December this her birthday? Well, not far.

Qin Yipuan continued to turn it over. Yan Beiqi, who was in 2009, seems to have some Zen thoughts in his hair. Let those who watch it also feel the calmness mixed in it.

After that, she didn't post anything, as if she had disappeared.

After reading all of them, it was already quite late.

Qin Yi took a sigh of relief without realizing it, then stood up, opened the WeChat address book with his mobile phone, and found Yan Beiqi.

However, after opening it, she didn't know what to send.

At this time, her editor sent a message.

The first is a kissing little face, followed by a sentence: "Yi Pun, are you free now?"

After Qin Yipun saw this question, his heart tensed unconsciously.

"Have you read the manuscript?" Qin Yi asked.

"Well, look."

Subsequently, the words "the other party is typing" are still displayed at the top of the dialog box. After these words appeared for a while, they disappeared, and Qin Yipun waited with bated breath.

After a while, the editor sent a long paragraph of content.

"The style this time is very different from before? Because I was afraid it was my personal reason, so I also showed the manuscript to several colleagues, and our views were basically the same. How should I put it, it feels a little too pale and blunt. , Although the choice of words and sentences is as good as ever, it doesn't seem to bring out the atmosphere of the story. The images of the male and female protagonists are not particularly three-dimensional, and they feel a bit like paper. This is your final version. ?"

After reading this long list of news, Qin Yipun lightly bit his lower lip and looked at the screen.

Surprised by such an evaluation...? It doesn't seem to be particularly surprising. Such an evaluation was what she expected.

"Okay, then I'll change it." Qin Yichuan replied.

"Mmmm. To pour, if it really doesn't work, just write what you are good at. However, you can change it first." Then, the editor sent another emoji with a hug.

Qin Yipun exhaled, propped his forehead with his hand, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

What are these things? It feels like my life has become a mess, and I can't get it right.

The career is not going well, and the emotions are not going well.

"It's useless no matter how hard you try..." Qin Yipun bit his nails and looked at the document on the computer.

Unusually anxious, Qin Yipuan dropped the mouse.

However, after the mouse was turned over, even the faint blue halo above seemed to be mocking her.

After brushing his hair back, Qin Yipun then dragged all the garbage he wrote during this time into the garbage collection bin.

But after thinking about it, Qin Yipuan restored the pile of garbage again.

The first 10,000 words were put out from it, and then Qin Yichuan organized it into a long picture, opened Weibo and posted it, and wrote a sentence in front of it: "This is something a friend wrote recently when he was idle, let me post it and call Everyone commented, and I hope everyone can actively comment, thank you."

Anyway, it's all scrapped, and if people see it now, it's nothing.

After the Weibo was sent out, Qin Yipuan changed his mobile phone to log in to Weibo, then walked to the sofa next to him and sat down, biting his fingers and phalanx to frequently refresh the page.

Within a minute of posting the item, she received dozens of likes and several comments like "Sofa, first, finally in the front row, this time I'm the first, like me".

After a few more minutes, comments on her article began to pop up one after another.

"Emmm... If you're a novice, I think it's pretty good, after all, you're a novice. But it does have a bit of your style of writing, maybe it's because you've been closer and she's been affected by your reading of your works. Relationship?"

"I feel like I'm imitating your writing style... but it's still not as refined as your writing style, hehe."

"[Laughs and cry] The writing is good, but as far as the story is concerned, I'm not very good at it. Although I just read the beginning, it feels a bit old-fashioned."

"Old cliché 1, if I were in junior high school, I might be able to eat it."

Hundreds of comments surfaced one after another, and Qin Yipuan took a look. All in all, judging from everyone's reaction, Qin Yipuan understood one thing - her writing was really bad.

After sorting out his emotions, Qin Yichuan deleted the Weibo and reposted it: "She has read all the comments just now, and said that she probably knew what she was lacking in, and then she asked I would like to say thank you to everyone in her place."

After this post was posted, it quickly got a lot of likes and comments.

"You're welcome! I hope she can write better works!"

"I envy her for being able to get so close to Queenie sister. I am a netizen. I really envy people who can communicate with Queenie at close range, biting my handkerchief~"

"So, Miss Queenie, when will your new book be released? I'm really looking forward to it! It must be great!"

"Emmm, you're welcome, it's just a little effort for me to tell the reason why I can't eat the text. However, I still care more about Nini's new work, I must be the first to rush out to buy it. Buy!"

Such a strong trust.

Qin Yipuan suddenly became confused when he looked at the little sheep who were waiting to be fed on Weibo.

But they didn't know that the article they just evaluated was also from their own hands.

After thinking about it, Qin Yipian shook his head with a smile, and then dragged out the outline of the next work that he had drawn up when he wrote the previous book.

That outline continued her previous style.

After reading the outline again, Qin Yichuan began to write the first chapter.

However, half an hour later, his fingers stopped tapping on the keyboard, Qin Yipun stared blankly at the computer screen without any movement.

A few minutes later, Qin Yipun pulled away the stool, turned off the computer and lights, and exited angrily, returning to the bedroom.

Lying on his side on the bed, Qin Yi thought about it for a long time, and a name appeared in his chaotic thinking - Yan Beiqi.

"What are you doing? Are you asleep?" Finally, Qin Yichuan said this.

However, after several minutes, the other party did not respond. After the sentence was sent, it was like a stone sinking into the sea.

Is she asleep or busy, or...she just doesn't care about herself anymore?

Qin Yipour turned her body back and forth on the bed, all kinds of messes were squeezed together, and she felt like her head was about to explode.

However, just when Qin Yichuan was going to take a shower to calm down, the phone vibrated.

Qin Yipuan was stunned for a moment, then immediately took the phone and opened it to check the news.

Yan Beiqi: "Is something wrong?"

These two very simple words seem to have no emotional overtones.

After Qin Yipuan read it, he bent his fingers slightly, looked away from the screen, put his phone aside, turned his head and stared at a book on the bedside table in a trance.

Forget it, get in touch.

The tone of speech is so cold, if you still contact, wouldn't that be a cold face and a hot butt?

Thinking like this, Qin Yipun went to take a shower, then went back to the bedroom to lie down on the bed, and fell asleep.

After a while, she seemed to remember something, so she stretched out her arm again and turned off the light switch next to her with a snap.

I don't know how long it took, and it seemed that it was raining finely outside the window.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, causing Qin Yichuan to tremble.

Then, she stretched out her hand and brought the phone to her face at the speed of light.

The sudden light reflected on her face, and the stimulated eyes couldn't help but narrowed.

Then, the words Yan Beiqi appeared in front of him.

Thinking it was dizziness and hallucinations, Qin Yichuan rubbed his eyes with a good hand, and looked at it again, the words Yan Beiqi were still there.

I can't tell what kind of emotion it is, it seems to be happy and excited, and it seems to be a little sad.

Just when Qin Yichuan was about to pick it up, the other party hung up. The interface "You have a missed call" appeared on the screen.

Qin Yichuan looked at the interface, stunned for a moment, and then prepared to call back.

But just when her finger was about to touch the screen, Yan Beiqi called again.

"Hello..." Qin Yipun hurriedly answered, huddled in the quilt, and put the phone to his ear. But I don't know why, when she said the word "hello", she suddenly choked, causing the pronunciation of the word "hello" to tremble.

"Mr. Qin, what's the matter?" Yan Beiqi seemed to be walking, his voice slightly panting.

"No..." After the word was uttered, Qin Yichuan finally couldn't help it, turning into a bitter face, tears dripping like spring rain.

So, she hurriedly covered her mouth and nose with her hand, trying to stabilize her emotions.

"What's wrong? Teacher Qin? Teacher Qin?" Yan Beiqi's voice finally changed, and there seemed to be a hint of anxiety in it.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." After Qin Yichuan heard her voice, finally, he couldn't bear it any longer, a trembling spread down his throat, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably, causing her to speak. The sound was unusually choked.

"What are you talking about, what's wrong with you? Stop crying, Teacher Qin."

"I, I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore, I just sent you a message, and you haven't replied for a long time..." Qin Yiquan said, coughing twice.

"No. I'm in the next city now, and I won't be going back until tomorrow morning. I was driving just now, so I thought, I'll get back to you when I get back. I really didn't ignore you." On the other end of the phone, Yan Beiqi swiped his card to open the door. beeping sound.

"Really? I didn't mean to say those things to you, and I don't know why. Anyway, I said it inexplicably at the time. Now that I think about it, I'm so lenient, it's like a lunatic..." Qin Yichuan He sucked his nose, "Be careful when you're outside. It's cold at night. Are you wearing thick enough clothes? You've always been wearing thin layers, so don't catch a cold."

"I, um, okay, I will pay attention." Yan Beiqi walked into the room and closed the door, as if he was still a little uncomfortable with other people's concerns.

Then, Yan Beiqi went on to say: "Also, I'm really not angry. Promise me, don't be sad about this non-existent thing, okay?"

"Are you really not angry?" Qin Yichuan passed a tissue from the side and wrapped his nose with a heavy nasal voice, "But I still think, why did I fail so much, I can't write things out, and I can't do well as a person... "

"What's wrong? Is Wen still stuck?"

"Yeah." Qin Yichuan nodded as he answered.

"Then, do you remember what I said?" Yan Beiqi asked again.

"Ah?" Qin Yipuan didn't come back to his senses, and he didn't know what she was referring to.

"I said, when you can't adjust, you can come to me at any time. Qin Yipian, do you think I'm just talking?" Yan Beiqi asked.

The author has something to say: I have a cold... Obviously I don't feel cold, but I have been sneezing all of a sudden since yesterday. You should also pay attention to your body. There should be a lot of people taking exams these days, come on↖(^ω^)↗

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