The Economics of Prophecy

One story: Running away to middle section work

"Alfina...... I see you're the ancient dragon-eyed witch. Yeah, nice to meet you."

An ancient dragon's eye is a word I've never heard of. I saw Alfina, but she's got her neck tied too.

"Yeah...... Well, fine. I'm interested in your crystals, but more than that, I'm here now."

Mathier laughs small about what she thought of our expression. And you're gonna move your gaze from Alfina to me or you're gonna lean over again. No, I want you to talk to Alfina first there. Managing relationships that are far more obnoxious than collaborative research itself, my plan to loose it to the right people, is at stake.

"I guess you're gonna let me hear some interesting stories today, Ricardo. I've been stuck in a mansion ever since I got here, and I'm bored."

"That depends on what His Royal Highness Maitir can offer. Information is only a reciprocal exchange."

"Ricardo......" I'm worried about Alfina crushing, but I held back the potential spy first. Looking at Noel's situation, it's not very good, but I can't manage sweet information. Even now, we should assume that he tried to gather some information by coming one step ahead of us.

Even the Duke's house where it was deposited would be tightly controlled in communicating information with the Empire, but it's impossible not to leak it at all.

"Oh, that's a lot different. We're going to be working together, so I don't know if we can crush it more."

Well, when we first met, it felt like we were representing the country for once, and they grabbed the first mea and cut it by half. I don't usually have that kind of attitude.

"His Royal Highness Maitir. I also have a position...... Well, isn't it a little close?

The restarted Alfina spoke to Mayteel again. My brow butt is up without a heart. No, it's about Alfina, who, unlike me, is humane, I'm sure you'll do something about it.

"Oh, yeah. You said your identity was absolute in the kingdom. But never mind, I'm a prisoner. Because in the first place, it's like being invited to Ricardo."

"Isn't that different? In the first place, Ricardo risked his life because you caught Meer..."

The princess with blue and silver hair and the princess with bright purple hair confront each other. The air gets heavier. No, it's easier and better than being able to wear your identity to a song. What's my plan?

"Look. What are you going to do?" "What are you going to do, Senior? Isn't it the plotter's turn?

No, that's why I asked Alfina to do it. Shut up and watch over more than I once left it to you is the basics of management......

Or there's no way that subtly evil girls have the skills to get in between each other. It's not sunny. An accurate assessment of your strengths.

"Oh, you finally got it all together. Come on, come on, let's get started."

What saved me was the voice of an old man heard from above. The Lord has come down from the second floor. There is absolutely no such thing as the Great Sage or the Count or the heaviness of an aged man's word. I can already see it floating from foot down the stairs to expression.

Behind me is Leonardo with a tired face for some reason.

"Curator. Don't take too much information apart without warning..."

"I know. It's okay. We're not gonna talk about the New Year's Wheel."

No, no, he says he's not talking. He's leaking something out of his mouth. Look, Mathilde's moving her eyes from Alfina to this one in a flash. And the ignored Alfina's face clouds.

Lilka and Meer, plus Noel's added gaze, sting me. I don't have a choice.

"... and shall we start today's meeting anyway"

I chose tactical retreat. Pull up to your position and get back on your feet.

◇ ◇

Enter Fulsey's room and take a seat. Unlike when I saw it before, the inside of the room is clear. Apparently Meer back did it with Noel. He's got a gap in Fulsey's mind that he's back and impressed.

How many days do you have? Unlike magic, the organization of this room is truly true to the second law of thermodynamics.

"Speaking of which, why is Senior Leonardo here? The curator said he was impotent about the budget again..."

Ask Leonardo, who walked into the room with us and put up a pen like a clerk.

"I am to travel from the Chancellery to the Royal Institute of Magic."


I turned away from Leonardo's words by accident. What is a future young man transitioning left because of Fulsey? My first impression wasn't good, but I feel guilty because I had a hard time contacting the Chancellery in research budget relations.

"Why do you look at me with such pity? You know that the Institute comes with a territory for the budget. Kurtheit...... the former Grand Duke of Kurtheit, just adjacent to our territory. Think of me as a deputy. Later..."

"You're not an eyewitness from the royal palace. Whose..."

Fulsey looks at me. Well, that's a natural measure. Even as Chancellor, I've decided to try to figure out what Mathilde and I are going to do.

"So, what's on today's agenda?"

"Yes, we need you to set the policy quickly..."

At the end of Noel's gaze, two princesses sit side by side. Repeatedly, Alfina talks to me and I get cut off with a word or two by an unfathomable Maityle. And when Mayteer's gaze comes here.

Are you saying that Alfina is only interested in talking about the Magic Guide, not this way?

"North of the Great River, the area sandwiched between the mountains of blood and the Great River has become a new kingdom territory, hasn't it? But as it is now, the Feilongs fly around. This place is of no use. Confront the knowledge of witchcraft and magic guidance to make this place an indispensable place for the kingdom, as well as for the empire. That's what this is all about."

I spread the map. This is the map that arrived with the compensation. I don't know much about it. Perhaps the first is the realm of the Fei Long, so the second...

What I put my finger on was a triangular flat between the Great River and the Mountains. Located northeast of Wang Du.

"The ultimate aim is to build a city in the land that will serve as a trading market for kingdoms and empires, as well as an observation base for the Blood Mountains. I'll leave the commercial story here, but given the unusual fluctuations in the demonic veins of yesterday, the observation of the mountains of blood is important."

I mean, it's a lot of father-in-law. Sometimes including for Leonardo, the appeal is indispensable to say that the new territory is useful for both the Kingdom and the Empire. If you ask me, we are surrounded by empires, kingdoms, warcraft. Of course, we're going to make it a necessary presence for both countries without a multiplier. To keep us safe.

And that's why we need the members here.

"You're just as impotent as usual," "I started impotent by example..." "Ricardo, I'm worried you'll be impotent again..." "..."

Fulsey, Noel and Alfina said. Meer is silent.

"Well, that's the purpose. So, what exactly do you do?

Mathier said.

"I've been thinking about a few things. But for the time being, the curator's magic measuring antenna and the Empire's magic guidance technology will be used to develop a way to get more detailed information on the demonic vein."

"Hmm, there's nothing different about that."

"If we can do it."

Fulsey and Noel said. It's okay, because if you two can't do it, nobody thinks you can.

"That's why I'm here. Of course, I won't give you the knowledge or the technology. Exchange only. Information I think is interesting. For example, those two kinds of magic catalysts, how to use them to draw circuits."

Mathier said. I think I was just questioning Noel to get our intel.

"Unfortunately, the story that leads directly to the application that I said that is not until we go a little further. I'd like to start by sharing information with each other about the demonic veins that are fundamental."

It is the same in that magic and magic guidance use magic. But it's my expectation that we each have our own area of expertise. As Fulsey's antenna shows, this one wins with the accuracy and sensitivity of sensing magic. On the other hand, the Empire should know about a magical realm that is hard to sense in the kingdom.

Combine those two knowledge to advance a basic understanding of magic itself. So to speak, it means starting with basic studies of magic.

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