The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 161 The Hungarian Civil War breaks out

Mary was crowned Grand Duke of Transylvania, and her first decree was to divorce Sigismund, followed by the declaration of Orthodoxy as the official religion, suppressing the status of Catholicism.

In order to gain public support, Mary also issued Hungary's first order to protect farmers, prohibiting landowners from using lynchings that harm farmers, establishing farmers' courts, reducing taxes, etc.

For a time, Transylvania had a new ruler, and all the rebels pledged their allegiance to him. The scattered forces began to unite, and under a new banner they began to confront Hungary.

Sigismund was speechless when he received the news. He did not expect that his wife, who had disappeared for many days, would go to Transylvania and proclaim himself Grand Duke. This was rebellion and betrayal of Hungary.

The Bishop of Buda excommunicated Mary and approved the divorce of Sigismund and Mary. At the same time, he was declared the only legitimate king of Hungary.

Almost all the nobles and clergy sided with Sigismund, including German immigrants and urban residents of Pannonia. And Mary only has the support of the Vlachs and local farmers. No matter how you look at it, I have the advantage.

However, the Vlach people have been oppressed for a long time, which makes them more united than other ethnic groups. With the Orthodox Church as a link, the originally scattered Vlach people have become a fist, and it will be very painful to hit them.

Moreover, Transylvania is mountainous and the cavalry is greatly restricted, which is conducive to the local people's guerrilla warfare. The Hungarians are in for a tough time.

The outbreak of civil war in Hungary disrupted Sigismund's plans. Although he was the future heir of the HRE, his core was still Hungary. And because he was often absent from Hungary, a system unique to Hungary was born - the feudal earl lord who enjoys royal power in the territory and is jointly elected by the king and the people represents the king during the king's absence, and also serves as the king and the people. mediator between.

For him now, stabilizing Hungary is more important than anything else. In order to prevent other countries from taking advantage of the situation, he also sent troops to Belgrade. You don't need to think about it to know who you are guarding against.

After the Battle of Skopje, several Hungarian nobles held Sigismund responsible for the defeat and even deprived him of his power and placed him under house arrest for several months. If it weren't for other circumstances, I'm afraid he would have been abolished long ago.

Under the rule of his father-in-law, King Lajos, the national power of the entire Kingdom of Hungary reached its medieval peak. People at the time commented: "The territory of the Kingdom reaches directly to three oceans (i.e., the Adriatic Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Black Sea)." Now, the Kingdom of Hungary has ended its peak development during the Anjou Dynasty and entered the period of decline during the Luxembourg Dynasty. Local aristocratic forces have risen throughout Hungary, taking away the royal power. Although there has been some development in the economy, culture and towns, the overall Hungarian royal power has fallen by the wayside. The nobles are outnumbered by the common people. The Hussite War broke out internally. Even the status of the Balkans is about to be surpassed by Wallachia. This is all due to Sigismund. 's fault.

Now even his ex-wife dares to challenge him, which is intolerable. Although he is not very good, he has not fallen to the point where anyone can step on him. This is too disrespectful to him. Now he is exactly the same as Bayezid. If he can't take care of Wallachia, he can't take care of you. If he doesn't beat you to a pulp, I'll write my surname backwards.


Dividing line---

On the table of Archduke Mircea lay a letter from Trebizond, whose ruler Manuel III requested an alliance between the two countries.

Manuel's father, Alexios III, began to solve the problem of Turkmen tribes intrusion after stabilizing the internal affairs. However, due to the long-term civil war and the country's poverty and weakness, Alexios III was also powerless in this regard, and the Turkmen plundered The problem did not substantively change. In 1355, the Trebizond army was defeated by the Turkmen, and Alexios III himself almost died. Therefore, Alexios III turned to seeking marriage and alliance diplomacy to ensure the empire's border security. The extreme expansion of the Genoese power in Trabizond during the reign of Emperor Michael also aroused the alarm of Alexios III. Alexios III introduced the Venetians to break down the Genoese advantages, but the Venetians were also unwilling to Satisfied with the existing privileges, he instead colluded with the Roman Empire and encouraged Rome to annex Trebizond in one fell swoop to seize greater benefits. Michael Palaiologos, the youngest son of Emperor John V, led a fleet of three ships to attack Trabizond. Buzon, but in just five days, the Roman fleet felt that it was too difficult to capture the well-guarded city with such a large fleet, and could only retreat in despair. Since then, the relationship between Trabzon and Venice has also been repaired.

But at this time Trebizond was threatened by the Ottomans and was about to reach the border. Manuel could only send people to Wallachia for help. I hope Mircea will send troops to relieve the siege.

"Let's talk about it. Should we send troops?"

Most of the ministers refused to send troops. At the moment, it is best to continue to recuperate and recuperate. Transylvania is confronting Hungary again, and this place is much more important than Trabizon. Why should we sacrifice the near for the distant?

Moreover, Peter is already engaged to Princess Sofia of Valleolo, so what does it mean to help the Komnenos family again? Will Constantinople suspect that Wallachia is forming an alliance with Trebizond?

If that's the case, then I won't agree. Anyway, they won't be dead for a while, and don't they still have a powerful ally like Georgia? They are not inferior to him in this regard. Let’s stabilize Transylvania first.

Mary also sent to Wallachia to request aid, and asked for troops in exchange for the city of Belgrade. This gift is not unimportant, but a city that has already suffered massacres and is still heavily guarded is not so easy to get. Not to mention Serbia.

In response to this request, Mircea ordered Peter to send troops to assist. With Transylvania, there would be a buffer between Wallachia and Hungary, and it could also weaken Hungary.

After receiving the order, Peter mobilized 6,000 people to camp on the banks of the Danube River, and then stopped leaving, because taking another step forward would officially trigger the war.

Even so, help is still needed when faced with requests. So Peter came up with the idea of ​​changing his skin, sent the newly created Dragon Knights and Cossacks to Hungary to plunder, and packaged the Negro Legion into Transylvania as mercenaries. They also provided assistance with 20 artillery pieces and a large number of muskets, which should be the most accomplished thing.

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