The Economics of Prophecy

15. Selection of negotiating materials

Don't, don't, don't.

Hit your hands on the door and squint your ears. The approaching footsteps, I feel like they are a lot on purpose.

"What's with the carriage now..."

"It's just a delivery of food. If there's any movement, they'll let you know."

Hyde answered through the door. He and his men are guarding my room in the Grand Duke's mansion day and night.

Of course, some of his assignments include not letting me out. Maintenance is complete.

"You can't protect your precious body. What's keeping you?"

It's already been five days since Meer was captured. In the meantime, I can't get a step out of the Grand Duke's mansion. The other members are desperate to move for Meer, but I'm the only one waiting here.

"Calm down. The guards are looking for a lot of people, too."

The door opened slightly, Hyde said.

"Then you guys have Meer too, not me in the safe grand mansion...... Sorry."

I know. That kind of recognition of mine led to this situation. Hyde escorts me around. I shouldn't have been late. No, it's also a dumb story to meet at the back door. You should have chosen the front gate, even if you were far away.

It should have been fundamentally solidified in the first place, wherever possible. It's the stupidity of horror movie characters to disperse without a sense of crisis.

"Stay safe..."

Return to your desk. Written scattered paper is scattered around the desk. There's no point in praying. You have to think about it. I think so and take the pen. But I can't sort out my thoughts whether I write or not.

◇ ◇

It's been another day. All the Central Gardens are gathered in my room. Out of the King's Capital. They found traces of the raiders in an empty house near the castle gate.

"Are you related to Drefano or Kalest? Damn."

"Yeah. In the back of the crushed store Natalie knew..."

It's not just Natalie or Vinaldia. Lilka, Shelley, Dalgan, and Prla all ran around every legend, they said.

"Our information and that of Giverney suggests that many carriages were arranged by the people in their hands."

Jean said. My father told me and he cooperated. He came all the way here even though he was busy as the son of the chief of the food guild.

"In an investigation by the Duke of Greenicias. They had issued a lot of permits to cross east. Permits to the east are supposed to be strictly controlled."

Alfina said. He moved the Chancellor to keep the security of the King's capital. The existence of an otherwise unlikely permit. That naturally means there is.

"Officials who were involved in the permit process. Ricardo, it came up the way you pointed it out."

"That's Meer's pattern, too."

Speaking of what I've done so far, I've previously remembered the statistical processing of the relationship between rainfall and tax revenues.

Deceiving taxes flashly does not necessarily mean that they are simply greedy and stupid. To say that there is a rear shield that is possible and at the same time is likely to be strongly tied to the rear shield. I mean, he's a man who can't leave even if he wants to leave the fallen second prince.

"A second princely person?" "Yes, this is Viscount Sagayne's book muscle..."

Second prince Delnius? I can never just do it. I don't know what you thought there was any risk in trying to do with one civilian, but I'll let you know.

"East means probably Kurtheit. Meer... fell into the hands of the Empire..."

I managed to reach a conclusion. This many people are desperate for Meer. You can't keep me in this state without my help.

"You're the fastest and simplest way to break into Kurtheit and get Meer back."

"No, wait..."

"But that's impossible."

Without waiting for Hyde to stop, I dismiss my proposal. Because I want to choose the most and I shouldn't choose the most.

I don't have that kind of technology. I can't even Jacob or Remi. All right, I'm cool.

When it does, it takes time. Meer, we have to walk the narrow, long way to reach the rescue. I'm going crazy when I think about the whole thing. Split the problem and drop it into a manageable ”granularity”. That's what I always do.

First and foremost, ensure Meer's current safety. Second, beat as much as the Empire has to return Meer. Finally, get Meer back and at the same time stop worrying about the future. That's three stages.

One by one is clear. All we have to do later is exercise all the means physically possible to achieve this aim.

"We have to make sure Meer is worth something to the Empire"

"What do you do?"

"It's best to sign up for an exchange with Dagobird... but it's not convincing. Extend Meer's search range now to the area around Kurtheit. Appeal to the kingdom's desperate search for Meer."

"If you become a snake..."

"I'm not gonna be a snake"

If the Empire finds out about our activities, it's not strange to recognize Vinder as a threat. The first target should be me.

But even though I was late, only Meer was caught. Of course it's easier to grab Meer than me. But then there's got to be some action. For example, calling Meer hostage.

But the killer returned to Kurtheit without my restraint. I mean, I think I've accomplished my purpose. Then all you have to do is hold back that certainty.

"But now it won't be hard to get it back from the Empire."

Luetua said. Negotiations get tough only if Meer finds out it's worth something to the Empire. That certainly makes sense.

"So the next step will be to plunge the empire into such a critical situation that we have to live up to this demand. Specifically, it strikes a decisive blow to the Magic Legion, the most elite unit of Kurtheit's empire. There's a way."

Crush the imperial humans who grabbed Meer. I have the means to do so.

"I believe you if you say you can do it. Well, Lord Craig isn't in command of the East."

"Well, the battle against the Empire will be troubling if you don't do as I tell you."

The question is how to secure the right of initiative to implement it ”within the kingdom”.

"How do you do that?"

"Let the man above the First Knights acknowledge my maneuver. No, you can't just do that. I don't know what happens when the scene rebels. We can't have that person on the scene."

The First Knights are just fine because they are there to protect that human being. It's a logical conclusion. Number one….

"You're just letting parents take responsibility for what their kids did."

"... Parents"

Luetua makes a slight face.

"Of course it's not easy. It's hard to meet. That's why I want to borrow the Prince and the Grand Duke and finally the Grand Sage Conne"

"Will the title of the Great Sage finally help"

"My aunt says I'll be back here once. You promised Ricardo."

Will Euphiria return to the king's capital? I really appreciate that.

"... then you can meet His Majesty. But what about persuasion?

"No problem. Until now, our interests are in agreement."

Yes, there's a math to this point. ”Parents” share a common interest. Rather, the King is the greatest beneficiary.

But from this standpoint, it's not enough to get Meer back. We have to think about what happens after that.

What matters is not the empire that plans to kick it out of the country, but the country. To be clear, what are we going to do with the second prince? Naturally, the fucking prince has to disappear from our sight.

Not because that's right. I'm not talking about the royalty and the royalty who sacrificed their people for their own personal gain. That is not essential. One person named Delnius, one person named me, decided not to allow it. That's all a simple story.

I don't need reflection or an apology. There's no way, and in case, I can't see if that's real. Somehow it's a communal disorder.

That's why it would be enough for you to disappear from sight. Aim to be permanent, of course.

But the opponent holds the prince's title. Humans in luxurious clothes, so to speak. Even if the contents are worthless, if you stab them to death, they'll tell you to pay for the clothes dirty with blood.

The contribution we have made to the kingdom is nothing more than a matter of kingdom authority itself.

This is all I've done for the kingdom, so finish about one prince. There's no way I'm going through. Doubt their sanity if they go through.

In general, this is a personal matter. It's a matter of winning or losing. We need overwhelming negotiating material.

"The curator and Noel have something for you."

"I'll do anything." "Say it."

Two magicians nod.

"What I'd like to ask Noel is metal that goes through just a little bit of the magic I said before. It was magic silver, or I want you to get it. And then I want two of those ballpoint pens. Ink in the sky, please."

"I don't know, but I get it."

"What should I do?"

"The curator will create a magic circuit."

"I'll make anything."

I told Fulsey and Noel what I thought. They tilted their necks to a circuit that seemed pointless, but they took it on without saying anything.

Now we have a plan. Let's move forward step by step after step. To pick up Meer.

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