The Economics of Prophecy

Four stories, red fear.

You're saying it's not complete when it comes to things that still work.

"Right. Whether it's a dragon-class giant magic or a clear object like a naked demon crystal, it's tough to be moved if you're about a small warcraft."

"Even to the extent of its small warcraft, it's tough on the average person..."

In the rocking carriage I was discussing the performance of Fulsey and the radar. Noel's efforts have increased radar stability, but there are still many challenges.

"I think about putting ordinary people in the red woods and taking resources. That's a hell of a plan."

"It's a story if you can. Because of this, the carriage's transport capability has improved, and I was hoping the radar would tell us how close the Warcraft is."

"Either way, we don't need a magician who can move the radar."

"That's where it is."

We need to do some more research on how the magic circuit works. Even if I say it's magic to flow, the circuit would be the circuit. You can understand it to a certain extent with the knowledge I have.

Even if that were possible, the average person would have too little magic to use. I hope I can make sure I don't rely on personal qualities any more. I wonder how the Empire operates.

"Whatever your future plans are, you're right about the results so far."

I said as Fulsey looked at the antenna facing the ground. It's roughly a fifth of the way from Wang Du to Bertoldo. The inability to use the main road and the need to measure the magic power on the ground in detail took two days.

Surrounded by shrubs and bamboo groves. There is no village nearby.

"This is the heart of the demonic pulse decline."

Noel said when he saw the magic figures going down. It was found that the drop in the demonic pulse was not an illusion of the measuring limit, drawing circles in a rind bowl.

"As good as your thoughts were right, would that link you to disaster? Even a thin demon pulse is no different from the normal ground. There is no such thing as a warcraft."

"Oh, that's why. Spend magic…"

As I tried to explain one possibility to Fulsey, a man's face appeared in the carriage window. Apparently, it's a regular report. It's Hyde escorting him on horses with four knights. Whatever your feelings for me, I'm loyal to my duties.

"Master Sage. I let my men circle the perimeter, and I can't find anything dangerous."

I am loyal to my duties, but I will not forget the gaze of accusation that it still means nothing to me. In fact, the early spring skies and greenery began to stand out in the meadows, as well as the surrounding shrubs. The surrounding sights are peaceful.

"Whoa, knight. Isn't it a little different to say there's nothing?"

Jacob said on horseback as well. There was a body of a small animal hanging in half in its hand.

Stop the carriage and see Jacob's prey. It's a carcass halved by a giant rat.

"Even the fox must have eaten me"

Hyde overthrew Jacob's words.

"What's Jacob's opinion?

"There's a point in the knight's opinion, too. If the Wolf is the main force of the Warcraft Flood, there is only one great rat. For the most part, a knight would know when that much warcraft is approaching."


"Unless you get run, don't even show up on Non's radar."

"I see..."

You're saying the data isn't dangerous, so let's believe it. In the first place, we're looking at where the demon pulse is dropping as a big premise. There can't be such a bad thing.

"However, this easy-to-eat cross section is a little strange. I don't have a tooth shape."

The cross section looks like it's about to rot. After the wreckage was abandoned, the worm may have also mopped it.

"Later, the shrub near where this edible was, came with something like white powder"

White powder. What is it?

"Young men and barons, do not enter through this line"

Remi separated the right side of the carriage. Noel and I will occupy half the place with less luggage. I don't mean to be hairy, so I fell asleep in a small space with full sea and shoulders. If we're going to take a long observation trip, we need to think about residency.

◇ ◇


"... hey, what!

It was caused by the sound of a bell. Looks like Remi's already out there. I glanced out of the carriage in a hurry.

"Ko, what is this!?

I was flabbergasted by the evening and the strange sight. There's something glowing red, over twenty around me. While you're watching, it's slowly approaching. The red light, so creepy in the darkness of the night, creates a pattern of brightness to be in tune.

Besides crawling on the ground, some are hanging from shrub branches. All of that is approaching us in the carriage.

"Whatever you don't have the power to fight, don't go outside. It's a leg wrap."

Hyde yelled at me. I'm not on a horse, but I'm armed and I have a thin, glowing sword in my hand. It's a much more unreliable light than Craig had during the Dragon Crusade.

"So, are you okay? Surrounded by so many."

I asked Hyde to calm down. Hyde had a grin that made me look stupid enough to tell at night.

"Naturally. Mucus is not an enemy."

That's what the young elite of the Knights Against Warcraft says. I want you to stop being like that flag.

But Hyde shook up his sword as he headed towards one of the approaching. When the tip of the sword, slightly glowing in the darkness of the night, drew an arc, something red could not be avoided, and became two straight. The red glowing stain, which spread to the ground with the sound of a chirp, immediately lost its light.

Following the captain, the rest of the knights also head to the surrounding light. Jacob and Remi are also intimidating the red light in their hands with pine lights. Do you fear fire? Creepy. In the meantime, the knights crush the red light. Soon, the swarms of rough red light that surrounded him were extinguished.

◇ ◇

The next morning, I was shown the Knights' achievements in front of the carriage. It's a pile of gel-like organisms.

"Such a little demonic crystal is of little use."

Noel said when he saw the little stone that was taken out. To say Demonic Crystal is still last night's raid of the Warcraft.

If you look closely, there's a mole-like hole in the ground. What I didn't see during the day was diving beneath the ground? There was white powder creeping around the hole, was the mucus that covered the surface of the Warcraft dry?

Then it was still this warcraft that ate that rat.

"Curator. What do you mean," mucus "?

You were smashed with a blunt instrument, I barely followed the carcass that kept its shape. It's disgusting to know that a bunch of bumps with about a hug isn't dangerous.

"You're the weakest demon. It spreads under the ground during the day, sucking on magic and attacking small animals at night. As far as this little demonic crystal is concerned, it looks like you can live in a weak demonic vein. Maybe that number last night was drawn to our magic."

Fulsey said. In short, slime. He's also the weakest in this world. Last night's sight softened, but that number was actually quickly swept away.

But there are two big problems. This is the border between the central and western parts of the kingdom. No matter how weak it should be, there's no way there's a Warcraft.

"As I said last night, it's a warcraft to take. You can do enough to run and run."

He told me that Hyde would thank Fulsey.

"But warcraft is warcraft."

"That's right. The very existence of a warcraft in such a place is a major problem. I have to rush to report to the head of the regiment.... I need to look into the other spots you mentioned. Mucus, anyway, could have a more powerful warcraft"

Yes, one of the big problems is the possibility of the existence of higher warcraft. If there's a demon wolf or something, we can't fight it in the surrounding villages. If the merchant squad going down the road is targeted, even one of them won't be able to escape.

"Where did you come from, this slime............, the mucus"

Warcraft are creatures. It shouldn't occur naturally.

"The only thing you can think of is that the eggs hatched in response to the demon pulse."

I see. Is it possible then to endure a long time or to fly from afar? A spore who had been asleep for a long time awakened with the activation of the demonic vein observed during the race. If you're talking about bacteria levels, it could be enough. I'm just uncomfortable with the size of last night. No, not that the eggs are small.

"Bart and Cayles hurry back to the king's capital and contact the captain. Lyle and Barrett investigate the surroundings further"

Hyde will give the instructions. I have no complaints about the content. His judgment and skill against the Warcraft was certain last night. I'm from the Second Knights who have dealt with boulders, warcraft floods.

Things like the appearance of a warcraft near the Wang capital that upset the nation. You have to sweep as soon as possible, even if you're weak. Not to mention the prophecy of that disaster.

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