The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 697: Death of shadow

In Fan Mingyuan's words and the cities that he has scanned along the way, Zhao Shi has a panoramic view of Blue Star's changes over the years.

As the only two god-level worlds of the Blood Sea Guild, the world of Ellen must not be lost and must be kept abreast of the trends.

It now appears that Tutu Marshmallow and the others have done a good job of monitoring and early warning, and the reports submitted are detailed and comprehensive, basically in line with the facts.

Teachers and students of Fan Mingyuan, in front of the sea-blue plane channel, were separated from Zhao Shi and others, feeling lost.

A few young students in their thirties were full of excitement and couldn't wait to take out their mobile phones to show off to their friends.

However, Fan Mingyuan stopped immediately.

"President, how about it, is our work okay?"

Tutu Marshmallow looked proud: "Our second battalion has won the existence of an excellent battalion for three consecutive years!"

Zhao Shi did not hesitate to praise: "Yes! It's really excellent."

This process is very natural. This was originally part of the inspection system of the Blood Sea Guild, and everyone was used to it.

Zhao Shi once again returned to the world of Ellen after passing through the plane channel managed by the government affairs department and the public security department of the Blood Sea Guild.

The area of ​​13,000 kilometers that was suppressed tenfold expanded to the outer layers, scanning the earth and everything in the deep sea bit by bit, converging all kinds of data into Zhao Shi's sea of ​​knowledge.

The tribes such as the deep sea stone spear murloc tribe and the black water murloc tribe are still the same as the original society. The basic education is maintained at the lowest index required by the blood sea guild, the elementary education level, and only a few fish talents are eligible to learn.

The most important indicator of faith, the strength of faith remains unchanged, and there has been no repetition.

"Next place."

After confirming that there was no problem, Zhao Shi swept past, and included the large and small islands in the storm sea area one by one into the scope of the gods.

Zhao Shi doesn't observe every piece of land. That's unrealistic. The world is too big and I don't know when the scan will be completed.

He only observes places where medium and large cities gather, and other sparsely populated places are ignored.

There were no major problems everywhere on the islands, and finally came to the only super big island in the storm sea, Storm Holy Island.

As a place where the Blood Sea Guild focuses on management and is strictly vigilant for the revival of faith, the infrastructure here has been largely completed. Basically, it can be ensured that every township has at least one elementary and middle school. Any decent career must have at least a primary school diploma. To get on duty.

The concentration of belief is slightly higher than elsewhere, but it is still normal.

After all, the older generations who have been poisoned by the gods are still there, and despite many educations and mass movements exposing the evil of the gods, there are still people with weak beliefs.

But in a few decades, the storm belief should disappear completely after a generation passes away.

In the next Central Continent, the kobold beliefs were maintained at a higher level. After all, they were of different races, and related assimilation work was quite difficult.

Fortunately, and because of this, the Blood Sea Guild is not responsible for the kobolds, and any kobolds who have not passed the Immortal Cultivation exam will no longer allow extraordinary cultivation.

From the current point of view, the implementation of this policy is still in place by the government affairs department, and the number of kobolds has dropped significantly compared with ten years ago.

In the next few decades, all kobold transcendents will be cultivators.

Following the line of faith, Zhao Shi came to the place where the central and southwestern parts of the mainland meet, and the area is only a small area of ​​2,000 square kilometers.

Kobold beliefs that have been banned all over the world appear here brightly, but they are much less aggressive than before.

The statue has also changed from luxurious pure gold to light yellow carved from loess.

"Meet Your Highness Blood Sea!"

The pale yellow earth and stone statue wriggled in a flash of faith, and a variegated kobold appeared, bowing respectfully on the ground.

Zhao Shi nodded lightly, not seeing his anger or anger: "Chris, I haven't seen you in seven years, you still have the same style, which is good."

The divine consciousness scans the surroundings, the concentration of belief is still below the standard stipulated in the original agreement, and the structure of the power of belief degenerates to the level of an ordinary racial god.

This is why Chris did not die immediately.

Chris' trembling body barely calmed down: "It's all because of His Highness's kindness."

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Zhao Shi asked nonchalantly.


Chris didn't hesitate to say: "Just now, the evil **** of shadow Sosta came here, and suddenly disappeared, and then you came here."

His kneeling body became more rickety: "I originally planned to report to the great Blood Sea Guild immediately after he left. I don't want you to come. This is the will of God, and the shadow will inevitably perish under the manifestation of fate."

There was a tremor in my heart, my God, is this a coincidence or some other unknown means, but why is it such a coincidence?

"Oh, well done, Chris. You are worthy of a friend of the Blood Sea Guild."

Zhao Shi nodded and looked at the void at the entrance of this simple earth and stone temple: "His Royal Highness, since you are here, why do you want to dodge? Your avatar that escaped from the Kingdom of the Shadows should still have the power of a god-level battle? "

There is no movement, no action, just like he was lurking near the Sky City many years ago, and he could deliver a fatal blow at any time.

The dark and icy inner surprise was unusual.

That blood angel is no longer here!

It's just that he is alone, Mother Earth, is this your blessing?

Seeing this, Zhao Shi shook his head slightly, and sighed: "Old people are getting fewer and fewer, so I feel a little bit reluctant."

The blood lotus sword flew out of the palm of the hand, and the blood sea kendo rules permeated it, frantically increasing its speed and sharpness, disappearing with the speed of smashing the sense of consciousness.


When he reappeared at the entrance of the temple, he fell half of his body like pitch-black pitch from the void, and was swallowed up in the mid-air by the blood sea sword energy of bone gangrene.

"Do not!"

Amidst the painful screams, a dark pitch shadow with only half of it drilled out of the void, and the crimson sword energy on the mutilated body was eroding his body, and it was barely suppressed with great strength.

His dark eyes looked at Zhao Shi in disbelief: "Impossible! You can't see my true body through the great shadow!"

Obviously, he had already verified it before, and he couldn't find his true body at all!

coincidence! This must be a coincidence!

Sausta roared in his heart, half of his body disappeared in front of Zhao Shi again, waiting for the Xianhua **** monk to use his own rules to see his traces.

Zhao Shi shook his head, and once again slashed a **** red sword towards a void in the sky, disappearing instantly under the increase of the power of the blood sea kendo rule.

The **** of shadow finally stopped hiding.

"Here! Shadows are not just invisible!"

Where the blood lotus sword pointed, a half-shrunken pitch figure shot out spitefully, and the body burst into thousands of pointed spear tentacles to kill Zhao Shi, the power of the shadow rule drew out everything in the square, forbidding all non-shadow power beyond extraordinary power.

The surrounding Tutu Marshmallows and others only felt that their bodies sank, their mana fell to the bottom and turned into a mortal.

But Zhao Shi, who was enveloped by most of the shadow rules, was not affected in any way. The breeze blew his face, looking at the hideous and ugly monster in front of him nostalgic.

The shadowy spiked tentacles that were about to pierce his body into thousands of fragments suddenly stiffened, and a little red light erupted silently in the core of all the spiked tentacles, swallowing all the shadows bit by bit, leaving no trace. .

A crystal-clear prismatic spar remained in place, intact.

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