It is not enough to just be a sodmaster to win the match against Arthurian. So did he change his goal to become the best sodmaster in the generation?

Who knows if Aslan can get into the dungeon this way in the future, he will reach the Swordmaster without poison?

"If Thalan first used Pierce Klagen as an experiment to maximize Hydra's poison, it makes sense. Oh, it's a mess.’

If Aslan were to become a sodmaster only with the power of poison, he was willing to reduce the effectiveness of the poison by reducing the effectiveness of the poison with the amethyst of the antimicrobial stew.

"But if you become a sodmaster on your own, you can't even level it with a harness." Let's just do what we do, damn it.'

After a small sigh of silence, Clayo started the calculation anew, looking over the key figures gathered in the hall.

The results of an experiment to create a sodmaster among sodmasters have so far been seen as successful.

Standing right behind Aslan, sometimes looking at the edge of Juleica's veil, the commander of the Capital Guard's Knights was quite different.

Even though he had not seen the rumored "water curtain" and purple ether in person, he could feel that his power had become stronger.

It wasn't just a change from pushing that ugly mustache.

Just as the noble knight before losing his title had partially revived from death-like oblivion, the energy of a man has somehow become clear and sharp.

When a middle-aged knight with a strong spirit entered the king's hall, Clayo couldn't recognize him at once.

"The way Pierce looks at Aslan and Melchior has changed a lot. Where's the opportunist copycat?'

It also removed the hair that had always been inflated with pomade, the uniform top that had been decorated more than necessary, and the heavy cape that had been attached with silk liquor.

Pierce, who neatly arranged her gray hair and wore an ordinary Capital Defense Corps knight' uniform and gloves, looked sleek and strong.

However, using "Promise," his eyes were still brown, showing no signs of being poisoned by Hydra.

Is this the poison?

The Knights' leader, who was flattering the Duke of Kruell, the head of the noble house, and Pierce, who rubbed the servile palms of his hands to the second prince for personal gain, disappeared.

As understanding and profitability have disappeared, hatred has become really young.

The place where the condescension of the person who despised Melchior was eliminated was filled with the determination of the person who faced the ominous disaster.

It was a change that was not seen in the 8th period.

'Melkior has always been acting like Melchior before and now, so the change is Pierce.’

It was no good change for Clayo. Aslan's power has been strengthened.

when he sighed

As if to silence the disturbance and distraction of the people, the royal protocol hall raised its voice even more and declared the whole hall to ring.

"Sullan Riognan will be honored with the Nenebe Order of Merit."

Clayo turned to Aslan and Melchior again.

After the complicated ritual for the awarding of the medal, it was finally time for the meritorious to kneel before the king.

But Aslan stood facing Melchior squarely and did not bend down.

The medal ceremony was about to be suspended in the embarrassment of the royal protocol officer.

Now, the two princes, with their long black hair tied to the waist, insulted Melchior with a noble voice like a ruler in the dark.

"As a knight of the kingdom, you cannot bend your knees to show loyalty to anyone who is not your father, the king. The knight is the lord's servant until the life of the sworn lord is over."

The clear words ringing under the palace seemed to freeze the air in the hall.

Aslan refused to kneel in front of Melchior, just as he did in his last medal of honor.

The word itself was right in principle.

The second prince was an early knight who, at a fairly early age, was able to promise Philippe, not Melchior.

It was known to the public for now, and the truth was that Zuleica worked hard to make sure there was no commitment to Melchior.

"I don't refuse to accept an award in my mom's name, but I don't want to kneel to you. It's up to you, it's up to you.'

No matter what Clayo said under the expressionless face, Aslan seemed to have no intention of bending his stiff knees rather than his stiff neck and head.

The prince's master of principles was, in fact, an expression of his intention that he would never kneel down to a child born out of wedlock.

After a few words of consolation to the royal protocol house whose face turned muddy, Melchior treated Aslan's demands as if they were a light whine.

"My brother... no, Lord Aslan's faithfulness is strong and worthy of praise, and my father-in-law, King-in-law, King-in-law, Nam Melchior, also feels a great concubine."

Hush's 'woo-ya' was never a slip of the tongue. It was the most efficient way to trample on Aslan's backwater.

Aslan tried to suppress his anger and pressed his teeth hard, and Pierce stared at Melchior with frightening eyes.

Tasserton hardened his face against them. He was ready to draw the sword in front of King Taejo's sarcophagus.

this volatile situation

The car was about to cause a disturbance between the rank-and-file knights and the wizards behind it.

Melchior invoked his skill.

[Unique Skill: 'Erato's Attraction']

[-Give the user a powerful attraction. Get love and admiration.]

At the same time as the skill was invoked, the whole question, curiosity, and suspicion of people were wiped out.

They acted like dolls that bowed their heads in admiration of the three friendly princes' dedication and performance.


There was a slight electrode in the 'promise' finger.

'Oh, my finger stings.’

Against the fascination of Erato, who is working hard today, "The Separation" also worked well like an air conditioner in midsummer. It means it's very hot.

There was blood on Aslan's pale forehead.

Arthur scratched awkwardly on the back of his head.

Clayo pretended to be admiring Melchior in moderation.

Even in this gathering of all the few subjects whose charms did not work, Melchior's spirit never subsided.

Rather, the voice was imbued with mild joy, just as all factors that would increase the complexity of the narrative would cause an uptick and spoil the story.

"With all due respect, Lord Aslan will be relieved of his obligation to kneel."

"Are you the only one in his blood? I'm his son. No matter how much you call it a deficit, I'm the crown prince now. Whether you provoke or not, the higher person should be patient and generous.'

A bright smile on Melchior's face made Aslan's heart race.

It was as if he had announced to those who watched him that he could not even provoke the king by the second prince's nag.

The trembling royal commander handed out the Nenebe Order of Honor to Melchior in a Udan cushion.

The Nineveh Medal of Honor was a platinum medal with a sapphire symbolizing the lake in the middle. The surrounding jewel was decorated with the shape of grass and waves, making it the most delicate form of decoration.

Melchior reached out lightly and picked up the medal. The medal at the end of his white silk gloves was dazzling.

The acting king looked up almost affectionately at the Confucius of Mainrat, a little higher than his own, and attached evidence of glory to his collar.

Melchior's falling eyelashes were dimmed by the light of the flakes, making it look as if Hongye had fallen by the eyes.

It was a useless and ostentatious beauty.

The enchanted dared not judge its beauty, and the unglamorous brothers knew Melchior well enough not to feel it as a beauty.

If the eyes could kill a man, Aslan would have killed Melchior today.

During the breathtaking ceremony, even the Duke of Kruell and Pierce Klagen remained silent as usual.

It was an extremely powerful 'attractive' action.

It was designated as a temporary holiday for Albion.

The city was in a festive mood.

In the march, the rider led the marching band.

In the leading carriage, the acting king, the two princes, and the knights were on board. Several more wagons were prepared for those who received high-grade medals, including Chelsea and Clayo, and those who were under the third-place medal followed suit.

The knights of the Capital Defense Corps, the Royal Guard, and the members of the Magician Corps of the Capital Defense Corps have also filled the ranks of the procession.

If you look closely, unlike knights who had a theft on their feet, the wizards' lines were crooked.

At least, the magician's foot was roughly covered because it was the official robes that hung over the right shoulder of the uniform.

Anyway, people reacted enthusiastically.



"Long live Melchior!”

"Lionan, my royal family, forever! A thousand years and the next thousand years!

The procession started from Gungseong and crossed the Antario Bridge on the north side of the Capital Defense University School to the east station, before returning to Gungseong after turning around the back of the station. On his way, he was scheduled to cross the Dracon Bridge in the south and return to the palace to finish his march.

From Melchior Boulevard, the turning point of the procession, both bridges were crowded with huge crowds.

Even though it was only a holiday and not forced the crowd to mobilize, it seemed like all the people who could walk in the whole capital had rushed out.

The names of Melchior, Aslan, and Arthur were mixed in the cheers of the people on the side of the road.

If Fran had heard it, it would have made a big face over the glasses.

I'm not the kind of guy who's going to show his face.

Fran was secretly heartbroken.

It was because I was the only one left in Colpo and came to the capital during the emergency call.

Objectively, there was an awkward atmosphere caused by Clayo's failure to admit that people's minds do not fall according to logic even though he said with his own mouth that his judgment was right.

No matter how capable she is, isn't she still 20?

It was cute and sad because I couldn't honestly say that I was worried.

"What are you thinking, Ray?"

Chele, who was waving her hands gracefully in an open carriage, spoke with little movement of her lips. This side of the story was saying without even looking.

overwhelmed by the huge crowd, Clay replied in a tired voice.

"Thoughts Are Heavy."

Clayo hung a bright gray summer garden cap over one shoulder over the tunic of the Capital Defense Corps, and was secured with a gold drape.

The knot was so complicated that it was impossible to know what was connected, but it was hardened like a statue for the royal maid to put it on, so she had to stay still as she put it on.

The uniform of the Capital Defense Corps, which is common with knights and wizards, was dark red. The shape of the sleeves, collar, and dark navy pipes were different, but the overall color reminded me of royal robes.

So Clay was embarrassed to wear the knights' uniform.

The royal robes, which are still in the corner of the Asher mansion, were Melschior's personal belongings.

Based on years of experience, the only thing Melchior could send was cash.

It was the same today.

The royal prince's message that the parade and the medal ceremony that the whole country is watching, and that the dress should be properly dressed, has caused such a fuss.

The acting king's orders were solemn. Since dawn, a group of royal maidservants has been sent to Asher's mansion with a uniform box.

Clayo was forced to burn and polish the hands of the more frightening maidens than Dione, and even his hair, which was ambiguous in length, was tightly tied with a navy knot string tailored to the tunic's piping.

Since he is not a member of the Capital Defense Corps, he cannot wear formal robes of the wizard, but he added a cape in the summer garden to indicate that he is a wizard. It is good to cover the empty shoulders and add to the appearance, according to Cell.

It was uncomfortable to move in the outfit, which was full of that style and no style. I also pulled my scalp tight.

Of course, she just snorted.

"You're wearing the same uniform as me, and this is heavy? I'm really worried about my physical strength. It would've been a disaster if I walked when I couldn't even ride."

"If I had done that, I would have made an excuse that I would not attend because I was seriously injured and couldn't ride."

"That excuse must have worked for the prince."

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