The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 379: Cavaliers showdown

The Corregid Knight didn't expect the Eternal Responsibility to attack in this way, and it was so vicious and efficient.

Unpreparedness caused the Storm Knights to suffer heavy losses, and the forces that were still superior in the first place suddenly became inferior.

Morale not only suffered a major blow, but also our own formation was disrupted by the opponent’s surprise soldiers.

The whole situation turned upside down in an instant.

But no matter how the battle continues, I can only hope that the backup can arrive in time.

Now... kill Yanxing first!

The Corregid knight held the sword and continued to move forward. The blade was exaggeratedly large due to enchantment. He swung his sword three meters away from Yanxing and slashed heavily, and the sword body skyrocketed again, sending out a bright golden light and smashing it down.

At the same time, the storm knights, special forces, and battle puppet guards simultaneously swung their weapons at the nearest enemy.

Combat skills and magic collisions, chaotic energy impacted the small circular position, explosions continued, and dust rose.

As if artillery washing the ground was staged here again.

In fact, both parties stopped putting long-range firepower on this area because they were afraid of accidentally hurting their own people.

Yanxing did not evade the Correg Knight.

He can't avoid it.

Although his side seems to have an advantage on this battlefield, the hero's strength must be his own disadvantage. While the battle demon guards appeared to pull the wind, they killed twelve storm knights cleanly when they came up, but they were still the essence of alchemy demon puppets.

The distance replaces a true combat hero, and there is still a certain distance that needs to be improved.

Yanxing went to the frontline as a ruler, just to chew hard bones.

Faced with this imposing and domineering attack by the Koregi Knight, Yanxing once again strengthened the enchantment on the Sword of Glory.

In the thunder fire and lightning, the sword body can hardly be seen inside.

He swung his sword upward to face the falling great sword, and the enchanted sword of glory turned into a great rod of lightning and thunder.

Two strong energies collide in the air, and the resulting magic explosion expands with devastating force.

At the same time, Yanxing and the Koreji Knight unfolded their shields to resist the impact of the magic explosion, and then swung their swords at each other.

Another force-to-force collision, the golden light and electric light excite the dazzling light like the sun.

The violent demon exploded, and the energy and debris from the ground impacted the shields of the two people.

This is a head-on confrontation between a knight and a knight. In order to solve each other as quickly as possible, they did not use any fancy spells.

Using traditional knight fighting skills and techniques, the great sword dances, and the contest between strength and strength is carried out.

The collision between the top knights forced the combatants on both sides to stay away from this dangerous area. The energy levels erupted by Yanxing and the Koregi knights are not something ordinary heroes can participate in.

This battle seems to express...

No matter how weapons and conventional tactics change, the battle between real heroes has not changed now, nor will it change in the future.

At this time, Yanxing was experiencing unprecedented fighting tension.

The last time he faced a three-headed six-armed werewolf, he relied more on blowing to help himself avoid attacks, and finally cooperated with the bomber to kill the iron head.

Tension is tension, but the demonized iron head is insane, and the rhythm has been under Yanxing's control.

But facing the Corregid Knight, he finally knew what the true strength of a high-level hero possessed.

The attack was like a storm, and the enchanted knight sword swung like a windmill, one blow was stronger than one blow.

There is no chance of respite at all.

Defensively makes people have nowhere to utter their mouths. Whether you are too heavy or moving like a rabbit, you can be blocked by him just right.

Fortunately, with the assistance of the bluffing, Yanxing's offensive and defensive skills were moderate, and he did not allow Correg to take advantage of this kind of hard-to-hard collision. Anyway, this fierce fighting excitement made him extremely enjoy this feeling.

Then make this feeling stronger.


Decisive will

Thunder Field

Angel descends

Yanxing expands, expands the domain and angel wings, and strengthens the fighting consciousness spiritually.

The arc jumped, Yanxing flashed to the side of the Koregi knight. He was half-suspended on the ground, the angel wings accelerated the rotation of his body, and he swept across the army with a sword in both hands.

Although Koregi Knight didn't expect Yanxing to burst out suddenly, he not only turned on the angels to descend, but also used space skills, but his rich combat experience allowed him to deal with various dangers.

Expanding the magic field to let him judge Yanxing's position, a sharp stone pillar sprang out from the ground beside him.

The surface of the stone pillar was glowing with dark golden light, and it made a metallic sound when it was cut up by Yanxing's sword.

Immediately afterwards, the stone pillar split into fist-sized stones, and then surrounded Correggi to form a physical shield.

Gold and Jade Armor: It is a top-level knight's defensive combat skill, using earth magic elements to create a protective shield full of change for itself. It is not only used for defense, but also has a strong lethality.

When Koregi Knight saw that Yanxing used Angel Descent, he no longer hid his hole cards.

The time has come for a showdown.

Yanxing was not surprised by the fact that this attack was blocked by Correggie. He knew that Correggie's strongest combat skill was gold and jade armor.

Being able to force him to use this combat technique means that he has reached the limit.

Hikiko, who spread out his angel wings, hovered in the air one meter from the ground, and his mental combat skills focused his eyes behind the lens, adjusting to the best fighting state from the inside to the outside.

Around his body, the purple lightning field encompassed a range of one meter around him.

The electric flowers jumped in the field, and the large wings formed by the energy slowly flapped.

Koreji felt the threat from Yanxing and took a defensive position, and Yanxing did not rush to attack.

After a brief confrontation, the two formed a confrontation.

But they were still fighting around.

The battle puppet guards are divided into three groups, the four are connected to form a small-scale coordination, and the three groups are connected in parallel to form a large-scale coordination.

The flow of information makes them seem to be scattered individuals, but they are in fact an eternally linked whole.

It is this advantage that allows them to hold the same number of Storm Knights and control the offensive and defensive rhythm even when their individual strength is weak.

Also because of the information exchange, the battle puppet guards have eyes on their backs, and they can avoid all kinds of obstacles around them without looking at them.

The Storm Riders are not so comfortable anymore.

This was originally a circular position. Trenches, potholes, sandbags, and wooden stakes made it almost impossible to level up here. Coupled with the bomb craters and corpses left over from the bombing, it was not easy for people in battle to know that they were down. What will be stepped on in one step.

A staggering may kill one's own life.

At the same time, he was afraid of what was cut and broken in the hands of the battle puppet guards, and the weapons like swords and knives made the storm knights more restrained.

In the formation change of the battle puppet guards, the storm knights were gradually divided.

The heroes of the first squad of special warfare all showed a strong desire to fight, especially following the lord to fight, which inspired their morale to burst.

With the newly equipped magic weapon, they are evenly matched against the storm knights on the line.

Although it is not clear who can win in a short time, the Eternal Leader soldiers who have come to support have recoiled in.

They surrendered the soldiers of the Principality of Gale from the periphery and regained the defense of the position.

The friendly forces on the left and right launched an offensive to regain the lost positions.

Soon Correggie and the others will become a true lone army.

After a brief confrontation, Yanxing teleported in the arc to appear beside a storm knight.

A flash of lightning knocked him to the ground.

A battle puppet guard cut off the storm knight's head with a single knife.

Correggie turned to face Yanxing, seeing the death of his companion, he angrily said: "Do you still have the glory of a knight in your body, your opponent is me!"

Yanxing just smiled and didn't answer, and then he disappeared from Correggio, and another storm knight appeared beside him.

The storm knight was beheaded after being electrified.

As a top-tier earth-based defensive combat technique, Jinshi plus armor is not so easy to break through.

If you don't pay attention, you will be hit by those golden stones.

Correggie took a defensive position again, and there must be a lot of risk in a strong attack.

Therefore, Yan Xing used his speed advantage to kill those trapped storm knights in order to mobilize Corregi who was shrinking in the tortoise shell.

Correggie certainly knew what Yanxing was thinking.

This strategy is indeed very effective.

Save your companions, and you will expose your flaws.

If you don't save it, it means that your companion is dead, and you are also a dead end.

It's better to fight.

Five golden stones flew out from Koreji's side and shot towards Yanxing. The other golden stones gathered around him and turned quickly.

Then Correggie turned around and ran towards his position.

The companion is definitely not saved, it is better to flee back immediately while the rear position is still in his own hands.

Yanxing did not expect that Correggie, who had just reprimanded himself for lacking chivalry, was so lacking in chivalry.

He drove the acceleration magic of the Qi system and ran very fast, and the high-speed rotating gold stones around him were like a chainsaw, shattering all obstacles.

An eternal leader appeared right in front of him, and was immediately torn apart.

In a flash, he ran out of more than 20 meters.

Certainly not let him go back.

Yanxing's arc light moved into the air, and the blow showed him the acceleration of the turbocharged jet engine, and then another arc light moved to the top of Correggie's head.

Ke Lei Ji felt Yan Xing's position, did not even look at the air throwing a few golden stones, and then launched a charge combat technique to speed up the smoke at his feet.

Such a scene made Yanxing feel a little funny.

But although Correggie's approach is not moral and decent, it is indeed the best choice he can make.

Yanxing disappeared and escaped the shooting of the golden stone, and then he reappeared and stopped in front of Correggie.

The gold stone block shot out was not recovered due to the distance, and Correggie's gold stone plus armor was much thinner.

Facing Yanxing who was blocking the front, Correggie did not slow down.

I can't go back when I stop.

He ran at full speed with a sword in one hand, staring at Yanxing and observing his movements, exuding his magic power to sense the changes in the surrounding magic power.

The desire to survive made him roar.

Yanxing was suspended directly in front of Correggie, which was no longer the ring formation area.

In this open area, his shape is undoubtedly the focus of the entire battlefield.

Facing the indefinitely rushing Corregis, Yanxing expanded the coverage of the lightning field and enveloped Correggi in it.

At this moment, lightning filled the entire area of ​​thunder and lightning, tightly wrapping Yanxing and Corregi in the middle.

From the outside, this is a giant electric ball that has fallen into the violent state of electric magic.

The energy spilled from it changed the magnetic field in this area, and iron objects and iron sand floated.

Then several huge lightning bursts out of the electric ball. They were thrown on the ground, and then scattered into several smaller lightning bolts, jumping up and hitting the ground again.

Disperse again, jump and hit again.

Radiating layer by layer.

The vision caused the entire battlefield to fall into a pause at this moment. The soldiers forgot to fight, and they all watched the miracle created by the magic.

Soon the power of lightning was scattered and weakened in jumps, until it disappeared.

The huge electric ball also cracked like a punctured bubble.

There was no lightning inside, instead it was full of smoke and dust.

The enchantment of the electric ball disappeared, and the smoke and dust trapped inside it surged upwards.

Then a figure rushed out of the smoke.

He rushed to a height of one hundred meters, and tried his best to unfold the angel wings exuding thunder and lightning energy.

Holding a knight sword in each hand.

"I am the eternal lord Yanxing, the sole consul of the thundering swamp kingdom.

The Corregid Knight has been beheaded by me.

He is an excellent fighter and deserves a funeral that fits his identity.

It's a pity that his body is no longer...

Take this sword and build a tombstone for him. "

Yanxing spoke on the battlefield with amplifying magic, and then slammed the knight's sword belonging to Koregi towards the direction of the control area of ​​the Principality of Gale.

At this moment, the entire battlefield burst into the sky with cheers in the Eternal Nation's control zone.

Even if the war mode has changed, the duel of high-level knights is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Moreover, his lord beheaded the enemy's well-known knights in a one-on-one battle.

This is an explosive increase in the morale of the entire eternal leader army.

The soldiers rushed out of their positions to launch a full-scale counterattack against the enemy, robbing them of all the lost sites all the way.

For the Duchy of Gale... the entire Storm Knight team was killed, and the team leader was killed.

The front is still intact.

This is a big blow to Anderson.

In the next battle he had to be more cautious about the use of Storm Rider.

At the same time, he also intuitively experienced the strength of Yanxing.

Unless you go personally, I am afraid that no one in the entire Gale Principality is Yanxing's opponent.

But as the commander-in-chief of the first army, a duke cannot easily leave his command position unless necessary.

Is it possible to let Yanxing keep hitting the morale of his army on the front line?


For Fu Yanxing, it seems that we still need to ask the high tower in Yunzhong to send a powerful mage.

Also need to ask for some weapons and alchemy technology from the high tower in the cloud.

Yanxing appeared on the front line of the ground, indicating that Eternal Leadership is approaching its limit.

Order the army to continue to strengthen the offensive!

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