The four mysterious killers sent by the mysterious organization had been hiding in the dark. Seeing Lin Hao's bloodbath in the Southeast Prince's Mansion, the four of them were so frightened that they wanted to run away several times, but the temptation of the supernatural talisman was too great.

Therefore, the four of them have been waiting for the opportunity, hoping to defeat Lin Hao in the Southeast Prince's Mansion. When both sides suffer losses, they can reap the benefits.

But who would have expected that after Lin Hao bloodbathed the Southeast Prince's mansion, no one could be his opponent.

Only then did the four of them wake up. Lin Hao was not something they could defeat.

They wanted to escape for their lives, but they didn't know that Lin Hao had noticed them long ago.


The four people shouted almost at the same time, and the four figures fled in four directions at high speed.

Unfortunately, they were only fourth-level seniors. In the blink of an eye, Lin Hao caught the four of them, took them back to the Southeast Prince's residence, and smashed them down from mid-air!


The screams of the four mysterious killers resounded throughout the sky. Some of the four had their legs or hands cut off, and their blood spurted out wildly. It was too horrible to watch.

The four of them were horrified. In the past few days, they had witnessed Lin Hao continuously getting stronger at an astonishing speed.

Now they are both frightened and aggrieved. Who could have imagined that when the killer received the mission, the target person was not as strong as them, but when they saw the target person, they found that he was no match for the target person, and they still watched helplessly. As the target person becomes stronger and stronger.

But they can't give up the mission, because if they can't complete the mission, they will die.

"Tell me, who are you?" Lin Hao asked coldly.

"Please, let me go. We can't say anything. If we say anything, we will die..." a killer begged, enduring severe pain.


Lin Hao punched out from the air and directly blasted the killer into blood mist!

"Can we talk now?" Lin Hao asked gloomily.

The remaining three killers were frightened by Lin Hao's decisive killing.

"I say, we say!" A murderous suggestion suggested, "If each of us says a word, we may not die."

The other two killers were overjoyed when they heard this: "Yes, this is a good idea. Each of us can say a word."

"But there are only two words..."

"Xing! I said, it's your turn!" The previous killer was relieved.

"Palace!" Another killer said quickly.

The last killer was dumbfounded: "Then what should I say..."

Bang bang!

Suddenly, the killer who said the words "Xinghe Palace" made a dull sound in his head, and then black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he died in the blink of an eye.

His eyes were full of fear, unwillingness and disbelief.

They never imagined that a person could die if he said even one word.

The last killer was trembling with fear. He looked at Lin Hao in horror and begged: "Please, don't kill me!"

"Star Palace!" Lin Hao, He Lin and Lingyun God of War were shocked at the same time.

Lin Hao knew the least about Xing Gong, but he also knew that Xing Gong was a mysterious and extremely powerful evil organization.

"It's actually the Star Palace. It seems like I can't find anything out if I ask again." Lin Hao slapped out a palm, and the last murderous intention was blasted into blood mist.

He Lin's face was a little solemn: "I didn't expect Xing Gong to be involved. It seems that Xing Gong found out when the Fan family sent photos to buyers."

Lin Hao said in a cold tone: "These are no longer important. Even if Xing Gong didn't hunt down my parents back then, I would have destroyed Xing Gong sooner or later!"

He Lin nodded and reminded: "However, Xing Gong is powerful and mysterious. Daxia has been pursuing it for many years, but has not been able to uproot it. Moreover, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear. You have to be careful and don't be too impatient."

"I know, don't worry." Lin Hao smiled lightly.

He Lin glanced at the Southeast King's mansion and said, "The Southeast King is dead. From now on, this mansion will be given to you."

Lin Hao was surprised: "Give it to me? Captain, can you make the decision on this kind of thing?"

He Lin smiled softly: "Of course."

Lin Hao was shocked and looked at He Lin: "Captain, who are you?" He could feel that He Lin was actually much stronger than she appeared on the surface. She was definitely not as low as a fourth-level superpower. She was at least level five, but he couldn't see through her.

He Lin smiled mysteriously: "You will know sooner or later. I will have people come and clean it up overnight. You can stay here tonight. From now on, this will be called Lin Mansion!"

Lin Hao nodded, thought for a while, and said: "This place is so big, it would be boring for me to live alone. You can live here too, and other team members can also move here. Anyway, this place has all the superpower facilities. It’s no worse than our superpower team. Moreover, Rong City is also close to Fucheng. There are helicopters, so it’s very fast to get to Fucheng.”

He Lin smiled, very softly and charmingly: "Why are you so troublesome? With your current strength, let alone being directly promoted to captain of the Rong Province's superpower brigade, even if you go to Magic City and Yanjing, you will have A place for one.”

This was the first time Lin Hao saw He Lin, an iceberg beauty with such a charming smile and those charming long legs. He wanted to kiss her for a moment.

"Haha, Xiao Lin is right. Brother Lin Hao, you are fully qualified!" Suddenly, a voice resounded through the sky like thunder, and a middle-aged man with a burly figure and extraordinary aura jumped down from the air. .

"Xiao Lin, long time no see, you really miss your Uncle Chu!" Thunder God of War Chu Tianhua said with a smile.

He Lin was startled and said with a smile: "Uncle Chu, why are you here?"

"Why, aren't you happy that I'm here?" Chu Tianhua frowned.

"No, I'm glad to see Uncle Chu."

Lin Hao looked confused: "He Lin has such a good relationship with the God of War. No wonder I can't see through his strength. I really don't know how powerful her background is. No wonder she followed me to the Southeast Prince's Mansion without being afraid at all."

"Is this little brother Lin Hao?" Chu Tianhua looked at Lin Hao excitedly.

"I'm Lin Hao."

Chu Tianhua nodded: "Neither humble nor arrogant, he is indeed a person who has awakened three S-level powers!"

Lin Hao smiled faintly and looked at He Lin.

He Lin smiled and said: "I have already reported your matter to the senior management. Uncle Chu is one of the Gods of War who came to protect you secretly. I also brought your God of War token with me."

"There's me too!" Lingyun God of War couldn't help but jump down from the sky, "Old Chu, it's been a long time no see, I need to have a few drinks tonight!"

Chu Tianhua laughed: "Xiao Ling, I didn't expect the other person to be you. That's great. Now I won't be bored anymore. I won't give up until I get drunk tonight!"

"Ha ha!"

He Lin said angrily: "Uncle Chu, Uncle Ling, how do you know how to drink? But it's okay to drink, but don't get drunk. Otherwise, if something happens to Lin Hao, I'll see how you explain it to me and to the superiors." !”

Chu Tianhua and Ling Yun looked at each other and smiled, Chu Tianhua said: "Hey, Xiaolin, Uncle Chu has watched you grow up, this is the first time I have seen you care so much about a boy, shouldn't you be moved? "

He Lin blushed instantly and stamped her feet shyly: "Uncle Chu, if you keep talking nonsense, I will ignore you!"

With that said, he glanced at Lin Hao, lowered his head and ran into the Lin Mansion.

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