The Economics of Prophecy

18 Stories: Versailles Request

"Plan to proceed to Kurtheit as proposed by the First Knights Commander"

"Ha, I'll get ready as soon as I can,"

At the word of the king, Tenberg heads to the entrance to the tent. When I leave, I give a glimpse of the misplaced civilians that remain here.

All that remained in the tent were kings and prime ministers, knights protecting the left and right. And it's Fulsey and me. That's too easy a situation as a quiz to hit a fellowship off. Of course, I'm not talking about just one mix of vegetables.

"Now let's consider these conditions, which we will communicate to the Imperial Commander of Kurtheit -"

"Grinisias, I have to check before I do."

The king saw me.

"The other foresaw a war with the Empire in advance, bringing down the horse dragon, this time breaking the enemy's guide of demons. I honestly couldn't believe what I did before, but I guess it's true to think from what I've been shown this time"

Bullet magic is the one. You sound like a great hero of the nation. It's a level where you get killed because you can't pay a reward. That's a kind of self-bankruptcy. The worst type is being trampled down to life.

"It was Prince Craig's martial courage that broke the horse dragon, the great sage who carried out the measurement of the demonic vein, who predicted the empire's intention to invade. I thought this victory would be the work of the First Knights and the glory of His Majesty."

"What do they want?"

My words came through beautifully.

"As I said earlier. My best hope is for you to entrust me as a messenger to Kurtheit."

As for this one, I'd like to enter into negotiations to get Meer back as soon as possible.

"As a plenipotentiary, let us decide all the negotiations with the Empire."

said the Chancellor.

"So, if you want to go through, you can't."

I'll give it to the king, Meer. If you can give it back and negotiate something like that, there's no difficulty whatsoever. Well, I wouldn't do it if I could do it on a boulder. It would be catastrophic if the second prince succeeded him. I'm going to make him take full responsibility over there.

"I'm just a messenger. Take this suggestion, explain it over there, and go home with the answer over there. That's all."

I went. Negotiations between the kingdom and the empire are ”basic”. I'll do this one on my own in the form of a ride.

"This feat. I wouldn't be surprised if you demanded Kurtheit."

It is a truce negotiation of war between nations. In this situation, that's the only way to put the safety of one girl at the top of our priorities. Not to mention, my demands are more greedy.

"... there is another one, if you insist, but you want to ask the Empire what it demands first"

I went. Diplomatic negotiation is amateur. Of course, I'm thinking about it, but I can't talk about it without knowing the stage of the Prime Minister's "Pro".

The Chancellor put paper on the table.

-The empire will withdraw promptly from all occupied territories of the kingdom.

-The empire pays the kingdom 50,000 gold coins in compensation.

· Negotiate separately with regard to the ransom of prisoners.

· In future transactions, it is assumed that exports from the Kingdom will be handed over after the imperial imports have arrived until trust has been restored.

The first thing that matters is the difference in digits. Territorial restoration. Second is compensation for war damage. It's about 100,000 yen a piece of gold, so 5 billion yen? That's less than I thought. No, would it be reasonable given the size of this world's economy?

Well, I guess the third one that's in there all the time is the liver. There are many horse dragon riders and demon mentors, prisoners of value to the Empire. And it is also the weapon of the enemy itself.

As far as I'm concerned, I want to delay the restoration of the Empire's military power in the form of little by little returns in exchange for Demonic Crystals and Demonic Guidance Gold. I guess that means we're supposed to negotiate separately, thinking about the area.

The fourth is to say that the terms of the transaction are in favor of the Kingdom. And it involves essential food for the Empire.

I guess it's pretty well done. Except that the first is an absolute condition, and the second is to take what you can take anyway to make up for this extraordinary expense. Take as long as you can to squeeze it out in the third, watching the reaction over there. Don't let them betray you with the fourth food as a threat.

When I look at the king, I'm nodding. Probably something like a market calculated from the negotiating record from the time of the war up to fifty years ago. Maybe he's generous as a common sense line, or a unilaterally attacked side.

But my prediction is this is still tough for the Empire. Anyway, unlike a kingdom where war ends if the Empire retreats, the Empire is constantly fighting the Warcraft.

That's why I tell you both.

"Is this all you need?

"Well, you're asking for something else."

It was the king who reacted. That's sharp. I was so strong earlier that I was involved with another reward.

"Yes. I'd like to add two. One is to get the territory of the kingdom beyond the Great River. The other is a human being, if he can, a royal family, who has come to the kingdom as a hostage."

"... be"

The Chancellor stopped at my word. The king also has his eyes open.

"There's no way an empire would drink such impotence"

"Even though we won both East and West, this one hasn't attacked the Empire one step at a time. And there will be no country to drink, when they tell you to give it to me."

The two deny it. Normally, yes. Even the proposal to redraw the border to suit the occupied territories, if normal, put up the other person's face and return it to some extent, not all occupied territories. They didn't even take the Empire's soil, but they sent it over.

If you can take it over there, you can take it.

"We won this time, but as a whole, the Imperial Magic Technology is overwhelming the kingdom. There is no doubt that the liquid ammunition of the Magic Catalyst, which powerless the pollen and the Wizard who defeated the horse dragon, will also be taken care of next. Besides, this time the Empire went out of its way to run the horse dragon and the magician separately. I suppose you tried to settle this one early by overwhelming this one with the idea of having an overwhelming military advantage over the kingdom and putting the kingdom's east and west at the same time. Except for something on Mount Tuvire. But the next step is definitely horse dragons and magicians working together to attack."

In my words, the King and the Chancellor saw Fulsey. Fulsey nodded.

"That's why we shouldn't hunt them down excessively..."

"Trying to hunt us down, the hunt down and the enemy will attack us if they can. At least until we get a reassuring situation about food."

The biggest problem with the Empire is food security. The fourth is a natural demand as a kingdom.

But it strengthens the imperial motive for war that the kingdom holds the biocidal usurpation of food.

"The most important thing for the Empire is to secure food. So, the new territory will have a city to broker dealings with the Empire, even though at first it will have grown hairs in warehouses and exchanges, but it will build. In other words, let traders do business with each other from state-led. If merchants trade directly with each other, the speed, volume and price validity of the transaction can be improved over time. More visible than anything else. It reassures the empire."

As a result of the unknown outline of power in the back of the enemy's royal palace, it was abruptly decided that the people would starve this year. It just makes sense to prevent things like that.

"Assuming we let the Empire cede territory, we can't manage it."

said the king. Follow me on a good spot. There's no way Warcraft can manage a land close to him. If I suck, the kingdom leans at the cost of administration.

So the empire strikes into the kingdom by wielding the cause of reclaiming the occupied land. The Empire crosses the river, keeping the momentum taken from the new territory. Diendo.

"As for that, I relate to what I strongly said I wanted earlier. If I can give this proposal to the Empire to drink, I want you to entrust me with the management of the land. I have a plan for how to manage it."


The king turned to the face that you put your tail out.

"If it were land across the Great River, administrators would need a lot of discretion. Speaking of which, the Duke of Felbach's predecessor was a borderline uncle."

"... no"

I have heard of Felbach's original talk of an independent force between the empire and the kingdom, but what was the title of Borderline Uncle? Well, how do you say you festived the Duke instead of depriving him of the authority to say so?

Uncle Borderline...... kinda cool. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"The territory itself is fine under royal jurisdiction. What I want is only the kind of city that was recognized in the Commercial District, Bertoldo, that will be built there in the future, and I want you to leave it to me to manage it as. Of course, Vinder, a one-time silver chamber of commerce, alone, will be heavily loaded, in the form of a joint effort with Kenwell, the head of the food guild, and the Giverney Chamber of Commerce when it comes to transport, among others. Of course, I remain a merchant."

The king and the prime minister all became incomprehensible in my words.

"What if the Empire doesn't drink? We can't let the negotiations with the Empire lag behind to match their commitment."

The Chancellor asks me to get my mind back on it.

"I'll take it down. That would be the Prime Minister's proposal."

I went. The prime minister and the king exchange their gazes. And they nodded at each other.

"Fine. Add their demands."

You're wondering if I can be useful as a bluff because I can't do it anyway. It would also have rewarded me for my accomplishments. Anyway, it's my fault I failed to get the reward I wanted.

That's an air reward.

I don't have to tell you. I'll put it on myself before I drop this one. On either side.

◇ ◇

"What kind of impotence are you thinking?"

Fulsey asked me out of the tent. The word "impotent" surprises me in a way. It's not the kind of idea to go by if you're impotent.

"We can't keep ourselves safe until we're unscrupulous. Even if you get Meer back, they won't be after you from the kingdom or the empire. Well, what's going on with you? It's up to me to negotiate with them."

I just came up with an idea by way of example, leaving the production to Fulsey and Noel. He basically asks me not to tell him the details, either.

"I managed to get it done. By way of example, the Lord's idea was lost, but this is not a toy in itself."

Fulsey took the crate out of her nose. When it opens, it contains a single silver plate and two pens. Well, this isn't convincing to say that we're going to split up the empire's territory with the royal family.

Actually, that's about half a misunderstanding, too.

"It depends on the level of the princess who grabbed Mia over there."

If you can, I want you to be someone who can understand this story. I wouldn't expect a boulder to look like Fulsey.

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