The Economics of Prophecy

Ten Stories: First Half Empire Demands

Huge kingdom flag on the wall. It's the king's office I never wanted to go in again.

Two long desks, apparently deliberately brought in, are arranged in front of the king's executive desk. Sitting on the left is literally a heavy town in the kingdom. Crown Prince Craig from a side close to the King, Chancellor Duke Grinisias. Fifty men who are sophisticated and unfamiliar. Probably the Duke of Yeverg. There is also the First Knight Commander, Tenberg.

Even if it happens in terrorism, the kingdom is going to perish without waiting for the scourge of prophecy. Well, if anything we're going to talk about leaks outside, the country could flip before disaster with panic.

The two people sitting at the right desk contrast to that. It's like being transported from a small building behind a school somewhere and it's a targeted pussy. I don't care what you think, it's not balanced. Is it good? Well, Fulsey is an Earl. I'm the Marquis at worst over there.

Well, the question is, how do we move the heavier side of the decision, lightweight, over balance?

"Now explain the results of the analysis of the calamity shown by the crystal of prophecy."

Grinisias urged Fulsey.

"You don't need to take strange care of those on this occasion. Let me present the worst hypothesis, built on the information obtained by the" present ”."

Everyone nodded at the words of an old man who was unlikely to shy away from anyone. Whatever that is by, that image is the demise of the nation. Rest is certainly futile.

"The first indication is of the demonic vein obtained from the demonic pulse wavelength measuring instrument made by collaborative research with the Empire…"

In keeping with Fulsey's commentary, I present a graph of the spectrum data of the demonic vein. Observatory of the East and West and the Demonic Vein Spectrum of Mount Tuvire. The position of the band of normal demonic crystals and deep red demonic crystals is noted as the reference point. It's simple to understand. In other words, to say that the numbers of the demonic veins everywhere are variable, but that the wavelength magic corresponding to the deep red demonic crystal main band is out strong in alignment.

Especially though Mount Tuvire has few other wavelengths, only the deep red band is strong.

"Next, data on the variation of the demonic vein over seventy years using the annual wheel in ten years…"

East and West red trees. timber from the empire. Ten years in pieces but the results were clear. Deep red bands appear only in the latest, that is, in the category of the last decade.

"Finally, the results of the last ten years by sensory demon plates that have been adjusted to detect only this deep red wavelength."

What I've learned from the decade-separated data is that deep red magic wavelengths can only be seen in the last ten years. As long as we know that, we can focus on the target later.

"In this way, high density magic wavelengths are gradually increasing. Perhaps this is what lies behind the abnormalities in the demonic veins of yesterday. It is speculative that the same changes are expected in the Blood Mountains, the heart of the Devil's Vein, due to the occurrence of high magic in such a vast area."

"What the observation of the demonic vein shows is that the next calamity will be more intense and widespread than anything that has happened in at least the last seventy years. Combined with the circumstances indicated in the prophecy, it is reasonable to take as a candidate the phenomenon recorded as heritage 400 years ago. That is, a flock of dragons that have broken out in the mountains of blood strike all parts of the kingdom as warcraft of calamity"

In the end, the demonic vein data reinforced our first hypothesis.

"A flock of dragons is a boulder..."

The imagination of a group of dragons flying out of the mountains of blood is a nightmare. Grinisias and Tenberg raised their voices unexpectedly. Craig and the king are immovable. However, the expression on the face of this parent and child only distorted for a moment. It feels like the anticipation that the catastrophe of 400 years ago was closely related to the founding of the kingdom is on hold.

"Wait, wait. When it's all over the kingdom, isn't it going to be a story of a hundred sizes? Hard to believe that so many dragons exist."

Tenberg said to deny the nightmare. I know exactly what it's like, to go beyond your common sense and people are reflexively denying it.

"One dragon herd strikes all over the kingdom one after another. Or even when it comes to dragons, we assume small or medium sized. I believe this could be possible."

Fulsey tells us what we've considered. Add that where a participant's complexion has recovered, that is not necessarily optimistic due to his ability to fly or range. Of course, it's a gap to take to our conclusion.

"... if it is a dragon, the pollen of the example will ask"

It was Grinisias who said it calmly. Fulsey looks at me.

"If you're a dragon, I think it's likely to work. But with even the imperial horse dragon trapped in a narrow fortress, we responded by putting in tons of pollen at once. If you become a flock of flying dragons, the amount of pollen you need will be enormous, and it will be difficult to prevent it."

"How likely do you think that hypothesis is to be correct?"

The king said in a hard voice.

"To be honest, all I can say is that it's the most likely of all of us. We believe further verification is required."

"So what are the measures?

Fulsey looks at me.

"I think the key is speed for one or two. Making the hypothesis a solid object as soon as possible. Obtaining that information as soon as possible when the Warcraft of Disaster occurs. Assuming one herd strikes one city after another, crushing the herd in the first raid will minimize the damage."

Grinisias nodded at my words. I go on.

"Much of the information you need to do that is across the river"

I explained that I could verify the image of the prophecy by measuring the mountains of blood, surveying the cities that perished in catastrophe, etc.

"... you mean we need to explore the realm of the Feilongs as soon as possible"

The king looks at me still.

"It means that the cities that perished in the catastrophe are deep in the realm of the Feilongs. We believe we have extremely important information for the finalization of the hypothesis."

"Isn't it further back in the realm of the Fei Long"

"Yes. The safest way to think about distance is via the Imperial Maldoras. So, as soon as possible, I'd like an agreement with the Empire against the Warcraft, no, an alliance."

I sued. Every participant but us has turned into a troubled face. Funny, I don't think there's much else to choose in this situation.



In the words of the king, the duke in charge of negotiations with the empire rose.

"I received a response the other day to the” pact ”I was proposing to the Empire."

Yeverg reads out the imperial demands. Response that Dagobad, the highest power on the military side of the empire, will respond to the talks. Moreover, the venue for the talks is Maldoras. I don't even wish. But......

"To prove that the kingdom can build and maintain a trading route through the realm of the Feilongs, the Kingdom's envoys go through the realm of the Feilongs, not the imperial realm, to Maldoras."


I looked at the map unexpectedly. It is necessary to cross the Great River almost longitudinally through the area of the Fei Long. It doesn't go to the deepest depths, but the distance you have to tread is longer than from Maldoras to the doomed cities. Never tried to take it to the kingdom without directing the land?

Fulsey and I had no choice but to remain silent.

Exploring the realm of the Fei Long requires the cooperation of the Empire. How unreasonable it is to step into the realm of the Feilongs in order to gain that cooperation. I was going to measure the demonic pulse of the Empire in Maldoras to stir up a sense of crisis. I even thought about using the help of that horse dragon squad.

"Even as a Knights, I considered it from a military perspective. But an unknown realm for the kingdom. Behind you is the Great River and retreating is not easy. I have no idea how much power it might take. It is therefore concluded that it is impossible to respond to the demands of the Empire. If we devote a great deal of energy and resources to a great failure, we will not be able to cope with the catastrophe we expect in six months."

"The hypothesis of catastrophic calamity just described is critical. I believe it would be an appropriate response to pack more detailed hypotheses and encourage the Empire to rethink"

Yeverg said. The King affirmed the words of the heaviest minister of Wen Wu in his neck movements. Indeed, there is ample possibility that a compromise can be drawn because it is also expected to involve the Empire. But how much extra time does it take? Decide what to tell the Empire, send out the messenger, and wait for his return. If I suck, that's not going back and forth.

Do you have that time, no. Even if it did, it would put a further strain on Alfina... Reminds me of Alfina's white cheek lying in bed, and I shrugged my back teeth.

"It's about Ricardo. Isn't there something we can do?

It was Craig who said that. I dare to look up and see the King's father and son and the three heavy ministers. Overturn their reasonable conclusions and break through the unreasonable demands of the Empire. If I don't, I can't fulfill my purpose.

"We propose to break through the realm of the Flying Dragon with a small number of troops."

I said. As I said first, speed no matter what you put down. That's my policy. Only along with it, then.

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