King five-star students can choose six-story villas, and these villas are close to the tutor area.

Lin Hao took out his smart school card and a holographic projection screen popped up. He chose a six-story villa in Chinese modern style.

Su Ling and Liu Shun had no choice. The school had already arranged for them to live in a three-story villa with another freshman, one per person, which was actually very spacious.

"You go and settle in first. When you're done, come over to my villa and tell you something."

"Well, I'll see you later." Su Ling said with a smile, and then went to their villa with Liu Shun.

Lin Hao and He Lin, led by Wei Cheng, went to Lin Hao's six-story villa.

Jiang Wanchao was afraid that Lin Hao would not be familiar with the route and would have difficulty finding a villa, so he specifically asked Wei Cheng to help lead the way.

Normally, Wei Cheng would have felt very aggrieved. After all, he was already a senior and a fifth-level junior superpower, but he had to lead the way for the new students.

But after seeing Lin Hao's strength with his own eyes, Wei Cheng looked honored and excited.

As soon as I left the tutor's villa area, I was surrounded by many new and old students.

They saw all the tutors rushing towards the tutor's villa area and didn't know what was going on, so they came over out of curiosity.

"Everyone, please give way and don't block the road." Wei Cheng said in a deep voice.

All the students immediately moved out of the way, but all eyes were fixed on Wei Cheng, Lin Hao and He Lin.

"Senior Wei Cheng, what happened just now? Why are all the tutors rushing to the tutor's villa area like crazy? Did something big happen?"

"Yes, is it the ferocious beast in the sea area of ​​​​the Demon City that launches a general attack on the Demon City?"

Wei Cheng smiled and said: "Don't think too much, everyone. Nothing dangerous happened. It's just a great good thing."

Everyone felt at ease, but they became even more confused.

"What great thing can happen that makes all the instructors so excited that they are crazy? And when the instructors came out, they all looked excited?"

"Senior Wei Cheng is one of Vice President Jiang's disciples. This is the first time I see Senior Wei Cheng leading someone. Could it be caused by these two freshmen?"

"You are wrong, there is only one new student. Although the iceberg beauty is young, she has fourth-level strength on the surface. Her true combat power will only be more terrifying. She will not be a new student."

So all the new and old students turned their attention to Lin Hao.

It's a pity that they can't see Lin Hao's strength either.

Everyone followed all the way and finally arrived at the six-story villa chosen by Lin Hao.


"Six-story villa! This is a qualification that only five-star students of the Demon King have. Why does he, a freshman, have such authority?"

"That's right, I don't accept it. If a new student has any authority that only a five-star student can have, I will challenge him!"

"There has never been a new student in the University of Magic who has the privileges and benefits of a five-star student upon arrival. It is not just about being able to enjoy a six-story villa exclusively, but all other benefits are doubled, such as purchasing resources at half price, etc. "

Not to mention the freshmen, many old students are very dissatisfied.

If they knew that Lin Hao could use all the resources of Magic University for free, they would probably be furious on the spot.

Wei Cheng smiled and said: "Because he is Lin Hao, Lin Hao who ranks first in the national martial arts examination."


"He is Lin Hao!"

Many girls instantly became obsessed with him: "I told him he must be no ordinary person. It turns out he is the legendary Lin Hao. He is so handsome and strong!"

"The eyes are sharp yet gentle, the figure is tall and handsome, and the fighting ability is very durable. You are simply my ideal type?"

"Superficial! Women who only know how to look at faces. Don't even think about it. Lin Hao was admitted from a small place like Fucheng. Even if he got the first place, he has nothing to be proud of. In that small place like Fucheng, just any A-level superpower , can all get high scores, because other students are too weak, that is called the advantage in the examination room, do you understand?"

"Lin Hao, I want to challenge you!"

"I also want to challenge Lin Hao!"

"I want to challenge Lin Hao too! I don't believe it. A new student is treated like a five-star student."

Several boys shouted excitedly.

Lin Hao was naturally not afraid, but just a little confused.

Wei Cheng looked at Lin Hao and said with a smile: "Senior Lin, this is our tradition at Magic University. When freshmen choose villas, they can challenge each other. The winner will get the other's right to live and have the other's. All rights reserved, commonly known as the Villa Challenge.”

"This is also the intention of the school. In order to prevent some freshmen from using some shady means to obtain rankings during the martial arts examination. Therefore, for the freshmen, this is the real martial arts examination."

"Oh my God, did I hear it correctly? Senior Wei is called Senior Lin Hao. Is it a slip of the tongue?"

"Is there really something special about Lin Hao that makes Senior Wei admire him so much?"

Lin Hao nodded and said with a smile: "I accept your challenge."

Wei Cheng smiled and said: "The University of Magic prohibits private fights among students. All challenges must be completed on time and must be held in the martial arts arena."

"Senior Wei, lead the way." Lin Hao said calmly.

The Demon University Martial Arts Hall covers an area of ​​a thousand acres and has dozens of light thunder platforms. The largest arena can accommodate more than 200,000 people watching at the same time.

There were ten freshmen challenging Lin Hao, and they were all among the top twenty freshmen in the martial arts exam. The lowest ones all had first-level advanced abilities, and their abilities were A-level. The highest one was named Liu Hong, and his abilities were A-level. The peak of the second level, ranked sixth in the national martial arts examination.

As soon as the news of the challenge came out, there was a whirlwind on the official website of the Magic University. It was spread from ten to ten, and soon thousands of new and old students came to the martial arts hall.

"Freshmen live in a six-story villa. There must be something fishy about it. Maybe Lin Hao was taken over by a certain consortium. The consortium paid for him to receive the king's five-star treatment as soon as he arrived. Now he is miserable."

"Fortunately, Mo University has a villa challenge, otherwise some people would be fishing in troubled waters."

The old and new students were talking a lot, but few were optimistic about Lin Hao.

Some of Lin Hao's achievements, such as one person's killing of F-class beasts, killing Southeast King and Ouyang Feng, etc., have been blocked. No one in the know dares to spread it casually, so these students basically cannot Know Lin Hao's terrifying combat power.

Among the crowd, there was a very delicate and refined freshman, Jiang Yu'er, who ranked fifth in the national martial arts examination. She was wearing a white T-shirt and a black skirt, with long legs that were so white that they glowed, a proud figure, and an innocent appearance. With her fifth ranking, she became the freshman high school beauty.

All the boys present were looking back and forth at He Lin and Jiang Yuer, especially Liu Hong.

Liu Hong thought: "He Lin is very strong. It seems that there is no way to win her favor now, but as long as I defeat Lin Hao, I may not have no chance in the future. As for Jiang Yu'er, as long as I defeat Lin Hao and prove my strength, she You will definitely come after me obediently!"

"Yu'er, do you think Lin Hao can defeat Liu Hong and the others?" Xu Xin, the hair boy next to Jiang Yu'er, asked curiously.

"I think Lin Hao will definitely win." Jiang Yu'er said softly, but kept staring at Lin Hao.

"Hey, Yu'er, aren't you too handsome? Although Lin Hao is very handsome, what they say is not unreasonable. The martial arts test in a small place does have a venue advantage. How can you be so sure that Lin Hao can win? ?”

"Just have a gut feeling. We'll find out later."

"It's your intuition, it's a ghost's intuition. I think you are attracted to him and like his looks." Xu Xin naughtily bumped Jiang Yu'er with her big breast.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You won't have any objections to me being the referee for this arena match, right?" Wei Cheng said with a faint smile.

"No comment!"

"I believe in Senior Wei!"

"Very good, then please invite the challenger to the ring. For the sake of fairness, Lin Hao will have an hour's rest after each competition before accepting the second person's challenge..."

Lin Hao interrupted directly: "Senior Wei, don't go to such trouble, let all ten of them come together, otherwise it will be a waste of time."

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