The Editor Is the Novel's Extra

Against the Darkness (1)

Snow stopped in the afternoon.

Instead of running out, the deputy chief and the knights gathered in the drawing room. An old man named Bakura was standing by the window, and everyone was listening to him.

The old man, who had been drooling on his fingertips, shook for a long time, and even picked up snowflakes piled up in the spears, nodded.

"It's not going to be a week anymore. Put your eyes away now.”

"Thank you, sir."

"You should at least use your talent. What do you mean, sir?"

As Rothan winked, knights and soldiers prepared to step out in line with Oh.

The guards on duty today climbed up the wall to guard the surrounding area, and one of the knights raised his guard after catching a seat on the watchtower. It was to defend the flying horse.

Among the articles I saw yesterday was Lysa, but Trudeg said she couldn't come out because she was caught in the paperwork. Would it be an illusion if Rothan's expression of taking on the job seemed more comfortable?

Arthur and the children were also mobilized to clear the streets. Even if you try to hunt, even if you try to raise a food wagon, you have to be able to open the gates. Without the snow, everyone was isolated from the castle.

All the people who could move in the castle went out with snow shovels. Everyone began to frighten themselves into the sewers surrounded by the front of the building from the snow on the stone.

Clayo was quite surprised.

I saw a horse-drawn snowplow in Lundane, and here... Yeah, a few horses aren't enough snow to handle it. Besides, people are better than horses.'

The snow melted in the waterway and began to trickle down. Seeing that there was no sign of ether, it seemed to heat the bottom of the sewer by connecting it to the hot springs running below.

The children were also leading the way, pumping out a huge amount of snow.

Of course, Clayo was standing next to the melting water of the snow, and holding his hands tightly in the old muffs lent by someone in the castle.

"Eh, Etch."

Now the weather was severe. In the north, February was the coldest month, so if you were outside, your breath would freeze in your nose.

Ray, why don't you just go inside because I'm more anxious to see you?

Arthur looked worried as he continued his wide range of snow shovels. So was Isiel.

"Aro is right. What if you catch a cold?"

"And like Isiel said, do some training this year. It's drier and colder!"

As everyone knows, Clayo dropped it in one ear. The idea of using the Mana Stone Ruby has only grown bigger. It was a pity that there was no heating function because we have not yet carved the magic meal.


When I was in urgent need of money in school, I also worked on delivery trucks or production jobs at factories. I was skinny back then, but I held out because I had a can. Of course, it was hard to die. As a result, I didn't have enough time or energy to exercise.

I'm not going to exercise now. I lie down every day if I don't have to wake up.’

The ether cycle continued while the snow was being cleared, even though it didn't move. I was a little tired of not being able to get over the hump even though I was about to level five.

Standing like that, the area surrounded by the cape coat in the summer garden was warm enough, but even with the furry boots, the tips of the feet were curled, and so were the hands.

Chele, who approached by busily pushing the snowflakes, kicked his tongue.

"What are you looking at? Get out of here before you freeze to death. Chew."

"I'm not good at shoveling, but if I do, I might have something to do again.”

Now Clayo's reply, trembling to the chin, was not very convincing. Rachel looked blatantly ridiculous.

"Even if you use magic to scoop the snow out into the waterways, the pace of your walk is so slow that you'll just push it through the field. Don't dangle like a dog in the rain, but make a fire with magic."

"I'll make a fire when it gets colder.”

"Oh, that stubbornness. There we go. Lipi, Leticia! Let's clean up and come in together!"


"Let's do that!"

The two twins were excited to go out to catch wild animals without sleeping in the winter.

'They're clever at shooting and they're communicating long distances, so once you go out hunting, the stock price will rise vertically among the people of the castle.'

The two children, unaware of Clayo's calculations, rolled their eyes with pink on their cheeks. Leticia shouted first.

"Ray, Ray. This time, I'll get a real fox and put a scarf around you. It must be much warmer than the rabbit fur!"

"That's not easy. Don't overdo it..”

"But Leticia, Ray looks cute in bunny hair.”

"It's not that I'm not cute. Admit it."


While the twins were excited among themselves and raced through the snow like dogs, Clayo continued his ether cycle.

In fact, as Clayo, I didn't want to be here. Phyton was caught in the yard, so he was going to be rubbing it inside whatever excuse he made.

But a subtle sense of uneasiness grabbed him and dragged him out.

'There's something suspicious about that Phyton. There was a strange modifier in front of your name. 'Young' Phyton. So maybe there's an adult or adult phyton somewhere?

Of course, the phyton in the last manuscript was just phyton. There was no sound of two birds coming out.

Now Clayo knows it to the heart and soul. The last manuscript was neither a perfect guide nor a hundred prophecies to the world.

From the queen's garden, the shows that any crisis has taken a turn for the worse.

Little Phyton, he was strangely small. In the last manuscript, the three of us, Arthur, Chelsea, and Isiel, didn't fall.’

When I got there, I couldn't stay in the warm room.


Clayo's body could not overcome the cold despite all the cold weather. Now it seems like it's freezing in the nose and even in the throat, Clayo made a loud noise.

There was only one reason why he didn't use the magic even though he was told that he was foolish. It was to prepare for the possibility of extracting a large amount of ether.

"If you use the ether to clear your eyes and warm your hands and pass out due to a lack of ether residue at a critical moment, who's responsible for the manuscript?’

The knights also took turns, and the editor without the staff of the shift could not shed tears with grief.

I'm worried that my eyes will freeze if I cry. If you're going to make me work like this, I'll put you in a strong body like a Nebo. I don't know why you have to pick a weak bone and make it so hard to move.’

While Clayo's inner "Jeongjin" lamented about the body of the handling article given to him, children and knights in thin work clothes swept their eyes not only from their mouths but also from their backs and shoulders. Of course, each with his own weapon on his sword. It was a defense like a knight reserve.

"I don't know if it's the right thing to do to bring up the subject of death, which may or may not come out, and make even the saints nervous."

Before I knew it, the snow in the castle was cleared away. After getting out of Dogaegyo Bridge, Clayo followed those who cleared the driveway and went out of the castle.

It was like a world far from civilization because the sky and the earth were white snow outside after a few days. The fortress, surrounded by deep valleys and high peaks, was isolated.

severe cold and heavy snow

an unseasonable movement of mountain animals And even the appearance of the beast. I felt the tiredness of the people of castle slowly accumulated.

It was then.

Topping to the ground

Squeeze hard.

From the mountains to the castle, there was a presence that came with spirit through the snow. It was not a beast or a mountain animal. It was definitely a human form.

All the children were on alert, but they took their hands off the sword with a suspicious look from Arthur.

"…you're a teacher, aren't you?

"That lump of rags is your teacher?”

"Yeah, maybe. I'm sure."

Everyone looked at the man approaching at a terrific speed with ether.

Leticia shook her head.

"Your teacher must have never changed since we broke up."

"Well, it's possible for him."

"Oh, you learned something you didn't have to learn from the teacher."

"Oh, no, that's not it's not true!" I wash up and change clothes well, too!"

"The room, the room."


While the children were quarreling, the man who jumped over the last hill from the mountain to the castle with only three jumps came close enough to hear his voice.

"What? You guys have a chat, and you're free here, right? What?"


"Come on."

Looking closer, Mietz looked even more spectacular.

The ragged robe had frozen eyes, and its beard was also greasy and hard. Mietzs didn't care about his appearance and tightened Arthur's neck.

Arthur, who broke his teacher's elbow, smiled like a child. Joy was young all over his face.

"You must have had a lot of fun going through the mountains to get the beasts? What did he do to come back alone?"

"What are you doing alone? The death penalty is over. Everyone is coming over the mountain from behind. The youngest knight bit his toe, so he came to the castle first."

The driver of the watchtower sent a sign saying "Welcome" to see if he recognized Mietzs who was with him.

In the same way, a couple of guards began to run from inside the castle toward Mietzs, who responded to the signal. They were also full of welcome faces.

As soon as Mietz arrived at the castle, he immediately entered the Maserati. I met a knight when he was a mercenary.What am I saying?

And how he spent there, it was clear from the reactions of the knights and soldiers.

After a few steps back from Mietzs, Clay saw the end of the robe, which had become purple with the blood of Mazu, and the sheath revealed below.

I guess they fought really well on the punitive expedition.’

Mietz's level is still unknown, but since he taught Arthur and Isiel, he would not be average.

The teacher crossed the moat in an imposing manner like a prince, touching the real prince with a thud.

It's not the snow I put away for that reason, but it looks like I've drilled a boulevard to get hit by Mietz.

The two priests were walking to the knights' quarters. The guards in the party shouted 'Mietzs!' 'Are you here!' and patted him on the back. They must have been together for only five days, but they were no less than the comradeship they had spent their entire lives together.

I've got to get my bath ready.Instead of asking for three bottles of water first, there was a roar of laughter.

Only one Mietz arrived, and the atmosphere of the castle was revived in one fell swoop.

It was also due to the fact that all the beasts were killed, and that there were no serious injuries or deaths.

"Sir, by the way, there's icicles in your nose, so shake them off with an ether. I think I'll have to change the bath water twice if I go in the water."

"Chuck! He went to the capital and got some tricky water, you son of course.

"It's about public health.”

Mietzs didn't even slow down his pace, and he just ruffled up the ether. In an instant, the cold energy surrounding Mietzs evaporated.

Clayo was strong enough to flinch at the moment, but strangely, he could not see any form or color of the ether.

'What is it...?

He rubbed 'promises' like a habit. The ring showed its presence with a dull touch under the sheepskin gloves.

Since then, the content of the message, which emerged slower than usual, has been shocking.

[8 Level Examination]

Title: The Hermit of the Deadly Wall]

Level 8? Swordmaster?!

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