"not worth it."

What Qin Yipuan didn't expect was that Yan Beiqi said these three words immediately after listening to it.

Qin Yipuan's brain suddenly fainted.

What did Yan Beiqi think when he said this? Did she know it was her that she was talking about, or did she not know?

If she knew, then she refused, everything before, she really thought too much?

If you don't know...

"It's a bit cold outside wearing this dress at night, and the makeup is also uncomfortable. I'll go back and take it off. Then I'll tell you about these things." After Yan Beiqi finished speaking, he opened the car door and let him One could not see what kind of expression she had.

Qin Yipun lowered his head, fiddled with his fingers, then sighed and sat in.

Along the way, the lights are like a dream, floating around, appearing a bit illusory.

Several times I wanted to open my mouth to continue talking about this topic, but after thinking about it, I would go back and talk about it.

Looking ahead, Yan Beiqi looked calm, but felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

refer to……

Sorry, she can't do it.

The two of them were relatively silent along the way. When passing a convenience store, Qin Yipuan broke the silence.

"Stop here, I'll go buy something." Qin Yipun looked out the window.

"Okay." Yan Beiqi nodded.

So, after Qin Yipun entered the convenience store, he passed through the shelves, took two bottles of wine, and went to checkout.

Yan Beiqi picked up the wine and looked at it, then turned to look at Qin Yipuan, and then put it down: "Why buy this?"

"I want to drink." Qin Yichuan said, flashing his phone to the cashier, checking out, and then walking out with two bottles of wine.

Yan Beiqi had no choice but to follow her.

"Why isn't it worth it?" When he arrived at Yan Beiqi's house, Qin Yipun walked into the elevator with his things and turned to look at Yan Beiqi who was taking out the keys.

"You've liked it for a long time..." Yan Beiqi said here, paused, and just looked down at the key in his hand.

It wasn't until the elevator reached the target floor and opened the door that Yan Beiqi spoke again: "But she didn't respond, so it means that she doesn't have you in her heart. Besides, if you ask me this question, doesn't it mean that you are starting to hesitate. So, I don't like it."

If you want her to refer...then she will definitely not speak from an objective point of view, and will only do her best to pull out the thorn.

After all, she is just an ordinary person with the same selfishness and possessiveness, not a saint.

In particular, she has already identified Qin Yipian, so no matter how much time and energy she spends, she will still get her. Unless, Qin Yipian will never fall in love with him.

With a click, the door lock was opened, Yan Beiqi went to remove his makeup and change his clothes, while Qin Yipuan put two bottles of wine on the coffee table and wandered around the living room.

Although he still has some self-confidence, at such a time, he still has an inexplicable feeling of going to the battlefield to fight his fate, his legs and feet trembling involuntarily.

Finally, Qin Yipour sat down on the sofa and waited for Yan Beiqi.

On the other hand, after Yan Beiqi changed his clothes and went to the bathroom, he squeezed the makeup remover and looked at himself in the mirror, while still thinking about what Qin Yipun said before.

fake girlfriend...

Yes, after all, it is.

However, she really wanted to know who it was that Qin Yichuan liked it so much that she even had to help herself.

She is a person who has a habit of thinking about the worst in many things, and she is upset when she thinks about it.

After Yan Beiqi threw the changed clothes into the washing machine, he opened the door of the bathroom and walked out, his movements a little rough.

However, the moment she saw Qin Yipoan curled up on the sofa, she pressed down the impetuousness in her heart again.

"So, what exactly do you like about her?" After changing clothes, removing makeup, and becoming fresh again, this was the first sentence Yan Beiqi said.

"I can't tell right away." Qin Yichuan looked at her, shook his head, and walked to the sofa to sit down.

"Then talk slowly." Yan Beiqi rolled up his sleeves and sat down beside her.

"Give me a bottle of wine, thank you." Just when Yan Beiqi was about to continue speaking, Qin Yipuan turned to look at her.

"Wine, drink less." Yan Beiqi still did not move.

"Little drinking doesn't mean not drinking at all, right?" Qin Yipour put his hand on the armrest of the sofa and tilted his head to look at her.

"You'll mess around when you're drunk. I'm really afraid that you'll jump from there if you're not careful." Yan Beiqi glanced at the balcony as he spoke.

"Yeah, what should I do? Then just look at me." Qin Yipian smiled.

"Say a little, then drink a little, don't overdo it." Yan Beiqi said, leaning over to open the bag of things he bought in the convenience store.

After Qin Yipun shrunk his legs to the sofa, he hugged himself unconsciously.

There are still some things that I don't understand. Maybe it's really a fan of the authorities. If there is a little bit of uncertainty, it is easy to overthrow many of my ideas.

But she still decided to give up.

It's just this decision, I don't know if it will be something that I will regret for a lifetime.

She doesn't know the consequences, so she needs wine to strengthen her courage.

"Here." After a while, Yan Beiqi came over and handed a bottle of wine to Qin Yipun.

"Thank you." Qin Yipun let go of his arm and reached out to pick it up.


However, at this time, Yan Beiqi took it back again, pulled out a pair of scissors, pried open the bottle cap with a bang, and then handed it to Qin Yichuan: "Don't drink too much."

Then, Yan Beiqi sat down beside her.

"Continue the topic just now. Who is the person you like?" After Yan Beiqi sat down, she leaned forward slightly, crossed her hands in front of her, and her eyelashes cast a shadow under her eyelids, making it difficult for people to see her. look.

"It's not cute, and it's not King Kong Barbie. What kind of type should I say... the nerd type, haha." Qin Yi took a sip of wine and then laughed.

"Fool? So, where did she attract you?" Yan Beiqi stared at the wine bottle in her hand and stroked her forehead with a half smile.

"If you have to say it, she, of course, attracts me everywhere." Qin Yipun turned to look at her.

"So you really like her?" Yan Beiqi turned to look at Qin Yipian.

"Yes." Qin Yipeng nodded solemnly and earnestly.

"If, I mean if, if there is another... Maybe someone who is better than her, who cares more about you likes you? Wouldn't you think about it?" Yan Beiqi asked.

"However, how do I know that this so-called other person is better than her?" Qin Yichan asked rhetorically.


"I still can't, because my heart is completely on her." Qin Yichuan shook his head, then looked at Yan Beiqi.

"Does she know you like her? Does she care about you?" Yan Beiqi asked again.

"I don't know." Qin Yichuan shook his head, and his mind became a little groggy because of the alcohol, "To be precise, I don't know, I often think she likes me, but I also often think she likes me. Don't like me...you say, what should I do?"

"Then she's such a scumbag, she gives some hope and then dies, so if she's at odds, she never gives you a definite answer, isn't she playing with you?" Yan Beiqi's eyes were a bit sharp.

"Haha, scum?" Qin Yipuan looked at Yan Beiqi and laughed so much that the liquid in the wine bottle sloshed out a little.

"Yes. If she's not a scumbag, she will come after you or reject you directly. Anyway, she won't hang on and not give results." After Yan Beiqi finished speaking, she coughed softly.

"Hahaha!" After Qin Yi listened, he laughed utterly.

It seems that she can be sure that Yan Beiqi does not know that she is what she is talking about!

"So who is she? Do you really know her? Do you know what kind of person she is?" Yan Beiqi continued to ask.

"Why do you feel like my parents, haha." Qin Yi poured another gulp of wine, his body was weakened, and his mind became more and more confused.

"Sorry." Yan Beiqi turned his head and fiddled with a bookmark on the coffee table, his eyes still terribly cold.

"Hey... how come a few mouthfuls are gone..." At this time, Qin Yi shook the wine bottle, and then slowly threw it into the trash can on the side, followed by a "biu" in his mouth.

"Are you drunk?" Yan Beiqi asked after seeing her action.

"I don't~" Qin Yipian turned around, looked at her with pursed lips, and shook his finger in front of her.

It's true that he's not completely drunk yet, and a part of his mind is still clear. This sobriety was something she deliberately kept.

"It's all like this, but I said no." Yan Beiqi dropped the object in his hand and took a deep breath.

All he could think about was who she was.

"If you're not drunk, you're not drunk. Do you suspect that I'm telling a lie?" At this moment, Qin Yichuan suddenly sat up on his knees, then climbed to Yan Beiqi's side, and carefully slipped his legs down, put on his shoes, and staggered. Stand up.


"She's so stupid, so dumb, scum?" Just when Yan Beiqi was about to get up to help her, Qin Yichuan suddenly reached out and grabbed Yan Beiqi's collar. She was so strong that she instantly pulled Yan Beiqi's collar. Loose.

"When I saw her for the first time, I really thought so. Because of her, she was dragging with a woman... Later, she was also on the hot search, and there were many people who watched the fun and didn't think it was a big deal. People were watching and discussing, she was known as the Cannon King at that time." Qin Yipuan squeezed her collar, leaned down a little bit, and looked into her eyes from a close distance.

After Yan Beiqi heard it, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked into her eyes.

"At the time, I thought that I should never have anything to do with this worldly scum. But later, even under such misunderstanding, I would still unconsciously think about her when facing her." Qin Yipian said, He lowered his eyes.


"I ask you, what do you mean by using it to the fullest?" Qin Yichuan interrupted her, and then raised the corners of his lips.

The drunken eyes seemed to carry a kind of misty mist.

"Mr. Qin, I..." Yan Beiqi put his hands on the sofa and stared at Qin Yipian, only to feel that his heart was beating wildly.

An indescribable excitement rushed to the brain, and then she was unable to move because of her ambiguous ecstasy appearance.

"That sentence...does it mean anything can be done?" Qin Yipun asked, stroking her cheek.

Her breath was so close at hand, her fingertips seemed to have flames, and wherever she touched, there was a searing heat and spasm.

Yan Beiqi felt like he was in a desert under the scorching sun, every cell was burning like it was going to die, and his throat was dry.

"As you can see, I'm a very lonely woman, have you forgotten?" Qin Yichuan stroked her eyebrows, then leaned over and whispered in her ear, "What kind of simulated love, you're not afraid of me being real? Do you really want to play?"

Qin Yipuan's lips were close to his neck, Yan Beiqi couldn't help but slightly opened his lips and breathed hard.

"Hey...you always give me the illusion that you like me too, but at the same time you give me the feeling that you don't actually like me, is it scum? By the way, you can help me with whatever you say... Can you accompany me to do all the things that I will do in time?" Qin Yichuan propped himself up slightly, raised her chin with his hand, and looked at her with drunken eyes.

"For example, if I want to kiss you, will you give it to me?" Qin Yichuan put his hand on her lips, and then moved his hand down a little to stroke her neck, "Or, if I I want your body, will you give it?"

Her voice was soft and charming, and every word was like a poison. It penetrated into Yan Beiqi's spleen before she knew it.

Unconsciously, Yan Beiqi tightened his fingers.

There is a beast locked in the body, it is roaring, as if it can break out of the cage anytime, anywhere.

If this goes on, she really can't control it... Yan Beiqi's forehead has been covered with a layer of fine sweat.

"Huh?" Qin Yipan looked down at her, "You also feel my touch... don't you? Dear vegetarian."

After that, Qin Yi laughed heartily.

Fingers touched her lips again, prying open her teeth a little, Qin Yichuan's lips curled slightly: "otherwise...why don't you hide...I...we're not as strong as you..."

Yan Beiqi could only stare at her and take a deep breath.

"Unless, you also like me and want to kiss me." Qin Yipun lowered his eyes, raised them again, and looked into her eyes.

However, at this moment, there was a faint, slight, numb feeling from Qin Yipuan's finger that penetrated Yan Beiqi's mouth.

Yan Beiqi lowered his eyebrows, bit her fingertips lightly, and then raised his eyes a little to look at Qin Yipian.

Finally, Yan Beiqi opened his mouth, then pinched Qin Yipuan's wrist, pulled her into his arms, and stared at her lips: "Mr. Qin is right."

Then, his eyes moved to Qin Yipun's eyes again, Yan Beiqi stared at her with fiery eyes: "I want to have your soul or body as my own. Because, I'm in love with you. Qin To pour, can I have you?"

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