Lin Hao strode towards Meng's house. As soon as he entered the gate, he was surrounded by more than thirty bodyguards with special powers.

They are all third-level intermediate superpowers.

He Lin and others were watching outside the villa to prevent anyone from the Meng family from running away.

Lao Liu worriedly said: "Boss, just let Lin Hao go in alone. Is it really okay?"

He Lin smiled and said: "Lin Hao killed the F beasts alone. Do you think everything is okay?"

"What? Boss, are you kidding? I know that guy is very strong, but he can't be as exaggerated as you said, right?"

When Lin Hao came out of the wilderness, he went straight to the Meng family, so Lao Liu didn't know about the tide of wild beasts in the wilderness.

He Lin's smiling face turned cold: "You mean I lied?"

Lao Liu felt a chill on his back and quickly smiled: "How could it be possible? Of course it's not. I believe whatever the boss says!"

He Lin smiled slightly: "That's pretty much it. You'll know later when you see how Lin Hao takes care of Meng Fan."

Meng Fan and Meng Wei were startled when they heard the noise. They quickly opened the door and took a look, and met Lin Hao's cold and sharp gaze. They both felt a chill on their backs.

Lin Hao pointed at Meng Fan angrily: "Meng, tell me who ordered you to kill my parents back then, and I will let you die quickly!"

In fact, Lin Hao was not sure whether Meng Fan participated in the murder of his parents, but his intuition told him that he must have. Otherwise, there was no reason for the Meng family to send out three supernatural teams to kill him this time. It must have been for the supernatural talisman.

Meng Fan saw that Lin Hao was the only one and no one from Fucheng's superpower team followed him. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Lin Hao alone and the thirty or so superpower bodyguards in the courtyard could trample him to death.

When Lin Hao dies and his eldest son comes back, there will be nothing the people in Fucheng's supernatural team can do against him.

Meng Fan angrily scolded: "Lin Hao, don't talk nonsense. I don't know your parents at all. Why did you kill them? You broke into my Meng family without my permission. Get out of here, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" "

Meng Wei was even more arrogant: "Dad, why don't you let him go? Just kill him!"

Lin Hao's expression suddenly darkened, and a bloodthirsty and terrifying aura erupted: "You send people to kill me, and you still dare to be so arrogant, then I will beat you until you surrender, and I will beat you until you take action!"

Meng Fan was frightened by Lin Hao's aura. No wonder he imagined how a person who had just awakened could have such bloodthirsty energy in his body.

If he saw Lin Hao kill the F-class beasts alone, he would understand.

"Give them all to me. Whoever kills Lin Hao, I will reward you with a reward of one billion!" Meng Fan roared. He is a treacherous and cunning person, and the three teams with special powers cannot contact him, but Lin Hao is safe and sound. He dared not be careless even more.



A Meng family bodyguard with special powers immediately stepped out with one step. The hard bluestone bricks shattered instantly. His body suddenly doubled in size. Like a giant, he rushed in front of Lin Hao in two steps and smashed hard with his fist as hard as iron. Lin Hao's head.


Lin Hao sneered and punched out, causing shattering sounds and screams to sound at the same time.

The fist and arm of the Meng family's supernatural bodyguard were instantly shattered. Moreover, the terrifying power did not weaken at all, directly shattering all his bones and internal organs, and the whole person fell down like a puddle of mud.

Both Meng Fan and his son were stunned, their bodies were cold and they were stunned.

"Is this still a human being? Is this really a person who has just awakened?"

"How is this possible? All the superpowers are useless. Pure power killed a third-level intermediate superpower user. Is Lin Hao a devil?"

"No, it's possible, the supernatural talisman! The supernatural talisman must be on him, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to break through the second level of primary level just a few days after awakening, and still have such terrifying pure power!"

Meng Fan quickly returned from fear and despair to greed and desire, his eyes were extremely red: "Give it to me, destroy Lin Hao, I want to live! No matter how strong he is, his powers and power will soon be exhausted. Get them all on me!"

Although the scene just now shocked the Meng family's super-powered bodyguards, one billion was still very tempting. In addition, they all felt that what Meng Fan said was reasonable, so they continued to kill Lin Hao one by one.

Unfortunately, they were all wrong.

Lin Hao still didn't use his powers, but his figure suddenly disappeared and turned into afterimages, passing through the courtyard.

Bang bang bang bang!

Lin Hao punched each one, and each of the third-level intermediate bodyguards with super powers was beaten into mud with one punch. The screams continued one after another. In less than thirty seconds, the screams suddenly stopped.

More than thirty third-level intermediate bodyguards all died tragically, with incredible horror in everyone's eyes.

Meng Wei was so frightened that he peed and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

Meng Fan was trembling with fear, cold sweat continuously falling from his forehead, staring at Lin Hao in horror, as if he was seeing a murderous god.

Not only did he see Lin Hao's terrifying power, he also discovered Lin Hao's weird recovery speed, killing more than thirty third-level intermediate power users. Even the fourth-level powerhouses had no strength at this moment.

But Lin Hao was still full of energy and energy, not feeling tired at all. Instead, his blood energy became more vigorous and his murderous aura became more terrifying.

Even he doesn't have this kind of combat power.

Lin Hao walked towards Meng Fan and his son step by step, and said loudly: "I will give you one last chance. Tell me, who ordered you to kill my parents?"

Meng Fan suddenly recovered from his panic. He did not forget that he was a fourth-level advanced superpower.

"Beast transformation!"

Meng Fan roared and used his superpower. Long gray hair suddenly grew all over his body, his teeth became longer, and his whole body bulged, like a cheetah that was neither human nor ghost: "Huh, Lin Hao, don't be proud, I am The fourth-level advanced superpower user is two levels higher than you, and there are two big gaps between them. No matter how strong you are, you can't cross it!"


Lin Hao suddenly dodged, grabbed Meng Wei's neck, lifted it up, and stared at Meng Fan: "If you don't tell me, I'll kill your son first!"

"Dad, save me, save me quickly, I don't want to die!" Meng Wei screamed in horror, kicking his legs around.

Meng Fan was furious and roared like a wild beast: "Lin Hao, you are seeking death. Let my son go immediately, or I will definitely defeat you..."


Lin Hao directly crushed Meng Wei's neck and threw him out like a wild dog.


Meng Fan went crazy, extremely furious, step by step, and hit Lin Hao's temple with a huge beast-like fist.

Lin Hao sneered and punched out with the same punch, but still didn't use his superpower.


Meng Fan's right arm was directly blasted into blood mist!


Meng Fan's chest was collapsed by the blast, and the fragments of his internal organs spurted out with blood. His whole body flew out and hit the ground hard, leaving him with only one breath left!

Lin Hao dodged, stepped on his head, and said sternly: "If you don't tell me, you will die!"

Meng Fan screamed wildly, but this time, he was really frightened, not only by Lin Hao's terrifying power, but also by his terrifying eyes. If he didn't say anything, he would really kill.

Meng Fan endured the severe pain and said quickly: "I said, I said, it was the Southeast King. It was the Southeast King who ordered me to do it. You also know how attractive the magical talisman with supernatural powers is."

"It is not convenient for the Southeast King and his hands to take action. He sent someone to tell me and asked me to take action. I only know so much. Please, let me go?"

"King of the Southeast!" Lin Hao's face was extremely gloomy, and his murderous aura became even stronger.

Meng Fan felt that Lin Hao had no intention of letting him go, and quickly threatened: "Lin Hao, you can't kill me. My son is one of the commanders of the Rong Province Military Department. If you dare to kill me, my son will not let you go." …”


Lin Hao directly stepped on Meng Fan's head, exploding like a watermelon.

"I don't care who your son is. If he dares to kill my parents, I will die too!"

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