Lin Hao, He Lin, Liu Shun, and Su Ling boarded the super train to the Magic City.

In the carriage, many were college freshmen who were going to the Magic University to register. Everyone was smiling and full of yearning for a new life.

Although the actual registration time has not yet come, in this world where super powers are awakened, strength is respected, and many new students will register in advance to better improve their strength and avoid falling behind.

"I'm from the Magic University of Science and Technology. How about you, brother?"

"I'm from Tianwu Superpower University in the Demon City."

"I'm from Jianghai University of Supernatural Power in the Demon City."

Many freshmen in the carriage began to communicate with each other.

Liu Shun said excitedly: "I'm from the Magic University of Magic!"

"Wow! Brother, you can do it! The second-ranked university for supernatural powers in Daxia!" There was a sudden exclamation in the carriage, and many beauties were begging to join Chaoxin.

Liu Shun was very proud and motioned for everyone to calm down.

Su Ling glanced at Liu Shun with contempt.

But when someone asked Liu Shun what kind of power he had awakened, Liu Shun suddenly withered.

"Well, keep it secret, haha."


"It's not S-class. What's the secret?"

"Oh, I know, you are Liu Shun, the Liu Shun of Lin Hao's team, the Liu Shun who won by lying down!"

For a moment, all the freshmen's eyes turned to Lin Hao, who was closing his eyes and concentrating next to Liu Shun. Some girls immediately deleted Liu Shun's super letter.

Liu Shun's heart was broken.

"Sure enough, the better the appearance, the stronger the strength. I've said it for a long time, handsome people usually don't have weak abilities!"

"Unexpectedly, I was thinking about it, but I met Lin Hao on the Super Rail!"

"I finally saw Lin Hao's appearance. I watched the live broadcast of the martial arts test before and it was mosaic-ed. I couldn't even see his figure clearly."

Many girls immediately took out their mobile phones and took pictures frantically.

Click, click, click!

"Um, Liu Shun, can you please give me some permission? I have read a photography guide, which says that when taking pictures, the picture should be clean and concise, without too many clutter..."


Su Ling laughed.

Liu Shun's face turned livid: "I won't give it up. This is my seat. Why should I give it up? You people judge a book by its appearance!"

"Forget it, if you don't want to let me, I won't. The photography guide also says that the contrast between the subject and the surrounding environment can highlight the subject. It's good to have you as a foil."

"You..." Liu Shun was furious.

Lin Hao comforted him: "Okay, it's okay to be angry. You have a long road ahead. Take it easy, take it easy, and focus more on your cultivation."

"Otherwise, it will only be harder for you to get along when you get to the Magic City University of Superpowers, and I won't be by your side every day."

Liu Shun understood: "Don't worry, I will work hard!"

The girls were chirping again: "I envy Liu Shun so much that he has such a good brother like Lin Hao!"

"I'm envious too. Not only am I envious of him, but I'm also envious of the people at the Magic City University of Supernatural Powers. They have many more opportunities to see Lin Hao than I do."

The super train stopped at several stations one after another. There were more and more people on the train, and there were gradually no seats. Many people could only stand.

In this era, major cities are almost all connected by highly defensive super-rails. Even people from wealthy families often choose super-rails when traveling far away. Unless there is a special emergency, they will use private planes. .

After all, there are flying ferocious beasts in the wild sky. Even if those private planes can defend against ferocious beasts, there is still a lot of risk.

Of course, it is also possible to fly long distances while wearing a mecha. It's just that there are still risks.

When the super train passed Jiangnan Station, many people came up. Among them, the three most eye-catching people were a young man in strange clothes, with eyes high above his head and an arrogant expression.

Behind him, there were two middle-aged men with gloomy expressions, who were his bodyguards.

The young man glanced at the crowd in the carriage, with a look of disgust on his face: "I told you we would take a private jet, but now we don't even have a seat."

"Young Master, please calm down. The wilderness in Jiangnan has not been peaceful recently, and it is even more difficult to ensure the safety of private flights in the air. Young Master, please bear with me."

As for the combat mecha that can reach the sky, it is not available for private sale.

That is Daxia's strategic resource.

Human superpowers can only fly when they reach the seventh level. Therefore, most superpowers are almost like lambs to be slaughtered in the air.

"It's Mr. Rong, everyone, get out of the way!" A frightened voice sounded, and there was a panic in the car.

People standing in the aisle immediately stepped aside in fear when they saw the three people, making the already crowded carriage even worse.

"You, stand up for me, I want to sit in your seat!" The young man said to Su Ling in a commanding tone, "It's okay if you don't get up, I will sit directly on your lap."

After saying that, he stared straight at He Lin, who was beside Su Ling, and his mouth was almost drooling.

Su Ling's chest heaved violently with anger. She was the school beauty, and no one in Fucheng had ever dared to be so rude to her.

And she is wearing a miniskirt today.

He Lin also wore a miniskirt and black silk stockings, and was more beautiful than Su Ling.

Su Ling glared angrily, and just as he was about to ask for a weapon, He Lin snorted coldly: "You can try." The tone was cold and made people shudder.

Many people were so frightened when they saw this scene that they were too scared to speak out, and silently mourned for Su Ling and He Lin in their hearts.

A brave girl reminded: "Little sister, you'd better give in. This person is not an ordinary person. It's okay to give in to keep him safe. It's no big deal."

When she said this, several brave boys also persuaded her: "Yes, you two young ladies, when you go out, the most important thing is safety, be patient and calm for a while. This young man is not someone you can mess with, give up your seat." That’s it, it’s nothing.”

"Listen to me and give in. Remember, he can walk sideways in Jiangnan."

"He is Rong Ao, the third son of the richest man in Jiangnan. Young ladies, you'd better give in. Your life is at stake!"

"Yes, the two superhuman bodyguards around him are very strong at first glance, and the Rong family is famous for being cruel and ruthless. You'd better not be tough with him. The future is long."

Rong Ao was extremely proud and not angry. Instead, he bent down close to He Lin and smiled evilly: "Since you asked me to try it, I will try it. Not only do I want to try hers, I also want to try yours." of……"

Liu Shun was furious, stood up, pointed at him and shouted: "How dare you!"

Rong Ao glanced at Liu Shun, ignored them, and squeezed in where He Lin and Su Ling were.

He Lin immediately stood up and slapped Rong Ao with a loud bang, knocking him down in the aisle.

There was a gasp in the carriage, and then there was dead silence.

All the passengers looked at He Lin in horror, and everyone was worried about him.

Rong Ao laughed again, stood up, stuck out his tongue, licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Very good, I like the hot-tempered Sister Yu. If she is too soft, I will not feel the pleasure of conquering!"

"Come on, I want these two beauties. I'll get out of the car and take them directly to the villa. I want them to know how miserable the price of offending me, Rongyao, is!"

"Yes, young master!"

For a moment, all the surrounding passengers, whether they had seats or not, were so frightened that they ran away and forcibly gave up the entire carriage.

Private fights between super-powered users are strictly prohibited on the Super Iron. Otherwise, if a powerful super-powered user destroys the Super Iron and a ferocious beast takes advantage of it, it will most likely cause a large-scale safety accident.

Therefore, whenever there is a conflict on the Super Rail, both parties will resolve the problem through a competition of pure strength, but Rong Ao is the son of the richest man in Jiangnan, so he doesn't care about that much.

Even if it is super iron, the Rong family can afford to pay.

Moreover, Rongyao's two bodyguards were sixth-level primary superpowers. With pure strength alone, they could easily crush most of the people present to death.

Suddenly, only Lin Hao and four others were left around Ron Ao.

Rongyao's two bodyguards took action at the same time, trying to restrain Su Ling and He Lin with pure force.

Su Ling was trembling instinctively with fear, but she was not worried because she knew that Lin Hao would definitely take action.

He Lin and Lin Hao took action at the same time.

He Lin slapped one of Rong Ao's sixth-level junior bodyguards with superpowers, and her head was turned around several times by her, and he hung down, dead.

Lin Hao punched out and collided with another sixth-level junior bodyguard. The terrifying power swept out like a tsunami. All the bones in the bodyguard's body were broken, and the whole body collapsed like mud.

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