The Economics of Prophecy

Two Stories: Another Purpose

Opposite the room, in front of the tablet, the magic squad + Alpha discusses about the magic analyzer. Fulsey, as well as Noel, who was frightened, has managed to establish a conversation with Mathier.

"At first I wondered what would happen, but I couldn't help but figure it out"

I took a breath at the window. It is forbidden to be alarmed, but if we tow it for technical purposes, we will likely manage to do so. If it's an actual task, I'm the only one in the way who can't handle magic.

Now, in order for the Magic Squad Plus Alpha to focus on technical issues, I have to act as coordinator. There are as many delicate and important issues as there are: joint research that brings the country together as companies.

"Senior Leonardo"

I spoke to the Chancellor's second son, who was running the pen silently. Leonardo subtly covers the paper. The words I saw a little were beaten and written. Probably something like a note for a report. Quite a lot, it's hard work.

"I will report all the contents of the meeting to the Chancellery. Nothing wrong with that."


I answered mysteriously. Instead, I don't need to ask permission. It's great to be an eyewitness. I mean, I can't make an appointment without being great. The Cheat Warlord Yoshio of Yuenhei Battle was ruined during the Kajiwara scenery of the military superintendent, but that may be a tragic event, but it is not a strange one.

By and large, I would report that Leonardo's position is no good.

"I'll ask you once. Was there something about it that seemed problematic? Thank you. I don't like politics."

"... not from what I understand. ……… I just have one question"

Tension runs on Leonardo's face.

"Today's story was focused on research for the observation of the demonic vein. Can't we free the new territories from the beasts?"

"I think it's premature to talk about boulders."

A conversation that blurs what's at stake. Leonardo's point is natural. The flock of flying dragons cannot be repelled with an observation device. The development of magic technology naturally leads directly to the development of weapons. That's what Mathier obsesses with my magic semiconductor.

So at first, it offered a fundamental purpose to elucidate the nature of magic. No one loses money if we narrow it down to observation of the demonic pulse. The benefits are also great for an empire with far closer demonic veins than the kingdom.

Of course, make it magic, make it magic. It's magic, which is the backbone. If the clarification proceeds, it will ripple across everything. A full-sea antenna, for example, that is, directly connected to the radar. But this is more beneficial for a kingdom with a lower specific gravity than an empire that relies on a higher proportion of demonic guidance weapons.

I explained that to Leonardo.

"Okay. I will report to the Chancellery your policy of carefully pursuing the Devil's pulse observation to its primary purpose."

So far, there is no conflict of interest between the Kingdom and me. However, if this proceeds, incompatible situations may arise in the future.

"Good day, Ricardo....... sorry. I couldn't help you."

When I left Leonardo, Alfina talked to me.

"This is the hard part, please."

Seeing Alfina with such a sorry face hurts my heart. Whatever you think earlier, there's a problem over there.

"If I could understand Ricardo's story more properly earlier, I think I could talk to His Highness, Mathilde, a little more. So that's it. I want you to tell me about the rainbow earlier."

Alfina opened her own note. Human beings are too much.

There's a beautiful line of letters I don't think I took on my lap. I didn't just copy it. I can see that you're trying to understand it properly. I record information, organize things I don't know by thinking about myself, and even line up for questioning candidates. That's the application of the sky rain umbrella I taught you...

"Right. Think of the waves of water…"

I'll explain it as plainly as I can. Alfina says she honestly doesn't know what she doesn't know, and she's honest. It feels good to be teaching. Besides, it turns toward the respect of the uppermost.

Well, I also feel some kind of guilt as a person with previous life knowledge.

... Anyway, at the end of the day, I may not have any peculiar talent, but maybe it's for educators. As far as I can tell from Meer, she's also good at teaching at study groups.

"Hey Ricardo. I have a lot to ask you, too."

When did Maityle break in to get away from the tablet?

"His Royal Highness Maitir. Well, now I..."

"Oh, I've waited for a paragraph. Or do you really know the value of Ricardo's knowledge? I was just impressed with Ricardo's words earlier, and I didn't say a word."

Mayteel looked at Alfina's note for a moment. Sure, after answering the last question. Alfina lay her eyes down.

"At this rate, it just so happens that ancient magic props and wavelengths fit. I don't think Ricardo helped me with the prophecy."

"That's different -"

"It's good. Indeed, Ricardo has always helped me. That's why we want to be useful as partners"

Alfina said when she took control of me, she looked closely at Mathier. Hmm, should I not speak more than I have left Alfina to communicate with Mayteel?

"Anyway, if it's over, I want you to give Ricardo to me. And..."

Maityle opened her own palm. There's a magic circuit there, like that horse dragon rider's arm. Much smaller than that, but if you look at the color, it would be the same thing.

"Ricardo doesn't want to ask me anything either."

Exactly. Actually, I would also like Alfina to ask...... I recall Alfina's obsession with crystals before entering the lab.

"Sure, I'd like to hear about that symptom of the Imperial Horse Dragon Knight. I'm going to do more to everyone than deal with magic in many ways."

"... is that right? I get it. Thank you, Ricardo."

Alfina stood up. Maerteer did not hesitate to take the seat vacated by Alfina. I'm worried about the saggy hindsight, but Alfina and I are under one roof. Meanwhile, the time of contact with Maitille is limited.

"So, what do you want to hear about this?

"The first is the depth of the pattern. Can't you just paint it on your skin?"

I raised my voice in awareness of Leonardo.

He is injecting pigments into the dermis deep in the skin like a tattoo. Of course, it won't disappear, but that won't be all. Because that symptom of an imperial horse dragon rider, planting a circuit in your body, poses a great risk.

"Yeah, even qualitative humans have limitations on the surface of human skin to pass through magic. Plus, there's a circuit control problem..."

Mathier explains. The surface of the skin is a dead cell. Sounds like something to do with it. I keep asking Mathilde questions.

"... that is, if you transfer to the demon conductor the demon conductor circuit that is supposed to carve into the human body with the demon conductor semiconductor I showed you. That symptom won't happen, at least it'll be alleviated."

"That sort of thing. I know you do. That's not all."

"The pattern of the arms absorbs differences in qualities. In other words, if we can process a lot more information on the side of the magic wand than ever before with the fine-tuning of the magic wand, we can make it a horse dragon, make it a magic wand, and increase the number of humans we can use."

I went to see if Leonardo's pen was moving faster. I am not going to hide this from you. I explained earlier that the efficiency of the circuits directly connected to weapons development will not be handled for the time being.

"You really can't hide anything."

Mathier said as if it was over. I had a great harvest, too. After all, it is problematic for the human body to continue to suffer uncontrollable magic. The problem involves distance. Engraving directly into the human body is most dangerous. The Empire had to adopt dangerous technology to counter the threat of the Warcraft.

By that standard, the Kingdom's magic props are safe. But that's in the assumption of the same degree of magical strength.

"I can't wait for the next one. You can't just leave me alone." I nodded to Maityle, who was to be blamed by the minister of the Duke's family at the depository.

Mayteal's departure eases the tension. Noel is particularly relieved, but Leonardo is next. Apparently, you haven't noticed the ”concern” I don't want you to know at this stage.

The Blood Mountains are not the only reason I stick to the wavelength of magic.

If you think about my hypothesis about witchcraft, or the criterion that witchcraft is information processing, the crystal power of prophecy is too strong. Crystals deal with a hell of a lot of information called prophecy. And there is an extremely close relationship between wavelength and the acquisition and transmission of information. That relationship associated with light is not reassuring.

In fact, I asked Fulsey and Euphilia to gather information about the lifespan of the historical witch princess. But even though the record is incomplete, the older the time comes to know who's real and who's fake, the less.

Besides, there is no insurance data such as the average life expectancy used as a reference. At least, there weren't any extremely short-lived people. There was no significant difference in life expectancy itself, though incomplete, from ordinary royalty. Most likely, the ordinary royalty didn't know if the cause of death was true.

Even when we look at the captives of the Empire, there are significant individual differences due to their qualities. Alfina is highly compatible with crystals. At the moment there is no data indicative of danger if considered objectively.

Still be vigilant. Alfina is sick at least twice when the prophecy appears. He's recovered soon afterwards, but it's an anxiety element.

To be honest, I don't want to get anywhere near the crystal until I know what's right. But ironically the role played by the crystal of prophecy is enormous. In extreme terms, it is a possibility of danger that may be national security and personal concern. Alfina wouldn't be convinced in the first place.

And the next prophecy may come out. In addition, the worst situation I envisage, demonic pulse fluctuations will be even greater from now on, but this will increase the contact between Alfina and the crystal.

If we can observe the Blood Mountains, the main mountain of the Devil's Vessel by Magic Spectrum, it is possible that we will be able to respond more quickly to the disaster of prophecy. I can shorten Alfina's contact time with the crystal.

I might be able to analyze the crystal itself. Ultimately, I want to automatically pull it out of the crystal just for the rough times and directions. That reduces contact time at least. If I have to, I may be able to free myself from the role of a witch princess.

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