The Dungeon Struggle of an Earth Dragon!

4. In those days, on the ground

The scene moves outside the dungeon.

When the Grounds were healing battle wounds, the earth was at the extreme of chaos.

That was particularly evident in the Holy Kingdom, the Hazan Empire and the magic city of Endumion.

A people frightened by the threat of the demon king Azil arrives in the holy and imperial capitals to seek their own protection.

The momentum can no longer be called a riot.

The nobles and knights of the kingdom seem to wander right and left to deceive them.

If we hold hands like this, we will no longer be able to function as a country. Things were getting worse.

Also, there was a great deal of physical damage caused by pure demons about the magic city of Endumion.

Tons of demons that Azil unleashed as scouts.

The attack caused a great deal of damage to the city.

Urban executives and guild leaders request rescue to the Bolhelic kingdom.

It is now in a state where it has managed to maintain the functioning of the country.

However, in the changing circumstances, some remain the same.

"Mm-hmm. Confusion's pretty bad here, too."

Relax and dine in the guild and watch the view outside and he squeals so.

He is the dragon killer Valed Noard, the hero who crowns the highest S-rank as an adventurer.

No matter how confused the ground is, he doesn't care much.

"There are fewer requests to make money, and I don't know what's wrong..."

Rather, my daily allowance is more important than that.

Although the Adventurer Guild is an organization independent of the country, it is strongly connected to each country.

The impact of this confusion has been minimal.

The number of requests is visibly decreasing.

It is true that demons are being revitalized and damaged by the influence of Demon King Azil, but adventurers are also in business. If you don't get money, few people like it and go on crusades for their lives.

More importantly, in a situation where demonic sightings were complex and not functioning properly, the Alliance could not even issue a crusade request.

Vared himself is aware that he is a battle freak, but he needs to be ready to fight, and he needs money to be ready. This was an inevitable problem beyond the fact that humans were economic animals.

"No... Mr. Vared, if you were in the class, you wouldn't have any trouble with the money, would you?

It's the bumpy red-haired woman Farley sitting in the seat across from Valed asking that.

Who? Once explained for the one, she is a woman I know and have a weak presence in Valed. That's it.

"Mm-hmm. Well, I've got some storage."

In fact, Vared is not in financial trouble.

I just tried to whine somehow.

The real interest lies elsewhere.

"Still, Beldee, you're late"

"Oh, if you say so. Sure, were you going to visit Mr. Vared and his masters? Sure, Mr. Lin Woo...... right?

When Farley asked to be sure, Valed nodded.

"Yes, yes. I thought he'd suddenly disappeared, because he'd be found dying. He's a very troubled master."

Vared put his arms together and remembers what happened back then.

A supermassive demon that suddenly appeared in the Erdo mine.

And then the big showdown of the demons in the Ford Desert.

The scale of that battle was a tremendous word, enough to remind people of the end of the world.

(... but really, what the hell was that fight...?

By the time he followed Beldee to the Ford Desert, the battle was already over.

Moreover, when she was reunited with her, she was, for some reason, even with the "Virgin of the Sacred Cabinet”, “Heavy Wind" and “Princess Water” of the Holy Kingdom.

If you ask what the hell is going on, you will be duly deluded.

Even then, I questioned Beldy, but it was a glimmer of "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you now".

(I know you'll talk to me about it while I'm saying "now", but I'm curious that you made it...)

Something's wrong with Beldee since that fight.

Hold your left eye and whine, "Damn, quiet...... my left eye......" or "Stop it GUNGNIL...... don't release your powers here......!" And so many times I was desperately holding down the spear.

... Honestly, I get a little hung up watching.

(I shouldn't have been that girl back in the day...)

No, I'm sure everyone has a 'time to say so', but how about a good old lady doing that in the first place?

I felt the taste of tea in my mouth was somewhat uncut.

(Um, I found my master right after that.)

Their master - the silver ghost Lynn Woosey - was discovered shortly afterwards.

On his return to the Imperial Alliance with Beldee, a report came in that Rinwu was found on the surface of Farbnir.

Besides, he looks so worn out that he's dying.

Regardless, the Valeds ask Lin Woo what happened.

He said that he had settled for an old cause, but he didn't tell me the details.

He is currently hospitalized in a treatment center in Teito.

(How dare you hunt that master down so far... who the hell is it?

From Valed's point of view, the strength of Rinwu, the master, may be bottomless.

In addition, there are inherent ceremonies specific to the Haunted Clan.

Perhaps if we fought one-on-one, even Valet, who activated the Dragon Killer, could not win.

(There are only a few people who can fight that monster master properly. At best, "Thunder Slash” in the land of Tsubaki... maybe that witch knight Lugios.)

He shrugged his face abominably for a moment, and an idea that was in Valed came to mind.

(Or... I've fought the Demon King's Army, my God, it's not in the boulder.... no, but)

Now is the time to be recognized by the emperor and given his name as an adventurer, but Rinwu is a demon tribe.

It is also an ancient dragon demon tribe that has lived for more than two hundred years.

It wouldn't be strange if there was some connection with the Demon King's Army.

Besides, there is information that he saw the mysterious six-armed giant when his master was discovered in Farbnil.

(At the Continental Conference, there was a six-armed giant beside the skeleton that was hostile to Lias... fellow countrymen? Or the demons of that time?

"-. Mr. Valed! What's the matter, suddenly shut up?

Unexpectedly, Valed returns to me.

If you look, Farley was looking at himself with a worried face.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I'm not concentrating."

"Really? I'm sorry to interrupt."

"No, you don't have to apologize for anything. I don't know what to do now."

Off topic slightly forcefully.

"In the meantime, wouldn't it be nice if Mr. Beldee came back?

That too, Vared nodded, restarting his meal.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Then I lost it so much, Beldy came.

"Sorry. You kept me waiting, both of you."

"I don't mind. I'm just finishing my meal. What about Mr. Beldee?

Please, Farley gives you a menu table, but Beldee controls it with her hands.

"No, it's getting lighter"

"Beldee, how was your master?

"Seems a lot better. Well, it looks like it'll only take a few weeks to fully heal."

"... I wish I'd stayed asleep the whole time (Boosh)"

"Did I say something?



"So, what are we going to do? I've been looking at the request board, but now it looks like we don't have a busy request (quest). Do you want to go hunting with a demon?

"Do you? The demons are getting more active these days."

Since the Grand Final of the Earths in the Ford Desert, the number of demons on earth has increased, while

In addition to the demons unleashed by the Demon King's Army in the scouts, the demons that originally inhabited this continent have also been revitalized. Neither number nor quality is comparable to before.

The damage to humans increases.

"Well, then, while you two are on the crusade, I'll make a buyout."

Saying so, Farley takes a seat.

You're not coming with me?

"Please don't be silly. Wouldn't it be possible for me to follow you to the battle?"

Farley is a C-rank adventurer, although he washes half his legs now.

There's no way she could go along with the adventures of the two highest S-ranks.

Blah, blah, blah. Die just in the aftermath of battle.

During the battle in Imperial Capital, she cut Beldy off when she defended herself, except for this and this.

"Besides, I'm just curious, so I'm going that way"

"Just curious? Where?"

Valed asks with interest.

"I'm a fortune teller. We're talking a little bit in Imperial City right now. I have a reputation for hitting it well."

"Heh, I don't divine..."

In contrast to furries such as intrigue, Valed turned out to be a half-cold look.

This man, I don't believe in divination from the bottom of my heart in the first place.

The future is something that opens up on your own. Because you are the owner of the idea of not entrusting it to someone else's sweet words.

"Well, then I'll come with you."

"" Huh?

Surprisingly, Beldee indicated yes.

Vared and Farley also see Beldy with a surprised face.

"Surprisingly, I can't believe you're into fortune telling"

"No, I'm not interested"

What? and Vared twists his neck.

"Huh? Then why?

"If you insist... I don't know. And..."


"- My“ left eye ”hurts. You should meet the fortune teller."

"Oh, yeah. That's right..."

Seeing Beldy say that while holding her left eye, Valed felt indescribable.

Farley also turns an indefinite eye to Beldi.

"With that said, Farley. What's the name of that fortune teller?

"Huh? Is that a name? Erm..."

Mm-hmm, and eventually Farley opens his mouth.

"Sure - I think it was called" Torpa ”"


"Then it's a different course of action from here. See you at the inn at night."


Thus Valed went on a demonic hunt to the outskirts of the Imperial Capital, and Beldee and Farley were to meet the fortune teller.

And this choice is going to drive their fate wild.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Beldee and Farley, who broke up with Valed, were walking down the main street of the Empire City.

"Well, it must have been around here somewhere."

"Maybe, is that you?

Beldy points to the corner of the boulevard.

There were more than twenty queues there.

"Oh, maybe that's it. Wow, as I heard, that's very popular."

"I guess that's all the people are asking for“ peace of mind "..."

As he lines up, Beldee sees the boulevard in a bad mood somewhere.

Unlike before when it was vibrant, there is some precipitated air in the Imperial capital today.

I guess we can't help but be anxious.

(Even now if you can, I'd like to relieve their anxiety -)

After that fight, Beldee heard all about this fight from Orion.

The demon king Azil and the monster that appeared in the Ford Desert are identical.

The Demon King's army has already suffered devastating damage, including captainship.

It was also heard that it was the forces of the dragons and black ants who fought in the massive crusade of the Erdo wilderness that defeated it.

Assuming Beldee is here now and yells it out loud, their anxiety will be allayed.

What S-rank adventurers say is influential to that extent.

But I can't do that.

Instead of knowing the facts, Beldy was forced to promise never to speak out.

I also understand why.

(The impact on the people is too different when I scream all over the city than when the Virgin of the Holy Kingdom releases information in public)

The battle against demons would still have much higher political judgment and influence than the Orions.

And the speed at which it propagates to the people. If I scream here and now, I'm even afraid I'll drive that flow crazy.

Perhaps there will be an announcement from the Holy King when we look at the time.

I don't feel right, but I can wait until then.

(... and soon)

If we realized it, we were about to be our turn.

"Yes, next person, please"

Beldee's turn has come.

(... you've been a strange fortune-teller)

When he gets to his seat, Beldee observes the occupier by the name of Torpa.

He wore a hood deep in his eyes, and the robe didn't even know if it was a man or a woman, a thick object covering his entire body. In addition, necklaces and accessories are over-equipped, with geometric embroidery at the ends of the robe.

(Why did Gungnir try to get me to meet this fortune teller...?

Various picture cards were arranged on the desk.

Apparently, this will divine. I have a small box by my desk and it looks like I'll put a price in there.

"Thank you very much for waiting. So, what do you want me to divulge?

When Beldee gets to her seat, the occupier raises his voice in surprise.


"Oh, no... Well, if you'll excuse me, aren't you“ crossing the border ”?

"Oh, yeah"

The names of Beldee and Valed are spread throughout the Empire.

She nodded because she was not going to hide anything else.

"Did you still? Hey, it's an honor to meet you."

"No flattery, just divine it"

"I'm in awe. So, what's the fortune?


I think Beldee's gone there.

The purpose of meeting this fortune teller was in itself, and I did not consider the divination content.

Worried about what was going on, Farley put out a help boat from behind.

"Well, how about Mr. Beldee's destiny opponent or something?

"Right. Okay, so, please."



"Oh, no, I was going to joke about that half of the time... Oh, no, that's..."

Beldee laughs bitterly against the panicking Farley.

"Even I'm still a woman. I care as much as I care about my destiny."


My heart now stands slightly at me against Farley, who is genuinely surprised.

"Farley... what eyes have you ever seen of me?

Ugh, reach for Gungnir.

"Ah, Mr. Torpa! Quick, quick fortune please! Come on!"

"Ah, yes. Okay. Um, so please select three cards from this list."


With some unclear feeling, Beldee properly pulls three cards out of the bundle of cards offered and arranges them in the order in which they were told.

The explanation says each card shows the 'time of year', 'place' and 'opponent'.

Beldy's chosen cards were, in turn, cards depicting "Moon," "Wilderness," and "Queen".

"Hmmm... this is..."

The fortune teller tries to think a little.

"What's up?

"No, with something that was a rare pattern for a long time"


"Translated directly, it will be 'In the near future, on the battlefield, those who discuss you'... This is a difficult combination to interpret inside..."

The fortune teller can only see the mouth, but he looks troubled for a long time.

But on the contrary, Beldee stared at the three cards she had chosen.

(... the moon, the wilderness and the queen, huh?... you think you're the one who wants me? Don't make me laugh. I'm the one discussing “you”)

Beldee laughs and takes a seat.

"Oh, what's up? Still, the results..."

"No, I've had enough"

That being said, Beldee put a coin in the box provided.

"… I see you already have an" answer ”"

"Oh. It's bad for you, but it still doesn't seem like fortune suits me sexually"

"I don't mind. Every man has his own path. I'm sure you're on the right path."

"Right. If you say so, it'll help."

That's what Beldy and Farley leave the spot for.

The occupier stared at the hindsight forever.

And after the two of them leave, the fortune teller squeaks.

"... boulder, have you ever just been chosen by that spear"

laughing and treating cards to nostalgia.

"Excuse me, but today is no longer a good day"

Then one dissatisfied voice after another.

The guests were still in line, but the occupier forcefully cut up the store and left the spot behind.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The fortune teller Torpa goes into the back streets with few crowds.

And when I made sure there were no people around me, I took a card out of my nose and put it in my ear.


- What's wrong?

I made contact with "Crossing the Border," so I thought I'd report it.

'Well, that's hard work. So, did you collect it?

'No. After all, she seems to have already been recognized as Lord by the spear. In that state, it will be difficult to recover. And it's going to take too long to find a new Lord.'

'Really? What about the other weapons?

'Similar to her. Sounds like both “Sacred Cabinet” and “Devil Sword Ridil" are recognized as contemporary owners. Five hundred years ago, like a fellow brave man. "

"... what about the scepter Kadukeus?

'I don't know, but I thought it was probably in that witch's hands now. If we haven't been able to recover it during the disturbance with Master Uronus, it's natural to assume it's in her hands.'

"If so, is it only a matter of time before it is recognized as the Lord"

"Yes. How would you like to -" Dear Gibble, "

'The power of thunder that I gave to the brave is now in the hands of cute earth. I'd like you to gather with her if you can regarding the other weapons.'

'It will be possible. The owner of “Sacred Cabinet" and “Gungnir” is deeply involved in the dungeon of your son - precisely with his family. If you guide well, you'll make it to the ritual. Instead, isn't the problem with “seats”?

'There's no problem there. All seats have already been filled. "

…… At least two, three, five were still vacant seats, right?

"With regard to two, there are people who are small in strength but have good qualities. Ground was making just the right kids. Even with regard to V, the descendants of Fraukan live in the Erdo wilderness, and the third is - if you use Kushasla, you won't have a problem '

'... take her? Is that why you put her in your son's dungeon from the beginning?

'Suppose it is?

'... no, I thought it was a great extraction'

'So I'm going to have you make a real move, too, right? Good, Torpa?

No, it's Alto Parto, the head of the current stellar family.

"... as you say, Master Gibble"

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Meanwhile, around that time,

"Bhu... Bhu Hi No... Bhu Hi No... Ugh..."

"... Mrs Pork, it's okay, do you want to take a break?

"No, it hasn't even been long enough to travel, has it?

"Sister, I'm sorry. My husband is vulnerable to carriages…!

"Who is your sister!? Please give me a break if I get motion sickness at all..."

"Ko, Kohi-ku... the carriage is... bu, bu, bu. I'm usually fine... whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

"I threw up!? You pig...... ugh!

"... Una sister, suppress me"

"Oh, Mr. Doss? Isn't it Lord Schwein who suppresses it?" (rubbing the pig's back)

"And Orion! Please don't make a natural mess!

"I don't know what else to do... hey, just lay your husband down"


"Little one, Temehe wipe the floor"


"Fat man, take care of your husband with restorative magic. The rest is ventilation.


"Ugh... sorry, guys..."

Various thoughts were staggered and eventually about to be exchanged in one dungeon.

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