When it was time to go to bed at night, Qin Yipun turned off the light and lay in bed.

As a result, within twenty seconds of closing her eyes, she suddenly opened her eyes again, and even the light and shadow projected on the curtains outside could be imagined by her as ghosts.

It's so scary, why is the movie that I watched today so scary? ! Do you want to scare a bunch of people to death by shooting so scary!

Yes, her reflex arc occasionally seems a little long.

Qin Yipun unconsciously pulled the quilt to cover his head, but he still felt that there were ghosts floating outside the quilt, and his whole body trembled with fright.

So, if you have something to do, watch some horror movie...

In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival has arrived.

After Qin Yipun packed up his things, he went home.

She is ready to become a Buddha on the spot and be urged to marry by her parents, and this year is no exception.

However, she still did not expect that she would be taken out by her parents to find the master for marriage.

The master was lit with sandalwood, and the smoke curled up.

Qin Yichuan sat there in a drowsy state, but in the end he was almost shocked by the words of the master.

The master said: "If you are twenty-seven and still can't find a good person, you may really have to be a bachelor all your life. So this year is very important. If there is anyone around you who is not bad, try to develop one or two."

After Qin Yi listened, he was stupid, and even his steps when he went home were empty.

In the end, a bachelor for life?

So, is it really possible to be an old maid for a lifetime?

The corners of Qin Yipun's mouth twitched, Yan Beiqi's face could not help flashing in his mind, and the days when he would eat fast with Yan Beiqi and pray for Buddha, no desire, no desire, rebooting and abstinence in the future.

Ah, long live friendship, friendship lasts forever, come, toast to friendship! Nonsence.

"Namo Amitabha." Qin Yichuan raised his hand and muttered into the air.

"Daughter, calm down, calm down! He's definitely inaccurate!" On the way home, Qin's mother grabbed Qin Yipuan's hand and pressed it down, "Look at you, you're not ugly, and your personality is not that bad. Where is the difference, how could it be possible to be an orphan if you can't find it this year?"

She doesn't look ugly anymore...it's her own mother.

However, after this episode, Qin Yipuan was not urged by her parents for a year.

Because, when her parents saw her despair and loss of appetite, it was too late to comfort her, and they would talk about a lot of things.

years later.

With the arrival of March, the temperature has broken away from the bitter cold in the middle of winter, and has become much gentler, everything is gradually recovering, and the dead silence in winter has finally been replaced by the playfulness of spring.

At this moment, Qin Yipuan's new book has also been written and sent to the editor.

Sitting down at the desk with a cup of milk tea, she opened the calendar and looked at it. After pinching her fingers, she was horrified to find that a quarter of the new year's Gregorian calendar had passed before she knew it.

Even Gu Jia decided to get out of her emotional pain and was going to find her girlfriend.

And she is still single.

In a trance, Qin Yichuan found out that Aling is married, Qianzi is in love, Gu Jia is going to pick up girls, and a lot of people on the Weibo homepage have also left the list. It seems that the whole world is in love, it seems that Really alone.

No, there is also Yan Beiqi.

"You said, does this kind of thing really exist?" In the dessert shop with Qianzi, Qin Yichuan stirred the fairy grass and taro **** in front of him and asked Qianzi suspiciously.

"It's not necessarily after a long time, maybe you can only become friends with guns."

"I'm serious..." Qin Yipun glanced at her.

"It may exist, I think, there are still examples."

"But if you don't call at the beginning, as time goes on, you get to know each other more and more and your shortcomings are exposed more and more. Shouldn't most people be less interested in each other, is it really possible to call? "Qin Yipour asked again.

After listening to Qianzi, she thought for a long time: "No, don't ask me, I don't know!"

Is it really possible? Qin Yipun propped up his cheeks with a good hand, and his eyes seemed to be filled with layers of fog.

"However, I think, instead of wasting on Yan Beiqi like this, you might as well focus on others first, and maybe you can get off the list, right?" Qian Zi still doesn't like Yan Bei. Qi.

"Let's talk about it." Qin Yipour lowered his head and stirred the contents of the cup.

"In the end, this is only your own business, and I can't say anything. You can just weigh it up yourself." Qianzi finally said such a sentence.

Qin Yichuan was still in a trance when he got home, and then suddenly a thought popped into his mind: "If it's a big deal, let's be an old bachelor with her, what's the matter? Love is not food and water, it's not a necessities of life. ."

After thinking about it, Qin Yipuan slapped his forehead with a slap—is she all right? Don't have a fever?

If you can't chase after you, what should you do if you can't chase at all? Suddenly, a brain hole popped into Qin Yip's mind. He simply wrote a story about a person who learns to chase people, learn to fall in love, and then make a lot of strange things in the next book. It's... written to myself.

However, the material is seriously lacking...

Just as Qin Yipuan was thinking this way, Yan Beiqi made a phone call.

"Mr. Qin, what are you doing?" Yan Beiqi asked.

"I'm thinking about the outline of the next book." Qin Yipun replied.

"Are there any eyebrows?" Yan Beiqi asked again.

So Qin Yipian told her his brain hole.

"But even so, I still think it's very difficult. After all, I have too little inspiration in this area. Because of my lack of imagination, and I don't have any love experience, I have nothing to refer to." Qin Yi sighed.

If there were enough tricks, she wouldn't be so powerless in chasing Yan Beiqi.

After chatting for a while, Qin Yichuan hung up the phone and sighed while making juice.

A few minutes later, she received a call from Yan Beiqi again.

"Hello?" After drying his hands, Qin Yichuan picked up the phone.

"Mr. Qin, I have an idea." At this time, Yan Beiqi spoke up.

"You said."

"It's better than this. Since you don't have a partner yet, let's make a simulated lover. Maybe, this can provide you with a lot of inspiration. Teacher Qin, trust me, I will definitely help you find inspiration." Yan Beiqi said.

After Qin Yi finished listening, he felt that the world had turned upside down. God, could this really be the legendary Drop of Water Enyongquan News? !

"Ahaha, haha..." Qin Yipun held the phone, paralyzed.

"Mr. Qin?"

"Mo, simulated love???" Qin Yipuan felt that this was definitely not a solution that normal people could come up with.

"Yes. You can decide the specific time." Yan Beiqi's voice sounded very serious.

the next day.

Inside the beauty salon.

"Simulated love?!" Bai Shuya and Qian Zi screamed at the same time.

"Yeah, what did she think?" Qin Yichuan lay on the white bed and let out a slow sigh of relief.

"Did she actually want to pick you up all the time, but she was more reserved?" At this moment, Bai Shuya suddenly came to her senses.

"No... I just did her a favor, so after that, she tried her best to help me with my affairs." Qin Yichuan didn't believe that Yan Beiqi would be interested in him for a long time.

After all, there is a big illusion in life, that is: she likes me.

"Let's think about the mourning place, maybe she doesn't like me at all, so she doesn't have to worry about being emotionally involved with me, so that's why she can do that... But in this case, she will pat her **** and leave, But I sank even deeper into the quagmire, and even ten cows couldn't pull it out, so how can I fix it?" Qin Yichuan looked up at the ceiling, as if he had turned into a corpse.

"Then did you refuse?" Qianzi asked.

Qin Yipun shook his head: "I said I'll think about it."

"Then have you decided to give up on her?" Qianzi asked again.

Qin Yichuan still shook his head: "It really doesn't mean that you can put it down if you can."

Back then, when she first fell in love with Yan Beiqi, she thought about whether to give up or not, but in the end, did she let it go? Not yet.

Every time I want to let go, I am still hooked by others when I meet.

On the other side, Yan Beiqi is watching a love reality show with Deng Lan.

"Does your method really work?" Yan Beiqi held the remote control and turned to look at the electric light next to the KFC family bucket, his eyes filled with suspicion.

"Didn't you say that she wants to write a love story but has no love inspiration? Wouldn't it be good for you to borrow this to approach her? Don't worry. Look, these love variety shows are all played by two stars, right? No, there are still people playing. After the show, did the fake show really do it? There are also those TV series, aren't there many stars who are really in love because of the drama after appearing as couples? Don't worry, it will definitely happen! As long as you perform well enough, don't Stupid, she will definitely fall in love with you in the process!" The electric light wiped his mouth with a piece of paper.

"Why do I still think you are cheating on me... How can a normal person agree."

"You don't believe me? You are a person with zero experience in love, but you still don't believe me, a person with very rich experience in love?" After the lamp finished speaking, he sighed, "Okay, don't worry. By the way, after she writes successfully and debuts , I must go buy her debut novel!"

Yan Beiqi thought about it and thought it was feasible.

After all, in this way, she can contact Qin Yipian in all directions under the banner of imitating a lover, without having to think about any excuses or reasons for approaching. So good.

For the next few days, Qin Yichuan was still in an unreal state.

Finally, at a certain dusk, after thinking about it for a long time, she wrote down what Yan Beiqi and herself had mentioned, and planned to take it to a Lala forum to see what others had to say.

After that, she took a title called "The person I have a crush on wants to play a real-life dating simulation game with me, I really want to know what she thinks", and she posted it.

After a few minutes, the following reply almost made her vomit blood.

[1st Floor]: The landlord's writing is good, and I look forward to the following.

[2nd Floor]: Quick update!


Qin Yipun was stunned, and then he deleted the post and left the forum.

However, no matter how entangled Ren Qin Yipuan was, when he received another question from Yan Beiqi, he agreed.

After agreeing, Qin Yipuan held the phone and fell into deep silence with Yan Beiqi on the other side of the phone.

"I..." Qin Yichuan stood on the balcony, looked down, turned around, raised his hand and pinched the root of the mountain.

God, Qin Yipuan really doesn't even know what to say now. It seems that we can no longer get along as before, but again...

The relationship between her and Yan Beiqi seems to have become more and more mysterious from friends unconsciously.

"I..." Yan Beiqi seemed to be instantly dumbfounded, not knowing what to do next, but he had to fill the hole he dug even while kneeling.

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