The Economics of Prophecy

Nine stories, purple fog.

The fence surrounding the meadow. There are a variety of animals in multiple compartments separated. Cows stand out, but sheep and horses are also visible. The cabins dotted between the compartments are elongated. From one of the cabins you can hear feathers and squeals.

Close to Wang Capital, this ranch is said to be the largest of the trading partners of the Dalgan Chamber of Commerce. They also fly migratory birds and the like into the surrounding ponds.

Now, the trace of that Dulgan Chamber of Commerce is kneeling down to Craig in front of the many employees who gained momentum in front of the ranch. Craig happens to be nearby in training.

Apparently, some of the large crowd is the chairman of the Dalgan Chamber of Commerce, which rushed from the Wang capital. Is it the red-faced man in the center? Next to it is a painter with a brush in his hand. I see. I'll leave it in the painting and pass it on to the last generation.

Rich on boulders aren't the same, there's only one thing next year that's going to get promoted to the Gold Chamber of Commerce with Plura.

"Damn, Dalgan's future is cheap." "Oh, I didn't think that young husband was the only one from the beginning."

I can hear those words. The work actually done by D'Argan cannot go on the picture, but it is not false in merit. The person at the heart hated him greatly that he was an expatriate. It's also an information manipulation for Craig to stop by here, so I want you to be patient.

By the way, after complaining to me at the academy, I was asking questions about when the royal family came to visit with all the momentum that was crushing Sherry. All I can tell you is that you know you won't ask me.

"Should we head to the cabin first?"

I told my companion.

"Right. Let's hurry. I don't use royal water at this time, so I had a hard time preparing it."

Noel said next to me. Maybe I saw the literal pastoral atmosphere and thought about the difference with the magic dorm. Noel has two types of bottles: brown glass and rubbed glass.

◇ ◇

Me and Noel went into the outermost cabin on the ranch. Inside the cabin are mammals called cows, sheep and horses. Birds such as chickens, quails and ducks are available in a number of jars. Plus lizards and imories.


Noel pulled his face closer to one of them and jumped away in a hurry. Is it the serpent that is putting his tongue out of his crotch?

"You kept me waiting."

Craig and his deputy came in while slapping Dulgan on the shoulder.

"Nevertheless, you don't have to go out of your way with the Knights Commander himself"

I said. You'll be very busy. First, the combination of livestock huts and princes is bad for the hearts of civilians. Look, Dalgan looks so uncomfortable.

"It's a countermeasure to the horse dragon that seems to be the main force of the Empire. You can't just not look at it with your own eyes. But what Ricardo does is very different from common sense."

Scenicism remains the same. It is a reliable story. I have a lot to say.

"Noel's having a hard time, too."

"Ha, yes. It's a waste of time."

To a bounce with his head down in a hurry, hit the bottle. I pressed the lid with my hands in even more haste. I want you to be careful, both of them in there are tough liquids if they come on your skin.

"V, Vinder. You make royal water, don't you? Perhaps I should start making preparations already. We must not wait for His Highness."

Noel said with a face that obviously wants to run away to the main business more than the prince's opponent. The way I see it is so obvious.

"No, what I want is not royal water, it's one of the ingredients"

But I stopped Noel. Craig looks back at me after he sees the two-colored bottle in Noel's hand.

"I want to make sure it's the most important thing first. Does that pollen work on imperial horse dragons?"

"Of course there is no certainty. But breathing seems to rely more on the airbag than the Knights are crusaded dragon relatives. Wouldn't it be good to think it would work?"

I said. Whatever the length of time it took to be effective, it was generally effective against birds. That's been checked by Dalgan. The parameters that determine the time to be effective have also been inferred from the correlation analysis I asked Meer to do.

And if dragons, horse dragons and birds, dragons and birds are the furthest away in evolution. It's more likely to work on horse dragon airbags than on those two types.

Of course, there are no more exceptions than organisms. But I don't think we're going to abandon our breathing efficiency, which is the biggest advantage of dinosaurs. In fact, creatures thought to be horse dragons showed speeds and stamina that the Knights couldn't catch up with even when they chased them.

"Well, then the question is, how do you feed pollen to horse dragons?"

Exactly. Unlike wild dragons, food is fed by humans. Besides, on the battlefield, it travels at high speeds. I can't pick a way to cover a horse with pollen like I did before.

But based also on the results of the experiment I had Dulgan do, I don't intend to use that hand from the start. This is today's experiment.

"If the experiments that Senior Dulgan has done with many birds are correct, there are ways to increase the effect of pollen and also make it easier to consume"

I said. Honestly, I don't panic, but I haven't chosen the means. It's finally time for the liquid Noel brought me.

I open the polished glass and the brown colored glass lid. I stirred each one up with my hands and smelled it. The royal water is certainly made by mixing two different acids. Even the few student experiments you're looking for are major acids you've dealt with.

"Right this way."

I grabbed the polished glass.

"Crucido. Careful, it's not as bad as Salad's, but if you get it, it's pretty tough."

Noel, who just hit a bottle in his face, said.

"That's how strong I need it. All three of you, just stay away."

I don't think it works for humans because of all that specificity, but I can't be alarmed because it's supposed to be more potent. There is also the possibility of an entirely unknown poison.

I made sure Craig and the others left the cabin, and I dropped a very small amount of purple powder on the clear liquid I poured into the bottle. In no time, fine foam begins to stick to the powder.

Place the bottle on the ground and evade to the entrance following Craig and the others.

The liquid is faintly purple. When I looked closely, the purple gases began to stand. I closed the cabin door.

After a while, I heard a grunting noise called G...... Kay.

Would you have waited about four and a half hours? I'll open all the windows and the front and rear doors first, and I'll give you some more time. Block your mouth and peek through the entrance. Looks like you're okay.

When he went inside, all the birds were laying on the ground with their feathers spread in their midst. There were scattered feathers all around.


The horse in the cabin rang like nothing had happened. The cows are eating grass as we left the cabin. Lizards, imories and snakes seem energetic enough to surprise Noel again.

"Looks fine."

I told you, three people came in.

"It doesn't feel good to see it again and again."

I checked on Dulgan's dead bird.

"Had it been in pollen, it would have been a strawberry duck."

"You mean you melted it with acid and misted it, not pollen itself?

I've heard Noel stare at the dead bird. I nodded.

"I see. It's poison fog. I don't need any work to mix it with horse dragon bait."

"Yes, and it seems harmless to animals without airbags, so it's easy to handle"

If it doesn't work for humans, operations are dramatically easier. Besides, it's this effect with that trace amount. It would be appreciated if you consider using it for a large number of horse dragons. Later on, it's this way of spreading poison gas.

"You've got a short time to be effective."

"It works a lot faster than eating pollen,"

Dalgan answered. We need to repeat some more experiments around here.

"But Ricardo knows more about poison. Did you borrow Noel's wisdom?"

"... I was just told to prepare ingredients"

Noel glanced at me. Subtle silence. Well, I don't like someone familiar with poison.

"In my usual dreams. So please"

Experiments previously conducted with Fulsey and Dalgan to reveal pollen toxicity. I did a pharmacokinetic test with magic.

In that experiment, pollen was presumed to have an effect on the lungs after it changed to gaseous in the stomach.

Its nature as a poison is different, but its pathway is the same as the most famous poison used in mystery in previous life, calcium blue acid.

Then it was my idea to say that I would turn it into poison gas from the start.

"It's a joke. Ricardo's presence has so far only become a medicine for the kingdom. Besides, if anything happens to Ricardo, he's going to lose the power of Alfina's prophecy."

"Anyway, if you're in operation, the Knights think"

I don't know anything about spraying poison gas on the battlefield.

"So, this crucido, how ready can you be? I want to know more about storage."

"Yes, uh, not much is used, but the post-storage also deteriorates after that time, but when I make it, I just melt it, so, uh..."

Noel is getting all over Craig's question. I'm burying a dead bird. I approached Dalgan.

"Excuse me, senior. Let me do what I don't want to do every time."

I said as I helped dig the hole. It doesn't seem like a problem to eat, but I'm not willing to try it.

"I'm not going to let the kingdom lose. So, what's next?

I was often asked. I can't keep my head up.

"... the gelatin and cow blood I had prepared last time, but I ran out of it. I want it twice as bad as last time."

"... it's not a big deal to say that it's double. Prepare, but a new dish in a time like this"

D'Argan looked at me a lot.

"When it comes to food, it's food."

I clouded my words. Eating is not human. It's hard to say that I've been prepared on purpose to rot.

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