The Economics of Prophecy

Talk 17: First half showdown begins

"Enemy troops have appeared in the river."

A knight with a cape of liaison officers was seen rushing into the hanging tent of a large kingdom flag. I leave the carriage when I say no to Fulsey.

In the autumnal sky, the wind direction is slightly east.

Two giant stone throwers are installed to pinch the carriage, and another just a short distance away. The old knight Fabius is flying instructions to his men. Looking forward, there's a lined up horseback riding unit and an infantry unit.

The meadow continues eastward from the headquarters of our Royal Army and hits a small river. The bridge that hung on the river has already been destroyed.

Beyond that river, a swarm of black flags is gathering. I flew my consciousness further east. I don't see it blocked by the woods, but I have Kurtheit where Meer would be.

According to reconnaissance, the Imperial Army is about eight thousand. Apparently, the main force, the Magic Brigade, is over one hundred and fifty. Given the protection of Kurtheit and the other occupied territories, it seems to have put in all the power to move them.

This is the SS, led by the King himself from the King's Capital, combined with the First Knights, who were against the Empire in the Duke of Greenesias. I hear the Duke's castle is almost empty.

Close to double the force differential on the flat ground. But I don't see any upset in the Imperial Army lineup over the river. Meanwhile, as soon as I saw the black flag, the soldiers of the kingdom were frightened. Many of the soldiers here have been against the Imperial Army before. I guess the fear of being unilaterally struck by flaming bullets from a distance is stained. By the way, the shield they hold is painted green. Seriously, it's just a green dye. No matter how much mass production [IG-1] is possible, it has not been possible to make that much.

Return your gaze nearby. The knights near the main business on the boulder have stretched spines. You can't look unusual because you have a king.

"Ricardo Vinder"

First Knights Commander Tenberg approached on horseback. The shield he holds is painted green. This one is real.

"Setting up a battlefield and directing enemy forces so far. Excellent work."

Even though there is the best moth lamp called the King, I guess it is the power of Tenberg who was able to set the battlefield in this place. I just said the terrain I needed to use the array.

"When you didn't do what you said, I guess I'm ready. … it is not until that line that we follow our instructions"

Tenberg's horse whip pointed to a tree standing a little before the river. If you get closer than that, the enemy's demon-led attack reaches the main business. Therefore, Tenberg will intend to withdraw once it has been broken through.

"I know. More than that, please give me an example."

"I hope what you said gets through to the enemy commander."


The formation of the Imperial Army will be ready. A group of characteristic robes with long rectangles on the side and short canes in the back of the centre. A group of infantry to surround it with the letter Co. A group of horseback riders to the left and right. There is no horse dragon. If you look closely, the avant-garde infantry has something like a dirt sac. Are you ready?

Tenberg to the avant-garde, I back down to the stone thrower on the other hand. Two stone throwers brought from Wang Du. A total of three cars of one sourced from Greenicias Castle. Since the individual differences are too great, only two cars from Wang Du can be used for ballistic calculations. The third one has a higher hit rate if shot with Fabius' experience and account.

"How are you getting ready"

I spoke to the old knight.

"As always... I serve to be"

Fabius loosened his stern face only slightly. Today's win or loss is practically hanging on them. Because there's no post-war negotiation or crap about not winning.

◇ ◇

The Imperial Army began to move. I see. You look strong. Zazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Normally I'm afraid even if I know this one has more troops. It's a different kind of fear from a giant dragon.

Upon reaching the river, the Imperial Army avant-garde throws a dirt sac into the narrowest part, that is, to the left and right of the remains of the bridge. I checked Fulsey's nod from the carriage and signaled Fabius.

Darn! Darn!

Shrew, shru, shru, shru.

A stone bullet is fired from a stone thrower and falls on an imperial infantry about to build a bridge of earthworms. We head towards a group of enemies to be sucked in, even though it's not a flat squad. But......

Hyun... Hyun, Hyun...

.................. Cancer, Gagan!!

When I thought light had arisen in the rear guard of the Empire, three flames were launched. The ball of flame clashed precisely against the three stone bullets, raising the firepowder and sprinting it off. The sound of Basharn caused the defied stone bullet to fall into the river. Enemy soldiers, who had only stopped working for a moment, resumed work.

Wow. Almost straight ahead of us. No matter how long this range is, this doesn't make sense.

"Isn't that the best I expected? I can go with plan two."

I'll send Fulsey a signal. A pottery pot depicting a green waterball pattern in [IG-1] is set in a left and right caster. Speaking of differences, it says' I 'on the right and' E 'on the left.

While doing so, the Imperial Army built a bridge of earthbags. One by one, the infantry crosses the river, forming an avant-garde on the plains that follow us. You're fine with the leeward formation. If we don't cross the river, we won't be in range, and if we get close to range, we can do whatever we want in the outrage.

And finally, a group of robes began to move. It solidifies in an oval shape behind the earthen sac for crossing the river.

I raised my hand. The Knights of Tenberg start moving forward. And Fabius cut the rope of the stone thrower.

Dodd, dodd, dodd.

Darn! Darn!

Shrew, shru, shru, shru.

Two pots of pottery fly over the accelerating horseback riding squad. Draw a parabola at an altitude higher than the stone bullet just now. It would be easy for the other side to aim for. It was intercepted by a light bullet (fireball) that rocked red where it began to fall from the highest point of reach.

A light bullet hitting a pottery pot splashes in pieces. The next moment, Gashan and I made a noise and the kettle smashed.

The water-mixed oil smashed in the air, along with the fragments of the kettle and the pebbles for agitation that were inside the kettle, descends over the Magic Conductor unit. Rain grains of fine oil pouring are green on the right and red on the left.

Darn! Darn!

Shrew, shru, shru, shru.


A stone bullet penetrated an imperial soldier who finished crossing the river. Several soldiers are knocked down. There is no interception.

"Enemy's magic response is halved, no less."

Fulsey screamed from the carriage.

The robe group of enemy guards is confused even from here. I see you rubbing your arms desperately. Is it so easy to get greasy ink?

A small female exorcist in the middle of a group of robes is giving some instructions. Is that the commander? The Commander instructs the Magic Brigade to regain calm. The next thing to do......

Bo. Bo, Bon!!

Several flames burst on the left wing of the enemy formation. A magician with a robe on fire is screaming. Around it are the wizards holding down their arms.

"You ran wild in a good way. I'm sorry."

I told Fulsey I came out of the carriage.

"... you can't be a magician if you do that."

Fulsey looked at me with jito eyes. Well, it's the result of thinking about how to confuse the magic flow to the fullest. If you're on a road full of holes, you can walk if you want, but the path where the holes and protrusions are arranged bullshit doesn't.

"I have no sympathy for the empire that grabbed Meer."

"Yeah, let's have a thorough slap"

An army of horseback riders approaches the confused enemy avant-garde. In the center of it a spear pointed to heaven.

"The enemy's guidance has been lost. There's nothing to be afraid of. Move on, move on, move on -"

The Knights clash against enemy forces, mainly in Temberg. Several light bullets fly in like I'm sorry. It is prevented by the green shield held only by the avant-garde of the Knights.

An unprotected stone bullet jumps back into the enemy formation. The effect is limited against thousands of enemy soldiers, but it would be shocking to be damaged by an attack that I thought was harmless on top of being simultaneous with the Knights.

Kick the frightened enemy infantry and the First Knights cut in. I could see the first one of the Knights stepped on a bridge built by the enemy. You've won, apparently.

All you have to do is pray that my message gets through properly.

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