Lin Hao and others had not gone far when they were blocked by the two remaining teams of the Meng family.

The captains of the two teams are brothers. The elder brother Lu Long has a fourth-level intermediate power, and the younger brother Lu Hu has a fourth-level primary power.

Liu Yan and the people in her team were all shocked. Except for Liu Yan, none of them were injured, so they kept following Lin Hao. After all, they had just walked out of the depths of the wilderness. If they encountered a few third-level ferocious beasts, their team would Or the whole army will be annihilated.

Unexpectedly, instead of encountering powerful ferocious beasts, they encountered two teams of Meng family's superpowers, and they were far more powerful than Zhao Jie's team just now.

Liu Yan sighed and said: "Brother Lin Hao, we can't leave. The Meng family's team is notoriously evil in the wilderness. They steal the trophies of superpowers everywhere, kill people and steal goods, and do all kinds of evil. Our team will fight with them later. Come on, you go quickly!"

The strong man in Liu Yan's team also said boldly: "Eighteen years later, another good man, little brothers, you are still young..."

Lin Hao interrupted lightly: "It's quite touching. I thank you, but it's useless. If you don't have the strength, talk less. If you want to survive, just be quiet!"

"You..." Several strong men wanted to say something, but Liu Yan stopped them because she noticed that Lin Hao's powers and physical strength did not seem to have declined at all after the battle with the Zhao family team just now.

"Although I can't see why, Lin Hao seems to be really unfathomable." Liu Yan waved her hand and asked the team members to step back.

"Do you really believe him?" one team member asked.

Liu Yan protected the injured four people behind her and looked ahead warily: "I believe in him, and I can only believe in him. Otherwise we will all die."

Although Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were a little worried, they still chose to believe Lin Hao.

After watching several of Lin Hao's battles, they had already seen that Lin Hao's calmness and calmness were definitely not an act. His true strength must be unfathomable!

Lu Hu laughed: "Do you really expect this kid? What a joke. But don't worry, you three beauties. I'm not willing to kill you three. At least I'll have to play with you before I do it."

Both teams of the Meng family burst into laughter.

Lu Hu pointed at Liu Yan, Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia, and said with a smile: "Brother, you choose first when the time comes."

An evil sneer appeared on Lu Long's face: "We are brothers. We choose first and then choose. Why don't we do it together?"

Lu Hu suddenly became excited and seemed to have a picture in his mind: "Big brother still knows how to play, haha!"

At this time, a bright figure shot out from the distance and came to Lin Hao in an instant. A look of concern appeared on his frosty face: "Lin Hao, are you okay?"

It was He Lin, wearing tight jeans and a T-shirt, simple but showing off her impressive figure.

"It's okay. Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to help me look after the Meng family?"

"Lao Liu and the others are watching, they can't run away. Just let me deal with these people first if you're fine!" He Lin's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"No need. You should take a rest." Lin Hao's tone was calm, but there was no room for doubt.

He Lin inadvertently raised her head and glanced at Lingyun God of War in mid-air. She saw that God of War was lying in mid-air, holding wine in one hand and peanuts in the other, looking like he was eating melon. She lowered her head and took a deep breath and said, "Then you Be careful."

She knew that Lin Hao was fine. If nothing else, she knew it just by the way the God of War looked like he was eating melon. Otherwise, the God of War would not be so relaxed.

And she also felt that Lin Hao had become stronger again.

When Liu Yan saw He Lin, she suddenly felt that she had no hope at all.

When the Meng family saw He Lin, they almost drooled: "Great, I didn't expect a more beautiful beauty to come! Brother, I can't wait any longer. Come on, you four, kill Lin first." Hao!"

Lu Long said: "Don't be careless, come together! Kill them all except the three beauties!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Using various powers, two teams of ten people rushed towards Lin Hao and others.

Not wanting to cause trouble to Lin Hao, Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia retreated to Liu Yan's side and said in unison: "Brother Hao, be careful!"

Lin Hao's eyes were cold and he said coldly: "Thunder moves in all directions!"



A sky-covering thunder net appeared out of thin air, the sky and the earth changed color, the wind and clouds rolled, lightning flashed and thunder, surrounding him and the two teams of the Meng family.

The four Meng family members rushed towards Liu Yan and the others. The two at the front immediately hit the lightning net and were instantly blasted to pieces by lightning. The pungent burnt smell filled the air, shocking everyone.

The two people who followed him stopped abruptly, their bodies filled with cold sweat from fear.

The two of them just took a breath and thought that everything was fine, but unexpectedly, the thunder net was like tentacles, and two thick bolts of lightning flew out, directly enveloping the two of them.


The two screamed, but the screams soon stopped. Looking again, they found that they had been reduced to rubble.

Lu Hu originally wanted to say: "Lin Hao, you are tying yourself up and killing your own way out!" But seeing this scene, his whole body became cold.

The four who died just now were all third-level peak power users!

Lu Long was also covered in chills, which went from the soles of his feet to the top of his head: "How is it possible? Lin Hao is only an intermediate level one!"

The other four members of the Meng family team were trembling with fear, some of their crotches were wet, and they quickly stopped and stayed away from the thunder net.

From the thunder net, they felt the breath of death.

The five members of Liu Yan's team were almost shocked.

"Lin Hao is so terrifying!"

"No wonder he is so calm and composed, it turns out he is really hiding something!"

Liu Yan: "How do I awaken? This is another S-level power!"

Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were very excited: "Brother Hao, come on!"

He Lin was also extremely shocked: "Lin Hao not only became stronger, but also awakened another S-level power! These are three S-level powers! No wonder Lingyun God of War has begun to show off..."

The way she looked at Lin Hao became a little fiery.

Lu Long roared angrily: "Don't be afraid, everyone. I was just accidentally attacked by him. If we all come together, I don't believe it. The six of us can't kill one of him!"

"Tiedan, come on!"

Tiedan is the team's human shield, but now he is scared to death. Unfortunately, he will die if he doesn't go. The Meng family will not let him go.

Tiedan roared wildly: "Petrified!"

Click, click, click!

Tiedan's whole body was instantly covered with rocks more than ten centimeters thick, exuding a metallic luster, giving people an indestructible feeling.


Tiedan stepped out and the ground cracked.

Lu Long, Lu Hu and the others followed closely, dealing crazy output from behind!

Wind blade, ice knife, flame...

In the past, they were like this, harvesting one team after another, running rampant in the wilderness, notorious and invincible.

Unfortunately, Lin Hao didn't give them any chance.

"Bahuang Divine Fire!"

Lin Hao waved his hand, and more than a hundred Eight Desolate Gods fireballs roared out, overwhelming the sky and covering everyone in the Meng family team.

The Meng family team was in complete despair and felt cold all over!


In an instant, under everyone's shocked gazes, the entire Meng family team was wiped out, burned to the point where not even ashes were left!

He Lin was shocked. She knew Lin Hao was very strong, but she didn't expect him to be so strong.

She originally thought that Lin Hao would use three S-level powers to fight the opponent head-on, but she didn't expect that the Eight Desolate Divine Fires would wipe out the Meng family team.

The most horrifying thing was that she felt that Lin Hao's decreased power recovered in a moment.

"No wonder he has four S-level powers!!!"

He Lin was shocked when suddenly there were thunderous vibrations from the ground, as if thousands of troops were galloping.

"No, it's a tide of beasts!" He Lin exclaimed, "Run!"

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