The Economics of Prophecy

Twenty-two stories: preaching national interests

Back from Kurtheit, I was walking down the hallway of the castle of the Duke of Greenicias. The castle is large but the decorations and the like look minimal. It is a castle where the character of the present Lord can be seen. Let's just say it's a civilian friendly Visual. But I was more nervous than Kurtheit, an enemy land filled with luxurious decorations in vain.

"This came from the king's capital."

Leonardo, son of the castle owner, gives me a seal. The sender is my father. The spread paper says all the names I found out. Wow. Zero shepherds?

I see the VIP room. Inside awaits a man who must be treated as a guest of honor by First Class Subordinate. But until this is over, it has to be potatoes for me. Last but not least, in order to go beyond the largest mountain ranges, spiritual tranquillity is imperative.

"Thank you for your time as a messenger."

The Chancellor's words hang. When I paid tribute to the silent king, I read out a reply from the Empire.

Withdrawal from all occupied territories and payment of compensation are also fully answered, albeit over two years. Disadvantages in trading conditions are also acceptable. And......

The Empire acknowledges that the kingdom will build a base across the Great River for the "Transaction and Vessel Observation," and will give the necessary support because it is the place name of neighboring Maldoras, Leezaberto's hometown.

"Has the Empire recognised the territory” beyond the river "?

The Chancellor emphasized across the river. Still, there is a surprise in the expression. Yes, it's not a transfer of imperial territory. But if you announce it to the people, you mistakenly assume that most humans have been captured from the empire. By and large, it would feel like the defensive line has gone across the river if we tried to make it a territory or nobility injured by this invasion. This is huge.

"The First Empress is going to King's Capital as a hostage."

said the king. Mathilde is currently the number one successor to the throne. Of course, since the next emperor is a hostage and other declaration of belonging, the order of inheritance is set to be bullied before that. That's why it says First Princess.

The order of birth doesn't make much sense in an empire. Or, technically, it looks like the order in which they were registered. Because Mathilde is younger than Lisaberto. Succession to the throne ”first place” makes sense, but ”first princess” makes no sense.

In the first place, he was the head of the Imperial Commando who led the Imperial Army body. It is a hostage of great value. In general, the imperial order of succession to the throne is basically strength, and Maythir's knowledge of magic is worthwhile regardless of rank. The Empire's supreme power under our surveillance also means a lot. We know that these two broke the magical guidance of a powerful empire with an inch that the kingdom can only pass through once.

Politically, of course. In other words, it should have no further consequences in the sense of national interest and royal decency. This time, he's a victim of unilateral aggression in the kingdom. It is difficult to handle the emotions of the damaged people and nobles. But no one will see this condition and not be convinced of the complete victory of the kingdom. Besides, it is a victory won by the King, who led his own army.

With this harmony, merit belongs to the king who broke the empire. It would be the result of not complaining.

"It's just that the Empire has several conditions for drinking these," he said.

Naturally, the two people nodding are slowly squeezing their expressions.

"Firstly, in the retreat from Kurtheit, the return of at least ten Cranes and their men captured here in order to lead the Imperial Army instead of Empress Maitir. And a pledge of early return of Prince Dagobad by payment of the ransom. And that Princess Mathilde take the form of studying at the Royal College"

I had no objection to my words. It is in the Kingdom's interest that the Imperial Army withdraw early, even in order. Whatever the name, Mayteer is a hostage, whoever sees it. Of course, it's important to go to Royal College.

Fulsey's face didn't seem very interesting until just now. I've already told her that Meer wasn't badly hit, but it's cash stuff. Combining those two makes me more anxious.

Anyway, that's no problem so far. Finally, to the point.

"Finally. Sending His Royal Highness Prince Delnius, Second Prince, as” honorary ”ambassador from the kingdom to the Imperial capital in order to guarantee the safety of Empress Maityr"

I said without changing my face.



The prime minister panicked. And the king's expression disappeared.

Oops, ”from the Empire," but it's like I set it up.

Yes, the de facto deportation of the second prince. The second prince decided to get out of my sight.

"The person..."

The cold eyes stared at me. That's so powerful. Scary even when you think of it as a potato.

"I am only a messenger. I just brought back a request from the Empire."

I tried my best to keep it flat. By and large, you're not interested in having parents in child fights.

"Isn't it dangerous to release Prince Dagobad early?

It would be to make money between them. The Chancellor told me. No, this man would know. That even this last proposal is of great benefit to the "Kingdom”.

"Prince Dagovard, who lost the majority of the horse dragon, would be smaller as a threat than Empress Maitir, who has not lost her power as a demon conductor. It's a lot harder to have second and third place than to have first and third place in the Empire."

Below the previously suppressed third place competes with the second with an ass in defeat. Needless to say, this dialogue also says with the Kingdom's second and third place, Dernius, in mind.

Of course, it would be conveyed to both of us. I mean, I guess I'm not guided by the Chancellor.

"The new city means the realm of flying dragons in the mountains of blood, but are there really merchants who go to places like that?

"Yes. Like this. We have already installed an acknowledgement"

I showed a series of letters from the Central Garden Chamber of Commerce named after me. It says that all chambers of commerce will fund it and create branches in the new city. You need a massive investment in land that could be seafood or mountain stuff, but you're a shepherd zero. Rather my stomach hurts.

By the way, I still have Giverney's name.

"These chambers of commerce have made a unique contribution to the development of this pollen and magic catalyst. Consider it better than going far for the kingdom."

I added.

"It's a form of studying for the Crown Princess, but is it okay to accept the Crown Princess of an enemy country"

"Noon will take care of it."

Fulsey said. I'm honestly anxious after seeing Mathier herself, but it's the easiest thing to do in college.

The Prime Minister silenced.

"We have to be more careful to get Dernius, our second son, out of the country than the prince has a disease."

The king opened his mouth. That's not a total denial. I guess I know.

"How about His Highness Craig? Are you all right?

I told the Chancellor. Politically, this proposal to get the Second Prince out of the country should be a ship across. In addition to his many previous Warcraft crusades, Craig's achievements in defeating Dagobad's Horse Dragon Squad are significant. Or too big.

But Craig is a lucky prince. Ultra C can be used to reward the whole kingdom, which means making it a prince. I can't level up anymore, so I'm changing classes.

Then there is no doubt that the second prince has great dissatisfaction. In a kingdom that weighs sequences, Craig's dissatisfied molecules lift a second prince. It can only be a source of future strife.

"What happens to the disturbance of the royal sequence"

I wonder what would happen to the royal authority if they banished the prince when he was a civilian.

"His Highness Craig's victory at Bertoldo. A complete victory over the Empire by this Parental Expedition of His Majesty. Hasn't it been since the founding of the kingdom that royal authority has grown so much?

The history book will record the king as a famous man who has dealt brilliantly with the many national disasters that have arisen suddenly, without even being alarmed by a long peace.

"The nobles who support Delnius will be dissatisfied..."

"Your Majesty. Actually..."

The prime minister took out the writ. It belongs to Euphiria, who is in the king's capital from the seal.

"Saggine and Perels..."

Second prince pie. Was he the sagaine who tipped off the Empire and circulated information about Alfina, and the man in the Count's house who forged official documents in this Meer kidnapping? Both are second-prince. Looks like Euphiria and the Chancellery have cooperated in the investigation.

Already the Grand Duke of Kurtheit, the rear shield of the Second Prince, has lost his legs. There must be an answer.

"When it comes to the position of depositing national politics, I believe it is also economically important to put together a harmony with the Empire as soon as possible. We need to stop trading food with the Empire any more."

The Chancellor looks at me. I forgot Vinder belonged to the food guild. That's because they did everything but the main business.

"Let me put it from a merchant's point of view, agriculture, especially the cereals that make up the bulk of it, is the foundation of the economy. Honey, carriages, etc. that we trade in are just living in that agricultural supernatant. Assuming that the trade in agricultural products with the Empire stops for a long time, all the money flows in this supernatant that we are growing up in will wither away"

Unlike the planet of previous life, which was Noah's flood-like jabjab, where more than ten times the real economy's money was flowing as finance. Commerce in this world is nothing more than a small dry lagoon bordered by the sea called agriculture. The tide just drops a little and it flickers.

The King won't be in trouble for me to break one Vinder, but it's already on a big scale to get involved. In the future, there will be a huge amount of tax revenues in the kingdom.

"Librarian... let me put it from the point of view of a court magician who wasn't, the fluctuations in the demon pulse yesterday will not allow prediction. Given the future, the kingdom will also think that an investigation into the Blood Mountains is indispensable."

Fulsey said. I guess you're forgetting your position in this geriatric court.

"Following His Majesty and His Highness Craig, if His Highness Dernius were to dedicate himself to the nation in the form of an honorary ambassador, the people would admire the royal virtues with humility"

The Chancellor added. This is more of a flower path. Of course, I'm going to try again in the future to be a one-way street.

"One concession is more than the Empire has made all the conditions."

The king said with a bitter look. A man's fist at the top of the nation was gripped on his knees.

"Thank you for your hard work as a messenger"

"Ha ha."

When I lowered my head, I let out all the air in my lungs.

I used the king to slap the princess, and the princess to slap the prince. Sewing that gap, he got a niche: a new land of equal distance from both countries.

Later, we will raise this to an essential presence in both countries as an essential part of the deal and the fight against warcraft. This completes our protection.

We still have a way to go, and we can't stay alert until Meer returns to King's Capital. But he reached the goal for now by going back and forth over a narrow, long line.

I was desperate for a while, but maybe I threw away my talent for protection that much too. I look forward to scoring Meer.

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