The Dungeon Struggle of an Earth Dragon!

14. The thoughts are different

Breaking news.

I turned around and Elja was there.


Why is this girl here?

You were at Elibel's lab, weren't you?

If you think so, you get a thoughtful call to my head.

His opponent is Berk.

"Earth! Is Elja here?

'Oh, yeah, I'm here. What the hell is this all about?

"Um, actually -"

Berk explained to me how this happened.

There was nothing I could do about it.

Well, in conclusion - Elibel lost her desire.

He suppressed it within the boulder at first, but as he continued his research (sexual harassment, which he called), he couldn't stand it any longer, and he finally hit Elja with a handmade tensor in his hand.

On the boulder. For this, Elja also pulls a dong.

Desperately resisting crying.

And on the verge of extending the act, Berk and Pulp (minute body) entered the stop, evacuated Elja at the transfer gate in an emergency measure, and detained Elibel.

Since it was sudden, Elja was not set up until the transfer gate at the evacuation site, so she was randomly transferred.

And he was right in front of me.

"That's why we're all over it by detaining Lady Nun and Pupu or Elibel. Excuse me, but keep Elja there for a while... gu, ha!? Oh, Master Elibel! No. Hey, or don't bite me!

"Give it to me. Yeah, yeah! Give me the beautiful girl. Yeah, yeah! Nothing, I don't even have a nasty feeling about this. Ahhh! Grr!? Prr, you, that, hey, Grr... '

"Knock!? Still have the power to do this!? Plump! You have to keep it down! Non works with Gizzie to prepare for the union! Let me have it in the meantime!


"Guaaaaaaa! Stop. Whoa, whoa, whoa!

'Well, that's not what I'm saying, Earth. Later, I'll send backup over there, too. Then, for a while, I asked for Lord Elja!

Pump, and thought calls were interrupted like broadcast accidents.

I wanted to hold my head by accident.

What to do...... my family was more perverted than I imagined.

I'm so sorry.

After all, when I advised Elibel in the surveillance room, we should have stopped him properly.

That's right.

If you think about it, giving Elibel a pretty girl is like giving the lion Oko Matsushima.

If you twist the faucet, give Elibel a pretty girl so the water will come out, and she will attack you.

You know, it's natural.

It was easy to predict.

Idiot, I am.

I didn't know that was becoming too routine and instead oblivious.

... Should I take this down to earth or something already?

Hundred percent. This one's bad.

I think so, look at Elja.


Then she got better.

Is that it? Alert?


Before I tried to say anything, a crack ran into the ground in front of me.


"... a lizard manly style, who's trying to get no, look up at me, and utter a message to me? Give yourself up."

Mixing intense anger with feelings of contempt, Elja looks at me as if I were a garbage worm. And he's desperately undoing his disfigured outfit.

Is that it?

Don't you realize I'm grounded?

Oh, with that said, don't you know what this looks like?

Should I be honest with you about this?

But before I could tell, Elja snapped her neck.

"... hmm? Well, that's a lot of magic for you lizards, isn't it? Dragon? No, this is...? Besides, its body...... no way.“ Light, expose before me the falsehood of his people. "

Elja squeaks and hands some chant.

The light flooded through my body.

Hey!? What is this?

Oh, that? Doesn't hurt......?

The light flows slowly from foot to foot as if it were a CT scan.

And as the light transmits, Elja's face becomes more and more blue-white.

As the light penetrated to the tip of her head, Elja opened her mouth trembling.

"... but also, thighs, maybe, ah... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, is it Master Earth?

Elja asks, feeling terrified.

Could it have been that magic now was something to find out who they were dealing with?

"Ah, yes."

When I snorted, Elja sat down.

"Sorry for your loss. Ahhhhhhhhh!!


What's the matter with you?


Then for a while, it was Elja who repeatedly apologized with "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," but he finally settled down, sitting in front of me, facing me.

... awkward.

mutually silent.

Tits and the sound of fish baking only sounds.

Look at the metastasis gate.

Hey, Berk. What's wrong with backup?

Nobody's coming.

Somebody do something about this subtle air.

"Uh, do you want to eat for now?

I give Elja the roasted fish.

It's like the fish I caught earlier, plus samma, squid and sawdust, divided by three.

"Thank you for your time."

Leaning down, Elja mouths the fish.

After a bite of chewing, I opened my eyes and kept eating fish with great momentum.

Apparently it fits your mouth.

And after eating the fish, Elja finally saw this one.

"... Dear Earth, earlier disrespect. I'm so, so sorry. I've been watching from Elibel, but I didn't expect to see you in this way, and..."

Elja bows her head.

Oh, yeah.

It's the same with Koch that was unexpected.

Elibel told you about me?

"Yes...... In order to protect his beloved family and the dungeon, he himself sacrificed himself to confront the mighty enemy and suffered a deep wound to his body. And while healing that wound, he said he lived in his first form."

Elja speaks with a tranced look.

Hmm, is it subtle...?

No, it feels like everyone came to help me with the kidnapping, to be exact.

Besides, from that feeling, it feels like we've been talking a lot more, but wasn't it?

"... all the time"


Bullshit, Elja looks up.

"Ever! I missed you! Master Earth! Elja has come to such a remote place to meet and talk to you!

Yeah, I knew.

That's what he said all over the monitor.

You know, secluded...

Did this kid say something a little rude?

For once, I like Coco a lot.

"Well, so, well, well, well, oh, Lord Earth!


"Oh, when your body is better healed, can you, uh, wah, me and... while you're at it!?


Oh, yeah.

She came to confess to me.

Elja's face is boiled. It turns bright red like this.

What are you saying to the person you almost met, this kid?

I'm a two-year-old.

"Wow, my ability as Holy Dragon“ Purification ”power will definitely heal your wounds to Master Earth! That's what Elibel said, too, so when the wound healed, it was me and..."

"No, even if they suddenly say that..."

Honestly, I'm in trouble.

I appreciate your help getting my body back, but I don't know if it's my turn...

She said the load is heavy on a two-year-old.

"Oh yeah! So long, my friend! Why don't you start with your friends! That's right. Let's start by getting to know each other well! … it's not too late to be here…"

Yeah, yeah, Elja is nodding.

Um, friend, huh?

Well, if that's about it.

I'm in a position for you to cooperate.

My body will heal, and if I can pipe with the Dragon King species, I have no reason to say no.

Only, as a friend, as a collaborator.

A business-like relationship would be best, but it wouldn't be a problem.

I try to reach out to Elja.

That's when I realized.

- Oh, I have a fish eating cuss on my jaw.

It's the rest of the cunt I ate earlier.

I was almost reflexive, getting my hands on it.

I used to do the same thing to Tres.

I'll take Elja's jaw.

And the hand slightly touched Elja's “neck muscle”.

The next moment.

"- Eh!!!!???"

Elja glanced as if surprised.

And he's opening his mouth with his face bright red.

'Oh, oh, I'm sorry. With habit...'

"Ku, in habit!? Ah, Master Earth is a habit, always behaving like this...... Huh!?

Well, I used to do it to Tres opponents.

I'm not going to say, "Father - take it".

You can't help it, can you?

'No, I'm not doing that to anyone. Besides, I usually say it properly.'

"Phew, usually in words!? Oh, is that right? That's right... and that doesn't mean I'm going to do it to anyone... haha..."

Elja sitting on the spot with the navel.

What are you so surprised about?

Well, okay.

I give my hand to Elja again.

'Bye, Elja. Again, good to see you again (only, as a friend)'

"Yeah, yeah! Nice to meet you! (as an amicable pledge to the future)"

I haven't shaken your hand in a long time.

Elja was then grown up as if she were a borrowed cat.

Well, it's long before I know why.

Then a few minutes later, Anne and Una came as backup.

We also received a communication from Berk saying that Elibel (evil) was also successfully sealed.

Well, in a week, it'll settle down.

In the meantime, Gizzie took over Elibel's job for me.

Elja has also worked more and more actively with me before.

And then another two weeks later.

Finally, the medicine to undo my body is complete.

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