The Economics of Prophecy

Five stories. Daily life at the Grand Duke's residence.

"What a flood of these numbers. My head's hanging in there."

"It's a senior sown seed, so grasp it properly. In the first place, it's also the responsibility of seniors to live here."

I looked up to heaven in front of the books. I'm afraid of Meer's jito eyes sitting next to me.

"Wow, I know. No, I'm so glad Meer's here."

Perhaps all the massive numbers are organically connected in Meer's head. If it weren't for her, we'd be absolutely broke. This.

One of the guest rooms upstairs in the Grand Duke's mansion, one that's too splendid for me. It's been a long holiday and I was glittering with the books. Exchange of goods and rights such as honey, molds and yellow sugar. Package agreement with western nobility. Various currents of money lined up in front of us, both in duration and format. With my crude brains, I can't figure out how much Vinder is making right now.

I know how my father felt screaming this morning, "I'm going to make too much money and crush you," he said. By the way, my father works vigorously outside. It's like I want to spend a little less time in Grand Duke Mansion. Joint ventures and alliance relations with other chambers of commerce, mainly the Central Garden, that is, all outside the negotiations, are thrown round. Jacob and Remi are tightly escorted.

By the way, they say the human counterpart is better. I can tell you that it is properly adapted.

The only thing I can say is that I'm the best incompetent person in Vinder in real business.

"If you have time to say things in good shape, do your job. I need you to get rid of all this paperwork."

Meer loaded the contract for the new honey business. How dare you, Baron, Viscount, come on. I wouldn't have been in a briefing about the Count.... Luitsia's story.

"Reports from Pedro indicate that minute bees will not be able to make it as they are"

Pedro, it's that pollen finder. He was promoted to head of beekeeping, but in fact, he is the savior of the nation, following Fulsey and Dulgan. When I asked if there was a medal from Craig, he was shaking his neck left and right more violently than the wings of a bee.

"If it's true, I was going to spread it a little bit more slowly from the Grand Duke officials."

"Master Alfina helped us with the sales."

"That was nothing we could do to reduce the betrayal of the western lords."

"Really? So Vinder's untidy behavior makes the kingdom nervous."

"... to some extent, let's suggest that we let the renge cultivation precede us. It's less profitable, but it's not risky, so some clients prefer you."

Why is Vinder's business involved in the national security project Matter? They say political business or something. Right.

Thanks to this, we are in a situation where we must be protected by such a mansion. I don't feel any specific danger at the moment. At any rate, in a situation where the Grand Duke of the East has virtually lost his leg, it is the suicide applicants who come to our aid, where the Grand Duke of the West and the hero prince have taken refuge. I wouldn't be able to do it very well if I thought about keeping it.

Whoa, I mean, go around and finish your retention?... it makes no sense when the enemy grows up. In other words, it's the merchants who do business in national security. Recently, I have a few questions about my profession. Of course, just a little bit.

I'm not the one who's mistaken. Around. And the empire is bad.

"Speaking of which, it looks like Meer's used to being here by now."

"... I'm not used to it. Because if I'm true, I'm just a village girl. I was pissed off trying to help the maid last time."

Just village daughters don't calculate the circumference rate on their own with a few tips, or spot the redundancy of ciphertext in an instant.

Well, I know how you feel. They are treated as guests by the Grand Duke Euphillia and as friends by the Princess Alfina. It's not hard to imagine how a mansion human would treat us.

"Seniors are always good with Master Alfina"

"If you spend more time with Master Alfina, you'll have more time with Meer."

"I am also involved with Alfina's study group"

"Right.... Er, you okay?"

"Yes, because it's a chance to hire someone with a proper identity and a base of numbers"

The study group in Alfina also has participants from officials from each Chamber of Commerce in the Central Garden. Some of them are people who want to go into Vinder.

"It's just that senior statistical know-how leaks somewhat to other chambers of commerce,"

"Oh, that's okay. Still, you can mix aristocratic and civilian students to run a study group well."

Obviously from a female student in a noble house at the college, I remembered that Meer was called a teacher. I hear it's basically a loose thing to teach each other their specialties.

"Because Alfina, the organizer, is also active in studying several techniques."

Alfina's virtue? They've also been studying financial relations lately. Where are you going, that Virgin?

"When it comes to work, what about the analysis of the magic circuit?"

"……… Books"

"It's a little breathless. Look, because you're so busy, you can leave it to Meer."

"... so far I'm not that busy. Because Master Sage and Noel are struggling. I know there's probably a geometric pattern, because I don't see it directly."

I can shed magic on the pattern, but they stop along the way. Speaking electronically, does it feel like electricity can flow to the conductor, but the switch part cannot be operated?

"However, the efficiency of the transmission still seems to be high"

"I see."

"The loop stands out more than the magic of the kingdom when you review it with the concepts of the line Node and the dot Point that the seniors were talking about"

"... aren't you analyzing it in some way? No, I'm really sorry I got involved."

I don't care what you think, it's a black company. Well, Meer is one of the managers.

"I have no choice. I'm a senior secretary."

That's what Meer said and laughed. I really can't get my head up.

◇ ◇

"Oh Ricardo. I'm getting used to seeing you here."

I'm talking to an unknown warrant lady, and Luitsia noticed me and Meer, and she called out. Prioritize your customers.

"Well, that's Lord Ricardo Vinder. Congratulations not only to His Highness Alfina, but also to His Highness Craig."

A noble lady turned to my name. That smile, it's not meant for civilians by nobility. I'm seriously scared of you. First of all, it hurts my stomach that nobles know this name and I don't.

"I was at a tea party at the Duke's residence..."

Introduced by Luitzer. Sounds like a participant during that filling vs chocolate.

"Well, Master Alfina says you're welcome to join us."

"Oh, thank you"

The young lady bowed her head to Luitzer many times before heading to the front door.

"... what is it now?

"Dear Alfina, I would like to attend your study group. Because I'm a receptionist."

It's strange how a student-like gathering sounds like Nagatacho when it comes out of Luiza's mouth. I guess what you're actually doing is sorting.

"By the way, there are also a number of houses that the nobles who attended that honey business briefing were able to draw in because of the study group. It's a tougher situation to say no."

I was totally from Nagata town.

"As for Alfina, he wants to reduce the number of houses he flirts with the Empire by one."

Sounds like Alfina, whose own family fell into misery in the Felbach mess. As a matter of fact, domestic cohesion is of the utmost importance when there is an external affair.

The loss of the Grand Duke in the east, the dumping of domestic forces: Craig's further heroization. And the crisis in the kingdom where Kurtheit falls and Kazel is occupied. It would feel like an empire occupied a third of the national territory.

"You just want Ricardo to join you. There are many people who care about you. In many ways."

"I don't want to get involved in that as much as possible."

"The achievements so far have been tabulated by Lord Alfina and His Highness Craig, as well as the Great Sage. Because you're the actual center. That's what nobles do, but there are people who have a good eye for it."

"That's right."

"I'm not saying it'll work, but at least be on your guard. This one's in your favor, but if you can't take it in, it's self-inflicted and flows the other way. Regardless of the prudent Grand Duke Kurtheit, the second prince on the surface is alive and well.... Speaking of which, I wanted to ask you one thing."

"What is it?"

"As for Ricardo, I wonder what you think of His Highness's reign."

"... no, no, no. That's not what civilians think."

I've heard it as if it were a public tale. It was the duty of the people to think about the next prime minister in the last life, but it's a matter of life over here.

"Alas, His Highness Craig's reputation is already daunting among the civilian population. When this battle is over, there are rumors and rumors that Your Majesty will give you his place. of useful actors -"

"Ricardo. And Meer."

Alfina came with Claudia from across the hallway. Luetua turned back to Alfina. Freed from the pressure, I was relieved.

"Dear Alfina, this is my next study group…"

Luetua starts talking to Alfina. Alfina is smiling and nodding.

"Ricardo, Hyde's in trouble."


"When you go out, you must contact the guard."

"... I'll be careful"

Incidentally, the College also has a Knight of Protection because of the war. Of course, it is the curator's office that is at the centre of the protection. There are many living state secrets.

"Speaking of which, how are the crystals these days?"

I dived in and asked Claudia.

"Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be responding at all"

Claudia said. I can't wait for the disaster to happen when the Empire is attacking me.

Once the temple of the means of confrontation against the Imperial Magic Instruction technology is attached, I want to use it to proceed with the analysis of the crystal as well. But you can't take it out of the cathedral. Will I be able to handle it if I ask Fulsey?

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