too much, and was woken up by Mrs. Qi's slap.

  No matter how calm he was, he was still worried about gains and losses, and he didn’t speak all morning.

After putting the things in the car, Wen Yu also got in the car.

Suddenly, two servants from an unknown family passed by the Wen family's carriage carrying something in their arms. Somehow, he bumped into Li Jiang who was packing the car.

Li Jiang is very protective of things. He hurriedly checked to see if the car was damaged.

The two men dropped their things on the floor, but he didn't even bother.

The two people apologized quickly. Li Jiang looked at the car and saw that there was nothing wrong with the car, so he asked them to pay attention next time.

Several people nearby, including Sun Ying, were also paying attention to this matter.

 So, no one noticed, a man approached the horse, took out something unknown, and fed it.


As the car was about to start, Old Mrs. Wen finally regained her composure and was polite to Manager Wang who got out of the car for a long time.

 Thank her for taking care of her these days, and said that she had left a gift for her in the house, and then asked her to convey her gratitude to Mrs. Qi.

Steward Wang responded lightly with a smile. It's completely different from the enthusiasm when I came here.

When we arrived, Wen Jiao was in the same car with the old lady. When we returned, we asked her to drive her out. At this moment, I am not in the mood to play the role of a kind grandmother.

 After the wheel turned, he let out a long sigh.


 The convoy left the town and went up the mountain road.

After walking for a while, Li Jiang muttered in front: "Why are you so excited today? You haven't run for a few days and you want to have fun? Take it easy! We have to cross a ridge ahead! The road is dangerous, you know? Hey! Yes, slow down. "Go, walk steadily."

Wen Yu and Sun Ying also heard it, but Li Jiang usually made a fuss, so everyone smiled and didn't take it seriously.

 After walking for a while, the situation happened in an instant.

The horse suddenly started to sway left and right. Li Jiang said, "What are you doing? Be honest!"

 But the horse was disobedient and began to run wildly.

Li Jiang was shocked and quickly pulled the reins: "What are you doing! Stop! Stop!" He pulled the reins desperately.

 In the car, Wen Yu and others were shaking left and right, shocked: "What's wrong?"

Li Jiang shouted: "The horse is disobedient and runs around!"

"Girl, hold on to the gangster, I'll go take a look!" Sun Yingben was behind the cart. When he saw this, he whipped the donkey and tried to rush to the front. As soon as he reached the side of the car, the horse seemed unwilling to let him pass. It jumped and dodged, and with a crash, Li Jiang was thrown off. Sun Ying's donkey was separated from the carriage and almost squeezed off the road, and Li Jiang was almost trampled on.

Li Jiang ignored his pain and got up to chase: "Hurry up!"

 The carriage, unattended, rushed forward.

 In front is Wu's car, the gentle carriage, close to the side of Wu's car, speeding past...

 Wu’s face was full of excitement, this was even better than she originally thought!

Wen Jiao was very nervous, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Wensu shouted: "It's eldest sister's car! Oh my God!"

 Afterwards, someone immediately told Mrs. Wen. She opened the curtain and her mind came to her: she probably knew what was going on. Oh, Mr. Wu, you really dare to take action.

 Watching the dust and smoke moving forward quickly, she summed up the pros and cons of this matter in her mind... and then concluded: This is not bad! Mrs. Qi's dissatisfaction can be alleviated for the most part. She might even feel guilty about it!


As for what will happen to Wen Yu... "Ah! Is it girl Yu's car? Hurry! Go and save her!" She shouted anxiously!

 The crazy carriage overtook another car and ran to the front.

Sun Ying slaps the donkey and chases after him...

At this time, he thought desperately: If nothing goes wrong this time, he must ask the girl to buy a horse. At this critical moment, he really can't count on a donkey.

On the carriage, Wen said calmly: Someone is trying to harm her.

Yan Zhu held her tightly and said nothing.

Xiaoji is small and heavy, but he sits the most steadily. Although he is nervous, he is calm.

There was only Xiangshu, screaming all the way... She was not stupid. Although she didn't know what was going on, she must have come here for Wen Yu!

 I am really unlucky.


 The carriage is rushing up the mountain ridge. This section of the road is very dangerous.

 When you reach the ridge, you will either rush down and overturn the car, or fall off the cliff...

Sun Ying hit the donkey hard, but he didn't dare to use too much force. Donkeys are different from horses. When they get anxious, they stomp in place and don't run away.

Although the horse was crazy, it was still pulling the cart, several people, and luggage. Especially, Xiaoji.

 When encountering an uphill **** again, the speed becomes slower.

Sun Ying was experienced and took advantage of the gap. After a lot of effort, he was able to jump over and ran forward for a while. He turned over and jumped on the donkey, and his knee fell, causing great pain, but he ignored it.

 Stand in the middle of the road, ready to stop the car.

The horse came puffing out hot air. He stepped forward and pulled, and the horse kicked and bumped hard. Sun Ying flew aside, but the reins were in his hands and did not let go. The carriage dragged him forward.

 Since he was standing on the outside of the horse, the horse subconsciously ran to the inside. Friction with the mountain next to it. Fortunately, the risk of falling off the outer cliff is small.

We were about to go up the mountain ridge. At this moment, we heard a "click" and the axle of the axle broke.

The wheels were hung on both sides of the carriage, and the horses dragged the carriage. The carriage rubbed against the ground and continued to reach the highest point...

Sun Ying has been taken down and dragged on the ground. He has no strength to stand up and his body hurts from the rubbing. He pulled hard with all his strength.

The horse was in severe pain. Normally, it would have stopped long ago. But now he is going crazy, shaking his head and running.

Sun Ying is a little desperate and is going to be in trouble...

But at this moment, a horse came galloping over, struck the horse's head with a knife, and held the reins with one hand.

The horse fell down at the sound, the carriage turned sideways, and several girls fell out.

Sun Ying ignored the worn flesh and blood, "Girl, how are you?!"

The horse came to the end and was not very fast. Although the carriage turned sideways, it did not fall too hard. Wen Yu fell, but felt no pain, and replied subconsciously: "I'm fine. Zhuzhu? Xiaoji? How are you doing, Xiangshu?"

 After saying this, I realized that I had fallen on Xiaoji again...

Xiaoji grinned, but nothing happened.

Yan Zhu fell down while sitting, causing pain in her lower back and buttocks.

 The heaviest thing was the fragrant book. The side of my face was choked on the ground. My right arm was in great pain. I didn’t know if it was broken. I kept humming.

Sun Ying felt relieved and saw that the person who came was the fourth son of the Qi family.

The Fourth Young Master Qi heard Wen Yu’s reply and didn’t come over to take a look. Instead, go straight to inspect the horse.

Sun Ying also followed.

The horse's eyes were red and there was foam around its mouth. "Poisoned?!" Sun Ying blurted out, and then his mind recalled at lightning speed what part of the incident happened.

morning! The two men bumped into Li Jiang and scattered things all over the floor...

This is not like what the Wen family did. If the Wen family wanted to do something, they wouldn't have to go to such trouble, right? !

 “Yeah.” Qi Si replied. Started checking the car again.

 The carriage rolled over and the axle was broken. But if you look carefully, you can still find: there are new huge marks on the broken axle, and it has also been tampered with.

Qi Si and Sun Ying looked at each other and said nothing.

Seeing the convoy chasing after him, Sun Ying walked over and muttered something to Wen Yu.

Wen Yu smiled bitterly, what should we do, two-pronged approach?

 (End of this chapter)

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