"Next, I'm going to the Southeast Prince's residence."

After explaining Gu Gang, Lin Hao said calmly.

Gu Gang was so frightened that his legs were weak: "Master, no, Brother Hao, you can't go to the Southeast King's Palace. The Southeast King is the king of Rong Province and the three surrounding provinces. Both black and white must give him face, and no one dares to offend him. "

"I don't know how many people who offended the Southeast King are all dead."

"Brother Hao, you must not go!"

"Besides, today is also the college entrance banquet for the second son of the Southeast King. Countless rich people and powerful people from all over the country are here. Brother Hao, if you go, it is equivalent to going deep into the tiger's den and narrowly escaping death!"

Gu Xinyi and He Xiaoyu were also frightened. He Xiaoyu didn't know about the others, but the Southeast King's reputation was like thunder to her ears.

He Lin looked indifferent and only asked Lin Hao: "Are you sure you want to go?"


"Okay, wait for me, I'll make a call."

"Go ahead."

He Lin went to the room on the third floor of the villa, closed the door, waved her hand, and a transparent soundproof cover appeared, and then made a call.

"Xiao Lin, what's wrong? You're calling dad so late. Do you miss dad?" On the other end of the phone, Commander He, who was working overtime, was so excited that he suddenly lost all sleepiness.

He Lin was a little impatient and said businesslike: "Lin Hao has awakened three S-level powers. I even suspect that one of them is an SS-level power. I want to apply to upgrade his treatment to the God of War level! Moreover, just now Within a few days of awakening, his level has reached the second level of elementary level!"

Although Commander He was a little disappointed, he was still shocked as never before after hearing what He Lin said: "Xiao Lin, are you telling the truth? Didn't you say before that he only awakened two S-level powers? Three S-level powers The superpowers, one of which may even be SS-level superpowers, reach the second level of primary level just a few days after awakening, which is unheard of in the country or even the world!"

"How do I know?" He Lin was impatient, like a little girl acting coquettishly and angry, and not at all like the cold and cold sister in everyone's eyes. "Maybe he really has a supernatural talisman on his body."

"The legendary supernatural talisman!"

"That's no wonder."

"Xiao Lin, I agree with what you said. The supernatural talisman must not be snatched away, especially not in the hands of people with bad character. The token of the God of War will be delivered to Fucheng in two hours!"

"Send it to Rong City and ask someone to contact me first when they arrive." He Lin said and hung up.

Commander He was anxious: "Xiao Lin, don't hang up yet. Dad still has a lot to say to you..."

He Lin went downstairs and said to Lin Hao, "Let's go."

Gu Xinyi's family was extremely worried.

Gu Xinyi: "Sister Lin, are you really okay?"

He Lin's calm tone showed great confidence, and said: "It's okay, even if I can't beat him, no one can touch Lin Hao."

Gu Gang looked at He Lin and then at Gu Xinyi. He suddenly had an intuition that He Lin's energy might be more terrifying than the Southeast King!

"Brother Hao, you must be careful." Gu Gang still said with concern.

Lin Hao said calmly: "Keep your heart in your stomach, it's just the Southeast King."

At the foot of the hill where the Southeast Palace is located, there is an asphalt road leading directly to the mountain, but the intersection has long been guarded by heavily armed people, with three floors inside and three outside.

They are all at least third-level advanced superpowers, and the leader is even a fourth-level junior.

In addition, there are still many powerful people lurking in the darkness on the hill.

Many people were watching from a distance, and then left talking enthusiastically.

"I heard that today is the college entrance banquet for the second son of the Southeast King. I don't know how many luxury cars came in throughout the whole day."

"And they are all wealthy and distinguished people from all over the country. I heard that Ma Hua Tong and Ma Yun also want to attend, but the Southeast King didn't even reply."

Amidst the discussions of countless people, Lin Hao walked over with He Lin.

"Hello, do you two have an invitation letter?" A loaded supernatural guard asked politely and respectfully.

"No." Lin Hao said indifferently and disdainfully.

The guard's black color instantly turned black, and he shouted angrily: "What? No! Then why are you here to join in the fun? Please leave immediately and retreat outside the safety line, otherwise you will be regarded as forcing your way into the Southeast Prince's Mansion and will be shot without mercy!"

All of a sudden, dozens of armed guards pointed their dark muzzles at Lin Hao and He Lin.


The people watching the excitement were immediately frightened and backed away dozens of meters, especially those behind Lin Hao, who all dispersed, fearing that if the guards fired, they would be accidentally injured.

Everyone had a look of horror on their faces, but they were all silent, not even daring to whisper, for fear of being overheard by the superpower guards and dying on the spot.

But everyone was worried for Lin Hao: "Young man, leave quickly. If you anger them, they will really kill people!"


Lin Hao slapped him directly, and the guard screamed, flew more than fifty meters, and hit a boulder, killing him on the spot.

The whole place was dead silent!

All the guards were shocked. They never expected that there would be someone in Rong Province who dared to kill the guards of the Southeast Prince's Mansion!

The crowd was also shocked, but they reacted faster than the guards. No one knew who it was, and shouted: "Everyone, run quickly, don't get hurt by accident!"

In an instant, all the people rushed hundreds of meters away and found shelter in buildings and big trees. Then they stopped with peace of mind and couldn't help but start talking in low voices.

"That young man is a real tiger. Doesn't he know that they are the guards of the Southeast King? Not to mention killing them, even if he hits them, they may be killed?"

"I feel so sorry for that young man. There are not many young people with such positive energy left. It's a pity that he ended up, ugh!"

"In ten years, this is the first time I've seen someone provoke the Southeast King in public!"

"Do you think that young man's back looks a bit familiar? I always feel like I've seen him somewhere before?"

"I think his back looks like Lin Hao, the Lin Hao who ranked first in the national martial arts exam!"

"Lin Hao! Yes, yes, when I said that, I also remembered that his back really looks like Lin Hao!"

"Now I really hope he is Lin Hao. I hope there is a young man who is strong-blooded and unyielding, who can defeat the arrogance of the Southeast King!"

"I don't want him to be Lin Hao, because I don't want Lin Hao to die young just after he rises. His future has unlimited possibilities, and he can come back later to slap the Southeast King in the face!"

When the guards of the Southeast King saw this, they suddenly woke up. Then the guard leader shouted without hesitation: "Looking for death! Anyone who dares to kill the Southeast King! Open fire for me! Kill without mercy!"

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