The Dungeon Struggle of an Earth Dragon!

5. Brave Men and Itchy Friends

Demon King - It was the worst demon that once fought war on humanity and plunged the world into chaos.

Indeed, according to the record, it is the only existence other than Elibel that could have used the four major attributes up to the Spirit King rank.

I mean, it's so out of standard.

Well, the sage (laughs) sitting next to me drinking tea is substandard enough, too.

comparable existence.

The identity was the Divine Disaster Class “Imperial Beast”.

Besides, he's a former family member of Gibble and guardian of a star vein dungeon.

Furthermore, historical facts assume that he lost and died to the brave, but he's not actually dead.

And the plain woman in front of her, Lenaloid, made a covenant with its demon king and tried to destroy man.


It is information that the listener is likely to graduate if he asks.

When I saw Elibel sitting next to me, I was whining and thinking about something.

"... Demon King... Imperial Beast... Gibble's Family..."

After a while, I looked up at Leonaroid.

"... motherfucker, how old are you?

Think scattered and that's the question that came up!?

"Eli, even now, because that question is a boomerang to you, too, right? You're stabbing me, aren't you? Gussa."

"I've been dormant for a long time, so I'm not counting."


Unconvinced - and picking purple strawberries, Lenaloid continues.

"Well no. So, Demon King... I signed with" The Beast ”Azil, and I got a very good life. For a warm meal, a fuzzy bed, fine clothing. No, really, food and clothing are the basics of living, right? Really, I thought so."

Oh, that's definitely agreeable.

My home is very important.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I didn't lose my way with Azil. Azil's purpose was... well, I kind of guessed it. He knew I was a reincarnator, so I guess that's why I'm around."

"You wanted knowledge as a reincarnator?

Elibel seems to have quickly figured it out.

I asked a lot of questions when I revealed myself here before.

"Maybe. I've told you most of what I can tell you. Japanese culture, language, history and circumstances, common sense, weapons, architecture, and all other things I knew in my previous life. Applying that knowledge, Azil reinforced the Demon King's Army and seized the trend of war at once. But... it didn't come true in just one more step"

"... a brave man, huh?

Leonaroid nods.

"Yes, Cadias the Brave. And those people. By their power, which is only a few, the Demon King's Army has disintegrated, Azil has been defeated, and the war has ended in victory on the human side"

Brave man, huh?

Elibel's record said he felt like just a dull Harlem bastard, but he was so powerful that he could defeat the Divine Disaster Class.

It is the point of reach of mankind, the greatest hero in history and the most powerful human being.

That is the brave Cadias.

"After losing to the brave, wounded Azil dived into the dungeon with his family. In one of the eight great labyrinths on Segan." The Hundred Devils Dungeon. "

Segunda continent...... oh, the continent next to what Elibel used to say there was Lake Axis.

You said Lake Axis was famous.

And the Great Labyrinth?

Farbnil or a dungeon of offensive difficulty alongside Elibel's labyrinth of wise men.

One of them is the Dungeon of the Demon King?

"With the demon king army executives diving there, the continent became dominated by mankind. From there, as history says."

"Hmm? Didn't the braves chase you?

I guess just diving into the dungeon didn't make the Demon King threat disappear.

If you heal your wounds, you can regress again.

There will be no reason not to loosen your hands.

"I didn't. Even the brave ones suffered the wounds they deserved, and it wasn't the kind of situation they could chase. But instead, I sealed the dungeon where Azil dived. Just healed the wounds and sealed them so strong they wouldn't come out. There was virtually more peace in the world than they could ever get out of the dungeon"

Powerful seal, huh?

Could you even handle such a thing?

Awesome brave man.

Then why are you here? If you had a deal with the Demon King, didn't you dive into the dungeon, too?

Oh, put it that way.

If she had a contract with the Demon King, she wouldn't be able to come out on earth right now.

But Leonaroid shook his head sideways.

"... I escaped the Demon King's Army on the way. Did you forgive me, or did you realize how we ended up? Azil broke his contract with me one day. Suddenly thrown out, while I was confused and wriggling my hands, Azil lost, the dungeon was sealed and as a result............ I was the only one left on the ground. I'm the only one..."

The voice was trembling.

Leonaroid puts the glass in his hand on the table.

Small ripples spread in the glass.

"After that, I blended into our society and relaxed with a lot of research. Fortunately, I look like a normal person. I wasn't even that familiar with my face. By the time it was a hundred years old, you'd forgotten about the Witch of the Demon King's Army. But then something happened, and I ended up with the nickname" Witch ”again."

What the hell is that?

Is that it? Like when I became a nobleman of Bolhelic?

He's been alive a long time, he's got such a personality, and I guess he ended up with the nickname witch.

"I see. So, how does that connect us and Kirishima Aoba?

Oh, with that said,

Normally, I've heard nothing about us or Aoba in the Leonaroid story so far.

"Is that it? Eli, aren't you interested in my subsequent episodes? What were you doing after that, and how did you become a nobleman of the Bolhelic kingdom? Look, there's a lot going on, all right?

"Not at all, you're not even interested in this kind of thing. Spit out the information."

I swear I cut it off.

Really, it's unforgiving to her.

"Ugh... Eli, don't say such lonely things... gu"

Oh, I started crying again.

"Earth, I'm leaving."

"Oh, wait, wait! I'll talk, I'll talk properly!

... this plain witch who seems troublesome and chowdy.

"Then throw up quickly. Here."

"Ugh... so don't rush that... I'll talk to you soon. But just to conclude, it doesn't make sense. There's a process, and if we don't talk about the results on it, it probably doesn't make sense. Especially for you."

That's what the Leonaroid gaze looked at me for.

She takes another sip of wine.

"Well, shall we get back to it? Cadiaz, the brave man who defeated the Demon King, had four companions. You know that, right?

Lena Lloyd looks at Elibel.

"White Virgin,“ “Silver Mage," “Spear Man," and “Blue Warrior"... right?

"Yeah, right"

That's how much I know, Elibel whines.

"Brave men are famous, but even their companions are equally famous. Especially the White Virgin, who built the Holy King's kingdom, and the Silver Mage, who built the prototype of the magic city of Endumion. Well... I don't know much about the other two."

Elibel said only the last part, a little whispered.

Oh, really?

What do you mean, the country of this continent has a pretty long history.

In my last life, I used to say a hundred years of state, but not a country that lasts five hundred years.

I'm not familiar with the Holy King's kingdom, but I think there's a reason for that around the corner where you're laying down that Holy Dragon as your guardian dragon.

Hmm, about the other two, the spear man and the blue warrior.

The description of the lenaloid continues.

"The Spear Man normally went back to the country after the battle. He was originally a peasant in one country. He sealed the spear he had used until then in the back of a certain dungeon and spent the rest of his life peacefully."

"Seal the weapon, huh? Hmmm......"

Elibel groans with her arms together.

"Yes, and that spear circled, and now it's in the hands of an adventurer"

"What's an adventurer?

You know him, too.

That said, she deepens her grin.

"" Crossing the border. "Beldy Raven. Her God-killing spear, Gungnil, was the legendary spear used by the Spear Man at the time. Well, not many people know about this."


If I thought you had two big names or something, was that spear such an awesome weapon?

"Besides, Beldee also awakened the true power of Gungnir, which could only be handled by the then" spear man ”. It's a big deal, she is. I didn't think I could do it, so I let her have it. Beautifully betrayed my expectations."

Speaking of which, that information was reported by Anne.

"That woman, I've got more and more troublesome powers," or something. It was blurry.

Nah. I don't want you to come to the dungeon......

"If we can use Gungnir, we can deal with each other more than we can with each other until the catastrophic class. The only one who can deal with Beldee right now will be counting on this continent."

Ugh, you're getting so strong...

You mean the catastrophe class... most demons don't deal with?

I don't think so. I increasingly don't want you to come to the dungeon.

"So, what about the other one..." Blue Warrior "?

"Same as spears. After the battle, he retired, and the armor and sword he was using were passed down to another warrior. And that weapon, it's in your hands now, isn't it?


Blue Warrior...... Blue...... Blue Armor.

No way.

"- Demon Sword Ridil and Blue Armor. Farbnil's family, Raygin, equipped it, and now your family - that queen ant is using it, right? That's what Blue Warrior used to do."

From the unexpected, you got an unexpected connection, dude.

It was a hell of a performance to disable magic, but that's amazing.

Hmm? But wait. The room where Regine lived had his magic deactivated just like his armor.

Is that something else?

He said Farbnil inherited the dungeon that was there, but maybe there's something around there? Did the dungeon of the furbnil itself have anything to do with it?


Uh, my head snaps.

In the meantime, let's keep it.

'With that said, what happened to the brave man after that?

Nor did Elibel's record say what happened to the brave man afterwards.

It was over like a happy ending by defeating the Demon King, but what about the truth?

"With that said, I'm curious about that too..."

Apparently, Elibel doesn't even know.

Our gaze turns to the Lenaloid.

- He disappeared.


"Brave men exist only to defeat the Demon King. So, for the record, he's gone."

"Does that... mean it disappeared from the public?

Leonaroid shakes his head.

"No, literal extinction.... I sympathize with Cadias. I just had the qualities, and they used me to be good to her. Most importantly, he wouldn't have been aware of it."

... her?

Who is it?

She tells us to lean her neck.

Definite information for us.

"The demon king. -" The Imperial Beast. "The man who thought Azil was the most intrusive is not mankind."

That's what I said, Leonard Lloyd looked at me.

"The one who was most hostile to Azil - your mother, the Divine Disaster Dragon King Gibble"


"The brave Cadiaz is to Gibble... a being empowered by a star pulse. Isn't that why you're irrelevant? You're the son of that gibble, most beloved and most hostile to her."

'... what?

- Zukin, and.

I felt my head ache again.

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