The Economics of Prophecy

Twenty Stories: First Half Business

"Now let's hear your thoughts on this proposal."

I waited for the reaction of the two princesses.

"I can't think. What you are talking about is the scope of action of the Warcraft in the Mountains of Despair. What would you do if you got a place like that?"

The first person to open his mouth was Lisa Belt. Yes, her homeland is close to the mountains of blood among the empires. The land I pointed to is next to it.

"... well, that's what makes me doubt my sanity."

Maityle, who was staring at me to explore her sincerity, also shook her head.

By the way, Meer turned out to be only a flash away. She knows my ultimate purpose, the General Trading Company, and the concept of an international trading city.

"How can you not?

I asked Lisbeth. Her idea of being a neighbor matters to make what I want in that place. If it's true, it was a case I wanted to ask Alfina for. I'm a tough conspirator with a leatherbelt.

"I don't need to tell you. Every flying dragon in the Mountains of Despair doesn't have much power over each dragon, but it acts in a herd. Even in a kingdom beyond the river, no one should have lived in that range."

The distance reached naturally varies due to individual differences in Feilongs. Some individuals fly to a distance where they can't return with some kind of bounce. As a result, a part of the kingdom along the Great River, close to the mountains of blood, has also created an area where no people live.

"I heard the Empire came to Kurtheit over the Great River?

"Yeah, get rid of the Fei Long with the power of the Magic Guide. That, too, is a story if you use the river flow to pass in a short time. I won't hide it because it's self-evident, but if you go back, it's multiple times more difficult. Not impossible for us, of course."

"As long as you're holding Mount Tuvire back.... whoa, I knew it would cost more"

The overly sensitive issue of empire exit is inappropriate as ”my” negotiating material.

"Well, as much as I'd like to say on my own because I won't. So you're welcome if the Royal Army wears out on your warcraft opponent."

Apparently, they also think they're trying to build it at a front-line base against the Empire. I'm a merchant. Why build a military base? All I want to make is a commercial city.

Of course, the cost constraint would be greater in that case. The road you can't get through without an army escort is out of the question. Even so, that's the only place. As for the unusual fluctuations in the demonic veins in recent years, we also need a base for observation of the mountains of Daimota blood.

"My aim is to create a trading hub for the kingdom and empire here. The Empire should also have great advantages. In the first place, the biggest cause of contention between the kingdom and the empire should be the pressure that the empire depends on the kingdom for the most important strategic substance: food"

I looked at both of them in the face. There is no color of denial.

"Here we create a market where traders of kingdoms and empires exchange each other's products. It is to say that the control of the state is only in large frames, leaving the transaction itself to individual merchants. As a result, we are able to trade far faster, cheaper and more flexible than state management"

Lisa Belt's face became stiff. Yes, if we can do this, Lisaberto's hometown will be the main route of the deal, from the edge of the empire.

"Warcraft outside, merchant feud inside. It's gonna be a hell of a place."

Meanwhile, Mathier remains suspicious.

"I'm not saying there won't be any more disputes over prices or buyout issues. Rather, the very number of such disputes would increase. But that's fine."

There is no choice but to deny human desire in commercial activities. Point the power of that desire in a productive direction. That is the benefit of transparency. Interest is only fundamental. I'm not talking about justice or ideals.

Of course the national framework will be necessary, as the free market will not solve everything. However, as it stands, the national framework is too strong to speed commerce, so I want to loosen it.

"One by one, the scale of the feud or problem becomes smaller and falls within the bounds of control or predictability."

"Yes, it prevents a neighbor from suddenly cutting off one day."

And that neighboring country grabbing important co-owners.

"I understand the logic. But......"

Lisaberto looked at Mayteel.

"If the cost of outweighing the benefits is multiplied, I'd say it's the end of the line. Even if we acknowledge our existence, the kingdom cannot retain its city. I don't think so."

The two words are the ones above the recognition of merit. All right, let's move on to the next phase.

"I can do it. If only the Empire could help liberate that area."

"Are you kidding me? I'm telling the Imperial Army to die for the kingdom's territory."

"No. It's just a joint effort. For whatever it is, it can be imperial territory to the west of the city and kingdom territory to the east. The city itself has to be a kingdom."

Incorporate into the territory a land where the empire belongs to no one, and into the territory a land where neither the kingdom nor anyone else belongs. Even if that happens to be next door to each other, there's no problem.

That's a joke. There will be as much problems with the territory adjacent without a buffer zone. In this case, however, the immediate contact remains in terms of the city. It's controllable.

In fact, the two countries want to jointly take it to the form of extermination of the Feilongs. If a city belongs to a kingdom, it is not impossible to reduce the compensation as a cost.

"I seriously doubt your perception of reality. The kingdom and empire are at war now. Even if the war ends tomorrow, I can't. You said it yourself, didn't you? I wonder if the Empire currently has any national defenses."

Two problems: emotional and physical constraints, both of which are serious. The Earth of the time I lived would be impossible. But there are conditions in this world that have not existed in previous life.

"There is a land that belongs to no one, a common enemy called the Warcraft. It's not impossible. So the kingdom and empire form an alliance against the Warcraft."

Mattiel and Lisaberto shook their heads at my words. The color of rejection is rather darker than just now. You got a little too far ahead of yourself.

"Of course, I don't think I can take it to that all of a sudden. The city can't be built right away either. For the time being, it would be just something hairy growing in a supply staging area. Yeah, well, if it's in the shape of a city in ten years, it'll be enough."

By the way, I have something to say about this, too. Originally, that was the lucky plan if we could ”start” ten years later, no, twenty years later. I got the wings to start so soon because you did something extra. I want you to take responsibility for that.

"Start small at first. Working together in the kingdom and empire to observe the fluctuations of the demonic veins. And that's why we're developing joint technology."

"It's not small."

Mathilde looked away at my words.

"It would be necessary. For the Empire so far the variation of the Devil's pulse worked positive, but now I don't know what will happen. It is certain that the demonic pulse, which has previously been relatively stable, has fluctuated considerably. For the kingdom, for the empire, that grasp should be a matter of death and death."

I'm not talking about the fluffy "I wish the kingdom and empire could get along" story. I'm talking about the reality that we have to work together to make it taste bad.

In my opinion, this series of fluctuations is connected. And it could be a foretaste of even greater fluctuations. It is my basic attitude that the sooner the observation of the Blood Mountains and the development of the magic guidance technology to cope with the fluctuations of the demonic veins is rushed, the better.

And this can be of common interest. Well, it's my course of action now to use that enormous interest to achieve a ”private” purpose.

"Aren't we talking about saying something convenient and the kingdom unilaterally sucking off imperial technology?

"Is that it? Your prized army of exorcists broke into kingdoms with almost nothing to do. And you know how the kingdom could have predicted the invasion of the empire."

I dared go provocative.

"... I'd like to hear more about that seventy year record. But there's nothing to see in the kingdom's technology about the magic guide itself. Dealing with dragons is poison, those two-color magic catalysts are very interesting as materials, but their means of operation is forced spraying by a stone thrower. Strongly speaking, is the measurement technique attractive enough? But it's mutual. Because there are things that you don't see in your measurements."

Mathier looked at Meer.

"In fact, if the kingdom had enough magical guidance technology to take advantage of this daughter's theory of numeracy, the empire would have been wiped out without a single soldier by now. All of your measures are too unbalanced. Then I can't trust you."

Mathilde looks at me like she's trying.

Seems like a good understanding. Yes, the kingdom's magic guidance technology does not extend far to the empire except in part. Even if two of the best magicians in the kingdom come together to build a magic circuit, they can't analyze it.

Most importantly, Fulsey's measurement techniques are quite important as a foundation.

"Well, if you could tell me a little more about that magic catalyst, you could think about it."

I see, I hang a sickle because I want to know about that "very interesting" degree of magic catalyst.

"I'm going to do that from the start."

When I laughed invincibly, I took the crate out of my nose. Let me show you how to really use that magic catalyst.

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