The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 608: New blood moon

The 168-year Blue Star of the Sea of ​​Blood is autumn full of fruits, the earth is golden, and the country is peaceful and peaceful.

The country of Xia Guo is at the peak of history, and people's faces coexist with smiles and bitterness.

Smiles never have to worry about basic survival, bitterness wants more.

Most people work hard to buy better cars, better houses, and let their children receive a good education.

Even if one's own child can pass the sub-subject-Xiuxian Science established by the state 20 years ago in addition to the college entrance examination, and enter the National Xiuxian University established by the state in Hedong City, he may be able to become an immortal, a true glorious ancestor.

Unfortunately, this quota is too small. There are only 50 places in the country every year, and there is no guarantee of becoming a true immortal cultivator.

But this is how it is, Hadong National Xiuxian University has become the world's well-deserved first school from the moment it was officially established, and it is the kind that throws the second place hundreds of miles away.

The two are not the same level at all.

People who come out of other schools are at best a powerful and powerful person. The people who come out of this school are powerful and powerful are not the goals they pursue, and they can be obtained.

Not only Xia Guo, but Hedong National Xiuxian University has also become a jealous target for foreign students, making every effort to make Xia Guo open to foreign students.

This naturally aroused the fierce opposition of Xia Guo from top to bottom.

In a country with more than one billion people, there are only 50 people each year. The chance of being selected is one in 100 million. People from other countries want to get a share of the pie. It's a joke!

Even if the Eagle Nation and the White Bear Nation protested vigorously, they were rejected by the Xia government ruthlessly, leaving no room for it.

However, this situation has changed ten years ago. Without knowing how to exchange benefits, the Xia government is willing to accept two international students every year, one for each of the two countries.

On this day, the peaceful and prosperous Xia country once again entered a state of tension. The high-level government was urgently concentrated, and the resolute order was sent to the army.

More reserves were called, and neatly dressed soldiers, steel tanks, and war secrets in the sky flew densely.

In just a few days, after the mobilization order was issued, it changed from a flourishing age to a wartime state.

The young men and women who are working **** mortgages, car loans, and where to travel, looked at their stern conscription orders in a daze, dumbfounded.

Not to mention them, even people in their 60s and 70s are also unreality.

Fifty years is too long for mortals. Except for those at the border and foreign trade, war is a world of news in their eyes and has nothing to do with reality.

It is a pity that no matter how dreamy they feel, these orders must be executed immediately and resolutely in accordance with the military training procedures accepted every year. Violators will be punished extremely severely, not much better than death.

Not only the personnel, but the company also received the conscription order, and must first accept the tasks arranged by the state in wartime until the end of the war.

The tens of millions of people in Hedong who have turned from a small city into an international metropolis have also become anxious, thinking of the many horrible records left by their grandfather's generation.

It wasn't until I looked up and saw the **** stars in the sky that my heart settled down.

This scarlet star that has been standing still in Hedong for fifty years is their belief, and they firmly believe that as long as it does not fall from the sky, Hedong will not be in danger.

At most, as recorded in history textbooks, working hours became more than twelve hours.

Blood Lotus Palace.

Ouyang Wu, who had just concluded a brief meeting with the senior military and political leaders of Xia Guo, slowly entered the palace, and the sound of Dong Dong's footsteps spread in all directions.

When he walked in, he saw a huge blood-colored fireball burning in the center of the palace. The cold blood sea of ​​sword intent filled all the palaces in the Blood Lotus Palace, which was much stronger than it was fifty years ago.

If she didn't enter, but anyone else without permission, the moment he entered the palace would be shattered and died.

Inside the blood-colored fireball, an incomplete storm crystal nucleus was faintly visible, a mouthful of a pale bone sword that had turned into a flowing state.

The blood archangel Karina remained persistently in the corner of the palace, staring at the Bone Sacred Sword in the sky all the time, seeing Ouyang Wu coming in without any response.

Zhao Shi was not found.

Ouyang Wu came under the **** fireball and whispered, "Zhao Shi, the White Bear Country and the Eagle Country can't hold on, and at the same time they gave an ultimatum to the senior officials of Xia Country and us.

If we don’t rescue them, they will randomly drop the remaining 5,000 nuclear bombs on all major cities with a population of one million or more in the world, regardless of whether they are occupied by barbarians. "

Karina was stunned for a moment, and a chill rose in her heart.

If this kind of action is actually implemented, how many millions of people will die, and the world will become ruins.

There is a great possibility that it will not be destroyed and become unsuitable for human survival.

Because there is no God-level creature that can resist and can block the nuclear bombs that are launched in all directions.

The power of this world has the ability to destroy mankind!

The blood-colored fireball in the sky was quiet, without any response for a long time.



Ouyang Wu's words seemed to have touched some kind of mechanism. The Bone Sword and the storm crystal core, which had been burned by the blood inflammation for fifty years, were close to each other, and the light blue fine lightning flashed in it, and the internal structure of the two appeared irreversible. change.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, the wind and clouds gathered around the Blood Lotus Palace, and the electric snake wandered among the black clouds.

The Blood Lotus Palace became the eye of the wind, and the blood mist lingering in it all day long was blown away, allowing people to see the scene inside.

A one-kilometer-sized blood inflammation rose upward, and the icy light of blood shone under the sky, and it was so cold.

In the center of the blood inflammation, there is a blue and a golden red sphere rotating at a high speed around each other, and there is both natural attraction and repulsion between each other, maintaining a short distance.

Thousands of miles in the world are driven by them, and it seems that they are naturally the center of the world.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, lightning and thunder, making the earth dim, and instantly turning from day to night.

It is a pity that these are purely natural phenomena and do not entrain any punishment or help from the world. This materialistic world does not have these things.

The gathering of dark clouds lasted for seven days and seven nights, and finally dissipated among the faintly heard hymns of blood, and the area in a radius of thousands of miles changed from the invisible night to the day.

People in the world looked up in astonishment, and suddenly found a blood-colored full moon rising in the sky, and finally stopped a little bit below the sun, and the day was clearly visible.

It is expected that at night, the scenery of this world may undergo beautiful changes.

In the Blood Lotus Palace, a one-kilometer-diameter blood inflammation fell from the sky, condensed into a human size, and fell in front of Ouyang Wu.

The last trace of blood inflammation disappeared, and a young man in a black robe appeared from the flames, with a brand-new white bone holy sword floating beside him, with traces of blood dominating all things in his eyes.

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