The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 640: Murloc Customs

"Bucky, what is this?"

Walking slowly inside the coral reef at the Stone Spear, Tutu Marshmallows suddenly pointed to a kilometer away blocked by layers of eaves.

There, a thin murloc was pressing another fat murloc on a special stone grinder. The sharp claws were stabbed into the fat murloc’s neck with a knife. The hot blood was frozen as soon as it spread out. Put the red ice cubes away.

Slowly, the struggling movements of the obese murloc stopped, and his eyes lost all their looks.

The skinny murloc was not surprised by this. The sharp claws continued to cut down the scale gaps at the neck until they reached the crotch, and then separated to the thighs on both sides.

The whole process seemed extremely skillful, and the skin, bones, meat, and filth were separated lightly, and after they were sorted and arranged, another fat murloc was caught from the surroundings.

There was occasional murlocs around, and they ignored this scene, no wonder.

Bucky, the murloc at the peak of the martial artist, glanced suspiciously, and said, "My lord, this is the butcher murloc slaughtering the fat puff murloc."

He asked cautiously: "Did he commit a crime? I will deal with him immediately."

"No, just ask curiously."

Tutu Marshmallow paused, and continued: "Talk about the difference between Fat Bubble Murloc, Butcher Murloc, and ordinary Murloc, and the basis for their birth and differentiation."


Bucky respectfully said: "My lord, every three years of Warm Water Festival is the day for our murloc tribe to multiply. At that time, the female murlocs in the tribe would lay thousands of their eggs in the fertility pool in the center of the tribe. .

Then, according to the regulations, only the most powerful male fish are qualified to spill their life essence on the fish eggs in the fertility pond. This person is generally the murloc king in the murloc tribe, which is his natural and sacred right. "

Tutu Marshmallow curiously asked: "Are you all descendants of the Murloc King? How come it's not the red scales of Solankas."

"Master Solankas's red scales are a gift from heaven, and other murlocs are not qualified to have them."

Bucky respectfully said: "Of course, spraying the essence of life into the fertility pool is the exclusive right of the Murloc King, but the Murloc King is often generous and generous, and he will also bestow this sacred right to the brave fighters who have made military exploits. ."

"Each fertility pond will have millions of fish eggs hatched out of fish larvae. They fight each other and compete for food during the growth process. They will eventually reach adulthood within three years, and the number will vary from 10,000 to 100,000."

"These adult murlocs will face professional differentiation again?"

"Yes, my lord."

Bucky explained in detail: "Among them, the best murlocs will become tribal warriors. They will be the best trained. They may be under the care of kings or martial masters. They are the true future of a murloc tribe.

The next ones will become butchers, shepherds, wall repairers, spear sharpeners, etc.

At the last level, most of the murlocs have brain problems. They can only eat, drink, and fight. Among these murlocs, the weak ones will be killed, and the healthy ones will be raised as food. It's the Fat Fishman.

They grow fast, won't run away, and only eat moss, which is a good delicacy for the middle and lower murlocs. "

He whispered, it was like a human being introducing his own domestic animals, and he was not at all moved by the appearance of the Fat Fish Man who was exactly the same as himself. Some new players watched the stomach roll.

"Well, yes, go and see the Fat Fish Man."

Tutu Marshmallow nodded, knowing that this might look **** to humans like himself, but he has to admit that this is part of the law of nature.

Just like human beings and their own pigs and cows, maybe they don't look much different in other completely different creatures.

It's like looking at each murloc for yourself, there is not much difference.

Objectively speaking, this is part of the customs of the murlocs, and humans should show respect.


The order established by the sea of ​​blood cultivators and the various strict laws under the order, the prevailing morality cannot be changed because of respect for the customs of foreign races.

If under the rule of the Immortal Cultivator of Blood Sea, the butcher in front of him has undoubtedly committed the crime of murder and will die. There will be no understanding, because in the eyes of humans, there is no difference between the butcher murloc and the fat bubble murloc.

Who adapts to whom is a problem.

The entire murloc tribe and the immortal cultivator society built by the blood sea immortal cultivator seem out of place, and there are huge differences in social relations and moral customs.

"Meet Mr Bucky!"

The butcher murloc was shocked by the Bucky martial artist who suddenly appeared in front of him, crawling on all fours, and did not dare to look up.

Bucky nodded slightly, did not respond, and looked at Tutu Marshmallow respectfully without speaking.

This kind of lowly murloc is naturally not worth his effort, everything depends on what this adult means.

"Mr. Butcher, excuse me."

Tutu Marshmallow greeted politely, the huge divine consciousness enveloped the butcher murloc and the fat bubble murloc next to him, quickly scanning his flesh and blood, and various data and cases were recorded.

In a comprehensive comparison, there is not much difference between the butcher murloc and the side and the warrior murloc, the great warrior murloc, it is the difference between the human mortal and the strong.

They are almost the same in nature, but their lives are different due to acquired training and education.

But there is a very big difference between the fat fish people and the above two. Their spirits seem to have defects, they are very seriously mentally retarded, and the IQ of ordinary beasts is similar, and at most they have some hunting instincts.

"Mr. Butcher, get up and talk."

Tutu Marshmallow said gently, and a force lifted the trembling butcher murloc on the ground: "I want to know about your work. I wonder how much you can get paid in a day?"

The butcher murloc who stood up stiffly was terrified and puzzled, but tremblingly replied under the stern gaze of the Pakistani base: "Great man, I can get six pieces of fish meat and one piece of fish skin every day."

After hesitating, he said again: "I also own some fish bones and internal organs that adults don't want."

"Do you have a family? I mean, the murlocs who live together and are important to you."

"I live with Redstone, a millstone maker, and eat together every day."

"Is this kind of living together common among other murlocs?"

"No, most murlocs live and eat by themselves."

"Will you become a Murloc Warrior in the future? What are the possible channels?"


Not only Tutu Marshmallows, other players in the second camp were also scattered to every corner of the Shijiao murloc tribe to investigate and obtain the social class, production relations, and scientific development level of cultivation of the murloc tribe.

During this process, there will naturally be some murlocs who did not understand or attacked madly, but they all died soon, without affecting the Blood Sea Guild.

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