The Dungeon Struggle of an Earth Dragon!
16. Settlement
I punch my armored nails into Valed.
But Vared didn't take it.
He did not take it with the holy sword, but flew to the side.
My nail strike, which cut the sky, cleaves the ground and the wall as-is.
Claw marks from four claw strikes occurred over more than twenty meters, and dirt and dust danced.
"... I will not take that attack from the front on a boulder.... It's a power that won't go out of style. Even now I want to avoid a direct hit."
As it is, Valed tries to move to the position of the slashed arm.
"Pick up your arms and what are you going to do!!
Before Vared picks up his arm, I'll skip the nail strike again.
Again, I was scolded.
But it was on the ray, and Vared's left arm was nailed and sliced.
"Oh, hey!? What are you doing! So far, when it's finely cut, it won't stick!
Are you going to follow me?
I thought maybe because I tried to pick up my arm, but even if they cut me off, would I play it if I put it on?
This guy is really human...... What am I supposed to say?
"Ha... one arm on a boulder, I wonder if it's a bad minute to fight you in your current state..."
Then I thought you'd just go home, but can't you?
You sound like you've given up, but you don't look like you've given up at all.
Rather, there is more magic than earlier.
"Phew...... I don't really want to use this.“ Dragon Soul Consumption "… Target" Left Arm ""
With that said, one tattoo dug in Valed's stomach disappears.
And at the same time the left arm, which should have been cut and missing, “regenerated”.
............ Ha!?
'What the hell, that!?
Is it possible to grow arms?
Valed laughs at it.
"Dragon Soul Consumption” is the backwash of Dragon Killer. You just told me I had fourteen dragon souls sealed in my body. One of them consumed his soul and regenerated his arm. If the dragon's soul pays for the regeneration of one arm, I'll get a change. "
What, that defiant move.
Apparently, “dragon killer” is more irregular than I think.
Elibel is surprised.
... I mean, I haven't heard from him since just now. What's the matter with you?
No, it's more this way now than that.
'... what happens to the soul of a consumed dragon?
"Mm-hmm. Of course it disappears. Of course, right?"
Open up, Vared says.
"The loser is the basis of the winner. That's what fighting would be like. The original sealed dragon soul is like a battery to be consumed. I don't want to use it."
"Uh, yeah."
I don't even want to know, that kind of logic.
Looks like they recovered, but they bought us some time too.
I'm ready for the next one.
So... almost, wait.
"- Arming both hands and feet, activated!
I am the only soil magic “alchemy” that can be used to arm the nails, scales, and epidermis of both hands and feet.
Vampire, vampire, vampire, and my body, which is getting reassembled.
Heavy pain runs, but now I'm patient.
Speaking of which, I'm anxious to be honest about whether I can go back, but not if I care about that.
If you care about one, you die.
Valed came in.
"I won't let you! They attacked us during our transformation! Even if they do, you're not complaining!
Damn it!
It's good to do it yourself, but you're hungry for people to do it!
But my arming is only slightly faster!
Shortly before the slaughter of the Holy Sword rolls out, I instill magic into my armed hands and feet.
You feel like you're wearing a cage hand. But I'm not uncomfortable.
Firmly tame my arms, as if it had been from the beginning.
Well, that's my arm, originally.
Kiddyyyyyyyyyyy!! and my arm and holy sword Levertine clash.
Look at me with eyes like Valed sees incredible things.
My armored skin and scales are perfectly intact, even under Levertine's slaughter.
The more magical the Dragon is, the more dramatically it increases its performance.
My scaly cage hand with plenty of magic would be a tremendous defense.
At least not enough to withstand the blow of the Holy Sword intact.
"Wow wow wow!!!
Keep it up, I'll buzz my fingernails with my empty arm!
The moment the opponent attacks, aim for rigidity.
Now, I hit it!
Eating the attack in full, Valed blows away as he makes a conical rotation and clashes against the wall.
The floor wall breaks with the roar.
... but even my home, which is broken, is getting even worn out.
Damn it!
But the magic isn't gone yet.
Valed is alive.
"Phew... Phew... really... it's a monster... eh!
Apparently, you used Dragon Soul Consumption again.
Three tattoos on my stomach have disappeared.
Heh... the amount of soul consumed by the damage dealt is different?
Looks like you got to a pretty good point, what's the offense now?
It's a “dragon killer" capability violation. He said he could recover even if he was dying...
Zukin and wound hurt.
I'm close to the limit, too.
"Ha... ha... one more time..."
Put your nails up hard, I'll kick the earth.
The nail is headed straight for Vared.
But he was scolded at the inches.
As it is, Valed takes a distance from me.
Come on, even at my speed now that I'm armed!?
You didn't follow me with your eyes. Did you do it by rule of thumb?
That's a really outrageous one.
"Ha... ha... that's a long way to go. That's a hell of a power... but..."
Valed points at me and says.
"I thought you didn't have your own physical abilities to go after that“ arming "thing.
"Phew... Phew..."
…… to the boulder, was it read?
By “arming” parts of the flesh, he succeeded in raising his physical abilities to the bottom.
It has dramatically increased its attack, defense and speed.
But the other part, the unarmed physical part, is under a hell of a load.
Especially the damage to the belly area is terrible.
In addition to the damage taken with the Holy Sword, a series of unscrupulous movements.
If you hadn't been affected by the pills, you'd be running so hard that you'd be so heartbroken.
To be honest, it's getting a lot tougher.
Maybe another hit is the limit.
'... still, you can't give up, can you?
"Ha! Yes, you're right! Boulder, it's a dragon! I know what a fight is!
Valed laughs.
Seems like fun from the bottom of my heart.
And the way I laughed was heartfelt unpleasant to me.
So I couldn't help but say.
'Ha... ha... don't get me wrong'
"What do you want?
'I want to fight, I'm not fighting. Because I don't want to die, because you're coming to kill me, and I have no choice but to fight. Otherwise, he's an asshole who fights and does what.'
As shocked by my words, Valed solidifies.
There are gaps.
But not yet.
A little more.
"Huh!? What, is that!? Is that what the dragon says?
You seem genuinely surprised by what I said.
Something seems to be the most upsetting thing I've ever done.
What, did I say something crazy?
"Ha... ha... no one wants to fight for their lives, right? Besides, I don't have to fight, I really liked that life."
That's right.
Eat a relaxing demon stone every day, take a nap, and build a golem.
There's Anne, Plump, Una, Doss, Torres and the rest of them, relax, sloppy. The next day if you realize it.
Such fucking boring, helpless and free, and helpless and loving days.
That was all that made me happy enough.
Yet smash my home I worked so hard to build and tear my family apart.
So there's no way you can keep your mouth shut after all this!
"That's not a dragon..."
Vared was trembling when he heard me say that.
I find it frustrating to have no heart or tone.
Oh, my God.
Is this... are you mad?
"Dragons are symbols of struggle! And we dragon killers exist for battle! To fight, to kill dragons! And the dragon to kill us!
Valed speaks.
All I'm saying is that my words are sincerely unpleasant.
"I want to fight, you fight! We, the Dragon Killer, the Dragon! Demons too! People too! And yet I have no choice but to fight because I don't want to die!? Fighting is instinct!? Impossible! That's not a dragon! It's not such a monster! It's not a creature!
... I really don't agree with you about making it.
I don't even want to fit.
Awesome - annoying.
Apparently, the part around here - my nature - hasn't changed even under the influence of drugs.
No matter what, my nature is "lazy.”
'I know that's your claim... but don't push me. It stinks...'
"More and more, you don't look like a dragon!
Cancer! and Vared pierce the cutting edge of the Holy Sword to the ground.
You didn't like what I said.
Oh, well done.
Now I get it.
I hate this guy.
I want to fight, I fight.
Exactly the opposite of me.
So I hate you.
I really hate it. I can't. I can never even physiologically.
'Then shall we just settle it?... Honestly, it's the limit, isn't it?
That's what I say.
Properly, so that the word reaches them.
And as provoking Valed.
"Oh, that's the limit... shall we settle"
Vared sets up the Holy Sword and I take the offensive stance too.
Honestly, a bump from the front would be tough even with the current “armed” state.
Next is probably the last offense.
I'm guessing Valed is confident that he can reproach my attack.
I'm deluded by the specs and arming of the flesh, but my attack itself is monotonous.
Valed is definitely aware of that.
I guess that's why you're going to punch the counter in.
And if I get hit, I can't avoid the other guy's counter.
I'm not used to boulders. I can't do that right now.
If you arm your whole body, you don't talk about it, but I'm the one in the bump production right now, even arming both hands and legs is the limit.
But the winner is - there is.
Vared kicks the earth.
I guess he released his magic to the limit.
Vared's speed is by far the fastest.
Besides, the moment I laid my sword, the tattoo on my body was disappearing again.
At the same time, a tremendous magic resides in the Holy Sword.
Probably sent the dragon's soul into the holy sword by restoring it to magic with "dragon soul consumption”.
To counter my disarming.
"Come on! Let's settle it. Heh!
Vared is coming at me in a straight line.
To the point of not being able to see at all, such as around.
He really likes to fight.
So, Valed- - You, I forgot one thing.
What is this dungeon?
I kick the earth, and at the same time, I release a call of thought.
To him, to them...
- Until now, I have desperately erased my magic and signs, to those who have endured me.
"" Ann, "“ Torres "...... shoot. Yep, yep, yep, yep!!! '
It was the next moment.
Me and Valet clash, just before that.
Towards Vared, 'acid spears' and 'polar sunrays' were shot in from left to right at once.
I guess it was totally unexpected.
The expression is stunned and blinded by the attacks coming from the left and right.
What are you surprised about?
This is a “dungeon".
Then it would be natural to have a relative to protect the Dungeon Master.
Ma, I finally realized I got a thought call earlier, too.
So I instructed the two of them to turn off their magic and signs and wait until this time.
The attack between the two heads for Valed on a perfect track.
But Valed's combat experience with boulders is amazing.
"With something like this-!!
Reflectively deploy defenses against left and right attacks.
Prevent attacks on 'acid spears' and 'polar sunrays'.
And then you stick it in my direction.
The attack on me won't stop either.
Experience that is so dizzying that it can be instantly adapted in any situation.
Really, this guy is so strong.
But - - I can do a moment, a deadly “gap”.
Anne and Torres' attack is not fatal.
And Valed's fatal failure was that the attack on me was slightly delayed as soon as he deployed his defenses to the left and right.
At that moment, I will “eat" Vared's slaughter as much as I want.
Faster than Valed attacking me!
A holy sword devours my left arm.
But they won't cut it. It's probably stopped at the bone because it was in the state before the speed got on.
Wow, that hurts.
"What... Huh!?
You're distracted by the left and right attacks.
A blow in that state, before speeding, will do just that.
And the holy sword you devoured in my arms... it won't come off so easily.
Reflectively Vared releases his hand from the Holy Sword.
This guy really can make these decisions in an instant.
But only for a moment, it's late.
'This is it......... over!!
I tore Vared apart as much as I could with my right arm nail.
Blood dances.
The right arm, which let go of the holy sword, was cut a thousand times, and the left arm danced, and Vared, whose whole body was bloody, stayed put, fell on his back.
"Ha... ha... ha..."
Valed......... doesn't try to get up.
“Dragon Soul Consumption" is not activated either.
Either you passed out or you're dead, but you won't be able to fight anymore.
The settlement is... - Here we are.
"Dear Dragon!
Anne and Torres rush over.
"Ha... ha... thank you both... honestly, thank you..."
I see the fallen Valed.
Vared still seems to have breath.
... He didn't die from this wound.
Both arms have been severed a thousand times, and the torso is running deep wounds in a straight line.
That's a hell of a life force.
Is this also the power of dragon killing?
But he's completely lost his mind. Apparently, dragon soul consumption is not an auto, but the ability to activate it at will.
If it was an auto, it would be playing all the time.
I'd love to be a toddler, but I can't.
I can't move another finger. The holy sword also remains stuck in his left arm.
It hurts and I just want to pull it out, but my body doesn't move.
... Sorry, but let's leave the rest to the two of us.
That's what I thought, right after I slowly tried to move my body.
"Oh, my God, they did it flashy..."
In front of me, an old man stood.
I'm growing horns and carrying someone on my shoulders.
What I'm carrying is a burnt... maybe a woman.
He also has a red spear in his arm.
What the hell is this guy? Where did he show up from?!?
"... who, you?
"Ho ho. Don't get up to it. I don't want to fight you. Nong didn't just come to retrieve these idiots."
Thus, the old man grabs Valed with the arms of the empty in a wind-like motion.
"Bye. It's a dragon. I'll see you."
'Ah... Wait, wait!
That said, the old man “disappeared".
It wasn't a metaphor or anything, it literally disappeared.
'... what the hell?
I was watching a space where no one was left.
There was nothing left but Valed's blood, reminiscent of the aftermath of the fierce struggle.
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