Lin Hao directly attacked the beast tide single-handedly.

He Lin saw this and immediately followed.

Song Yu was dumbfounded: "Oh my god, are you so fierce? If you rush over like this, you will be surrounded by the beast tide in less than a few minutes, which means you have entered the core circle of the beast tide. Isn't this looking for death?"

The Song family's superpower team was also shocked. Even fifth-level superpowers like them would not dare to charge like this alone.

"This Lin Hao is either a madman or a fool!"

"Isn't it just because of my IQ that I rank first in the country in the martial arts exam?"

"Young Master, I think there is no need for you to compete with such a fool. He was able to take first place in the country simply because he took advantage of the poor luck of the other candidates in the martial arts examination venue."

"The same goes for that woman. She let Lin Hao do whatever he wanted and went in with him."

"Yes, she is only a fourth-level superpower, how dare she do that?"

"I guess you have big breasts and no brains. The more beautiful you are, the lower your IQ is..."

Song Yu waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense. Lin Hao may really have some hidden strength. Maybe he is very fast and can move forward and retreat freely even if it is a beast wave."

"Young Master is right. Young Master, let's retreat quickly, otherwise this place will become the core circle of the beast tide later." The captain of the Song family team reminded anxiously.

"Okay." Song Yu said and quickly backed away.

He really wanted to win against Lin Hao, but he didn't want to die.

And he believed that even if he was on the outside of the beast tide, he could still beat Lin Hao.

Looking at Lin Hao again, facing the overwhelming tide of beasts like thousands of horses galloping, instead of retreating in fear, his eyes actually exuded excitement.

"Bahuang Divine Fire!"

"Space storm!"

Two superpowers were cast at the same time, one thousand and five hundred Eight Desolate Gods Fire Fire Balls, and one thousand and five hundred Space Storm Balls. Each one was the size of a fist, roaring out like a volcano erupting. Each one was enough to kill. A third-level advanced ferocious beast.

For a time, within a few hundred meters, the temperature soared and no grass grew. A fireball from the Eight Desolations God penetrated the ferocious beasts and burned them to ashes.

The space storm balls also pierced through the ferocious beasts, and the terrifying space fragments cut and minced them crazily, and were finally swallowed by the void, leaving no trace behind.

The screams were earth-shattering, suddenly resounding through the sky, and then immediately stopped.

In the blink of an eye, more than three thousand ferocious beasts were wiped out!

Just as He Lin was about to help Lin Hao, the next second, she was horrified to find that there were no ferocious beasts to kill within a few hundred meters of her surroundings.

After being stunned for a few seconds, He Lin asked in shock: "Lin Hao, how is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible, just awaken a few more S-level powers." Lin Hao said lightly.

He Lin: "..."

Listen, is this human talk?

S-level powers, are you just a cabbage?

He Lin asked with trembling lips: "How many S-level powers have you awakened in your space?"

"Four!" Lin Haoyun said lightly. He Lin was still trustworthy.

What's more, his real trump card is the system. It doesn’t matter if you say it.

He Lin: "..."

Lingyun God of War was so shocked that he dropped the bottle, but fortunately he had quick eyes and quick hands and caught it.

"It turns out that this is Lin Hao's strongest combat power!"

Lin Hao took one action and exhausted the two major powers of the Eight Desolations Divine Fire and Space Storm. However, in less than a moment, the S-level superpowers restored the two major powers.

"This dead tree is really useful, it's a hundred thousand times more powerful than the Shiquan Dabu Pill!" Lin Hao was excited.

"With more than three thousand ferocious beasts, we can definitely beat Song Yu. I'll escort you away, otherwise you'll be swarmed by the beasts sooner or later..." Before He Lin could say the word "Wei", she discovered that Lin Hao's superpower had returned. Didn't look tired at all.

Some are just high fighting spirit and excitement.

He Lin: "Is this still a human being?"

Lingyun God of War also discovered: "Could it be that Lin Hao also has an S-level recovery ability?"

While he was paying attention to Lin Hao, his spirit covered the entire herd. Wherever there was a person with superpowers who had no time to escape, he went to rescue them.

Even the ferocious beasts around Lin Hao couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then they were furious, their eyes were blood red, and they rushed towards Lin Hao from all sides like crazy!

All beasts are galloping and the earth is shaking!

The third-order junior ferocious beast Silver Horned Tiger, the third-order junior beast Fiery Tiger, the second-order senior iron-eating rat, the second-order peak shadow leopard, all kinds of ferocious beasts all rushed over like crazy.

He Lin was still in the midst of the four S-level abilities that shocked Lin Hao's awakening, and she forgot that the beast wave was right in front of her.

Lin Hao glanced at her: "Iceberg beauty, even in a daze, she looks so beautiful."

"Thunder in all directions!"

"Bahuang Divine Fire!"

"Space storm!"

Lin Hao used three powers at the same time. A hundred-meter-sized thunder net protected him and He Lin. Terrifying black lightning crackled and hung from the sky, forming a fine thunder net that covered the sky.

The Eight Desolate Gods' fireballs and space storm balls shot out, and in the blink of an eye, more than three thousand ferocious beasts were reduced to ashes.

But this time, these ferocious beasts no longer hesitated, but rushed towards Lin Hao one after another.

There were so many ferocious beasts that even Lin Hao's recovery speed couldn't keep up.

Many ferocious beasts were not chopped into ashes by the thunder net until they rushed a hundred meters in front of Lin Hao!

The vicious beasts killed more and more, and the bloody smell became stronger and stronger. The vicious beasts found that the battle on Lin Hao's side was getting more and more intense, and they could not attack for a long time, so they all came towards this side to kill.

Thousands of meters away, Song Yu and the team with special powers from the Song family were waiting in tight formation.

But after waiting for more than half an hour, no vicious beast came.

"What's the situation, where are the ferocious beasts?" Song Yu was puzzled, "Did Lin Hao use any means to lure away the ferocious beasts?"

The captain of the Song family's supernatural team frowned: "Young Master, could there be some expert who happened to be passing by the wilderness of Fucheng and wiped out the beast tide with one move?"

"It's unlikely. How can such a coincidence happen? Let's go and have a look. We can't wait any longer."

After Song Yu finished speaking, he flew out, and the captain was too late to stop him.

Not long after, Liu Yan and others also returned.

Firstly, I was curious, and secondly, I was a little worried about Lin Hao.

After all, Lin Hao saved them.

"The system detects that the master bravely kills the ferocious beast, and is rewarded with the Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash that reaches the fourth perfect level!"

"It's cool!" Lin Hao shouted and pulled out his sword, "I wasted too many ferocious beasts just now, and I didn't even keep any ferocious beast materials. That's all money!"

He Lin was startled: "Lin Hao, you must be a devil. You are still trying to make money under the siege of the beast..."

"I don't want to be given away 5.8 billion at any time. Later, someone will say that I am a softie."

"You...that really wasn't a gift from me..."

Lin Hao was too lazy to listen to her explanation.

"Red flame splitting the sky!"

A sword slashed out, and a thousand-meter sword light was wrapped in blazing flames, like a rainbow across the sky, and the void was shattered, as if a thousand-meter gap opened in the sky!


More than three thousand ferocious beasts, corpses littered the field in an instant.



When Song Yu saw this sword, he was stunned. He felt cold and desperate all over.

"How is it possible? There are more than three thousand ferocious beasts with one sword... I can't stop this sword at all, I can't defeat him at all..."

"He has only been awakened for a few days, but his combat power is so terrifying. He ranks first in the country in the martial arts test. Maybe he doesn't take it seriously at all."

The Song family's superpower team was also shocked: "Is this going to defy heaven?"

"Lin Hao is only at the first-level intermediate level, how could he use such a terrifying sword? This is unscientific!"

"I'm not even sure I can take this sword..."

Liu Yan and others also saw the shocking sword: "I'm just being sentimental. Lin Hao doesn't need us at all."

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