The Economics of Prophecy

9 Stories: First Half In short, Circuits

The Fulsey Institute Lab is on the back of the curator's office. It is about the size of a normal private house, a two-story building with two chimneys on a triangular roof and windmills turning. There is an incinerator in the back.

After school, I was there to guide the out-of-school people.

"It's been a long time since I've been here either. Ever since the last Shao Xian Festival."

"It's been canceled this year. And so much so that I contacted you beforehand... You can't do that."

There is no way you can clearly locate the top officers of the military during a war. The number of guards subtly placed around the lab is twice as high as usual.

"The Great Sage also has souvenirs. I'd love to hear Ricardo's opinion."

"Is it a souvenir" every mess "..."

Instead of souvenirs, it is even possible that what you bring as a reward is troublesome.

"Um, excuse me. Because I can't. Please, keep your head up. Because there's no way I have that power." "I can't believe that." At that time, I heard a girl's voice from a direction where the entrance to the lab was. The downside sounds familiar, but who's the other one?

"Isn't Lord Noel a beloved apprentice of the Great Sage? After graduation, he said he'd be the youngest court magician in history."

One is Noel, who also wears a magician's robe in college. The other is an upperclassy female student. I can tell from the embroidery peeking through my sleeve that I'm noble.

"Because I'm just an assistant. Besides, Master Great Sage, or just conveniently used as good for him. Oh, Meer, just in time."

Noel noticed Meer and tried to seek salvation.

"Noel, it's my pleasure to report today."

Craig spoke up at the best possible time. Noel's neck turned to Craig in a motion that seemed to sound critical.

"This is His Highness Craig. It is Told's Three Women Arena. How are you doing in Bertoldo…"

The female student reacted in an instant. Wow, I also give a proper greeting to the sudden appearance of the Prince and lift him on the right topic. Noel, on the other hand, has a desperate look. There's no doubt that the safekeeping appeal just now failed.

"Poor thing. It wouldn't have happened if we hadn't even attacked the Empire."

"Seniors, you can't just tell Noel that."

Meer said to me in sympathy.

"It's a big deal to say a boulder nobleman. Is that the social code?"

"... I think you should remember that"

When I complimented the female student earlier. Noel, who was foolish with Meer, stared at me.

We were inside the lab, heading to the right room on the ground floor. The lab is divided into three compartments, one of which is a biological laboratory (tentative name) on its way now. Cultivating red forest bacteria. I hear the room on the left you just passed is alchemy related, turning it into Noel's evacuation site. It seems to be better than a magic dorm, but they can sometimes push it like they just did.

And magic measurements such as antennas, where upstairs is full sea life work.

Today's agenda is a status report on the Imperial Guidance. I tried to head upstairs, but I heard an old man from the biology lab.

When we opened the door, there were Lilka and Vinaldia besides Fulsey. Are they the ones helping you today?

The room has bars stretched from the ceiling, and the gears connected thereto cause glassware like a triangular flask to shake with the amber liquid inside. It's a bacterial shock culture.

"Was it indeed Lilka and... Vinaldia? Thank you very much."

They both break their knees and say hello to Craig. Wow, I remember your name properly. Plus, Craig talks about Vinaldia's family business. Vinaldia answers nervously. The Dawn of Success asks me what I want.

Well, he's asking me to help him with some dangerous work. The lab wash is a dangerous, dirty, tough 3K place. It's a little better now that it's finished and sterile, but it doesn't even have plastic gloves.

I do the work of touching bacteria directly.

"Speaking of which, they're going to have a cloth for my wedding."

I said.

"Well, it's hard to get out"

Vinaldia blued her face to Craig's words for some reason.

"Oh, uh, no. I told you a joke and you never made it through."

"Not only my sister-in-law, but my clothes as well."

Unlike Vinder, a pompous silver chamber, isn't it more profitable than burdens? Sure, Drefano and Kalest should have been in trouble for crushing it.

Nevertheless, when did you take your order from Alfina as well?

"I'm glad you're royal."

To my blessing, Vinaldia and Lilka sighed for some reason.

Full sea room upstairs. Noel is desperately securing space. Somehow the only place available was in front of the stone slab. Why are you so scattered in a matter of days moving?

"Okay, let's get started."

When Craig said it, Noel went off the hook. I know very little about today's content either. Anyway, it was a good idea for the bacteria.

"So, I will now report the results of my analysis on the Imperial Guidance. Uh, with two explanations: about the material that is making the magic guide, and about the magic guide itself. That, at first I let you know about the material...... Hit the material...... I'm in charge of the material!

Noel chewed up under Craig's gaze. At the end of the day, I'm forced to say something. Craig tells me to calm down, I'm taking a deep breath.

"First of all, though it is a patterned material on the reins of the imperial horse dragon. It is painted with a special dye that goes through magic. The underlying skin is also considered to belong to the Warcraft. Secondly, the magic guide, described in the broken castle hammer, is structured to pour unwittingly metal into a ditch that appears to have been sculpted using alchemy. …… both are technologies not found in the kingdom"

"I see, is that how the broken castle hammer ensures strength"

When the explanation for the specific magic guide began, Noel began to speak exactly as he could see it. Craig also listens as impressed. I see, is it still technology far beyond the kingdom? Nevertheless, the part that passes through magic and the part that doesn't?

"As for the format of the Demon Leadership then...... To be clear, I have no idea what is being portrayed or what it means. The format of the ceremony is different."

Meanwhile, Master Fulsey is my pace. I don't know, I guess it wasn't because it was so clear to the bacteria. I'm the one who tortured you.

"However, I can say as a characteristic of the circuit itself, it's not finesse. The pattern of the handkerchief, of course. Thin considering the amount of magic flowing when it comes to castle hammers. Normally, this thin creates an irregular flow of magic between the magic guides. Noel."

"Yes. I said earlier that I would process the magic conductor gold and carve the magic conductor formation. The use of alchemy increases the accuracy of the trenches and it is believed that there is some ingenuity in the metal that is poured further into the trenches"

Are you saying I'll be short? In the waterway, the height of the embankment, in the electrical circuit, seems to be an insulation problem. You mean because I use alchemy, I can do fine things with less rashes and all that?

"I see. The Imperial carriage used special iron. Still a lot going on over there."

"However, the normal way to break a castle hammer is to run magic on a single line. To be precise, I guess there's an element right behind the entrance to the Magic Guide that obstructs the flow of magic. Not so far at the moment. Most of all, Meer found some features when it comes to the Magic Leadership"

"The pattern of the demonic leadership has distinct characteristics compared to magic. One is the small of repetitive elements. Perhaps we are reducing redundancy by devising elements of circulation"

Meer explained the graph pattern of the purely demonic conductors.

I see. I'm pretty sure the Magic Brigade is a kind of circuit when I hear previous explanations.

"Well, it was definitely him who cracked the Empire's code."

Craig said as impressed.

"You mean those technologies combined to achieve ranged attack"

Craig sums up the experts' explanation of their feelings in terms of practical "Gunji".

"............... probably. Pattern finesse. Less repetition. By combining them, they have succeeded in incorporating precise surgical formulas into a narrow range. This also reduces the magic of use. Probably the same magic props that emit fireballs that were used by the Imperial Magic Brigade."

"Wouldn't it be inconsistent, or would it be less effective if magic flowed less"

"Right. Maybe it has something to do with our inability to shed magic on a broken castle hammer."

"I see. I have one thing in mind about magic, so I'll talk to you later."

Craig nodded to sort out the content. And I saw the three Fulseys.

"Very well. The three of us work brilliantly. But..."

So Craig's face took seriously.

"How to fight it"

Noel lay down his face. Fulsey laughs bitterly.

"You have nothing to contend with in the magic of the kingdom. I heard that the magic props used by the Empire were short cylinders, but if we wanted to make the same thing, it wouldn't be the size that people could carry. Well, I can't make it before then."

"I expected it, but it's tough."

"Well, not at the moment."

Fulsey looking at me in a meaningful way.

"Don't expect too much from amateurs. It's only now that I know about the magic circuit. You've been admiring the three of us for a while now."

I said in a hurry. Of course, it is significant that this series of explanations has shown that the magic conductor is a magic circuit. However, I don't think magic is going to go any further than it is a circuit in which objects that never existed in previous life flow. It's still the information-gathering phase. Instead of a draft implementation, I can't even make a hypothesis.

It's not like I don't know what I can apply if I can clear it there.


"... no, maybe. I know something. You just said" magic circuit, "didn't you? I know what you mean, but we don't use words."

Noel said. Noel made Noel see me through. This is a shock. Not really.

"Yes, no, the magic circuit and the magic conductor circuit hang in there. You should say that because they're both circuits through which magic passes... Because it's true."

"It's the hallmark of his thinking. try to see something abstract on one or two sheets more than reality"

Speaking of which, I hear you told the Chancellor that all codes have a common nature.


Craig and Fulsey snorted all together. That's a completely different attitude than when I said I didn't know. Meer is polite and silent. As if that were, at least, cover.

"Before that, what did His Highness Craig say" thoughts on magic "?

I had no choice but to tell Craig the story forcefully. I'm pretty sure I need to know a little more about magic.

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