"Mr. Qin, wait—" Just when Qin Yipuan's hand reached out again and touched Yan Beiqi's collar, Yan Beiqi covered his own collar, and then quickly ducked back.

"What?" Qin Yichuan didn't understand why she was so strict.

Really don't know what to do, Yan Beiqi has only one way.

"Actually." Yan Beiqi looked at her, frowned, and then went ahead: "My aunt seems to be here too."

"Huh?" It was unexpected. Qin Yichuan stared at her, not realizing that he was dumbfounded. Did she just have hallucinations?

"What a coincidence? We actually came on the same day?" Qin Yichuan looked at her with doubts on his brows.

It's too coincidental, I don't dare to act like this in novels and TV shows.

"Yeah, just now, it seems to be here..." Yan Beiqi put his hand on his abdomen in order to look like he was stroking it while frowning.

"Does it hurt?" Seeing that Yan Beiqi's brows were frowning, Qin Yichuan hurriedly asked.

"Um..." Once installed, there is no way, Yan Beiqi can only pretend to the end.

"Then go to the bathroom and have a look. Then, I'll give you a whole bowl of brown sugar water." Qin Yipuan is fine, and her aunt is still alive and kicking. From before to now, because of this physique, she has been tortured several times. A female friend expressed her envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Oh..." Yan Beiqi was stunned.

She just lied. Where is there any period, it's just made up.

After entering the bathroom with the sanitary napkin, Yan Beiqi put his hands up on the wall and took a deep breath.

What's the matter, but she does need to spend some time doing some psychological construction. Why even in summer, she hardly wears a collar that shows too much front and back, and why she doesn't wear suspenders even in summer, not to cover up.

After holding his arms and putting the pestle in front of the mirror for several minutes, Yan Beiqi walked over and filled the toilet with a wave of water, then left the bathroom, sneakily put the sanitary napkin back in place, and stood there with his eyes closed and his fists hammering his forehead.

"Hey, Bei Qi, do you have a warmer or a hot water bottle?" At this moment, Qin Yipun's voice came from outside again.

"No..." Yan Beiqi continued to pretend to be weak after hearing her voice.

"Oh, then I'll go down and buy it for you. I heard that putting it on the abdomen can relieve a lot of pain." Qin Yipun walked in with a bowl of brown sugar water.

"How troublesome..."

"What trouble is not troublesome? Although I don't have dysmenorrhea, I once lived with my roommate who had severe dysmenorrhea. She was often in so much pain that she couldn't get out of bed, so I can understand. You drink this soon, I I'll go out and buy you a hot water bottle now, I'll be back in a while, wait for me." Qin Yipour put the brown sugar water on the bedside table, then pulled a coat over the pajamas, and hurried out, Yan Bei Qi couldn't catch it.

God, what is she doing?

Let someone who really came to the big aunt run out in the middle of the night to buy a hot water bottle for her fake? It's just a neuropathy, isn't it? What if Qin Yi accidentally freezes the bottle? Women who are menstruating should be treated with extra care.

The moment he heard the door closed, Yan Beiqi instantly wanted to kill himself.

Going to the window and looking down, Yan Beiqi was stunned when he saw Qin Yipun trotting out.

If I knew earlier, I only pretended to be my aunt, and I stopped pretending to be in pain. Now it's really hard to ride a tiger.

He waited anxiously, and after about twenty minutes, Qin Yipun came back.

The temperature difference between day and night is excessive, and when it is late at night, the coolness lurks everywhere, and the cold is threatening.

After entering the door, Qin Yichuan just closed the door, he lowered his head and exhaled in the palm of his hand, and rubbed it swiftly.

"It's hard work." Yan Beiqi walked out of the door.

"What are you doing out? Lie down." However, as soon as Yan Beiqi went out, Qin Yichuan took him back to the bedroom with his arm pinched.

"Lie down and lie down, I'll be fine here." After Qin Yichuan pushed Yan Beiqi to bed, he opened the plastic bag, took out a hot water bottle, and scratched his head while looking for the socket.

"The weather is getting warmer, and a few of them didn't have this for sale, but I bought it anyway. You are a person who lives too casually. You know that you will suffer from dysmenorrhea, so you should prepare some of these things, right? "Qin Yi poured in the line of the hot water bottle while thinking.

Seeing that the red light was on, Qin Yichuan yawned lightly, then pulled off his coat, went to the bathroom, and finally climbed into the bed and lay down beside Yan Beiqi all shaking.

"Come and stay next to me. I'm warm." Seeing Qin Yichuan shaking non-stop, Yan Beiqi stretched out his hand from the quilt to pull her.

"No, no, it's not good for you to be cold. I'll be warm in a while." Qin Yichuan shook his head as he spoke.

Then, after a while, she dropped her eyelids and fell asleep peacefully.

After unplugging the charged hot water bottle, Yan Beiqi lay in the bed and watched her sleeping face carefully.

Qin Yipuan in his sleep looked quiet and beautiful, like a princess in a fairy tale he read when he was a child.

Why do you like her?

Yan Beiqi still does not understand whether it is because of her prose collection, or because of her character, or because of her gorgeous appearance and hot body.

But, I just want to be with this person. Even if her parents would stop her, she would not back down. She was not a regular person at heart.

He stretched out his arm and hugged Qin Yipian, then Yan Beiqi dropped a good night kiss on her forehead.

the next day.

The weather suddenly warmed up, and the long-lost sunlight shuttled between the city buildings, coating it with a layer of dreamlike light and shadow.

When Yan Beiqi woke up, Qin Yichuan was still sleeping, so she went to the kitchen to make breakfast first.

However, just after turning on the faucet, Qin Yichuan appeared behind her while rubbing his eyes.

"Don't touch the cold water... Let's go out to eat..." Qin Yipin squeezed the corner of her clothes loosely with his fingers, then narrowed his eyes and yawned lightly.

"Okay." Yan Beiqi nodded after a second.

The first thing she woke up was, was she still thinking about her dysmenorrhea?

Later, after Yan Beiqi and Qin Yi poured their clothes, they were ready to go out.

"Hey, that's right. Bei Qi, haven't you brought a bag these days? Then how do you put the sanitary napkin?" When Qin Yiquan thought of this when he walked to the door, he turned around and asked her.

"I, I'll get it." So Yan Beiqi returned to the room, threw a pack of sanitary napkins into a black bag with his eyes open, and then walked out with one shoulder hanging.

"But it's okay to be with me. I'll take it. If you don't like to bring bags, then don't bring them." Qin Yipuan smiled and patted his bag.

"Alright, that's it." Yan Beiqi let out a long sigh of relief, then put the bag back again.

After breakfast, the two went for a walk in the park.

"How are you today, do you still hurt?" Qin Yichuan asked.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, it's fine today." Yan Beiqi never wanted to pretend to be weak in good times.

"That's good. By the way, do you often suffer from dysmenorrhea?" Qin Yichuan asked again.

"Not often." Yan Beiqi shook his head.

Originally, Yan Beiqi thought that Qin Yichuan's concern for him would stop with his words "it doesn't hurt anymore", but it didn't.

In the following time, Qin Yipian always remembered that Yan Beiqi was now the same person as himself who came to his aunt.

So that after the two of them finished their lunch, Qin Yichuan, who was going to go to the bathroom, said to Yan Beiqi, "You want to go too, right?"

What else could be done, Yan Beiqi could only nod, then walked into the bathroom with her, and took a pink and plump sanitary napkin that she handed over and pretended to go there.


At the end of the day, she has thrown several brand new sanitary napkins into the bathroom trash can. It's shameful waste, but there's no other way, she can't just put it in her pocket. If Qin Yichuan inserted his hand into her pocket on a whim, it would definitely be exposed and he would have to be questioned.

Of course, what Yan Beiqi didn't expect was that the nightmare had just begun, and because of such a lie, there were more terrible things waiting in line for her luck.


After Yan Beiqi woke up naturally, after washing up, he tied a ponytail, and went out wearing a dark blue hooded casual light jacket, a pair of ripped jeans and sneakers.

Today, she made an appointment with Qin Yipun, Qiu Yu and the electric light to go fishing in Lake X together. I haven't fished for a long time, and the weather is still so good today, the sky is clear, and the mood is even better.

However, when he received Qin Yipian, Yan Beiqi was criticized.

"You're going to die? You're obviously here, but you're still wearing ripped jeans? Are you disgusting that the wind doesn't have the strength to drill into you?" Qin Yichuan glanced at her trousers, as if holding a needle and thread The old grandmother who started it looked disgusted.

"It's okay, the temperature is good today." Yan Beiqi hurriedly spoke for his pants.

"But it's cold at night... Why don't you think about the night? You just don't pay attention to these things, so you have dysmenorrhea, you know?" Qin Yipun patted her on the shoulder.

"I will definitely pay attention in the future." Yan Beiqi finally had to say so.

"By the way, I bought you breakfast." After that, Yan Beiqi pointed to the bag next to him.

"Did you just drink this mineral water?" However, Qin Yi poured his eyes over the breakfast bag and directly threw it into a half-drinking bottle of mineral water.

Yan Beiqi was driving the car, and inadvertently replied um.

"Just keep killing yourself." Qin Yipun took the mineral water aside, took breakfast, and continued to say to her, "You can't do this, I have to take a good look at you. People who don't have dysmenorrhea are all I don't necessarily dare to toss like you, let alone someone like you who suffers from dysmenorrhea."

"I don't drink anymore." Yan Beiqi replied dully.

"Good boy." Qin Yipun gave her a thumbs up, then opened his backpack and took out the two thermos bottles inside, "Find me when you're thirsty, I've brought this to ensure that there is heat anytime, anywhere. drink water."

"Well..." Yan Beiqi didn't feel very happy, but he still had to pretend to be very Arigato.

After carrying Qin Yipian to the destination and meeting the two living treasures, Yan Beiqi took out the fishing rod, bait and small bucket from the trunk.

Yan Beiqi told them about falling in love with Qin Yipian. So when I came out this time, I saw Yan Beiqi and Qin Yipuan walking in front of each other, sticking together, it was like a flame that would burn the couple to death in their eyes.

After all, Qiu Yu and the electric light have been single for a while.

But overall, they were still happy for her. After all, among the three of them, the only one with zero love experience finally graduated.

After a few people got the bait, they started to sit there and fish.

The lake is sparkling, but it looks very calm, as if it can make people throw away all distractions.

However, with the passage of time, around eleven o'clock, the sun rose higher and higher, and the temperature became more and more fiery. Yan Beiqi's mind was full of ice cola, and ice water and other things were swaying.

At this time, Qiu Yu took out a few cans of Coke from the small refrigerator in the car and walked over, and handed two of the cans to Qin Yipun and Yan Beiqi: "Drink some Coke!"

"Okay..." Coke, Yan Beiqi's favorite... Although I know it's not good to drink, I still like it very much. She can quit smoking, but not Coke.

In fact, she was also quitting recently. After all, beverages should be avoided. She seldom buys it these days, which is considered a small success.

But in this case, and being tempted by Qiu Yu and the electric light, she couldn't bear it anymore.

"What a ghost." The moment Yan Beiqi spoke, Qin Yichuan stretched out his hand and patted the back of her head softly. The strength is not heavy, not like beating someone, but a little bit like acting like a spoiled child.

Qiu Yu and Dian Deng were drinking Coke while looking back at them expressionlessly.

"Thank you, but no need, we have this." Qin Yipour took out two thermos cups from his bag with a smile.

"Oh... that one who visited, right?" Qiu Yu immediately understood after seeing it, put a hand on his lips with a smile, and asked in a low voice.

"Well, that's right. She still has dysmenorrhea, so she can't drink those." Qin Yipun poured hot water with the lid of the unscrewed water cup, looked at Yan Beiqi, and whispered.

"Huh? Are you having dysmenorrhea?" Qiu Yu looked at Yan Beiqi after hearing this.

Nope, never heard of this.

"Well..." Yan Beiqi looked at the lake, and there was no ripple in his heart.

"Come here, drink quickly!" At this time, Qin Yipun handed the lid of hot water to Yan Beiqi.

Yan Beiqi nodded, took it and put it on his lips.

"Hey, this is still a bit hot, wait..." However, before Qin Yipian finished his words, Yan Beiqi raised his head and drank it all.

Good...so exciting.

The hot water slid down his throat, Yan Beiqi's hands were clenched into fists, his mouth was so uncomfortable, and his whole body felt like being thrown into a steamer, so hot that he wanted to jump into the lake and accompany the fish. tour.

At this time, the lamp next to him was still swallowing a sip of Coke and uttered a sigh, "Fuck, drinking Coke at this time is so refreshing."

I want to drink...I want a can...

Yan Beiqi stared blankly at the lake, and a bead of sweat rolled down from his temple.

Even if you lie on your knees, you have to make it up.

After thinking about it, Yan Beiqi threw the fishing rod aside, then turned to Qin Yichuan and said, "I'll go over to the car."

"What are you doing?" Qin Yi asked.

"I want to see what food I brought..." Yan Beiqi replied.

"Then I'll go too!" After speaking, he patted his **** and stood up, standing in front of Yan Beiqi.

"Oh..." Yan Beiqi stared at her for a long time before such a word escaped from his throat.

When he came to his car, Qin Yipun reached out to open the car door, pulled out a bag of snacks and rummaged through.

However, Yan Beiqi's eyes were locked on the half bottle of mineral water in the car.

"I want to eat a small cake roll... How about you?" Qin Yichuan asked her after taking out a few cake rolls.

"That's it." Yan Beiqi took out a box of biscuits from inside, then watched Qin Yipun close the car door and followed her helplessly.

She is going to hang up.

Yan Beiqi, who continued to fish with biscuits, felt that his throat was too dry to swallow properly. So, she continued to drink the water from the thermos. As soon as I drank it, I was sweating.

My head is full of Coke, and I don't even have the energy to fish.

It would be nice if the fish in the bucket could transform into cans of Coke, and it had to be ice. That would be the most beautiful thing in the world.

At this time, Qiu Yu and the electric light next to him turned on the second can, which Qiu Yu was going to pour for himself and Qin Yi. But now...

I really miss the refrigerator at home, no, I miss the Coke in it.

Yan Beiqi licked his lower lip and looked at the biscuits, showing no appetite. But what's very scary is that Qin Yipuan doesn't seem to think that cakes and cookies will be very dry at all, and he solves a lot of them by himself.

Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore. So Yan Beiqi turned his head and asked Qiu Yu in a low voice, "That's the one in your car, the one you drank just now, right?"

"Coke?!" However, Qiu Yu shouted out in such a loud voice that Qin Yipuan turned his head and looked over.

"Yes, I mean, drink less, yes, it means Coke." Yan Beiqi was taken aback for a moment, and then he immediately helped him round the field.

Qin Yi poured the biscuits into his mouth, looked suspiciously at Yan Beiqi, and then at Qiu Yu: "She can't drink anyway."

"Yes." Qiu Yu smiled, and then continued to pour Coke.

Yan Beiqi looked at her for a while, then took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to the electric light: "The electric light, this is how it is, when you receive this message, please don't ask me why I am sitting here and don't talk directly, but I still want to send you a message, Please don't scream. I need Coke, but the bottle won't let me drink it. So you have to cover me to Ayu's car, open the door, and steal the Coke."

After sending the message, Yan Beiqi held the mobile phone in one hand and waited for a reply, while holding the fishing rod casually in the other.

"Why don't you drink it?" The light bulb's reply made Yan Beiqi want to cry.

"Because she said plain water is healthier. That's not the point, the point is that you have to cover me up for stealing Coke in the past. So what, so, after you receive this text message from me, you get up and ask me to go with you and say something is wrong You want to chat with me alone, and then we'll go to the side of Ayu's car together." After Yan Beiqi finished, his eyes moved slightly, and he looked towards the electric light.

After receiving the light bulb, he did not agree, but continued to talk nonsense: "No way, if she finds out, what should I do?"

"If you don't take me, I'll blow your head off." Yan Beiqi was a little impatient.

"Okay, okay." The light bulb rolled over several times.

Afterwards, the electric light stood up and looked at Yan Beiqi: "Beiqi, I have something to talk to you about. Come over with me."

It may be that the electric light is too unnatural and too serious, so the atmosphere suddenly becomes a little weird. It's like a showdown between black and white in a shootout movie.

"Okay." After Yan Beiqi heard this, he put down his fishing rod, looked at Qin Yipian, and followed the electric light toward the car.

"What's the matter with them..." Qiu Yu looked at their backs and asked softly.

"Why does it feel like they're going to fight, have the two of them had a conflict recently?" Qin Yipian looked at Qiu Yu, his eyes widened.

"I don't know." Qiu Yu shook his head.

"No, I'm a little worried, I'll take a look." Qin Yiquan said, also got up and walked in the direction they were going.

At this time, the electric light and Yan Beiqi had just opened Qiu Yu's car and took out the desired Coke from it.

"Your wife is strict, she doesn't let you drink it, so you really don't drink it..." The lamp looked at Yan Beiqi mockingly.

Yan Beiqi didn't answer, just raised his hand to open the pull ring.

"Lights—please pay attention, lights—please pay attention, if you dare to give her an ice-cold cola, I'll blow your dog's head--break your dog's head!"

However, just when Yan Beiqi and Deng Deng felt that they had avoided Qin Yipun's infrared-like sight, they were completely in a safe area, and when they were about to open the cola and look up to drink, they saw Qin Yipun standing 100 meters away. Outside, he raised his voice to warn him.

Lights are stupid. Are you going to be shot horizontally?

Yan Beiqi also wanted to kneel.

Tell a lie...you have to use countless lies to convince or something. She suddenly regretted it, why did it make it so complicated? If I had known it would be like this, it would be better to let Qin Yi pour himself into it. After all, it's just the difference between a day later and a day later.

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