The Economics of Prophecy

5 Stories: Late oxygen concentrations are economic fluctuations

Without almost any exception, animals acquire energy by burning sugar and fat with oxygen. Just like the engine, it needs not only fuel, but also oxygen. Some methods are oxygen-free fermentation, but the efficiency is about twenty times different.

Besides, unlike automobiles, cells have engines one at a time. Multicellular animals must deliver oxygen at all times, up to its engine, which does not touch the oxygen source directly: the outside air or water. Unlike fuel, oxygen cannot be stored. Therefore, the relationship between breathing methods and oxygen concentrations was an extremely significant factor in determining the direction of major animal evolution (body plan).

By analogy with the economy, oxygen levels are like interest rates. Companies absorb money from financial institutions at the cost of interest rates and use that money to operate. Companies that are inefficient if they have high interest rates will crush them without regard to interest rates. The only company that can live in a world with an interest rate of 5 percent is one that can use 100 yen to make a profit of more than 106 yen. But even companies that can make a profit of 110 yen for 100 yen will crumble if interest rates go up to 11 percent.

In biological terms, this is extinction. Mass extinction amounts to the destruction of the industry itself.

It would be a little unimaginable, for example, to extinct small organisms that were present in large numbers around the world, such as trichlorfon. However, considering that the respiratory organs cannot cope with the decrease in oxygen concentration, that can be explained. If there is less food, it is better to reduce the number of individuals. Large animals, small animals are possible. But when the oxygen ”concentration” decreases, all individuals will not be able to live equally.

In fact, there have been major fluctuations in oxygen concentrations in the Earth's past. And mass extinction, known as Big Five, is all timed with a drop in oxygen concentration, except for one that destroyed dinosaurs. The mass extinction of the Perm Chronicle, said to be the largest extinction, occurred in a process where oxygen concentrations dropped dramatically from the largest 36 percent in history to 12 percent.

Conversely, a very small number of companies that have developed new and adaptive methods sprout as new industries. The prosperity of dinosaurs is due to their adaptation to hypoxia and the development of an efficient respiratory organ called the airbag. After extinction, new and budding innovative species thrive according to the recovery of oxygen concentrations, producing various companies.

The evolution of organisms, so to speak, is that if the increase in interest rates of decreasing oxygen concentrations occurs on a regular basis to destroy large numbers of inefficient companies, then the innovative companies that survive from it will develop at a reduced interest rate of restoring oxygen concentrations. This repeat.

The efficiency of breathing, which is so important, also depends to a great extent on the size of the body. For example, monocytes do not have respiratory organs. Because it's small. If the body is small, the oxygen coming naturally from the surface of the cell with diffusion is sufficient.

Next, living on land is the fight against dryness. If you increase the surface area, precious water will come out of your body.

Thus, terrestrial organisms evolved lungs into the body to efficiently capture oxygen. The airbags of dinosaurs and birds are its finest. I always use a large part of my body to put fresh air through my lungs into my blood. Even the human lungs use a lot of alveoli, like a vineyard, to expand their surface area.

But insects with smaller bodies are different. The insect's respiratory organs are only the airways, which are holes drilled towards the outside, and the trachea, which are the tubes that connect from them. There's no mechanism to actively inhale air like a lung, just rely on air diffusion. Besides, it's an exoskeleton. An exoskeleton creature is, in short, a creature that has applied wax to the surface of the skin.

Because your body is small, the oxygen that comes in naturally is enough if you keep the tube open outside your body. The smaller the body, the wider the surface area will be in proportion to the surface area. Exceptionally, flying insects that consume large amounts of energy create cavities in the body that inflate parts of the trachea, achieving a simulated lung that contracts with muscles.

Well, the insect warcraft in front of us is bigger than us. And I can't see the wings. There shouldn't be enough oxygen to support a body this size. Then there are two possibilities. The first is to say that magic is used directly as energy to compensate. The other is indirect use.

I stare at the body of the demon "bug”. I didn't notice because the yellow pattern on my back is noticeable, but there is.

"Mathier. Look at the side of that warcraft belly. There's a small pattern. Does that look anything like it?

I pointed to Maythir with a pattern similar to a whirlpool. There is a pattern of extinction between the body joints. If you look closely, there's a hole there, and the pattern is the shape that surrounds the hole.

"... similar to the magic script that underlies spirulitis."

And the surrounding hairs are shaking slightly to match the slight brightness of the pattern. Perhaps that pattern is the same as spirulitis, manipulating gas molecules. Wouldn't it actively pump air into the airway? then......

"I think that's that Warcraft respiratory organ. And it's probably that warcraft weakness."

Evolved to actively manipulate air and capture it into the body, just like helitis, demonic crest. Is it convergence evolution that has similar shapes? Anyway, that pattern is giving that warcraft as much oxygen as it can operate.

"............ so?

"Hit the spirits at the right time for the array to glow. Can you do that?"

"I'll try, but we have to get a lot closer."


I turn my back. Mathilde beats me while I pull the trigger. They sweat at each other to say it's autumn.

Burning concentrated gases are emitted from Maityr's magic wand. The scorching gases reached there at a more and more pizzy time as the demonic bug's abdominal pattern glowed. Spirulitis, which seemed to spread through body hair, was sucked into the airways more quickly as the small pattern glowed. Warcraft torments by twisting his body. Smoke blows out of the airy hole.

"It's working!

I told Mathilde to hug me from the back.

"Okay. Next time, crush the airways on the other side of the same syllable."

"Okay. Crane."

Mathilde and Crane work together on my instructions to release the spirits. Angry warcraft starts storing electricity. But it stops in front of the body section of the crushed airway.

Warcraft twists and twists his body.

"Next. As much as you can on the same side as now, crush the airway in the nearby body section."

"Why do you have to aim so fine?

"Eh...... Somehow, unlike humans, every syllable..."

If you're a human, you can block one mouth, but the insect's temperatures are in every syllable. Instead of delivering oxygen through the blood to the cells, they are extending branches directly to the cells to supply oxygen. Of course, the trachea is connected to each other inside, but if burned with spirited heated gases, it can block them. Even if not, oxygen deficiency can be expected to be locally severe.

"Crane, not if you're listening to that now. Do as Ricardo says. We need to get over here quickly."

Mathier looked over there. The Dagobirds are struggling with three or four Warcraft opponents. Horse dragons are down by one ride again to eight. Moreover, they are pushed in the direction of twitching and distance away. I mean, it's being pushed into the lake.

"I'm gonna go tell the other side of the operation."


"Maybe, but this warcraft has a strong propensity to magically dictate its aim. I could probably get closer to safety."

From what I've just observed, you're hardly paying attention to me. If even one of the demon wolves is in the woods, it's out, but from what I've just seen, I'm not likely to be around for fear of that demon bug.

"... ok. Take this. It's a sign that the royal family has deposited their full powers."

When Mathier pulls out the ring, he gives it to me. "Your Highness," Crane panicked, but Maitille said, controlling it by hand, to resume the attack. In the meantime, I run straight to the lake.

Dagobird is resolutely at the forefront of the fight against the Devil Bug. But I still haven't been able to do more than restrain.

"His Royal Highness the Dagobad"

I shouted at the Imperial Prince.

"Ricardo Vinder. What are you doing here? Don't you understand this situation?"

"Look at that. There's an operation to poke the weakness of the Warcraft."

I shouted as I stuck out the ring.

"That side of the, yellow pattern. Hit the spirits when the array glows. It's a Devil's Respiratory Organ. It's a weakness."

"Do you understand that explanation?"

"Right here."

I threw a pot filled with [IG-1] in my hand at the Warcraft. I hear a bashing sound, and the Warcraft Qi Gate stains green. At the same time the brightness disappeared. Rub the demon crest with your feet where the demon worm appears to have been offensively inhibited.

"... the knight of the kingdom get off the horse dragon. Craig, while we're holding back, aim for the current pattern with spirits. They say it's on the other side."


To Dagobad's words, Craigs and the others descend from the horse dragon. The Dagobirds approached the Warcraft I threw [IG-1] at.

Dagobird draws the attention of the Devil Bug. Craig approaches the side in the meantime. Craig and his spirits concentrate. Not as precise as the Maityles on the boulder, but one of the spirits captured a small pattern. Chi Gate exhales smoke. The Warcraft came close to crushing Dagobad's Horse Dragon Squad. A horse dragon crept between his legs.

Behind me there was the sound of a baton, a demon worm that Maythir was fighting was flipping to the ground and cramping her legs with a flinch. Now the equilibrium leaned toward the human "here".

With Mathilde and the others taking part in the attack, the victory and defeat were decided. As Dagobad's spear swept through the demonic crest of Warcraft's Qiguan, the current went out, the last biggest demon worm fell.

"You've got it figured out."

said the rendezvous Maitille as she muddled her cheeks. Crane supports his boss who drags his leg.

"... lost two horse dragons"

Dagobad said. Fortunately, it seems the knights on board were safe, but the knights who were electrically shocked over the horse dragon still can't get up. I can't say it's just two. It's a precious horse dragon. There is a possibility that one village that should be able to be saved in the Empire will perish. Taking Dagobad's gaze, I accidentally stiffened myself. This exploration is my suggestion.

I thought it was necessary, but I can't argue with you if you look at the purple magic and tell me you underestimated the unknown danger.

"I guess the results will be commensurate with this"

It's the opposite of heavy pressure that I'm not going to emotionally accuse you of. I looked straight at Dagobad and nodded.

"Give me a little more time to do that"

Explain the ice stripe clay. Maybe we should really leave here as soon as possible. But Dagobad decided to continue. In the meantime, Mayteel will proceed with the sampling.

"Next to the bouldering mountains, there's something amazing."

"It's a desperate mountain range. Though he's no more of an enemy than I know how to defeat him..."

Craig and Dagobad are talking about the remains of the Warcraft in front of them.

"By way of example, Ricardo sees the weakness of the Warcraft, and he's about to do something."

"What are you going to do?"

I subtly dodge the two and approach the Warcraft. Of course I can find it.

"No, just checking..."

With that said, I look at the tip of my thin leg. The tip is one. I got short body hair. That's not going to cut a stone. Next, turn to your back. Look up to the gap in the ganglia that hits the thorax.... There's not even a trace.

But I still care. You look like something, don't you, this guy?

"Just in case, can't you take one of the smallest ones home"

I pointed to the smallest individual, just about a horse dragon.

"Let me know why."

"I just hope you care at this stage. It's just that if this warcraft, no warworm, were drawn to the purple light, it might have something to do with disaster."

"... let's carry it to Maldoras. Maybe we'll get some new material."

Dagovard speared the exoskeleton covering the body of the demonic worm. In short, I would listen to my request, but ownership would mean an empire.

"That's enough."

I nodded.

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