Blood Lotus Palace

Ouyang Wu handed Zhao Shi a document, which was the detailed information of the Blue Star within fifty years, and Sun Yue also sent a briefing on the Cangqing Plane and the Light and Dark Plane almost simultaneously through the system panel.

In fifty years, in the three worlds, the accumulated data has changed tremendously.

If all these important grades of information are printed out, the weight can steadily exceed ten tons.

It is that Zhao Shi's spiritual knowledge is huge enough, and he can't even read all the condensed information in a short time.

But in a short time, he only needs to look at the first-level intelligence.

He can look at the rest of the information slowly in the future, and he will not miss too much knowledge of the changes in the three worlds and the overall situation of the guild.

Three minutes after the divine consciousness scan, Zhao Shi received the preliminary information, especially the 50-year change information of Blue Star delivered by Ouyang Wu.

"The gods of shadows and kobolds are very cunning."

He put down the intelligence and thought thoughtfully: "In our estimation, it would be good if the White Bear Country and the Eagle Country can resist for fifteen years. They have great shortcomings in mobility."

"At that time, the two countries will perish, and the two gods will at least suffer heavy losses, laying the foundation for our next victory, and even having a certain possibility of affecting the control of their national politics and obtaining the authorization of related nuclear bombs."

"Now it seems that it has failed. The two gods are unwilling to take risks. They have achieved their goal by extending the time."

Zhao Shi asked Ouyang Wu: "Is there any intelligence about the alliance between the God of Shadow and the God of Kobold?"


Ouyang Wu replied: "We can't observe and monitor them personally. Needless to say, the two have no signs of getting closer on the large church site.

As before, neither approaching nor breaking out of conflict, and strictly abiding by the pre-determined dividing line. "

"Then plan the battle plan according to their secret alliance."


Zhao Shi asked again: "How about the progress of the negotiations on Xia Guo and the nuclear support forces of the other two countries?"

Ouyang Wu replied: "According to the international military conference I participated in in advance, the Xia Congress provided 5,000 megaton nuclear bombs for this battle, and the White Bear State and Eagle State each provided two thousand megaton nuclear bombs."

"This is on paper. Xia Guo's promise is the most credible. The other two countries' promises involve certain risks."

"This time when they issued an ultimatum, they should also try their best to send missions to the two gods to reach a tacit understanding."

"The guild's staff believes that certain precautions must be taken against them."

Zhao Shi nodded slightly: "I see, act according to the established battle plan."


Ouyang Wu pulled Zhao Shi: "Next, our journey is to go to the border of the White Bear Kingdom and the Xia Kingdom to inspect the army of the Blood Sea Guild. After the inspection, the army will march to the Kobold Church and destroy all its beliefs."


The citizens of Hedong were surprised to find that the Sky City, which had not been moving for many years, suddenly shook, expelling the sea of ​​clouds and flying north.

Along the way, a hunting wind set off, blowing the trees on the ground up and down, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Affected by this, the concentration of aura in Hedong City suddenly dropped by a large amount, and then continued to decline slowly, making people suddenly feel that the air is more dirty and not as fresh and pleasant as before.

One day later, the Sky City came to the border between Xia Country and White Bear Country.

There are more than one hundred thousand troops stationed in Xia State, which is the front line of the war.

The majority of the Blood Sea Guild's forces are also stationed here to block possible beheading actions by the Kobold Church.

Of course, due to the harsh cultivation environment here, a rotation system is adopted.

Every five years, the army will rotate to the two places of the sky city, the blue sky, and the light and dark, or take a holiday or practice, and the permanent force is less than one-twentieth.

Now, after the high level of the blood sea issued a war mobilization order, all the essence of the blood sea guild, the sum of the three world powers, have been gathered.

From the paused sky city, three red rays flew out, one front and two back, passing through the layers of camp prohibition and falling into the blood naval camp formation.

"Hello President!"

"Hello, Blood Sea!"

Zhao Shi, Ouyang Wu, and Karina, the eight-winged blood angel, fell from the sky and sank into the center of the camp army. The spear, the flying snail and others greeted at the same time.

Not seen in fifty years, the highest level of the Blood Sea Guild is still these familiar people, without any change.

Most of their cultivation bases are in the later stage of Jin Dan, and their aura is more concentrated and sharp.

"Hello everyone."

Zhao Shi nodded with a smile, then looked at the very strange faces of a dozen mortals beside the spear and others:

"Welcome to Xia Guo to be able to come to participate in the review ceremony of our association, it is a great honor."

Fifty years have allowed the leadership of mortals to change ten times. He Donglai and other senior figures who had dealt with Zhao Shi many years ago have all passed away.

Zhao Shi focused on one person: "This... is Mr. Wu Mo? I haven't seen him for a long time."

He still had the impression that among these people, this all-white, energetic old man seemed to be the little guy named Wu Mo?

I haven't seen it for many years, and he has become one of the highest levels of Xia Kingdom.

"I have seen Senior Blood Sea, but I can't think that you still remember me as a junior."

Wu Mo was a little excited, but also a little sad.

I couldn't help but recall the scene where I followed Commander He to meet the Sword Master of the Sea of ​​Blood more than fifty years ago.

At that time, he was trembling, only knowing that he obeyed Commander He's instructions. Although immature, he was young and energetic.

No, now that Commander He has passed away, he has become the person in charge of the meeting with the other party.

The other party is still so young, without a trace of change.

The fifty years in his eyes are not much different from the few weeks in the eyes of mortals like himself.

Wu Mo sighed secretly in his heart, and took a complicated look at the slightly more cautious 30-something young people at the end of the team.

They are all good guys who have outstanding military exploits and have proven their loyalty to the country and the people countless times, just as they were before.

And he is the Commander He in their eyes.

Many years later, I don’t know if this scene will happen again.

In front of this unchanging blood sea sword master, a certain aging general once again remembered Commander Wu who had been dead for many years, feeling that he was still a young man back then?

Thinking of this, Wu Mo's heart became extremely sad.

"General Wu is polite."

Zhao Shi smiled and greeted politely.

Like He Donglai back then, the weak individual strength of Xia Guo has enough overall strength, and he will give their leaders enough respect.

After seeing Wu Mo, Zhao Shi squatted on the number one with the home behind them, and greeted Li Mo, who had become a cultivator in the condensed realm.

These two are the cultivators belonging to Xia Guo. Among them, No. 1 in the family is the president of Hedong National Xiuxian University, who has a decisive influence in Xia Guo's military and political leadership.

"President, the first military parade of the Blue Star of the Guild has begun, please review it."

After the greeting, the spear went out, saluted Zhao Shi, and said loudly.

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