
Tiles throughout the yard were shattered.

Lin Hao jumped directly from the helicopter. Although the helicopter was only more than two hundred meters above the ground, it was simply impossible for ordinary second-level superpowers to do so.

Although Gu Xinyi was worried, she was still shocked when she saw this scene.

In the courtyard of the Gu family, a group of Du family thugs with special abilities were dumbfounded when they saw Lin Hao falling from the sky, and the smiles on their faces froze.

They were all only at the beginning level of the third level, and they knew that if they jumped from a height of two hundred meters, they would definitely fall into pieces.

Therefore, they all thought that some high-level powerful person was coming. After waking up, they instinctively took a few steps back.

Luo Laoer in the hall heard the commotion and stopped to take a look. After seeing that Lin Hao was only a second-level primary superpower user, he immediately sneered and said: "What the hell, a second-level idiot dares to disturb him. My pleasure!”

"Are you all idiots? This kid is just a second-level junior, and he scared you to this point, and you still don't want me to do it!"


He Lin hugged Gu Xinyi and ran down from an altitude of more than 200 meters.

The broken tiles throughout the yard were turned into sand.

The helicopter has a low-level intelligent driving system and can hover on its own.

The Du family's super-powered thug was about to take action when he was frightened again.

"Fourth level superpower!"

"It's better to hold someone in your arms and jump from a height of more than 200 meters!"

They were not afraid of the second-level Lin Hao. They were just startled by Lin Hao's movements and did not react. But the fourth-level He Lin was the one they were afraid of.

Just when Lao Er was about to attack He Xiaoyu, he didn't expect another person to come immediately. At first glance, he saw that he was still a fourth-level superpower. Moreover, she was a stunning beauty. He immediately lost interest in He Xiaoyu and walked towards the yard evilly.

"What are you afraid of? One of them is only at the second level, and can be killed by one person. The other one is at the fourth level, but there are more than thirty of you, and you can use up all her powers! Give it to me, kill the man. Yes, the two women are staying!"

"Gu Xinyi, Gu Xinyi, I didn't expect you to find me a peerless beauty. I really want to thank you. I will reward you with water of life later!"

"But with your IQ, you can actually get the fifth place in the province in the wushu exam. It's really sad that the wushu exam you found is not even as good as me, Luo Laoer, haha."

When Gu Xinyi saw that her father was injured and her mother was almost bullied by Luo Laoer, she suddenly felt like a knife, with murderous intent: "Dad, Mom, my daughter is useless, you are being bullied...Brother Hao, please kill them, I I am willing to work hard to repay you!"

Lin Hao remained calm.

When Gu Gang and He Xiaoyu saw Gu Xinyi coming back, they were frightened and shouted: "Xinyi, run quickly, Luo Laoer is a fourth-level advanced superpower, and the helper you found is no match for him! "

"Xinyi, run quickly. As long as you are fine, it's okay for your parents to suffer a little. You go to the Magic City University of Supernatural Powers. Your admission notice arrived last night. Go find your tutor, the Magic University of Supernatural Powers. I will definitely keep you safe, and when you return from your studies, it won’t be too late to avenge your parents!”

Luo Laoer sneered: "Do you think your daughter can still run away? Offending Mr. Du is equivalent to offending the Southeast King. She, and the whole Gu family, can't even think of getting away from Rongshi!"

Luo Laoer's sneer suddenly became extremely dark and evil: "I don't know how you escaped from Mr. Du, but now that you meet me, it makes me want to taste your mother and daughter, and you are such a peerless person. Beauty! When the time comes, I will return you to Mr. Du, which will be another great achievement. It really kills two birds with one stone, haha..."

"No, that's not right!" Luo Laoer's whole body suddenly shook, as if someone had poured ice water on him, and his whole body was as cold as ice. "Master Du is protected by my brother. Even if Master Du accidentally lets you escape, my brother will never Maybe let something like this happen!”

"Speak!" Luo Laoer glared at Lin Hao and the others with a sullen expression. His anger surged and he might break out at any time, "What happened to Mr. Du and my brother?"

"Killed by me." Lin Hao said lightly.

"Killed by you! How is that possible!" Luo Laoer laughed loudly because you heard the big joke, "Boy, just the two of you can kill my brother. He is a fifth-level primary superpower. Even if there are ten people at the top of the fourth level, they can’t even think of killing my brother! Do you have any helpers?”

"I know you don't believe it, but don't believe it yet. You will believe it soon." Lin Hao said indifferently, with murderous intent beginning to surge in his eyes!

Gu Xinyi also shouted loudly: "Mom and Dad, don't worry, brother Lin Hao is very powerful, he will definitely save you!"

Gu Gang's whole body was shaken, and he looked at Lin Hao in surprise: "Lin Hao, no, master, are you the master?"

Lin Hao single-handedly defeated the F beast wave and awakened two S-level powers. Gu Xinyi told them as soon as he came back!

Lin Hao nodded lightly.

Gu Gang cried with joy: "Master, that's great. I didn't expect you to actually come. That's great! Now I believe you killed Du Yu and his bodyguard!"

Gu Gang believed that Lin Hao, who could kill the beast tide with his second-level elementary strength, must not be as simple as it seems on the surface, and such a person must have been secretly protected by Daxia, even if Lin Hao didn't Taking action to save his family is not a problem at all.

Luo Laoer sneered: "Everyone is about to die, and why are you acting here! Come on, kill Lin Hao, and keep the woman!"


More than thirty thugs with special abilities from the Du family immediately rushed toward Lin Hao with a killing force that shook the world.

Unfortunately, Lin Hao took action before their powers were fully unleashed.

Lin Hao waved his hand, and more than thirty Eight Desolate Gods fireballs roared out and landed on the Du family's super-powered thugs. In the blink of an eye, they were all burned to ashes.

He didn't even have time to scream.

The whole place was dead silent.

Gu Gang was shocked, excited, and burst into tears: "Master, you are so strong!"

Although He Xiaoyu was not a superpower, she could see that Lin Hao was very powerful, and she instantly burst into tears of joy.

Luo Laoer felt that his whole body was freezing, and a chill went straight from the soles of his feet to his forehead. The flames just now were so terrifying, and the first fireball made him feel as frightened as facing death.

And Lin Hao can actually control more than thirty of them at the same time!

Luo Laoer suddenly had a very bad premonition. He felt that Lin Hao might not be lying. His brother and Mr. Du might have really been killed by Lin Hao.

But he still wanted to try it because he was a fourth-level advanced superpower user.

"Even if my brother was killed by you, it was because he was too careless. I will not be careless. Boy, you will crush you to ashes and avenge my brother and Mr. Du!"


Luo Laoer roared wildly and displayed his superpower. The bones and flesh all over his body instantly swelled, the blood vessels bulged, and even exuded a metallic luster. His combat power soared, and he was infinitely close to the fifth level primary level.

"Die!" Luo Laoer rushed towards Lin Hao violently, his fists making a sonic boom.

When Gu Gang saw this scene, he was startled and shouted worriedly: "Master, be careful!"

Lin Hao's figure flashed, and he rushed directly towards Luo Laoer, punching out with the same punch. The difference was that he did not use any supernatural powers.


Luo Laoer, whose combat power was close to the fifth-level primary level, was directly blasted into blood mist by Lin Hao.

Gu Gang was horrified when he saw that Lin Hao didn't use his powers. He was afraid that he would be killed by Luo Laoer. He was about to warn him again, but found that Luo Laoer was gone.

Gu Gang was petrified with shock.

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