The Dumb Girl Picked Up The Ghost Seal, And I Guardian Was Finally Exposed

265 This Is Zhang Ling's Strength! (Seeking Subscription)

Hearing Boss Yin's words, President Zhang touched his chin, and said: "I can tell you clearly, according to the legend of the Zhang family, he was the one who found the Qihe tomb! And the time he wanted was far away. It takes a shorter time than the previous generation of Zhangjia Qilin!"

Boss Yin Zhang Da finally felt a little unbelievable.

She said: "However, Zhang Ling is only in his early ten years old now. Is he really that amazing?"

President Zhang said: "His existence cannot be judged by common sense. If his false identity of the Holy Child hadn't been exposed, I believe that with his ability and talent, he would definitely be worthy of the identity of the Holy Child."

Boss Yin's eyes widened, and he looked at the ten-year-old child calmly walking in the jungle in the picture in disbelief, and was shocked by Zhang Ling again.

Originally, she had a lot of respect for Zhang Ling, and felt that Zhang Ling's current achievements and abilities were definitely related to his tragic experience from childhood to adulthood.

It was those experiences that taught Zhang Ling to be strong, increased his knowledge, and enriched his experience!

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ling's talent has been there since childhood!

It took even less time than Zhang Qilin of the previous generation to find the Qihe tomb when he was only 2 years old!

This is too incredible.

Boss Yin couldn't help asking: "What kind of ancient tomb is this Qihe tomb, and whose ancient tomb is it? Why did your 357 Zhang family spend so much manpower to find it? Even the patriarch died!"

Chairman Zhang shook his head slowly, and said: "I don't know what kind of ancient tomb it is, or whose tomb it is, but the Zhang family has been looking for the Qihe tomb for hundreds of years. .

"According to the news handed down by the Zhang family, since the Ming Dynasty, the Zhang family has been looking for the Qihe tomb. At that time, the Zhang family only knew that the tomb was in Qihe [not sure where it was in Mohe."

"It wasn't until a hundred years ago that the Zhang family finally determined the location of the Qihe tomb, which was in this jungle.

"It is said that there is a secret hidden in the Qihe tomb. This secret is related to the secret of the Zhang family's immortality, or in other words, it is related to the fate of the Zhang family."

"So, one of the missions of each Zhang family Qilin is to find this Qihe tomb and find out the secrets inside.

Boss Yin suddenly realized after hearing this.

She said: "The elder that the Zhang family said just now should be that Zhang Jin, it seems that he also wants to find out the secrets in the Qihe tomb.

President Zhang said: "I guess he wants to find the body of Qilin from the previous generation of Zhang family and get that bronze bell."

"Bronze bell?"

Boss Yin said in surprise.

President Zhang nodded: "Yes, it is the bronze bell, the token of the head of the Zhang family, which was also mentioned in the previous video tape, the bell he gave to Wu Ya, with that bronze bell, the Zhang family can be opened. In many places, many secrets of the Zhang family were obtained, and Zhang Jin wanted to obtain these things more.

After hearing this, Boss Yin finally understood the reason.

And at the same time.

After Zhang Ling led those Zhang family members into the jungle, the picture began to change again.

After the picture changed again, several of them appeared on the top of a mountain.

Zhang Ling stood on the cliff, looking at the scenery below, his eyes were calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Those Zhang family members behind him seemed very impatient.

One of the long-haired clansmen said angrily: "I said, can you find the entrance, if you can't find it, just tell me, don't waste our time here.

A member of the Zhang family with a back hair sneered: "Of course he can't be found so easily. Who does he think he is? The elder is the same. What do you want him to do with a kid in the Qihe Tomb? It took four months to find the entrance to the Qihe tomb, and if you want to rely on this little ghost to find the Qihe tomb, you may not be able to find it in three years, so you might as well let me come."

Others also echoed.


It took even the patriarch four months to find the entrance to the Qihe tomb.

Zhang Ling is just a doll in his early ten years old, and it is just a dream to rely on him to find the entrance of the Qihe Tomb.

In the face of those people's cynicism, Zhang Ling seemed to have not heard it, still looking at the Qi River and the dense jungle below the mountain.

At this moment, his whole world is only those scenery at the bottom of the mountain.

But the viewers in the live broadcast room were very angry when they heard the words of the young man with the back of his head and the young man with long hair.

(beed) Their attitude towards Zhang Ling is too bad.

The hostility is so obvious!

How could it be that these audiences were not angry.

"Made! These guys don't talk, no one thinks they are dumb!"

"Exactly! I really thought my little brother was willing to find them for them? What the hell!"

"If I were a little brother, turn around and leave."

"No! I have to teach these bastards a lesson before I leave."

"Oh! There's no way, the little brother is just a child now, what can he do?"

Everyone talked a lot, although they were angry, but they didn't have the slightest strength.

What they looked at was nothing but Zhang Ling's memory.

Now those Zhang family heads don't know whether they are dead or alive.

They only hope that Zhang Ling can find that ancient tomb and slap a few Zhang family members in the face!

They believed in Zhang Ling very much, knowing that Zhang Ling would definitely be able to find the ancient tomb!

During this time, Zhang Ling left a deep impression on him!

So, even if Zhang Ling is just a child in his early ten years old, they still feel that Zhang Ling can definitely do it!

This is the impression Zhang Ling gave them during this time.

This feeling has taken root!

Professor Chen and the others heard the discussions of several members of the Zhang family, and they were very curious while being angry.

They hit a point!

It took even the head of the Zhang family four months to find this ancient tomb!

What kind of ancient tomb is this?

How hard is it to find it?

Professor Chen couldn't help but said: "Whose tomb are they looking for? It seems that this ancient tomb is very hidden, and it seems to be very important to the Zhang family. Even if it takes four months for their patriarch to find this ancient tomb !"

After thinking for a while, Dean Ren said doubtfully: "I have been in the Academy of Archaeology for so many years, and I have never heard of any large tombs in Qihe River, and I don't even know that "Which figure in ancient times built a tomb in the Qihe River Basin?" of."

Professor Chen also nodded.

Both of them, as Mount Tai Beidou in the archaeological world, have never heard of any ancient tombs in the Qi River Basin.

too weird.

Dean Ren looked at Professor Lin: "Old Lin, please contact the courtyard and ask the courtyard to look up relevant information and see if there are any important tombs in the Qi River basin. I want to see, the Zhang family is looking for this Qi River." What is the purpose of the big tomb!"

Professor Liu is a taciturn person. Even if it was the order of Dean Ren, he just nodded without saying anything. Then he took out his mobile phone and started contacting the people at the Institute of Archeology.

Captain Xing said: "I don't know if brother Zhang Ling can find the entrance to this ancient tomb."

Professor Chen looked at the picture seriously: "My intuition is that he can find the entrance to this ancient tomb.

Dean Ren couldn't help but nodded. He looked at Zhang Ling's back and said, "It seems that he should be looking at the feng shui direction of the Qi River to find the entrance to this ancient tomb."

However, at this moment, Zhang Ling made a move that no one expected.

I saw that Zhang Ling was on the top of the mountain, found a stone at random, sat down, closed his eyes, and began to rest here!


It made everyone dumbfounded.

Even the heads of the Zhang family were stunned when they saw Zhang Ling sitting down and resting with his eyes closed. .

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