The Economics of Prophecy

Seven stories, the red library.

It had been a week since I spoke to Alfina at the Grand Duke's residence.

By the way, in that later discussion with Euphilia, it was decided to take care of the Grand Mansion until a piece attached to our relationship with the Empire. It's Euphoria's suggestion that it's for safety reasons. Not only me, but Meer and my father.

I couldn't refuse because I had a sense of polishing the state secrets I walked on because of the empire. It's not because of Alfina's mysterious pressure.

Then we left for the Western Observatory. The Western Observatory is located southwest of Bertoldo, in a square plain building. The upstairs are domed and close to the observatory, as you can imagine. Because of the need for measurements, laboratories for producing sensory demon paper and the like were also provided.

By the way, the city of Bertoldo was even busier than the last time I saw it. The workshop had also begun expansion using wood that had not been destroyed by the Warcraft.

And now, Bertoldo's walls, as well as the dome of the Western Observatory, had disappeared beyond the tree crown.

The surrounding trees have 50% red leaves on them. The vegetation itself is changing. It is scattered with giant sotty trees and large cetaceans that are not found in ordinary forests. The red cedar is full of discomfort.

But what matters is the ground. I dug the ground carefully with my gloved hands. Surface stacked with red dead leaves. Except that, leaf veins are the only remaining rotten reddish brown soil. And it goes on with black rotten soil.

Even when it comes to forests affected by magic, the basic material circulation mechanism seems the same. Just.

"Ricardo Vinder. The break is over. We're going back."

"Lord Hyde. How much is it now?"

"You'll see when you get here, but there's no clear boundary between normal forests and red forests. Strongly put, this is the border. It means you can't be alarmed any further."

I see, like a dragon seems to be ok if you don't go to the back of the Devil's Vessel, or Mountains, but there are Kurtheit examples as well. In the first place, a two-meter Demon Wolf would kill me and others in an instant.

I've heard that humans can't even beat big dogs with their bare hands. It ends when you get into view, like a wolf the size of a bear running faster than a dog.

"Even so, after last year's Warcraft Flood Crusade. It is a comparable but safe time. And we have a map of the area."

Hyde has accompanied me as captain of a knight of six. The five men surround us in circles.

"I'm sorry. Let me hang out."

"I'm not protecting you, I'm following the orders of His Highness the Commander, Craig. If anything happens to you, you will lose your means to the Empire.... Well, I also understand your importance in countering the Empire with the exorcism of the Warcraft ahead"

"That's overrated..."

Even though it sucks just to spearhead the distribution reform, information on previous acts to the Second Prince's Valve, "Harassment", as well as the cryptography and latest weapons of the Imperial "Coming". I have a headache just thinking about it. If I take it well, I'll say that as long as the threat of empire exists, I'm worth it.

… Do we have to think about what happened after the battle against the Empire?

"However, in the woods, we ask you to follow our instructions. I don't know what your dirt bullying means. Disrupting the legs of the march is not acceptable as an escort in times of need. Of course, it's out of the question to dare approach the Warcraft."

"I understand. Let's go first and foremost. However, the latter should say to the Great Sage"

I looked bitterly at Hulsey as Hyde swung the antenna.

I put a small amount of ground soil in the glass container Vinaldia gave me. Pasted a note that said midpoint. Not much can be expected at this point, but it will be necessary for comparison.

The ground began to slope slightly and rocks began to stand out around. Apparently, we're close to the border with the mountains. Of course I'm not going in there.

Thanks to the map, we were able to choose a path close to the edge of the demonic vein, and there has never been any danger with the Fulsey radar. Strongly enough, Mucus showed up. It wasn't an imperial array, it was about the size of a brown mirror cake. Later it's like a purple rat or a beetle with glowing wings.

Well, I dug Mucus back off the ground.

Anyway, the sights around me are pretty creepy. The plants are mostly soggy red, like red leaves in the early summer. A creepy sway rises from the gap between the rocks. I don't smell sulfur, and I don't feel heat. Sounds like a bubble of chi.

The bright red swamp is bubbling up. Not as vibrant as a bloody pond in hell, about a red tide? This one doesn't smell methane either.

When you dig the ground, it's redder than red soil. Except for the color, the basic line of layers of soil that we confirmed at the boundary with the red forest was together.

"This is the limit."

Hyde said. I nodded with Fulsey.

"I wish I could find a place that's particularly distracting."

"Yes, this one looks for the opposite location"

I look for one of the few green plants in the red forest. Only one bottle of tampon-like grass was found in a small, unreliable undergrowth. The ground is brown when you dig the root part. As I left the roots, I could see it gradually changing into reddish brown soil.

"Okay, you can have more hope than I thought."

It was worth coming all the way to the deepest part of the Red Forest. I picked brown soil near the roots. Just in case, the roots are also collected together.

"Between the rocks here, and this swamp has a strong reaction. It might be better to call it magic than anger. Of course, it's not as faint as magic crystals."


I collect the red soil that was in the gap between the marsh water and the rock. Tag the brown soil I collected with the alphabet 'I' and the sample of Fulsey's indicated location with the 'A'.

"I don't know what you're doing, but is it about color?

Fulsey said by comparing the samples taken.

"I don't know about that, but I think it's likely to be relevant"

"I said I'd take it home, but even if it works on the soil, what are we going to do with a small amount?"

Fulsey points the antenna at the reddish water.

"I have no idea, not to the extent that I might have a feeling reaction. I can't do this one either."

Fulsey also pointed the antenna at a sample of the one I chose. The face remains questionable. Like that carriage, you don't seem to see the shadow of magic.

That would be so. If you have such a convenient thing, Fulsey is finding it while you're here.

"Besides, I don't know if I can keep the same conditions away from the demonic vein."

"I'm worried about that. Even so, there is no magic because fate is this brown earth. If the curator chooses you, the scrap demon crystal from that castle bug exorcism will suffice."

Later, Noel's tools working hard in Wang Du and the ingredients he's asking Senior Dalgan for. That would at least allow the experiment to begin.

"Captain, the magic reaction is approaching."

A knight with something like a simplified Fulsey antenna tells Hyde. Fingertips point toward the mountain.

"If this reaction is a young demon wolf,"

Fulsey knocked her own antenna. Hyde saw me.

"The work is done"

I nodded.

"Quickly withdraw"

The Knights surround us all at once.

It's a trip that's forced so many people to take the hard work and the risk. That's a serious responsibility. Even so, it's clearly gambling whether a useful sample is taken or whether it can be utilized even if it is.

However, if my expectations are correct, this meagre soil has enormous information. There is hope as long as the method of sorting can be successfully established. Expect a library of nature created by hundreds and maybe billions of years of trial and error in this world.

I saw a giant red trunk of sothets. Speaking of which, all this coal age forest was growing.

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