The Eight Desolate Divine Fires Are Awakened At The Beginning, And The School Beauty Cries For Recon

Chapter 66: The Tutor Gives Gifts Like Crazy, Lin Hao Takes All The Orders

"Damn it! Five SS-level superpowers! From now on, there are only two types of superpowers in the world, one is Lin Hao, and the other is other superpowers!"

"Lin Hao, I am Wan Renzhan, the dean of the Weapons Academy. If you have any questions in the future, just ask me and don't be polite! In addition, I have a granddaughter who is a senior this year and is a student at the Magic City University of Superpowers. The king’s student…”

"Damn it! Wan Renzhan, you are going too far! You are so eager to become relatives with Lin Hao! Forget about becoming relatives, your granddaughter is as tall and powerful as you, and she has awakened power-type powers. She is completely a female version. The Hulk, like this, can Lin Hao like it?" Song Qianshan, the dean of the Mecha Academy, interrupted rudely, "My granddaughter is better. She has awakened spiritual powers. She is beautiful and has a devilish figure. , long legs, I don’t know how many boys are pursuing her, but she doesn’t agree, and she is also a student of the king, and she is so domineering in controlling the mecha! Lin Hao, come to my villa as a guest when you have time, I will introduce you to him."

Wan Renzhan said angrily: "Song Qianshan, you said I can do it, do you dare to say that my granddaughter is itchy? Others are afraid of your mecha, but I am not afraid. I have the guts to challenge her!"

Song Qianshan was not afraid at all: "Just fight, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Jiang Wanchao said in a deep voice: "That's enough for you two. How can you be the leader at your age?"

"Hmph!" Song Qianshan and Wan Renzhan neither convinced the other.

He Lin had a black line: "What the hell? Is this the second-ranked tutor of magic in Daxia? If you don't teach well, you only know how to introduce your granddaughter!"

Liu Shun looked envious: "When can I get such treatment? If I just marry the dean's granddaughter, I can live in peace!"

Tang Meng, the dean of the School of Resources, said with a smile: "Lin Hao, when we meet for the first time, I didn't prepare any decent greeting gift. This is the core of the eighth-level junior basaltic crocodile. Just treat it as a greeting gift. Don't be polite to me! "

Saying that, he stuffed it directly into Lin Hao's hand.

Although Tang Meng is in her thirties, she is well-maintained and looks no different from a girl in her twenties. On the contrary, she has the charm of a mature woman.

These deans are not stupid. They know that Lin Hao has awakened so many SS-level powers and has no talent in cultivation. He may not need their guidance, so it is wiser to find ways to attract relatives, send gifts, and build relationships.

Everyone was stunned.

Liu Shun Suling's eyes gleamed and he couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

Song Qianshan glared and said: "Tang Meng, I seriously doubt that the core of the eighth-level junior basalt crocodile you sent is the property of the school, not your personal property. You actually misappropriated public resources in front of Vice Principal Jiang! Lao Jiang, Fire her!"

Even Wan Renzhan became angry with him: "Tang Meng, you have to be kind as a person. It's okay to occasionally enrich yourself, but today everyone is here!"

As we all know, Resource College is a wealthy college. All the ferocious beast resources, plant spirits and other cultivation resources obtained by teachers and students are all managed and researched by the Resource Academy after being sold to the school.

Tang Meng's beautiful and mature face suddenly became cold: "You are so slanderous! I got the core of the eighth-level junior basalt crocodile by killing the eighth-level junior basalt crocodile. It was originally meant to be left to me in the future. My son. It’s a pity that the tutor of the University of Magic is so old and so ugly that no mother can like him, and his son is far away.”

"Now that I meet the heaven-defying Lin Hao, of course I have to give it to him first. From now on, Lin Hao will be my son. I will kill anyone who dares to touch Lin Hao!"

Lin Hao had a black line on his face: "I came to go through the admission procedures, and you actually took advantage of me..."

Seeing Lin Hao's depressed face, Liu Shun wished he could call Tang Meng's mother!

"Lin Hao, this is my meeting gift, the eighth-level elementary Tianxuan Crystal, which has the effect of enhancing supernatural powers." The dean of the supernatural academy said with a smile.

The Superpower Academy is the Magic City Superpower University. It is the most powerful academy and has several vice-presidents.

Wan Renzhan said: "Lin Hao, this is my meeting gift, the eighth-level junior Nan Muxin!"

Song Qianshan said: "Lin Hao, this is my meeting gift, the eighth-level elementary thousand-year ice soul!"

Tang Meng: "You two old guys, you still have the nerve to accuse me. You don't have an eighth-level elementary treasure, and you are reluctant to sell it to the school!"

"Lin Hao, this is my meeting gift, the eighth-level primary Sky Flame Sword!"

For a time, all the instructors rushed to give Lin Hao gifts.

Lin Hao, who has awakened five SS-level powers, will definitely become the ninth-level power king with the ceiling of human combat power in the future as long as he doesn't die. If he doesn't flatter him now, it will be too late!

At this time, the mentors finally believed that Lin Hao was responsible for the rumored murder of Ouyang Feng for corruption.

Lin Hao was not polite and took all the gifts as ordered. The gifts in the space ring were all piled up into a small mountain.

Although he no longer has use for these treasures, Liu Shun and Su Ling can.

The two of them are Lin Hao's best brothers. They have always protected Lin Hao when Lin Hao didn't awaken his powers.

Lin Hao always kept it in mind.

As for He Lin, Lin Hao had a feeling that her background was extremely powerful, and her level of combat power was also extremely powerful. It was far from being as simple as it seemed on the surface, and she didn't care about these top treasures at all.

Wei Chengdu was dumbfounded and drooled unconsciously. He had never heard of Lin Hao's kind of treatment: "A new student just came to register before school started, and all the instructors tried their best to bring out his granddaughter and eighth-level junior Baobao is flattering, I’m afraid no one will believe it!”

Jiang Wanchao smiled and said: "Okay, now everyone knows Lin Hao. The dean and deputy dean will stay, and the other tutors will go back first. School affairs teacher, help Lin Hao complete the school card and other procedures before leaving."

He knew very well that for Lin Hao, ordinary mentors would not be of any use at all. They might not even be able to defeat Lin Hao, so there was no point in staying here, just to let them recognize him, so that he could have someone to take care of him when he met Lin Hao in the future. That’s it.

Many tutors reluctantly left, leaving only a dozen deans and vice-deans.

"Hello Lin Hao, I am a teacher from the school affairs office. Let me apply for your school card for you." A tutor from the school affairs office smiled very politely.

Jiang Wanchao nodded, smiled at Lin Hao and said, "Lin Hao, come and apply for the smart school card."

The school tutor immediately took out his mobile device and extracted various biological information of Lin Hao, including fingerprints, voiceprints, face, irises, palmprints, etc.

"Student Lin Hao, your smart card has been processed. Welcome to the Magic University of Magic. With your school card, you can swipe your card in various colleges and venues on campus, including the canteen, martial arts hall, campus resource network shopping, and skills hall. Purchasing skills, purchasing weapons in the weapons hall... According to the latest school rules announced by Vice President Jiang, these are all free for you." The school instructor explained briefly.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "Sorry for bothering you, teacher."

"Student Lin Hao, you are so polite. There is no such handsome and polite student like you!"

Jiang Wanchao said: "By the way, Lin Hao will arrange a separate villa for him to live alone and receive the same treatment as a five-star king student."

Wei Cheng sighed: "You get the king's five-star accommodation treatment. How can this make those Honor students and Wangzhe students who have worked hard to live in a single-family villa feel embarrassed?"

Liu Shun couldn't help but ask: "Senior Wei, are there any special requirements for the accommodation of this freshman?"

Wei Cheng smiled and said: "Ordinary freshmen usually live in a suite, with three people living together. Those with better rankings can live in single apartments, and those in the top 50 can live in single-family villas, and generally one person lives on one floor and one villa. Three people.”

“If you want to live in a single-family villa, you must obtain the title of Honorary One-Star Student!”

"Senior Lin Hao is the first person in the history of Magic University to live in a single-family villa when he comes here!"

Liu Shun was shocked: "It turns out that there are so many different levels of treatment for freshmen and students. Then my brother Hao is too awesome!"

"Hey, Senior Wei, why did you just call Senior Lin Hao? Shouldn't he be a junior?"

Wei Cheng sighed: "Junior Lin Hao is almost strong enough to be a mentor. How can I dare to call him junior?"

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with it. My brother Hao is too strong!"

Then, the school teacher also helped Su Ling and Liu Shun handle the admission procedures and school cards, and the two were assigned to the same villa.

Although the two are weak in strength and were ranked by Lin Hao, ranking is ranking, and luck is also a part of strength.

Mo Da dare not neglect.

Jiang Wanchao smiled and said: "Next, all the deans and vice deans will discuss together to see what kind of skills and training methods are suitable for Lin Hao."

"Lin Hao is the future star of our Demon University and the future star of our Daxia. We must maximize his combat power."

"Yes, Vice-Principal!" The deans and vice-deans responded excitedly.

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