The Eight Desolate Divine Fires Are Awakened At The Beginning, And The School Beauty Cries For Recon

Chapter 3: Fellow Taoist He Fang Is Here To Overcome The Tribulation, And The Martial Arts Test Begi

Fucheng Superpower Team Office.

Lin Hao smiled calmly and said: "I have a martial arts test tomorrow, and then I have to go to a university for supernatural powers."

Just kidding, isn't going to a famous university for supernatural powers better than trying to catch up in the Fucheng supernatural team?

"This is easy to handle. I will come forward as the captain of the Fucheng Superpower Team and let you enter the Rong Province Superpower University directly."

"You can study while participating in the missions of our superpower team. This is the fastest way to improve your combat power."

"You only study in the superpower university without participating in real combat. When you join the team, you have to train, which is a waste of time. Although students in today's superpower university will also go to the wilderness to experience, there are not as many practical combat opportunities as in the superpower team. .”

Lin Hao naturally knew this. If he was a student after all, it would be impossible for the University of Supernatural Powers to arrange so many actual battles, but more various trainings.

Most of them are like the martial arts test in the college entrance examination, where students are placed in a place where ferocious beasts roam and are protected by the military. Under the protection measures of the military, they conduct assessments or "actual combat", which cannot be compared with real actual combat.

"With my awakening level, I can go to Yanjing University of Supernatural Powers." Lin Hao said with a smile.

He Lin was so angry that she stared at him coldly. After a moment, she calmly said: "Don't you want to stay and protect the place where you were born and raised? As far as I know, almost all of your classmates will stay in Fucheng. With their awakened superpowers, they can only enter the Rong Province Superpower University. Do you want to be separated from them?"

Lin Hao felt something in his heart. Those guys in Liu Shun were indeed very kind to him.

Although he traveled back in time not long ago, he still values ​​feelings.

The most important thing is that he is systematic and can grow into a towering tree even if he stays in Fucheng.

What's more, he still wants to stay and investigate the cause of death of "Lin Hao"'s family.

"Lin Hao", his entire family died in mysterious circumstances.

"If you become my girlfriend, I might consider staying." Lin Hao suddenly smiled evilly.


Xiulin's pretty face turned red with anger.

As the Leng Yanyu sister, no one dared to make such a joke with her for many years, but now she was "molested" by a little brother.

"Sister, you look so good when you're angry." Lin Hao said even more fiercely.


He Lin exploded directly, extremely cold air rushed out of her body, the temperature dropped instantly, and the table between the two turned into ice cubes and shattered to pieces with a click.

Lin Hao was horrified and instinctively activated the Eight Desolate Divine Fires.


The control was a bit unfamiliar, and in a hurry, I used too much force. The glass door of the office was directly burned to vapor, and a large area of ​​the office area outside was also scorched.

Alarm bells rang for a moment.

If Lin Hao hadn't reacted in time and collected his magical powers, the entire Fucheng Superpower Team's office area would have been reduced to nothing.

He Lin was also dumbfounded. Although she was angry, the force she output was well controlled and would not hurt Lin Hao at all. It was better for him that he directly burned down the office area.

If she hadn't had the ice power to protect her body, her clothes would have been burned off, no, her whole body would have been burned.

"Well, let me think about it. I have a martial arts test tomorrow, so I'll leave first... Good night."

Lin Hao realized something was wrong and ran away quickly.

He Lin realized that he had already run away.

All over Fucheng, other members of the superpower team heard the ringtones of their special communicators, and they picked them up one by one to take a look.

"What the hell? I was on patrol and my home was stolen!"

"Nah! What kind of ferocious beast is this? It's tired of living and dares to steal a house!"

When I came back, it was a mess!

"Captain, what's going on? Where is the beast?"

Xiulin's face was as cold as frost: "What are you looking at? What kind of ferocious beast is it? Why don't you take care of it quickly? Are you looking for a fight?"

Everyone looked at each other and quickly turned around to clean up.

Lao Liu instantly understood: "It seems that the boss has encountered a tough problem."

He Lin picked up the special communicator and dialed a mysterious phone number.

Yanjing, the headquarters of the Great Xia Ability Special Operations Force, a middle-aged man with Chinese characters and a majestic expression, looked surprised. Then he adjusted his expression and answered the phone with a smile on his face: "You are finally willing to give..."

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense." He Lin interrupted directly, and then told Lin Hao about awakening the Eight Desolate Divine Fire.

"What! S-level! Bahuang Divine Fire!" The middle-aged man was extremely excited.

"It's been three years since there was an S-class Awakener in Daxia! That's great!"

"Xiao Lin, if you act like this, you must keep that kid in the superpower team, and you can't let those guys from the military get there first!"

"I will immediately classify his information as top secret!"

"Xiao Lin, um, go home and take a look when you have time..."


He Lin died long ago.

Lin Hao went home, worried, fearing that He Lin would cause trouble for him.

After returning home, Lin Hao opened the system panel that only he could see.

【Name】Lin Hao


【Superpower】Bahuang Divine Fire

【Strength】400 points

【Speed】400 points

【Spirit】400 points

[Skill] Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash (growth-type skill, no upper limit), current status, inactive

[Beast Points] 2000 points

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

"Strength, speed, and spirit all have 400 points!" Lin Hao was extremely shocked. "A normal awakened person's strength and speed usually only have 100 points."

"A normal awakened person, after training, can break through the first-level elementary level and become a first-level elementary superpower user after his strength exceeds 200 points. However, under normal circumstances, even if he becomes a first-order elementary superpower user, his speed and spirit will be slower than that of a first-level elementary superpower user. A little less powerful.”

"After your strength exceeds 400, you will become a second-level primary superpower."

"And my strength and speed have both reached 400 points. In other words, although I have just awakened, my strength and speed have reached the level of a second-level primary superpower user."

"There is also the Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash, which is actually a growth-type skill and has no upper limit. This is so cool."

"Growth-type skills and high-level skills are extremely rare. They are all in the hands of major famous psychic universities, as well as the military and officials. You can't buy them even if you have money!"

"This is simply outrageous!"

"As expected of an S-level superpower, the Eight Desolate Divine Fires are so awesome!"

This reminded him of Zhao Jie's strength. She had long awakened B-level powers, but until now, she was only a first-level advanced power user.

And he had just awakened, and his strength surpassed hers, how could he not be excited.

"Zhao Jie, breaking up with me is the worst decision you have ever made in your life."

"System, what is this beast point?"

"Every time you kill a ferocious beast, you can get ferocious beast points. Different levels of ferocious beasts will get different ferocious beast points."

"Beast points can be added to strength, speed, skills and level to upgrade them directly."

"As expected of the system, it's great!" Lin Hao was already looking forward to the martial arts exam.

At this time, a video on Douyin became a hot search topic.

"Damn it, who is this fellow Taoist who is trying to survive the tribulation here?" The video was of Lin Hao's shocking vision when he activated the Eight Desolations Divine Fire, and was photographed from a distance by an enthusiastic netizen.

"It's so scary. Isn't this some terrible beast attacking Fucheng?"

"No, but I seem to have seen the army dispatched, heading east of the city."

"I don't think so. Based on my fifty years of experience as a bookworm, this must be someone who has awakened an extremely powerful power, causing a strange phenomenon in the world!"

"Same as above, don't be pessimistic. Someone must have awakened a powerful supernatural power. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the beast is, it can cause this phenomenon. The supernatural team and the military are not vegetarians. How could such a powerful beast be allowed to do so? The beast was only discovered when we got to the east of the city."

"I don't know who has awakened the superpower. I'm so strong and envious!"

Zhao Jie: "This must be at least S-level! I must find him. If he is a man, I will give him my life. If he is a woman, I will marry Jinlan. In short, he must be used by my Zhao family! Check it out for me!"

Fan Lang: "S-level! He must be S-level! If this person is used by my Fan family, the Fan family will definitely skyrocket! Check it out for me!"

Liu Shun: "Fuck! This should be at least S-level! It would be great if it were my brother Hao!"

Su Ling: "Could it be Lin Hao? At the last moment, create a miracle!"

the next day.

"Damn it! You're going to be late!"

At the school gate, cars transporting students to take the martial arts exam left one after another.

The martial arts field is outside the city's defense city, quite far from the school.

"Teacher Liu, can we go?" the driver urged. He couldn't afford to delay the martial arts test.

Liu Yawen, the head teacher of Grade Three (3), looked anxious: "Just wait a little longer, Lin Hao is probably stuck in traffic." After saying that, he looked at his phone again.

"This kid doesn't even have his cell phone turned on."

Liu Shun was also anxious: "Lin Hao, this bastard, is coming later, I have to beat the shit out of him!"

Fan Lang's car just happened to drive by. He stuck his head out and said mockingly: "You guys should give up, that loser won't come. It would be so embarrassing if he didn't awaken his powers. Even I don't have the shame to come!"

Liu Shun cursed loudly, jumped out of the car, and chased Fan Lang's car for more than a hundred meters before returning.

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