The Dungeon Struggle of an Earth Dragon!

3. I think the story needs context and foreplay.

In the laboratory of Deep Elibel...

I'm worried there's no way out of here.

"I'm worried about the lack of meaning of your statement..."

After that, I didn't come up with a good idea in the end. I was visiting Elibel's lab.

So I'm asking Elibel if she has the means to go outside while she's pulling the cage.

"Somehow, that's a very earth-like way of thinking,"

It is Anne who laughs so bitterly.

Anne was a client when I entered the lab.

They were talking to Elibel about improvements to the middle dungeon.

In fact, Ann's opinions, which he conducts in the field, seemed invaluable and Elibel was also listening seriously.

Well, that's where I come in and say I'm going to be.

By the way, Tsumugi said he made a report and just left.

It's the right decision.

'I know the problem is piled up. But if you can! If that's possible! I don't want to go out there. I want to work something out. "

Forcefully, Elibel has a sinister face.

There's no expression because it's a skeleton, but there's an aura out there that looks obviously grumpy.

Yeah, I know why.

Whatever you think, it's my fault, isn't it?

But it's not rational.

I don't need a reason to pull a cage.

I don't even need a reason to be in a drawer so that I don't need a reason to live.

Huh? No. Human reason?

I'm a dragon. I'm two years old.

I don't know about that.

"I mean, Earth, you said you didn't want to go out there, so you must have made a possession golem. If you use that..."

'No,' cause that's surprisingly not user-friendly... '


Pinch words on the way Elibel was about to say.

It's hard to move if you're possessed, and you're tired if you walk.

Besides, I don't have a taste, so whatever I eat isn't tasty.

You have quite a few drawbacks, don't you think?

I'm making improvements, though.

"... ohhhhhh - Roger that. I'll buy you that quarrel."

Elibel takes her seat as she sets up her cane.

Why would it be?

Oh, with that said, it was Elibel who designed the possession golem.

"It's nice to have a crush on my design golem."

"Hey, Tamma Tamma, Elibel! Sorry, sorry. I apologize, so put the cane down!

"It's okay. I'll peel it off for now. Don't worry."


I'm not at all comfortable with that!?

Skin!? Or scales!? Or nails!?

Anyway, it hurts, so stop it!

Ann and Berk are looking at this one on the far roll.

Hey, don't look, stop!

Because this guy really peels!

Seriously! Seriously, stop!

"Ah, Ann! Sorry, I need a little help! Elibel! Elibel!

'Hehe, it's okay, Master Earth. Even Mr. Elibel is not really mad at the boulder.'

"Well, not the usual."

Ann and Berk decide to be static like that.

It's a look we both see something smiling.

Hey, no.

"Hey, oh, yeah, Elibel! Oh, I just exfoliated! I'll have the skin brought to the dessert now, so I'll hit my hand with it. Huh? '

That said, Elibel stops her hand perfectly.

Did you do that?

"... right. I'm so cute, too. Fine, let's hit it with that."

Elibel lowers the cane she had.

Good. Good. Thanks......

"Oh, but I'm upset, so I'm gonna peel it off, for once."

That's how Elibel peeled off my scales.

The scream wooded.


You're gonna peel it after all!


"So, Master Earth. Here's a suggestion, why don't you use my termites, if you don't mind?

It was Anne who raised her voice as the peeling area tingled.

"Me and the termites are connected in their own network, and if we are conscious, we can share each other's memories, experiences, sight, etc. If we use that, would it mean that Master Earth stayed here and went outside?

"Cheng Cheng, the network of termites..."

It seems that Gizzie's experience-sharing golem also created with reference to Ann's network, and it could certainly be a good means.

You don't have to go out there, you just have to share that vision while giving the termites instructions.

"Anne, no, you can't spoil this guy with that."

but Elibel disagrees.

'But if Master Earth's safety comes first, I wonder if Master Earth should go out into the outside world. And our family to keep it safe, right?

"Sure, that would be best given the dungeons and the organization. But you can't take a walk if you're thinking about the sky falling. More importantly, the knowledge and experience given by others is not for his own good."

'That's right, but I'm in trouble in case there is'

"That's why..."

Two people flirting with a bee.

I wonder what.

It's more like an education policy than an exchange between family members.

I'm sorry, even your child.

That's where Berk came up with a compromise.

"Hmm, so for now, are you sure in the direction of improving the possession bill? If you make the improvements that the Lord has said, you will have no complaints with the Lord?

That's what Berk looks at me for.

Ugh, they poked me where it hurts.

'Well, sure, then there's nothing wrong with that...'

Like that, we talked in the direction of improving the possession golem and using it to get outside.

Wow, shit.

I don't want to go out.

"Well, that's settled. Shall we move to the surveillance room?"


"No, it's not. The Continental Conference is about to begin. Don't look. What are you gonna do?

Oh, yeah.

I totally forgot, but the Continental Conference was about to start.

Has it been so long since you slept and bawled?

... you're getting a faint sense of time.

'Or can you see it?

"Isn't that obvious? It's the same way Una and the others told Agur town before. Share Una's visuals and magic tricks on the monitor. Then we can see the meeting in real time, too. Oh, I'll summon the rest of my family."

That's why we moved to the surveillance room.

And I called my relatives who could come on a thought call.

Oh, we need to prepare demon stones for tea contracting and fruit from the underground forest.

In the deep 'surveillance room'...

The density of the surveillance room was incredible.

Me, Ann, Elibel, Plump, Tres, Tsumugi, and Berk.

Robn and Autel from the Farbnil side.

And there's Elja.

The Big Band.

Well, I'm pretty much the one taking up space.

I got even bigger because I peeled it earlier.

"Well, I'll start it up."

Elibel teases the terminal to float the monitor.

There are two numbers.

Video was shown sharing the vision of Una and Dos.

Watch the footage with a pinch of demon stones for tea contracting.

The conference hall is... pretty big.

And there's a lot of people.

Wouldn't there be nearly a hundred of them?

"Muggle... people look like garbage"

Let's not worry about Elja saying something very rude while eating the Demon Stone.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Continental

"Right. There was no way in our time that heavy towns from one country to another could come together. We've been at war with each other..."

Autel and Robn talk about smudging and remembering the old days.

Well, until Elibel's living days, it was just war, I guess.

It would be interesting to see this sight from a guy from that era.

It's like the Capitol in a previous life.

Heavy towns around the country are chatting because it hasn't even started yet.

The knights and adventurers of the escort stand upright as they surround them.

"But Una and Doss used to get into the venue."

"The venue will be open to three escorts in addition to delegates from all countries. Una and Dosson are the escorts of the Holy King."


From what I hear, Una's credibility as Dos' adventurer has become considerable anyway.

Sometimes the Pope requests nominations immediately?

Well, he got S-ranked fastest. Yeah, he's a serious guy with roots.

Is that why you won the credit too?

Una... not to mention everyone.

"Una, Dosson. Elibel, how are you?

Elibel sends a reading to the two of them through a communications demon stone.

"Is this Mr. Elibel? This one is fine. I was able to enter the venue safely."

"............ no problem"

"Yes, this one's in the surveillance room now, too. We're all watching this together with Earths and Anne."

When Elibel said that, Una's vision was a bit blurred.

"Oh, is your father watching too!? Ri, roger. I'll do my best! '

"Sister Una, get nervous and make a scene, can't you?

'Yes, it's okay! I'm all right.'

I wonder if you're okay......?

Dos seems a lot nervous about Una anyway.

Do you feel more nervous about what we're watching in the surveillance room than about the people around you?

If I thought so, there was some sort of great looking man up on the sandalwood in the center.

"All of you, you've gathered much better than far away! It is Caglias Dir Hazan, the current emperor of the Hazan Empire. I am proud that our country was chosen for the honorable event. I hope that this conference will lead to prosperity for all countries and that a continental conference will be held. MC, and the Chair is served by our Prime Minister Kelvin '

Was it the emperor?

When I finished greeting him, the applause boiled.

The emperor descends from the stage and another man rises instead.

"This is Kelvin, who will be the MC progressor. First agenda, then. '

A Continental Conference was held.

"Then I will begin with a report from the Holy King of Halshalud on this year's harvest and specialties -"

Apparently, the situation reports for each country at first.

Each country reports in turn.

There's a lot of people and it's going to take a while.

"Hey, Elibel."


"How long does this Continental Conference take? About a half-day?

If it feels like this, it's not gonna be over in a day.

"What are you talking about? The Continental Conference will take ten days. It's my first day, and I don't think it's gonna be long."

"Ten days? It's been a long time."

"Of course I do. The whole continent is coming together, isn't it? Ten days or less."


Is that what it is?

'I'm interested in the opposite, aren't I? Because we rarely say it's an opportunity for demons to know people's ecology, not just us killer ants'

"That's right."


Ann, who says so, looks at the monitor without distracting herself.

Plump Torres and Tsumugi also said they were interested.

And Autel stares at those three absurdly.

............... shouldn't he have called?

But I'm free to just watch.

But everyone else is looking at the monitor with a serious look on their face.


It's not very, but it's not the air I can tell you I'm tired of.

Let's think about something else.

About the dungeon...

The range of things you can do with Tsumugi's ability to 'alter' has also widened...



Could you possibly be in a dungeon right now?

That idea I thought about once before and abandoned.

If it was a previous dungeon, I couldn't, but if it was a new dungeon with the current improvements, I might be able to achieve that.

"Hey, Elibel, do you have a sec..."

That's what I was about to say.

It was sudden.

- Butun, and.

The monitor's footage suddenly went out.

"Oh? What is it?

Videos like a sandstorm continue to flow.

Elibel operates the terminal, but it doesn't go back.

'Is it a malfunction?

Ann asks.

"No, that shouldn't be... weird...? Una, Dosson, can you hear me?

Ask, but no response.

What's this all about?

And - it was the next moment.

Suddenly - I ran scared all over my body.

'... Huh? What... is this?

My body was trembling when I realized it.

Weird sweat comes out.

My breath is rough.


I'm not the only one.

Everyone on the spot was solidified.

No Elibel, no Anne, no Tress, no Plump Tsumugi, no Berk.

Even Autel and Robn are solidified.

Huge pressure as if it were to be squashed.

enough to even remember the illusion as if gravity had suddenly become tens of times stronger.

"Hey, what... what's this impossible magic?

'Ah, Master Earth...... eh. This... heavy pressure... what the hell...'

"Oh, Father..."

"Pu... pu..."

Hey, what is it?

What the hell is going on!?

And - a voice sounded so bright that it was out of place in a heavy, cold space.

"- That's a good dungeon."

I heard a voice.

Right in front of you.

When I changed my gaze, there was a little little little one dragon on the table.

Just about ten centimeters.

earthy, one dragon as if he had kept my figure as small as it was.

But he was releasing an overwhelming presence that didn't resemble that little body.

Only that place where the dragon is is so intimidating that it even remembers the illusion of another dimension.

He glances around.

"But... you haven't“ finished ”it yet. I'm sorry to hear that, but let's just say it's okay."

'... what... ahem... what...?

I spoke out to squeeze it out.

No, I was finally just speaking out.

Not so long ago, the dragon's intimidation was heavy.

"... you seem to be growing up healthy, Earth. Relieved."

It was a warm voice.

A loving voice that reassures everyone who hears.

"My name is Gibble. You can tell by that, sweet Earth."

It was sudden.

Really abruptly, without any foretaste, without any context, my mother - "Divine Disaster Dragon King" Gibble appeared in front of me.

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