The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 660: Wash the floor

The hot waves covered Zhao Shi and the God of Storm at the same time, and the entire battlefield suddenly became quiet.

After a long time, the smoke dissipated and the scene in the center of the battlefield was revealed.

Four seasons are like spring, the holy and beautiful Kingdom of Storm God has changed a lot. The beautiful buildings and omnipresent holy light have been destroyed and turned into a world where red lava flows.

The sky is a cloud of gray mist and dust, forming a terrifying contrast with other places that remain intact, such as irreparable scars on the ground.

At a distance of tens of kilometers, two groups of figures, one blue and one gold and red, looked far apart, and the figures like the blue gods were located much closer to the center of the nuclear explosion.

The tens of thousands-meter-high body of the **** of the storm was shining green and green. In some places, it had lost all its spirituality and turned into gray-white stones.

When the nuclear bomb was approaching, he did not escape, entangled for a moment, and paid a heavy price.

On the other side, the eight broken sword wings that Karina had closed into a ball slowly opened, revealing Zhao Shi, who was pale inside, whose strength damage was still within the acceptable range.

Being able to avoid the center of the nuclear explosion and not being entangled by the **** of storm is the second thing. More importantly, the nuclear missile is not exploded at will, it is controlled by someone, and it explodes after the safety of Zhao Shi is specifically confirmed.


After calming down the injuries in his body, Zhao Shi did not pay attention to the **** of storm again after he forcefully glued the broken bones and flesh and blood together, and flew into the sky city with Karina.

Since the God of Storm has come out, he doesn't need to take the initiative to attack.


A furious shout came from behind, and with the supplement of the power of the entire kingdom of God, the tens of thousands of meters of emerald green and shining armor on the **** of the storm fell, revealing new flesh and blood.

Within the kingdom of God, a mere three hundred million-ton nuclear explosions cannot cause significant damage to him.

The Spear of Storm and Destruction controlled all the space, carrying the weight of the world and the power of the storm's destruction to Zhao Shi, slowing down his flight, but did not attract any attention from him.




Not one wave, but three waves, five waves, endless nuclear missile launches, and the white ribbon trajectory passed by the clouds of smoke obscured the sky of the Kingdom of Storm God, suppressing all the extraordinary powers here.

No longer do you need to buckle because you can’t catch the extremely mobile God of Storm like the outside world, fearing wasting precious nuclear bombs and damaging your country.

Everywhere here is a goal, and there will never be any more waste!

The **** of the storm uses the kingdom of God to bless his power, then use a nuclear bomb to blow his kingdom into ruins, and then blow the entire kingdom into fragments, without leaving the ruins for him.

"Do not!"

The **** of storm screamed bitterly, and for the first time killed the nuclear missile that was trying to avoid it.

The storm and the spear of destruction The strong force of the storm rules gathered at the tip of the spear, piercing the barriers of the material rules, and exploded more than 300 nuclear missiles in the air without letting them fall on the land of the kingdom of God.

It did succeed, and the Kingdom of God did not suffer much damage, at the cost of a large amount of storm rule power consumption.

However, after this wave of 300 nuclear missiles, there is another wave, another wave, endless.

The production capacity that broke out in modern industrial society under the crisis of life and death is still there. The daily maintenance of nuclear bombs requires a lot of funds and manpower and material resources, which greatly overdrafts the power of the country and exchanges future death for current survival.

It's okay in the wartime when life and death are about to be resolved, as long as you live.

But there is peace, and maintaining so many nuclear bombs that put the country into a state of inevitable collapse more than a decade later is not worth it.

According to Blue Star’s usual tradition, it is generally necessary to expend more power and money to destroy these nuclear bombs. This is a necessary pain.

But no longer, they have a generous benefactor.

Food, steel, exercises, knight training methods, even magic weapons, rainfall, fertile land, and the Blood Sea Guild have everything and many.

They don't need money, no resources, only nuclear bombs.

After receiving the capital injection from the Blood Sea Guild, Bluestar's nuclear industry not only did not shrink, on the contrary, it expanded its production capacity even more and obtained a large amount of rare foreign exchange from the immortal world.

It is said that the impoverished and poorly managed White Bear Nation made a fortune in the sale of nuclear bombs. The country maintained a very high rate of recovery after the war. It has fully recovered in a mere 50 years, and far exceeds that before the war. Time.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom...

The sound of nuclear bomb explosions continued to rise within the Kingdom of Storm God. Some were bundled with a hundred nuclear bombs. This was used to contain and deal with high-energy units such as the God of Storm, and most of them were a nuclear bomb. Become a group alone, the goal is to spread the city on a flat and fertile land, a city can be divided into three.

"Oh God!"

Hidden by the God of Storm, the assassin's Holy Land Realm Holy Spirit Army had to be exposed from a void under this violent bombardment. There were more than 400 souls still remaining to the current sanctuary believers.

"For the glory of the Lord! Giant combined storm!"

They summoned a huge storm containing the power of strong storm rules, which would be scattered into twos and threes, and the nuclear bombs that would destroy the city group of the Kingdom of the Storm were swept away.

There are more Nascent Soul cultivators belonging to a mere **** than the entire Cangqing Realm. It is worthy of a hundred thousand years of accumulation, even if it is combined with a superficial formation, it can completely contend with the cultivators of the Huatian stage.


Publicity on the battlefield brought bad luck.

Three hundred nuclear bombs are holding a long tail flame, no longer aiming at the **** of the storm, but to kill the spirits of the storm, the materialistic halo that suppresses everything shrouds them in the sky, crazily narrowing the area around them.

Pope Storm, who was in the center of the Holy Spirit, closed his eyes, and tears fell drop by drop.

"Lord, let me wait to fight for you again."

Can't evade, there is no need to evade, they just have the attack power and defense power of the God Transformation Grade, without the corresponding mobility, he himself is not willing to evade.


Strong wind! And lightning!

More than four hundred holy spirits in the sanctuary realm, their souls automatically disintegrated into red and blue auras before the nuclear missile fell.

A terrifying cyan lightning tornado was born on their wreckage. From small to large, it swallowed the souls of all the sanctuary, and became as tall as the entire world, and the power of storm rules was concentrated like never before.

Boom boom boom!

A cluster of three hundred nuclear missiles bombarded this world lightning storm tornado, shaking it into chaos and disorganizing its structure.

But in the entire kingdom of God, supported by more than 400 sanctuary souls, it regenerated at the same speed as it was destroyed, engulfing itself and the nuclear bombs around the world.

Then, toward the high altitude, Zhao Shi's location was crazy, desperate.


The nuclear bombs bombed all around, and the tens of thousands of meters high storm body roared wildly, condensing all the power of the kingdom of God, holding the storm and the spear of destruction also launched the final decisive charge, the cold voice echoed in the sky and the earth, spreading into the depths of the universe .

"Chris, Sosta, if you want to watch the show anymore, I would rather rule myself here than do any harm to this scourge."

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