The Editor Is the Novel's Extra

Albion's Pastoral House (3)

"Asher Corporation Investigation Department Precious"

"My name is Cyrus Merchantro, and I've been running a retail store under Asher's direct management in Paris for 15 years.

The city of Paris is located in the middle of the Pintos Mountains and has a high altitude and inconvenient transportation. It is the capital of the Kishion Territory and the military camp of the Northeast Defense Forces.

The soil and climate of the land is barren, and avalanches and landslides often occur that cannot be prevented by human resources.

Although it is a land that cannot be very abundant despite the conscientious rule of the Kishion, the atmosphere is not too harsh for the city where the military camp is located.

The border with Brunnen is in contact. It is because the war was long ago, and Kishion's self-cultivation was so important that he could not imagine soldiers committing violence against the common people.

The northernmost part of the Pintos Mountains is a natural barrier, while the terrain here is relatively gentle.

However, trade and human exchanges with Brunnen take place along the Chloro River in the south, where it is easy to move supplies, since there is no trade site here.

It's an isolated, small town.

Instead, the walls of Absalom are long north and south along the ridge. On top of the barrier, numbered observation posts are well managed at regular intervals.

Kishion and the military camp are on the other side of the barrier.

The Jazakjeo was built by magic during the reign of Absalom II, so the ground is firm, and the outer walls are thick enough not to break even if they are hit by shells.

However, there is no longer a western outer wall in the citadel of Kishion.

Yesterday was the first time in the peaceful city of Paris that an urgent report had to be sent to the supervisor's investigation department.

First, I would like to add personal background to ensure the authenticity of the testimony.

I'm not ignorant of knights because I graduated from a commercial school in the capital. I also learned about Queen Carmela's war.

But the power of the man who destroyed the castle of Kishion early yesterday was beyond human power.

I usually get up early in the morning to organize my books. So I was able to witness the incident in time.

Around 3 a.m., a tremendous shock shook the town.

The attic windows were all rattled, so I thought there was an earthquake at first.

At the same time, strong silver lightning rose from the heavy sound.

Of course it wasn't lightning. Which lightning strikes the sky from the ground?

Inevitably, I took out a telescope, which is a product, and looked at the castle of the artist Kishion.

It was a shocking sight to see on the lens.

A man was standing in front of the wall.

The armor was dark and hard to recognize at first, but as he began to emit blackness again, the eyes burst out from a long distance.

It was definitely silver, not gold. He was definitely a sod master.

The outer wall's observatory collapsed at the single stroke of the knight, and the strong gate, which lasted more than a hundred years in the second sword, suddenly returned to countless pebbles. In the blink of an eye!

The knight of the dark blue armor standing in front of the wall was soon divided into four and flew inside the collapsed outer wall.

I couldn't see what happened in the inner city because of darkness and dust, but within a few minutes, I could see that the collapsed support wall was pouring down filling the moat.

It was because of the thunder that made the heaven and earth ring.

The trajectory of the tyrannical silver ether was followed by about 30 knights with golden swords.

If I were a vain believer in social affairs, I would have thought that the Apostles of the Apostles lived on the earth.

Of course, the Kishion barracks also launched a counterattack.

Soon the gunfire opened and the gun was fired. The noise of the burning bullet ripped through the night sky.

Despite the soldiers' sharp responses and the struggles of the Kishion knights, the battle seemed obvious.

Soon all the shots stopped.

I was shaking with fear and missed my telescope.

The intruders were unfamiliar, so I expected it to be an invasion by Brunen. They're the only ones who can attack this land.

I came down to the store on the first floor to give a tip on the unidentified drivers' unilateral destruction. But when I picked up the phone, the line was already cut off.

As soon as I tried to straighten my clothes and leave the door because I thought it was not normal, there were people who knocked hard on the iron bars that I had put down.

Breathing and listening, I heard a smooth, standard Albionic language that was not easy to access in this area. 'It's the Central Government's investigation. 'Open the door' repeatedly.

Later, it turned out that all the places with the phone were visited by soldiers.

They explained how the phone was out of service. We're investigating the case of training illegal soldiers in the territory of Kishion.

I stayed up all night with open eyes.

When it was dawn, there was a poster in the square.

Until the audit of the Northeast Defense Forces was completed, all residents were allowed to enter and leave the country only until 6 p.m. after suspending work at government offices, post offices, and train stations.

The seal 'Lord Armoryk' was stamped at the bottom. It was an unfamiliar name for me, who was not familiar with the lineage of nobility.

But the power that the name wielded was not false.

Even though it was bright, no trains came into the station, and all of the transportation wagons were also detained at the entrance of the mountain.

The whole city of Paris was sealed off.

People didn't dare open the windows and held their breath at home.

From downtown, you could see the fortress located high.

How dare the people who witnessed the half-worn self-cultivation violate the orders of the wall paper?

The first day of anxiety passed slowly.

Fortunately, from the next day, only wagons carrying daily necessities were allowed in and out. Our business association was able to unload our luggage under the supervision of new drivers and soldiers.

I personally moved to the castle because I was requisitioning candles and oil even before I organized the goods.

I rode a delivery wagon with the top porter, and the moment I entered the driveway of the castle, which had been coming and going hundreds of times, I was breathless.

The nearby fortress was like a ruined town overnight under a curse from an old story.

The written text of the castle collapsed as if it had been trampled on by the giant's feet.

I moved the goods as hard as possible to avoid revealing my feelings.

The inner courtyard, the permanent residence, and the warehouse were safe, but not all the people were safe.

The bullet marks on the wall and the bloodstains that had dried up were often seen.

I paid attention to it, but I didn't see a face-learned soldier, let alone the Lord or the Knights of the Cicion.

The devastated and blood-stained atmosphere was surprisingly peaceful.

I had a hard time digging into the inside story.

The knights dressed in dark blue armor were having a comfortable time putting down their pitches. This is their castle, and it's like taking a break from a routine battle.

The faces under the helmet were simple, and some young knights were kind enough to help me move my luggage.

All the knights who were waiting to make jokes or share cigarettes used a choking northern accent.

I didn't know which knights they belonged to.

Presumably, the Kishion has been increasing its forces for years in preparation for Bruneen's provocations. I think it was done personally because I couldn't reach the central support.

Perhaps it was just administrative negligence, but the knights were as if they had attacked the home of the traitorous party.

I think yesterday's attack was very effective. Kishion himself, a self-defense person, was detained without a proper response.

In the first place, how could ordinary knights and soldiers in the Northeast Army cope in front of such transcendent Sword Masters and knights who don't know mercy?

Their dark blue armor was inscribed with a sword's sentence crossed by a lake, a pitch, and a diagonal line.

(We couldn't specify a family because we had short insight. Please check with the investigation department.)

When I was about to step down because I had no story to dig up even after I moved all my luggage and turned around a cigarette, I encountered the silver ether's article.

He walked out of the inner city holding a dried-up sword, and I could see it at a glance. It was thanks to the silver ether, which still lingered around the body.

A hard, disciplined body, like a sword, was not the ordinary person's.

When he appeared, all the knights who were laughing and joking just now changed their attitudes.

He pushed out his cigarette, stopped laughing, and rewrote his loose pitch.

It was clear that he was their leader, Armoryk.

As 30 people rolled their feet as if they had become one body, the clouds of dust rose and the earth shook.

I realized again that they were brave and helpless troops, and that 30 knights were capable of dealing with a brigade.

The silver ether's article was a surprisingly young face compared to the achievement of the sword, and the scar across the sparse blue hair and neck was unique.

I couldn't look beyond that. As a merchant, I was quite proud of myself, but in front of the article, my head sank.

Sword Master, who is in charge of the blockade, would be a member of a very old family.

In these days, I was a person with a posture and attitude that I couldn't see at all the time. It was also quite tall. He was a person who made people act like a serf before liberation.

When I stepped down and came down the castle, my legs shook.

After that day, I didn't get into the castle.

The released users say that Kishion and his successor are still detained in the castle custody.

Please refer to your work.

1892. 5. 22.

Cyrus Merchant, CEO of Asher's store in Paris, Kishion Territory.

Clayo put down the letter he had read.

No matter how small the town of change was, it was a sad news that Asher's boss had a meeting.

In other words, it means that the Kishion assault was conducted so secretly and quickly that it could not be known without having that much pipeline.

When the information of the letter was added to the tiredness of the insomnia, the area near the temple was sorely.

"It was two days ago that the Tristane Knights raided the territory of Kishion.’

The arrest of Arthur and his friends took place in Lundane when Tasserton Tristane entered the Kishion Castle.

"Now the purpose of detention is clear. I was trying to stop Arthur and the kids from interfering with the Kishion search.’

The search began without parliamentary approval. If the time is taken, public opinion will deteriorate, and if the testimony or evidence is not secured, there will be a move to save Kishion's own work.

'…and a variable called Mietzs.'

Mietz's letter, which arrived just a week ago, had no indication of this.

It was clear that the older knights left on the land of Tristane did not know the duties of those who went to the capital.

"If I knew this, Mietz wouldn't have let it slide. I would have informed Arthur and rushed to the territory of Kishion and fought back so that things wouldn't work out like that.’

And Melchior would have expected that Mietzs would act like that.

'Was the prince initially aware of this exchange of letters and allowed us to have insufficient information?'

It was possible enough.

At that time, if the level of Mietzs was determined by the rescue of the liver, it was reasonable to keep it away from the Kishion territory when doing this.

Even Tasserton Tristane wouldn't have easily taken over the territory if Sword Master had stopped it.

'More than anything, taking Trude's vacation is crucial.’

The knights who had a special friendship with their children would not violate the duke's order, but they even eliminated the possibility of slowing down their hands.

The articles described in Cyrus' letter are not the candid and naive people that Clayo shared with.

They are still both funny and funny people, but also cruel and hard-line Melchior RioIt is a sharp knife that allows only the poor to handle the handle.

Gideon, who was waiting for Clayo to fully accept the letter, said in a cool tone.

The letter has been added under an empty box of transportation wagons carrying daily necessities. It's an emergency contact. The convoy wagon is now closed, and the territory of Kishion is completely sealed off."

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