The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 678: Successive annexation

The common hue in the Western Regions of Cangqing Realm is white, with severe cold.

The appearance of blood-colored stars in this white and vast space was extremely eye-catching, and instantly made the people on this land riot and uneasy.

"Don't panic! Master Wang is here!"

"I'll go up and meet you soon."

This land is a bit strange, not centered on sects as in other places in the world of cultivating immortals, but with an alliance composed of various immortal families of various sizes as the ruling class.

The Western League, headed by the Thousand Army Guild, wiped out these cultivating families after occupying this place. Except for a few political benchmarks, they did not give these family cultivators any way out, but they did not kill them either.

The resentment aroused in this way can be imagined.

The Blood Sea Guild developed them into eyes and ears after a short contact, and they were extremely cooperative.

After all, the Blood Sea Guild’s policy does not give them any preferential treatment, but there is no discrimination. As long as they have the ability, they can still get ahead.

The scarlet stars stopped in the sky at the resident of the Thousand Army Guild, slowly descending, and a huge pressure spread, solidifying all the immortal cultivators within a radius of thousands of miles.

Gained nothing.

In the past, it was extremely lively, and the Thousand Army Guild where countless immortal cultivators came and went was now an empty attic, and nothing was discovered except for some surprised indigenous immortal cultivators and ignorant new players.

The strength of these aboriginal cultivators is too weak, and because of the different cultivation standard systems, they can't form a formation. They are of little use except for propaganda.

"Even escaped."

Zhao Shi frowned. If hundreds of thousands of people flee, he can understand, but there are about 100,000 core players in the Condensed Realm of the Thousand Army Guild, how did they run.

He looked at a flare from the sky.

People are very familiar, it is Qu Cong who hasn't seen for a long time, he is now the appearance of Jin Dan's later cultivation base about to enter the peak.

Qu Cong smiled and said, "Zhao Shi, we haven't seen each other for 70 years, right?"

"indeed so."

Zhao Shi nodded and said, "Old Qu's complexion is getting better and better. Do you know where Yuan Qianjun went? Did you give up Cangqing?

This is very good. If it is so, I am willing to reach a millennium peace treaty with him. "

Qu Cong shook his head: "No, he retreated to Wei Tianyang."

"That's it."

Zhao Shi was not surprised to hear this.

They couldn't beat themselves in a single family, and they would definitely unite, but they didn't expect to be so fast and decisive, and they didn't see the suspicions of the past.

"Zhao Shi, why don't you stop."

Qu Cong advised: "Now you are indeed powerful, and a single family is not your opponent, but the kings of the three domains combined are an extremely large force. No matter who wins, it is bound to be a miserable victory."

"Don't forget that in Cangqing, we are not the only players, but the five cultivators of the God Transformation Stage are watching and watching, waiting for us to lose and get the fisherman's profit."

"This time they won't give us players any more chances after victory. They will definitely kill all players personally and break the foundation of our blue world."

"Although we cultivators can cultivate in any world, only in the cultivating world can we break through, at least for now."

"Old Qu was too worried"

Zhao Shi was noncommittal and said indifferently: "The five sects of the gods have been alive for too long. Their minds and bodies have been decayed, and they are extremely timid and afraid of death. They have no ability to destroy our players."

"Well, how about waiting for decades to start the dispute? When our player's strength is improved by another stage, the overall strength will be separated from the five sects of transformation, and they will not be afraid that they will decide the outcome afterwards?"

Qu Cong suggested: "After all, this is related to the path of all players on the side of cultivation, so we have to be careful and careful."

Zhao Shi's complexion quickly turned cold.

After several decades, Wei Tianyang and the three people have realized the seed of the rules. After completing their own expedition to transform the gods, they will quickly shorten the power gap with him. At that time, what qualifications did Zhao Shi have?

Now I have completely hated the three of them. When the time comes, the three of them will besiege one of them. Even if they are a few decades ahead and have more mana accumulation, how can they survive?

Do you rely on Qu Cong's strength?

Regardless of whether Qu Cong has any self-interest, it is all for the public heart of all players, this is actually to put himself to death!

"Old Qu, please go back, don't force me to shoot."

Qu Cong wanted to advise something, but he couldn't help but swallow what he said.

I knew in my heart that if it wasn't for his disciple Qi Yan to have a good relationship with Ji Rong, and his strength was not in his eyes, he would already be a dead person.

"Oh! I hope our player's road of cultivation will always be smooth and profitable."

The back of Qu Cong's bleak disappeared.

Zhao Shi was expressionless and slowly closed his eyes.

The huge aura of the four directions converged and poured into his body, turning into bit by bit accumulation of mana.

A cluster of blood-colored clouds fell above the blood-colored stars, and little by little, they took over the resident of the Thousand Army Guild. Occasionally there were traps, and they were also insignificant below the God-Transforming realm, and did not cause any riots.

Not only the headquarters of the Thousand Arms Guild, but other resource points and formations in the Northern Territory were also taken over by the Blood Sea Guild one by one, and these places were truly brought under the rule.

These actions seem to be useless against the situation of the battle, but they are actually preparing for the possible protracted war and trying to weaken its war potential.

The Scarlet Star stayed in the Thousand Army Guild for a year.

This year, all places in Ximeng have changed color, and everything in every place is under the control of the Blood Sea Guild.

Thanks to the large-scale reserve of cadres and the support of local forces, everything went smoothly.

By now, the Blood Sea Guild can confidently say that its knowledge of the Western Regions has surpassed the original Thousand Armies Guild and all other kings' guilds in the Western League.

The soldiers were extremely fast, and Scarlet Star, who had finished handling the occupation of the Western Regions, did not rush to the Taixu Guild where hundreds of thousands of troops gathered, but still descended to the Huahong Guild according to his own fixed plan.

The Hua Hong Guild was still empty.

Following the same procedure as the Thousand Army Guild, after confirming that there are no enemies, the Blood Sea Guild will orderly occupy various resource points, and put each place under the rule, which is not annoying at all.

The banner of the Sea of ​​Blood departed from the Southern Territory and spread over the Western Territory and Northern Territory little by little, and most of the entire Cangqing Realm slowly changed color.

This slow move made the Eastern Region King Group increasingly anxious.

Taixu Guild·Taixu Palace

Wu Lulu, temporarily serving as the secretary-general of the League of Invasion, glanced at the top and bottom 30 kings: "The three leaders, members, as the document in front of you shows, because the war on the plane was not won, the forces are shrinking in a small place. Without resource input, countless resources have to be used every day."

"According to various statistics, our resource reserves can only be maintained for five years."

"After five years, if there is no new resource acquisition channel, we will have to suspend all our cultivation activities."

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