Ocean Blue Department.

The houses and roads carefully carved by corals and boulders can be seen everywhere, and there is a sense of beauty in the strangeness. Even people who do not understand the culture and history of murlocs can feel it.

They broke away from the basic survival struggle long ago, and began to pursue spiritual civilization, which is completely different from other murloc tribes who are drinking blood.

The Ocean Blue Tribe is one of the two strongest tribes among the deep-sea murloc tribes. It occupies the fertile Black Moon Trench. The tribe is a thriving murloc tribe with talents.

In the past, this was the economic and trade center of the eastern deep-sea murloc tribe, and the arbitrator of order among the tribes would dare not refuse.

But now, all the prosperity and excitement have disappeared, and the aquamarine murmur hides at home and trembles, no longer the prestige and courage before.

Over the tribe, oval-shaped red water droplets continued to float over the tribe, converging together, and the extremely heavy coercion spread in all directions, solidifying the seawater around the blue area, and the cold and killing air permeated.

A thin layer of blood fell from the sky, enclosing the sea blue department, forbidding inside and outside.

"Two, the commander of the First Division of the Blood Sea, and the Deputy Corps of the Blood Navy Regiment, please invite you."

An oval red droplet formed by the aggregation of three water droplets swims from the horizon, exposing Tutu Marshmallows and the figures of King Mori, King Sakas and others. The three camps are integrated into Inside the legion array.

"The counter-insurgency navy battle is under the full command of the deputy commander of the spear."

"Yes, your envoy."

Entering this unprecedentedly huge oval water drop, the two murloc kings' complexions became more respectful and even flattering, their breathing was extremely heavy, and the whole body's fighting energy was stagnant.

This is a huge force that they have never seen before, and they can kill them by turning their palms back. It will not take more effort than they will kill a martial arts murloc in the tribe.

They lowered their heads and did not dare to pant. They followed the tutu marshmallows walking inside this world made of crimson water droplets. There was a danger of death exuding everywhere around them. There were waves of warnings from their spiritual power, letting People are exhausted physically and mentally.

"Here, please, two murloc kings."

Coming out of a wide conference room, Tutu Mianhua made an invitation to the inside: "The few murloc kings of the tribe have not arrived yet, please wait a while."


Tutu Marshmallow's mission ends here, and she leaves after sending the two to arrive.

After she left, King Sarcas and King Mori felt relieved, looked at each other, and walked inside at the same time.

In a short step, there was a cave in the sky, and the two of them came to a wide palace with a flower in front of their eyes.

At the same time, the two of them quickly sensed more than two dozen familiar power fluctuations around them.

"Morrie, Sarcas, you really are here."

As soon as they entered the door, a fat murloc who was sitting awkwardly on a chair greeted them. It was also the early stage of the sanctuary, a murloc king in the eastern sea.

"Why didn't the Redskin of Solankas come, is it dead or ran away?"

As the lowest level among the murloc kings in the eastern sea, although they hug each other to keep warm, they also cannot understand each other.

The relationship between the fat Murloc King and Solankas is very bad, and he was severely injured by Solankas when he was fighting for deep sea treasures.

"It's dead, provoke those black-haired and black-eyed humans, and then be killed, King Dunmi."

Sarcas sighed, feeling quite sad.

The obese Murloc King was startled and didn't ask anything more.

After a while, Morrie asked: "King Dun Mi, you came early, have you heard what happened here?"

"I don't know everything."

King Dunmi said: "I just chatted with the few murloc kings around the Aquamarine Department for a while, it seems it is the lord of the Aquamarine Spear...The Aquamarine Spear agreed to the covenant and did nothing.

But the opponent's army that was about the same strength as ours was attacked and wiped out outside the Ocean Blue Department... They thought it was done by the Ocean Spear. "

"Do they want to provoke anger?"

Sarcas's face remained unchanged, but his heart wrinkled tightly.

The Murloc King has his own pride and dignity, and he is definitely not a slave who is called to come and go as he pleases.

Yes, they are not the opponents of the blood sea immortal cultivators, but if they abandon the tribe and escape by themselves, who else can find a sanctuary murloc in this endless deep sea?

Those blood sea cultivators also knew this, otherwise they wouldn't offer conditions that were only worse than the **** of storm.

Is it because you want to catch all the Murloc Sanctuary all at once, and then better control it?

Sarcas felt suddenly, thinking of some terrible possibility.

The other two murloc kings also changed their faces and thought of one.

"Not so much."

The fat Murloc King shook his head and said with mental strength: "The deep sea is not a weak and harmless land. Giant deep-sea monsters may appear from time to time. If there is no breath left by the Murloc King, the Murloc tribe will never grow and grow. "

He believes in himself: "Unless they plan to stay on the bottom of the ocean for the rest of their lives, it is absolutely impossible to control the bottom of the ocean without the Murloc King."

Sarcas and Morrie can think about it, and feel a little at ease.

"In fact, we don't have to worry about it. Someone is more anxious than us and will get ahead."

Dunmi murloc king Weiwei sat closest to the main seat, meticulous, with black and shiny scales, as if a murloc of a steel mountain signaled: "Your Excellency Black Mountain is a powerful man on the same level as the Sea Blue Spear. He has a similar status. Not bad."

"Yes, it makes sense."

Sarcas and Morrie agreed.

After a few more hours, the last murloc king arrived.

Looking around, there are a total of twenty-nine murloc kings, and most of the deep-sea murlocs are here.


The jingle that symbolizes the time is up, and many murloc kings held their breath and looked at the empty seat at the top and the center.

A cloud of red mist suddenly appeared, enveloping the seat.

The red mist dissipated, revealing a young man with a deep national character face.

It's just an ant in the martial arts realm, but as soon as he appeared, he hooked up the space formed by the crimson water droplets, as if the center of the world, the darling of the world is all here, every move exudes great power, straight to teach people's heart to tremble .

"Welcome all Murloc Kings from afar."

The heavy gaze of the long spear swept across, and the power of more than 15,000 people from the First Division of the Blood Sea gathered together to subdue the gaze of all the Murloc Kings who dared to look directly, causing them to lower their heads.

He slowly said: "The order in the deep sea has been chaotic for a long time, and the various ministries conquered each other. There are countless murlocs who die every day. Fortunately, God has sent down my Blood Sea Guild to establish a peace covenant with all kings and establish a great peace in the deep sea world."

"However, for the sake of its own interests, the Ocean Blue Department dared to attack the army of the Blood Sea Guild, destroy the hard-to-reach peace of the people of the deep sea, and put itself on the opposite side of everyone."

"According to the covenant of my Blood Sea Guild, I would like to break through the Ocean Blue Ministry with you, and put to death the criminals who provoked the war. We will not take the money, population, and land, and I am willing to give you all."

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